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IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, Volume 56
Volume 56, Number 1, January 2010
- Robert G. Gallager, Baris Nakiboglu
Variations on a theme by Schalkwijk and Kailath. 6-17 - Tyrone E. Duncan:
Mutual information for stochastic signals and Lévy processes. 18-24 - Krishnan Eswaran, Anand D. Sarwate
, Anant Sahai, Michael Gastpar:
Zero-rate feedback can achieve the empirical capacity. 25-39 - Raúl Hernán Etkin, Neri Merhav, Erik Ordentlich:
Error exponents of optimum decoding for the interference channel. 40-56 - Young-Han Kim:
Feedback capacity of stationary Gaussian channels. 57-85 - Adam Kirsch, Eleni Drinea:
Directly lower bounding the information capacity for channels with I.I.D.deletions and duplications. 86-102 - Sarah Spence Adams, Nathaniel J. Karst
, Mathav Kishore Murugan:
The final case of the decoding delay problem for maximum rate complex orthogonal designs. 103-112 - Eli Ben-Sasson, Swastik Kopparty, Jaikumar Radhakrishnan:
Subspace polynomials and limits to list decoding of Reed-Solomon codes. 113-120 - Irina E. Bocharova, Rolf Johannesson, Boris D. Kudryashov, Victor V. Zyablov
Woven graph codes: asymptotic performances and examples. 121-129 - Yaotsu Chang, Chong-Dao Lee
Algebraic decoding of a class of binary cyclic codes via Lagrange interpolation formula. 130-139 - Yeow Meng Chee
, Son Hoang Dau
, Alan C. H. Ling, San Ling
Linear size optimal q-ary constant-weight codes and constant-composition codes. 140-151 - Mao-Ching Chiu:
Bandwidth-efficient modulation codes based on nonbinary irregular repeat-accumulate codes. 152-167 - Ngoc-Dung Dào, Chintha Tellambura:
Semiorthogonal space-time block codes. 168-180 - Lara Dolecek, Zhengya Zhang
, Venkat Anantharam, Martin J. Wainwright
, Borivoje Nikolic
Analysis of absorbing sets and fully absorbing sets of array-based LDPC codes. 181-201 - Stefania Fanali, Massimo Giulietti
One-point AG codes on the GK maximal curves. 202-210 - Paul D. Fiore:
Scale-recursive lattice-based multiple-access symbol constellations. 211-223 - Zhenming Liu, Michael Mitzenmacher:
Codes for deletion and insertion channels with segmented errors. 224-232 - Jin Lu, José M. F. Moura:
Linear time encoding of LDPC codes. 233-249 - Frédérique E. Oggier, Babak Hassibi:
Cyclic distributed space-time codes for wireless relay networks with no channel information. 250-265 - Josep Rifà
, Victor A. Zinoviev:
New completely regular q-ary codes based on Kronecker products. 266-272 - Sudharshan Srinivasan, Steven S. Pietrobon:
Decoding of high rate convolutional codes using the dual trellis. 273-295 - Chung-Hsuan Wang, Mao-Ching Chiu, Chi-Chao Chao:
On unequal error protection of convolutional codes from an algebraic perspective. 296-315 - Wei Zhang, Michael Lentmaier, Kamil Sh. Zigangirov, Daniel J. Costello Jr.:
Braided convolutional codes: a new class of turbo-like codes. 316-331 - Kapil Bhattad, Krishna R. Narayanan:
A note on the rate of decay of mean-squared error with SNR for the AWGN channel. 332-335 - Marco Chiani
, Moe Z. Win
, Hyundong Shin:
MIMO networks: the effects of interference. 336-349 - Anand K. Dhulipala, Christina Fragouli, Alon Orlitsky:
Silence-based communication. 350-366 - Giuseppe Durisi
, Ulrich G. Schuster, Helmut Bölcskei, Shlomo Shamai
Noncoherent capacity of underspread fading channels. 367-395 - Matthew R. McKay
, Iain B. Collings
, Antonia M. Tulino
Achievable sum rate of MIMO MMSE receivers: a general analytic framework. 396-410 - Raghuraman Mudumbai, João Pedro Hespanha, Upamanyu Madhow, Gwen Barriac:
Distributed transmit beamforming using feedback control. 411-426 - Ayfer Özgür
, Ramesh Johari, David N. C. Tse, Olivier Lévêque:
Information-theoretic operating regimes of large wireless networks. 427-437 - Prahladh Harsha
, Rahul Jain
, David A. McAllester, Jaikumar Radhakrishnan:
The communication complexity of correlation. 438-449 - Tian Tian, Wen-Feng Qi:
2-adic complexity of binary m-sequences. 450-454 - Frederik Vercauteren
Optimal pairings. 455-461 - Aram W. Harrow
, Peter W. Shor:
Time reversal and exchange symmetries of unitary gate capacities. 462-475 - Peiyu Tan, Jing Li:
Efficient quantum stabilizer codes: LDPC and LDPC-convolutional constructions. 476-491 - Mehmet Akçakaya
, Vahid Tarokh:
Shannon-theoretic limits on noisy compressive sampling. 492-504 - Yonina C. Eldar, Holger Rauhut
Average case analysis of multichannel sparse recovery using convex relaxation. 505-519 - Joel A. Tropp
, Jason N. Laska, Marco F. Duarte
, Justin K. Romberg, Richard G. Baraniuk:
Beyond Nyquist: efficient sampling of sparse bandlimited signals. 520-544 - Noga Alon, Simon Litsyn, Alexander Shpunt:
Typical peak sidelobe level of binary sequences. 545-554 - Qun-Xiong Zheng, Wen-Feng Qi:
Distribution properties of compressing sequences derived from primitive sequences over Z/(pe). 555-563 - Saurabha Tavildar, Pramod Viswanath, Aaron B. Wagner:
The Gaussian many-help-one distributed source coding problem. 564-581 - Qasim M. Chaudhari, Erchin Serpedin, Jang-Sub Kim:
Energy-efficient estimation of clock offset for inactive nodes in wireless sensor networks. 582-596 - Marie Sauvé:
Piecewise polynomial estimation of a regression function. 597-613 - Carlo Bardaro
, Paul L. Butzer, Rudolf L. Stens, Gianluca Vinti
Prediction by samples from the past with error estimates covering discontinuous signals. 614-633 - Kyomin Jung, Devavrat Shah, Jinwoo Shin:
Distributed averaging via lifted Markov chains. 634-647
Volume 56, Number 2, February 2010
- Olgica Milenkovic, Gil Alterovitz, Gerard Battail, Todd P. Coleman
, Joachim Hagenauer, Sean P. Meyn, Nathan D. Price
, Marco Ramoni, Ilya Shmulevich, Wojciech Szpankowski:
Introduction to the special issue on information theory in molecular biology and neuroscience. 649-652 - Don H. Johnson:
Information theory and neural information processing. 653-666 - David J. Galas, Matti Nykter, Gregory W. Carter, Nathan D. Price
, Ilya Shmulevich:
Biological information as set-based complexity. 667-677 - Gerard Battail:
Heredity as an encoded communication process. 678-687 - Haris Vikalo, Babak Hassibi, Arjang Hassibi:
Limits of performance of quantitative polymerase chain reaction systems. 688-695 - Pavol Hanus, Janis Dingel, Georg Chalkidis, Joachim Hagenauer:
Compression of whole genome alignments. 696-705 - Yaniv Erlich, Assaf Gordon, Michael Brand
, Gregory J. Hannon, Partha P. Mitra
Compressed genotyping. 706-723 - Xiaomeng Shi, Desmond S. Lun, Muriel Médard, Ralf Kötter, James C. Meldrim, Andrew J. Barry:
Joint base-calling of two DNA sequences with factor graphs. 724-733 - Joan Maynou, Joan-Josep Gallardo-Chacón, Montserrat Vallverdú, Pere Caminal, Alexandre Perera
Computational detection of transcription factor binding sites through differential Rényi entropy. 734-741 - Faruck Morcos
, Marcin Sikora, Mark S. Alber, Dale Kaiser, Jesús A. Izaguirre:
Belief propagation estimation of protein and domain interactions using the sum-product algorithm. 742-755 - Andrzej K. Brodzik
Rapid sequence homology assessment by subsampling the genome space using difference sets. 756-770 - Lorenzo Galleani, Roberto Garello
The minimum entropy mapping spectrum of a DNA sequence. 771-783 - Amin Zollanvari
, Ulisses M. Braga-Neto, Edward R. Dougherty:
Joint sampling distribution between actual and estimated classification errors for linear discriminant analysis. 784-804 - Igor Zinovik, Yury Chebiryak, Daniel Kroening
Periodic orbits and equilibria in glass models for gene regulatory networks. 805-820 - Aurel A. Lazar
Population encoding with Hodgkin-Huxley neurons. 821-837 - Prapun Suksompong
, Toby Berger:
Capacity analysis for integrate-and-fire neurons with descending action potential thresholds. 838-851 - Toby Berger, William B. Levy:
A mathematical theory of energy efficient neural computation and communication. 852-874 - Mehdi Aghagolzadeh, Seif Eldawlatly
, Karim G. Oweiss:
Synergistic coding by cortical neural ensembles. 875-889 - Michael Gastpar, Patrick R. Gill, Alexander G. Huth, Frédéric E. Theunissen:
Anthropic correction of information estimates and its application to neural coding. 890-900 - Albert E. Parker, Alexander G. Dimitrov
, Tomás Gedeon:
Symmetry breaking in soft clustering decoding of neural codes. 901-927 - Mark D. McDonnell
, Anthony N. Burkitt, David B. Grayden, Hamish Meffin
, Alex J. Grant
A channel model for inferring the optimal number of electrodes for future cochlear implants. 928-940
Volume 56, Number 3, March 2010
- Jason Bellorado, Aleksandar Kavcic:
Low-complexity soft-decoding algorithms for Reed-Solomon codes-part I: an algebraic soft-in hard-out chase decoder. 945-959 - Jason Bellorado, Aleksandar Kavcic, Marcus Manow, Li Ping
Low-complexity soft-decoding algorithms for Reed-Solomon codes-part II: soft-input soft-output iterative decoding. 960-967 - Flavio Chierichetti, Hilary K. Finucane, Zhenming Liu, Michael Mitzenmacher:
Designing floating codes for expected performance. 968-978 - Noha Elarief, Bella Bose:
Optimal, systematic, q-ary codes correcting all asymmetric and symmetric errors of limited magnitude. 979-983 - Daniel M. Gordon, Victor S. Miller, Peter Ostapenko:
Optimal hash functions for approximate matches on the n-cube. 984-991 - Chun-Hao Hsu, Achilleas Anastasopoulos:
Capacity-achieving codes with bounded graphical complexity and maximum likelihood decoding. 992-1006 - Yuan Luo, A. J. Han Vinck, Yanling Chen:
On the optimum distance profiles about linear block codes. 1007-1014 - Robby G. McKilliam
, Warren D. Smith, I. Vaughan L. Clarkson:
Linear-time nearest point algorithms for coxeter lattices. 1015-1022 - Irina Naydenova, Torleiv Kløve:
Some necessary conditions for codes to be good for error detection. 1023-1027 - Moshe Schwartz
, Jehoshua Bruck
On the capacity of the precision-resolution system. 1028-1037 - Shumei Song, Shu Lin, Khaled A. S. Abdel-Ghaffar, Zhi Ding
, Wai H. Fong, Marc P. C. Fossorier:
Burst decoding of cyclic codes based on circulant parity-check matrices. 1038-1047 - Julien Dumont, Walid Hachem, Samson Lasaulce, Philippe Loubaton, Jamal Najim:
On the capacity achieving covariance matrix for Rician MIMO channels: an asymptotic approach. 1048-1069 - Fernando Pérez-Cruz
, Miguel R. D. Rodrigues, Sergio Verdú:
MIMO Gaussian channels with arbitrary inputs: optimal precoding and power allocation. 1070-1084 - Dominik Seethaler, Helmut Bölcskei:
Performance and complexity analysis of infinity-norm sphere-decoding. 1085-1105 - Songsri Sirianunpiboon, Yiyue Wu, A. Robert Calderbank, Stephen D. Howard:
Fast optimal decoding of multiplexed orthogonal designs by conditional optimization. 1106-1113 - Giorgio Taricco
Optimum receiver design and performance analysis of arbitrarily correlated Rician fading MIMO channels with imperfect channel state information. 1114-1134 - Genyuan Wang, Weifeng Su, Xiang-Gen Xia:
Orthogonal-like space-time-coded CPM systems with fast decoding for three and four transmit antennas. 1135-1146 - Dian-Wu Yue, Q. T. Zhang:
Generic approach to the performance analysis of correlated transmit/receive diversity MIMO systems with/without co-channel interference. 1147-1157 - Tobias Koch
, Amos Lapidoth:
Gaussian fading is the worst fading. 1158-1165 - Yin Sun, Árpád Baricz, Shidong Zhou:
On the monotonicity, log-concavity, and tight bounds of the generalized marcum and nuttall Q-functions. 1166-1186 - Antonia M. Tulino
, Giuseppe Caire, Shlomo Shamai
, Sergio Verdú:
Capacity of channels with frequency-selective and time-selective fading. 1187-1215 - Simon R. Blackburn, Tuvi Etzion, Keith M. Martin, Maura B. Paterson
Two-dimensional patterns with distinct differences: constructions, bounds, and maximal anticodes. 1216-1229 - Konstantinos Drakakis, Verónica Requena, Gary McGuire:
On the nonlinearity of exponential welch costas functions. 1230-1238 - Antoine Joux:
On the security of blockwise secure modes of operation beyond the birthday bound. 1239-1246 - Jean-Marie Le Bars, Alfredo Viola:
Equivalence classes of Boolean functions for first-order correlation. 1247-1261 - Weiming Zhang, Xinpeng Zhang, Shuozhong Wang:
Near-optimal codes for information embedding in gray-scale signals. 1262-1270 - Konstantinos Drakakis:
On the hops present in costas permutations. 1271-1277 - Xiaohu Tang, Guang Gong:
New constructions of binary sequences with optimal autocorrelation value/magnitude. 1278-1286 - Guangyue Han, Brian H. Marcus:
Asymptotics of entropy rate in special families of hidden Markov chains. 1287-1295 - Danilo Silva
, Frank R. Kschischang
, Ralf Kötter:
Communication over finite-field matrix channels. 1296-1305 - Arthur L. da Cunha, Minh N. Do
, Martin Vetterli
On the information rates of the plenoptic function. 1306-1321 - Maria Fresia, Giuseppe Caire:
A linear encoding approach to index assignment in lossy source-channel coding. 1322-1344 - Neri Merhav:
On the statistical physics of directed polymers in a random medium and their relation to tree codes. 1345-1350 - Martin J. Wainwright
, Elitza N. Maneva
, Emin Martinian:
Lossy source compression using low-density generator matrix codes: analysis and algorithms. 1351-1368 - Ayfer Özgür
, Olivier Lévêque:
Throughput-delay tradeoff for hierarchical cooperation in ad hoc wireless networks. 1369-1377 - Vitaly Skachek:
Recursive code construction for random networks. 1378-1382 - Gongguo Tang, Arye Nehorai:
Performance analysis for sparse support recovery. 1383-1399 - Neri Merhav, Dongning Guo, Shlomo Shamai
Statistical physics of signal estimation in Gaussian noise: theory and examples of phase transitions. 1400-1416 - Adil M. Bagirov
, Conny Clausen, Michael Kohler:
An L2-boosting algorithm for estimation of a regression function. 1417-1429 - Daniil Ryabko, Boris Ryabko:
Nonparametric statistical inference for ergodic processes. 1430-1435 - Zhou Zhou, Zhiwei Xu
, Wei Biao Wu:
Long-term prediction intervals of time series. 1436-1446 - Francesco Buscemi
, Nilanjana Datta:
The quantum capacity of channels with arbitrarily correlated noise. 1447-1460 - Soraya Taghavi, Robert L. Kosut, Daniel A. Lidar
Channel-optimized quantum error correction. 1461-1473
Volume 56, Number 4, April 2010
- Laura Cottatellucci, Ralf R. Müller, Mérouane Debbah:
Asynchronous CDMA systems with random spreading-part I: fundamental limits. 1477-1497 - Laura Cottatellucci, Ralf R. Müller, Mérouane Debbah:
Asynchronous CDMA systems with random spreading-part II: design criteria. 1498-1520 - Alberto Perotti
, Alberto Tarable, Sergio Benedetto
, Guido Montorsi:
Capacity-achieving CPM schemes. 1521-1541 - Erwin Riegler, Giorgio Taricco
Asymptotic statistics of the mutual information for spatially correlated rician fading MIMO channels with interference. 1542-1559 - Ram Somaraju, Jochen Trumpf
Degrees of freedom of a communication channel: using DOF singular values. 1560-1573 - Marc André Armand:
A note on interleaved Reed-Solomon codes over Galois rings. 1574-1581 - Yuval Cassuto, Moshe Schwartz
, Vasken Bohossian, Jehoshua Bruck
Codes for asymmetric limited-magnitude errors with application to multilevel flash memories. 1582-1595 - Yeow Meng Chee
, Chaoping Xing, Sze Ling Yeo:
New constant-weight codes from propagation rules. 1596-1599 - Shashi Kiran Chilappagari, Dung Viet Nguyen, Bane Vasic, Michael W. Marcellin:
On trapping sets and guaranteed error correction capability of LDPC codes and GLDPC codes. 1600-1611 - Masaaki Harada, Michael Kiermaier, Alfred Wassermann, Radinka Yorgova:
New binary singly even self-dual codes. 1612-1617 - Florian Hug, Irina E. Bocharova, Rolf Johannesson, Boris D. Kudryashov:
A rate R = 5/20 hypergraph-based woven convolutional code with free distance 120. 1618-1623 - Erez Louidor, Brian H. Marcus:
Improved lower bounds on capacities of symmetric 2D constraints using Rayleigh quotients. 1624-1639