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IEEE Transactions on Communications, Volume 25
Volume 25, Number 1, January 1977
- Raymond L. Pickholtz:
Guest Editorial: Computer Communications-An Emerging Discipline. 1 - Hisashi Kobayashi, Alan G. Konheim:
Queueing Models for Computer Communications System Analysis. 2-29 - Robert B. Boorstyn, Howard Frank:
Large-Scale Network Topological Optimization. 29-47 - Mario Gerla, Leonard Kleinrock:
On the Topological Design of Distributed Computer Networks. 48-60 - Patrick V. McGregor, Diana Shen:
Network Design: An Algorithm for the Access Facility Location Problem. 61-73 - Robert G. Gallager:
A Minimum Delay Routing Algorithm Using Distributed Computation. 73-85 - Adrian Segall:
The Modeling of Adaptive Routing in Data-Communication Networks. 85-95 - Leonard Kleinrock, Holger Opderbeck:
Throughput in the ARPANET-Protocols and Measurement. 95-104 - James P. Gray:
Network Services in Systems Network Architecture. 104-116 - Norman Abramson:
The Throughput of Packet Broadcasting Channels. 117-128 - Stephen F. W. Ng, Jon W. Mark:
A Multiaccess Model for Packet Switching with a Satellite Having Some Processing Capability. 128-135 - Michael J. Ferguson:
A Bound and Approximation of Delay Distribution for Fixed-Length Packets in an Unslotted ALOHA Channel and a Comparison with Time Division Multiplexing (TDM). 136-139 - Bezalel Gavish, Alan G. Konheim:
Computer Communication Via Satellites-A Queueing Model. 140-147 - Hisashi Kobayashi, Yoshikuni Onozato, Dieu Huynh:
An Approximate Method for Design and Analysis of an ALOHA System. 148-157 - Dieu Huynh, Hisashi Kobayashi, Franklin F. Kuo:
Optimal Design of Mixed-Media Packet-Switching Networks: Routing and Capacity Assignment. 158-169 - Robert E. Kahn:
The Organization of Computer Resources into a Packet Radio Network. 169-178 - W. Chou:
Editor's Note. 178 - G. Robert Redinbo:
Queueing Systems, Volume I: Theory-Leonard Kleinrock. 178-179 - Wushow Chou:
Queueing Systems, Volume II: Computer Applications-Leonard Kleinrock. 180 - Ira W. Cotton:
Communication Networks for Computers-D. W. Davies and D. L. Barber. 180-181 - Dixon Doll:
Systems Analysis for Data Transmission-J. Martin. 181-182 - R. Andrew Pickens:
Computer-Communication Networks-Norman Abramson and Franklin F. Kuo, Eds. 182-183 - David C. Wood:
Computer Communications-Paul E. Green, Jr. and Robert W. Lucky, Eds. 183-184 - Robert S. Wilkov:
Advances in Computer Communications-W. W. Chu, Ed. 184
Volume 25, Number 2, February 1977
- Phillip A. Bello:
Comments on "How Good is Tapped Delay Line Simulation?". 294 - Bruce D. Fritchman, C. D. Hafer, J. C. Mixsell, M. A. Sattar:
Approximations to a Joint Detection/Decoding Algorithm. 271-278 - Burton R. Saltzberg:
Timing Considerations in the Interfacing of Synchronous Data Networks. 294-296 - Robert M. Tobin, Kung Yao:
Upper and Lower Error Bounds for Coherent Phase-Shift-Keyed (CPSK) Systems with Cochannel Interference. 281-287 - Lawrence H. Goldstein, Bede Liu:
Quantization Noise in ADPCM Systems. 227-238 - Anatol Kuczura, Dinesh Bajaj:
A Method of Moments for the Analysis of a Switched Communication Network's Performance. 185-193 - Robert A. Monzingo:
Noncoherent Quantized Digital Delay-Lock Tracking of Binary Signals. 250-264 - Howard W. Andrews, Virgil I. Johannes, W. Earl Woodzell:
A 44.736 Mbits/s Codec for U600 Mastergroups. 264-271 - Saburo Tazaki, Hisashi Osawa, Yasuo Shigematsu:
A Useful Analytical Method for Discrete Adaptive Delta Modulation. 193-199 - William C. Lindsey, Marvin K. Simon:
Detection of Digital FSK and PSK Using a First-Order Phase-Locked Loop. 200-214 - Marvin K. Simon, William C. Lindsey:
Optimum Performance of Suppressed Carrier Receivers with Costas Loop Tracking. 215-227 - Torleiv Maseng:
The Probability Density of the Output Phase of a Coherent Degenerate Parametric Amplifier in the Presence of White Gaussian Noise. 278-281 - Carl A. Sunshine:
Efficiency of Interprocess Communication Protocols for Computer Networks. 287-293 - Piet J. van Gerwen, Niek A. M. Verhoeckx, Henk A. van Essen, Fred A. M. Snijders:
Microprocessor Implementation of High-Speed Data Modems. 238-250 - Edward Bedrosian:
A Routing Algorithm for Digraphs. 294 - William J. Hartman:
Author's Reply. 294
Volume 25, Number 3, March 1977
- Donald L. Duttweiler:
A µ255 Encoder Requiring No Precision Components. 297-303 - J. Leroy Pearce:
Intermodulation Performance of Solid-State UHF Class-C Power Amplifiers. 304-310 - Conrad H. Haber, Edward J. Nossen:
Analog Versus Digital Antijam Video Transmission. 310-317 - Richard G. Wiley, Harry Schwarzlander, Donald D. Weiner:
Demodulation Procedure for Very Wide-Band FM. 318-327 - Marvin K. Simon:
Noncoherent Pseudonoise Code Tracking Performance of Spread Spectrum Receivers. 327-345 - Francis S. Hill Jr.:
A Unified Approach to Pulse Design in Data Transmission. 346-354 - A. Javed, Paul A. Goud, B. A. Syrett:
Analysis of a Microwave Feedforward Amplifier Using Volterra Series Representation. 355-360 - Gary M. Lee, George W. Schroeder:
Optical Pulse Position Modulation with Multiple Positions per Pulsewidth. 360-364 - Leo E. Zegers, C. B. Dekker:
A Comparison of Digital Transmission Techniques for Standard FM Mobile Radio Sets. 364-368 - Reuben E. Eaves, Allen H. Levesque:
Probability of Block Error for Very Slow Rayleigh Fading in Gaussian Noise. 368-374 - Renato Dogliotti, Umberto Mengali:
Tracking Loops for Carrier Reconstruction in Vestigial Sideband (VSB) Suppressed-Carrier Data Transmission. 374-379 - P. F. Pellegrini, P. Beni:
Some Observations on the Statistics of Beyond-the-Horizon Transionospheric Propagation from a Satellite. 379-383 - B. B. Bhattacharyya, S. K. Das, M. N. S. Swamy:
An Economical RC Active Equalizer with Applications in Communications. 383-386 - Ernest E. Hollis:
Sidelobe Height and Placement of Quasi-Complementary Sequences. 386-390 - Robert E. Scott, Charles A. Halijak:
The SCEM-Phase-Lock Loop and Ideal FM Discrimination. 390-392
Volume 25, Number 4, April 1977
- Marvin K. Simon, William C. Lindsey:
Tracking Performance of Symbol Synchronizers for Manchester Coded Data. 393-408 - Jon W. Mark:
Adaptive Trellis Encoding of Discrete-Time Sources with a Distortion Measure. 408-417 - Gianfranco L. Cariolaro, Franco Todero:
A General Spectral Analysis of Time Jitter Produced in a Regenerative Repeater. 417-426 - Harold T. Dougherty, W. J. Hartman:
Performance of a 400 Mbit/s System over a Line-of-Sight Path. 427-432 - Frank Amoroso, James A. Kivett:
Simplified MSK Signaling Technique. 433-441 - Antonio Cantoni, Paul Butler:
Linear Minimum Mean-Square Error Estimators Applied to Channel Equalization. 441-446 - John D. Spragins:
Simple Derivation of Queueing Formulas for Loop Systems. 446-448 - Sergio Brofferio, Fabio Rocca:
Interframe Redundancy Reduction of Video Signals Generated by Translating Objects. 448-455 - Charles R. Carter, Rudi de Buda, Simon S. Haykin:
A New System Synchronization Technique for the Switching Satellite. 455-458 - Donald M. Grieco:
Comparison of Network Search Schemes. 459-462 - Gianfranco L. Cariolaro, Silvano Pupolin:
Considerations on Error Probability in Correlated-Symbol Systems. 462-467 - Faheem Akram, Noor M. Sheikh, A. Javed, Mario Dario Grossi:
Impulse Response of a Meteor Burst Communications Channel Determined by Ray-Tracing Techniques. 467-470 - Donald C. Cox:
Time Division Circular Polarization: A Simple Technique for Increasing Propagation Experiment Productivity. 470-472
Volume 25, Number 5, May 1977
- Pradeep S. Sindhu:
Retransmission Error Control with Memory. 473-479 - Saleem A. Kassam:
Optimum Quantization for Signal Detection. 479-484 - John A. Stuller, Bernd Kurz:
Intraframe Sequential Picture Coding. 485-495 - James K. Cavers:
Buffer Control for Transmission of Blocked Data Over Fading Channels. 496-502 - Arun N. Netravali:
Interpolative Picture Coding Using a Subjective Criterion. 503-508 - Hiroshi Yasuda, Hideo Kuroda, Hisashi Kawanishi, Fumio Kanaya, Hideo Hashimoto:
Transmitting 4-MHz TV Signals by Combinational Difference Coding. 508-516 - Theodore L. Maione, Darrell D. Sell:
Experimental Fiber-Optic Transmission System for Interoffice Trunks. 517-523 - Larry J. Greenstein:
Spectra of PSK Signals with Overlapping Baseband Pulses. 523-530 - Farhad Hemmati, Daniel J. Costello Jr.:
Truncation Error Probability in Viterbi Decoding. 530-532 - P. Papantoni-Kazakos, G. C. Collins:
A Three-Level Adaptive Delta Modulator. 532-536 - D. F. Boyko, Peter J. McLane:
Error Rate Bounds for Digital PAM Transmission with Phase Jitter and Intersymbol or Cochannel Interference. 536-541 - Stewart D. Personick, Philip Balaban, J. H. Bobsin, P. R. Kumar:
A Detailed Comparison of Four Approaches to the Calculation of the Sensitivity of Optical Fiber System Receivers. 541-548 - R. J. Scolaro:
Error Probabilities for Orthogonal Multiplex Systems in the Presence of Intersymbol Interference and Gaussian Noise. 549-557 - Dan C. Song:
Adaptive Delta Modulation for Companded PCM Coding and Decoding. 557-561 - John J. Metzner:
Improved Sequential Signaling and Decision Techniques for Nonbinary Block Codes. 561-563 - C. Y. Kwan, Richard S. Simpson, B. H. Batson:
Performance of Biphase Digital FM Transmission. 564 - A. Ramirez, Richard S. Simpson, G. W. Batten, James D. Bargainer:
A Linear Algorithm for the Merli Scan. 564-567
Volume 25, Number 6, June 1977
- Stanley A. Butman, James R. Lesh:
The Effects of Bandpass Limiters on n-Phase Tracking Systems. 569-576 - Robert M. Fano:
A Theory of Impulse Noise in Telephone Networks. 577-588 - Kazuo Ochiai, Takashi Araseki, Takasi Ogihara:
Echo Canceler with Two Echo Path Models. 589-595 - Masao Kawashima, Isao Fudemoto, Yukou Mochida, Takao Uyehara:
400 Mbit/s Digital Repeater Circuitry Provided by a New Design Method and Beam Lead GHz Transistors. 595-601 - C. L. Ruthroff, W. F. Bodtmann:
A New Phase Modulator. 602-604 - Kenneth L. Hagstrom, Boris Beizer:
Communications Processor System Study. 604-608 - Charles R. Baugh:
Design and Performance of a Digital Multifrequency Receiver. 608-615 - L. Stephens, F. Davidson:
Photoelectron Counter Dead Time Effects on Direct Detection Optical Communication Systems. 615-621 - Lloyd M. Nirenberg:
The Autocorrelation Function of the Output of an N-Level Quantizer with an Angle-Modulated Input Signal. 621-627 - James F. Kaiser:
Design of a C-Message Weight Digital Filter. 628-630
Volume 25, Number 7, July 1977
- Mohammed Farooque Mesiya, Peter J. McLane, L. Lorne Campbell:
Maximum Likelihood Sequence Estimation of Binary Sequences Transmitted Over Bandlimited Nonlinear Channels. 633-643 - Michael J. Ferguson:
An Approximate Analysis of Delay for Fixed and Variable Length Packets in an Unslotted ALOHA Channel. 644-654 - Stephen B. Weinstein:
A Passband Data-Driven Echo Canceller for Full-Duplex Transmission on Two-Wire Circuits. 654-666 - Richard D. Gitlin, Francis R. Magee Jr.:
Self-Orthogonalizing Adaptive Equalization Algorithms. 666-672 - Hirofumi Suzuki:
A Statistical Model for Urban Radio Propogation. 673-680 - D. Chan, T. M. Yuen:
Systems Analysis and Design of a Fiber Optic VSB-FDM System for Video Trunking. 680-686 - James H. Miller, John B. Thomas:
Robust Detectors for Signals in Non-Gaussian Noise. 686-690 - Laurence B. Milstein, Ronald R. Ragonetti:
Combination Sequences for Spread Spectrum Communications. 691-696 - Sawasd Tantaratana, John B. Thomas:
Quantization for Sequential Signal Detection. 696-703 - John B. Anderson, C.-W. P. Ho:
Architecture and Construction of a Hardware Sequential Encoder for Speech. 703-707 - Barry G. Haskell:
Sampling Rate Conversion for NTSC Color Television. 707-712 - Francis R. Magee Jr.:
Simultaneous Phase Tracking and Detection in Data Transmission Over Noisy Dispersive Channels. 712-715 - John H. Painter, Stephen K. Jones:
Results on Discrete-Time, Decision-Directed Integrated Detection, Estimation, and Identification. 715-723 - F. W. Umbach:
Loop-Induced Magnetic Fields with Negligible Side-Lobes. 723-727 - B. R. Narayana Murthy:
Error Margin Estimating in Repeaters. 727-730 - Takuya Koizumi, H. Miyakawa:
Statistical Analyses of Digital Phase-Locked Loops with Time Delay. 731-735 - André E. Desblache:
Optimal Short Desired Impulse Response for Maximum Likelihood Sequence Estimation. 735-738 - Desmond P. Taylor, David C. C. Cheung:
The Effect of Carrier Phase Error on the Performance of a Duobinary Shaped QPSK Signal. 738-744 - Ed Dyke:
Comments on "Design of Space Diversity Receiving and Transmitting Systems for Line-of-Sight Microwave Links". 744
Volume 25, Number 8, August 1977
- Lester A. Gerhardt, Robert C. Dixon:
Introduction: Special Issue on Spread Spectrum Communications. 745-747 - Robert A. Scholtz:
The Spread Spectrum Concept. 748-755 - Marlin P. Ristenbatt, James L. Daws Jr.:
Performance Criteria for Spread Spectrum Communications. 756-763 - Gaylord K. Huth:
Optimization of Coded Spread Spectrum System Performance. 763-770 - Phillip M. Hopkins:
A Unified Analysis of Pseudonoise Synchronization by Envelope Correlation. 770-778 - Jack K. Holmes, Chang C. Chen:
Acquisition Time Performance of PN Spread-Spectrum Systems. 778-784 - Robert B. Ward, Kai P. Yiu:
Acquisition of Pseudonoise Signals by Recursion-Aided Sequential Estimation. 784-794 - Michael B. Pursley:
Performance Evaluation for Phase-Coded Spread-Spectrum Multiple-Access Communication-Part I: System Analysis. 795-799 - Michael B. Pursley, Dilip V. Sarwate:
Performance Evaluation for Phase-Coded Spread-Spectrum Multiple-Access Communication-Part II: Code Sequence Analysis. 800-803 - Kung Yao:
Error Probability of Asynchronous Spread Spectrum Multiple Access Communication Systems. 803-809 - Nirode C. Mohanty:
Spread Spectrum and Time Division Multiple Access Satellite Communications. 810-815 - Paul D. Shaft:
Low-Rate Convolutional Code Applications in Spread-Spectrum Communications. 815-822 - William C. Lindsey, Marvin K. Simon:
Optimum Design and Performance of Costas Receivers Containing Soft Bandpass Limiters. 832-840