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IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (TSE), Volume 11
Volume 11, Number 1, January 1985
- Billy G. Claybrook, Anne-Marie Claybrook, James G. Williams:
Defining Database Views as Data Abstractions. 3-14 - C. Mohan, Donald S. Fussell, Zvi M. Kedem, Abraham Silberschatz:
Lock Conversion in Non-Two-Phase Locking Protocols. 15-22
- Flaviu Cristian:
A Rigorous Approach to Fault-Tolerant Programming. 23-31 - Richard A. Kemmerer:
Testing Formal Specifications to Detect Design Errors. 32-43
- Guy T. Almes, Andrew P. Black, Edward D. Lazowska, Jerre D. Noe:
The Eden System: A Technical Review. 43-59
- Mustaque Ahamad, Arthur J. Bernstein:
An Application of Name Based Addressing to Low Level Distributed Algorithms. 59-67 - Mukul K. Sinha, N. Natarajan:
A Priority Based Distributed Deadlock Detection Algorithm. 67-80
- B. Dasarathy:
Timing Constraints of Real-Time Systems: Constructs for Expressing Them, Methods of Validating Them. 80-86 - David B. Lomet:
Making Pointers Safe in System Programming Languages. 87-96
- Matthias Jarke, Jon A. Turner, Edward A. Stohr, Yannis Vassiliou, Norman H. White, Ken Michielsen:
A Field Evaluation of Natural Language for Data Retrieval. 97-114
- Jacques Cohen, Stuart Kolodner:
Estimating the Speedup in Parallel Parsing. 114-124
- Michael O. Fryer:
Risk Assessment of Computer Controlled Systems. 125-129
- Gilbert Harrus:
A Model for the Basic Block Protocol of the Cambridge Ring. 130-136
- Ariel Pashtan:
Operating System Models in a Concurrent Pascal Environment: Complexity and Performance Considerations. 136-141
Volume 11, Number 2, February 1985
- David Lee Tuomenoksa, Howard Jay Siegel:
Task Scheduling on the PASM Parallel Processing System. 145-157 - David M. Weiss, Victor R. Basili:
Evaluating Software Development by Analysis of Changes: Some Data from the Software Engineering Laboratory. 157-168 - Ian J. Hayes:
Applying Formal Specification to Software Development in Industry. 169-178 - Taiichi Yuasa, Reiji Nakajima:
IOTA: A Modular Programming System. 179-187 - Judith B. Peachey, Richard B. Bunt, Charles J. Colbourn:
Some Empirical Observations on Program Behavior with Applications to Program Restructuring. 188-193 - Simonetta Balsamo, Giuseppe Iazeolla:
Product-Form Synthesis of Queueing Networks. 194-199 - Shojiro Muro, Toshihide Ibaraki, Hidehiro Miyajima, Toshiharu Hasegawa:
Evaluation of the File Redundancy in Distributed Database Systems. 199-205 - Arvola Chan, Robert Gray:
Implementing Distributed Read-Only Transactions. 205-212 - Hung-Chang Du:
On the File Design Problem for Partial Match Retrieval. 213-222 - Ravishankar K. Iyer, Paola Velardi:
Hardware-Related Software Errors: Measurement and Analysis. 223-231 - Howard A. Jensen, K. Vairavan:
An Experimental Study of Software Metrics for Real-Time Software. 231-234 - Edward G. Coffman Jr., T. T. Kadota, Larry A. Shepp:
On the Asymptotic Optimality of First-Fit Storage Allocation. 235-239
Volume 11, Number 3, March 1985
- Michel Bidoit, Brigitte Biebow, Marie-Claude Gaudel, Christian Gresse, Gérard D. Guiho:
Exception Handling: Formal Specification and Systematic Program Construction. 242-252 - Stephen W. Draper, Donald A. Norman:
Software Engineering for User Interfaces. 252-258 - David Lorge Parnas, Paul C. Clements, David M. Weiss:
The Modular Structure of Complex Systems. 259-266 - W. Lewis Johnson, Elliot Soloway:
PROUST: Knowledge-Based Program Understanding. 267-275 - Steven P. Reiss:
PECAN: Program Development Systems that Support Multiple Views. 276-285 - Warren Teitelman:
A Tour Through Cedar. 285-302 - Richard N. Taylor, Thomas A. Standish:
Steps to an Advanced Ada^1 Programming Environment. 302-310
Volume 11, Number 4, April 1985
- Vincent Y. Shen, Tze-Jie Yu, Stephen M. Thebaut, Lorri R. Paulsen:
Identifying Error-Prone Software - An Empirical Study. 317-324 - Stefano Ceri, Georg Gottlob:
Translating SQL Into Relational Algebra: Optimization, Semantics, and Equivalence of SQL Queries. 324-345 - Alexander Thomasian:
Performance Evaluation of Centralized Databases with Static Locking. 346-355 - Nick Roussopoulos, Raymond T. Yeh:
SEES - A Software Testing Environment Support System. 355-366 - Sandra Rapps, Elaine J. Weyuker:
Selecting Software Test Data Using Data Flow Information. 367-375 - Thomas Downs:
An Approach to the Modeling of Software Testing with Some Applications. 375-386 - Douglas Comer, Narain H. Gehani:
Flex: A High-Level Language for Specifying Customized Microprocessors. 387-396 - N. Natarajan:
Communication and Synchronization Primitives for Distributed Programs. 396-416 - Michael K. Molloy:
Discrete Time Stochastic Petri Nets. 417-423 - Jeff Kramer, Jeff Magee:
Dynamic Configuration for Distributed Systems. 424-436 - Ching-Chy Wang, Mary Lou Soffa:
Eager Reclamation. 437-439 - Fabrizio Luccio:
Variations on a Method for Representing Data Items of Unlimited Length. 439-441
Volume 11, Number 5, May 1985
- Arthur J. Bernstein:
A Loosely Coupled Distributed System for Reliably Storing Data. 446-454 - David B. MacQueen, Donald Sannella:
Completeness of Proof Systems for Equational Specifications. 454-461 - Mukul K. Sinha:
Atomic Actions and Resource Coordination Problems Having Nonunique Solutions. 461-471 - Ronald H. Perrott, Danny Crookes, Peter Milligan, W. R. Martin Purdy:
A Compiler for an Array and Vector Processing Language. 471-478 - Sheldon M. Ross:
Statistical Estimation of Software Reliability. 479-483 - Giancarlo Martella, Barbara Pernici, Fabio Alberto Schreiber:
An Availability Model for Distributed Transaction Systems. 483-491 - Lionel M. Ni, Kai Hwang:
Optimal Load Balancing in a Multiple Processor System with Many Job Classes. 491-496
Volume 11, Number 6, June 1985
- Virgil D. Gligor, Peter A. Ng:
Foreword. 497-501 - Kenneth P. Birman, Thomas A. Joseph, Thomas Räuchle, Amr El Abbadi:
Implementing Fault-Tolerant Distributed Objects. 502-508 - Martin S. McKendry:
Ordering Actions for Visibility. 509-519 - Alfred Z. Spector, Jacob Butcher, Dean S. Daniels, Daniel J. Duchamp, Jeffrey L. Eppinger, Charles E. Fineman, Abdelsalam Heddaya, Peter M. Schwarz:
Support for Distributed Transactions in the TABS Prototype. 520-530 - Benny Chor, Brian A. Coan:
A Simple and Efficient Randomized Byzantine Agreement Algorithm. 531-539 - Kenneth J. Perry:
Randomized Byzantine Agreement. 539-546 - Özalp Babaoglu, Rogério Drummond:
Streets of Byzantium: Network Architectures for Fast Reliable Broadcasts. 546-554 - Richard D. Schlichting:
A Technique for Estimating Performance of Fault-Tolerant Programs. 555-563 - Nancy D. Griffeth, John A. Miller:
Performance Modeling of Database Recovery Protocols. 564-572
Volume 11, Number 7, July 1985
- Richard P. Brägger, Andreas Dudler, Jürg Rebsamen, Carl August Zehnder:
Gambit: An Interactive Database Design Tool for Data Structures, Integrity Constraints, and Transactions. 574-583 - David Farmer, Roger King, David Myers:
The Semantic Database Constructor. 583-591 - Sakti P. Ghosh:
An Application of Statistical Databases in Manufacturing Testing. 591-598 - Susan Darling Urban, Joseph E. Urban, Wayne D. Dominick:
Utilizing an Executable Specification Language for an Information System. 598-605 - Benjamin W. Wah, Yao-Nan Lien:
Design of Distributed Databases on Local Computer Systems with a Multiaccess Network. 606-619 - Arthur M. Keller, Marianne Winslett Wilkins:
On the Use of an Extended Relational Model to Handle Changing Incomplete Information. 620-633 - Christine Parent, Stefano Spaccapietra:
An Algebra for a General Entity-Relation1hip Model. 634-643 - David Maier, David Rozenshtein, Jacob Stein:
Representing Roles in Universal Scheme Interfaces. 644-652
Volume 11, Number 8, August 1985
- Valdis Berzins, Michael Gray:
Analysis and Design in MSG.84: Formalizing Functional Specifications. 657-670 - Uli H. Chi:
Formal Specification of User Interfaces: A Comparison and Evaluation of Four Axiomatic Approaches. 671-685 - Leonard J. Bass:
An Approach to User Specification of Interactive Display Interfaces. 686-698 - Anthony I. Wasserman:
Extending State Transition Diagrams for the Specification of Human-Computer Interaction. 699-713 - Jason Gait:
An Aspect of Aesthetics in Human-Computer Communications: Pretty Windows. 714-717 - Farokh B. Bastani:
Experiences with a Feedback Version Development Methodology. 718-723 - Shi-Kuo Chang, Wu-Lung Chan:
Transformation and Verification of Office Procedures. 724-734 - Ali Mili:
Towards a Theory of Forward Error Recovery. 735-748 - David H. Hutchens, Victor R. Basili:
System Structure Analysis: Clustering with Data Bindings. 749-757 - Armen Gabrielian, Lawrence McNamee, David J. Trawick:
The Qualified Function Approach to Analysis of Program Behavior and Performance. 758-773 - Krithi Ramamritham:
Synthesizing Code for Resource Controllers. 774-783 - Vincenzo Ambriola, Fosca Giannotti, Dino Pedreschi, Franco Turini:
Symbolic Semantics and Program Reduction. 784-794 - Clement T. Yu, Chin-Chen Chang, Marjorie Templeton, David Brill, Eric Lund:
Query Processing in a Fragmented Relational Distributed System: Mermaid. 795-810 - Shi-Kuo Chang, Erland Jungert, Stefano Levialdi, Genoveffa Tortora, Tadao Ichikawa:
An Image Processing Language with Icon-Assisted Navigation. 811-819 - Gene T. J. Wuu, Arthur J. Bernstein:
False Deadlock Detection in Distributed Systems. 820-821 - Edward H. Bersoff:
Comments on "Elements of Software Configuration Management". 822 - Mohammad G. Khayat, W. S. Breger, M. Freiling, Ted G. Lewis:
Correction to "A Concurrency Measure". 822
Volume 11, Number 9, September 1985
- Cindy Wilson, Leon J. Osterweil:
Omega - A Data Flow Analysis Tool for the C Programming Language. 832-838 - Robert Troy, Ramadan Moawad:
Assessment of Software Reliability Models. 839-849 - Stephen S. Yau, James S. Collofello:
Design Stability Measures for Software Maintenance. 849-856 - Farokh B. Bastani:
On the Uncertainty in the Correctness of Computer Programs. 857-864 - Leszek Lilien, Bharat K. Bhargava:
Database Integrity Block Construct: Concepts and Design Issues. 865-885 - C. V. Ramamoorthy, Siyi Terry Dong, Yutaka Usuda:
An Implementation of an Automated Protocol Synthesizer (APS) and Its Application to the X.21 Protocol. 886-908 - Harry M. Sneed, András Mérey:
Automated Software Quality Assurance. 909-916 - Thomas J. McCabe, G. Gordon Schulmeyer:
System Testing Aided by Structured Analysis: A Practical Experience. 917-921 - Benjamin W. Wah, Chee Fen Yu:
Stochastic Modeling of Branch-and-Bound Algorithms with Best-First Search. 923-934 - Myron S. Karasik:
Environmental Testing Techniques for Software Certification. 934-938 - Brian P. McCune, Richard M. Tong, Jeffrey S. Dean, Daniel G. Shapiro:
RUBRIC: A System for Rule-Based Information Retrieval. 939-945 - Motoei Azuma, Tetsu Tabata, Yoshihiro Oki, Susumu Kamiya:
SPD: A Humanized Documentation Technology. 945-953 - Makoto Yoshida, Kyoko Mizumachi, Atsushi Wakino, Ikuo Oyake, Yutaka Matsushita:
Time and Cost Evaluation Schemes of Multiple Copies of Data in Distributet Database Systems. 954-959 - Clement T. Yu, Man-Keung Siu, K. Lam, C. H. Chen:
Adaptive File Allocation in Star Computer Network. 959-965 - C. Robert Carlson, Adarsh K. Arora:
Toward the Next Generation of Data Modeling Tools. 966-970 - Carolyn Cline, Howard Jay Siegel:
Augmenting Ada for SIMD Parallel Processing. 970-977 - Carl W. Doerflinger, Victor R. Basili:
Monitoring Software Development Through Dynamic Variables. 978-985 - David M. Keirsey, J. Mitchell, B. Bullock, T. Nussmeier, David Y. Tseng:
Autonomous Vehicle Control Using Al Techniques. 986-992
Volume 11, Number 10, October 1985
- Aaron H. Konstam, Donald E. Wood:
Software Science Applied to APL. 994-1000 - Clyde P. Kruskal, Alan Weiss:
Allocating Independent Subtasks on Parallel Processors. 1001-1016 - Fabio Panzieri, Brian Randell:
Interfacing UNIX to Data Communications Networks. 1016-1032 - Ray Ford, Keith W. Miller:
Abstract Data Type Development and Implementation: An Example. 1033-1037 - Arie Shoshani, Harry K. T. Wong:
Statistical and Scientific Database Issues. 1040-1047 - Mostafa A. Bassiouni:
Data Compression in Scientific and Statistical Databases. 1047-1058 - Setrag Khoshafian, Douglas M. Bates, David J. DeWitt:
Efficient Support of Statistical Operations. 1058-1070 - Gultekin Özsoyoglu, Z. Meral Özsoyoglu:
Statistical Database Query Languages. 1071-1081 - Neil C. Rowe:
Antisampling for Estimation: An Overview. 1081-1091 - Stephen F. Lundstrom, Earl E. Swartzlander Jr.:
Foreword: Advances in Distributed Computing Systems. 1092-1096 - Arbee L. P. Chen, Victor O. K. Li:
An Optimal Algorithm for Processing Distributed Star Queries. 1097-1107 - Donald M. Topkis:
Concurrent Broadcast for Information Dissemination. 1107-1112 - James P. Huang:
Modeling of Software Partition for Distributed Real-Time Applications. 1113-1126 - Kwei-Jay Lin, John D. Gannon:
Atomic Remote Procedure Call. 1126-1135 - Boleslaw K. Szymanski, Yuan Shi, Noah S. Prywes:
Synchronized Distributed Termination. 1136-1140 - John A. Stankovic:
Stability and Distributed Scheduling Algorithms. 1141-1152 - Lionel M. Ni, Chong-Wei Xu, Thomas B. Gendreau:
A Distributed Drafting Algorithm for Load Balancing. 1153-1161 - Keith A. Lantz, William I. Nowicki, Marvin Theimer:
An Empirical Study of Distributed Application Performance. 1162-1174 - Amit P. Sheth, Anoop Singhal, Ming T. Liu:
An Analysis of the Effect of Network Parameters on the Performance of Distributed Database Systems. 1174-1184