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IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Volume 25
Volume 25, Number 1, January 1995
- Leon Bobrowski, Jack Sklansky:
Linear classifiers by window training. 1-9 - Arun P. Tirumalai, Brian G. Schunck, Ramesh C. Jain:
Evidential reasoning for building environment maps. 10-20 - Dimitrios A. Pados, Karen W. Halford, Dimitri Kazakos, P. Papantoni-Kazakos:
Distributed binary hypothesis testing with feedback. 21-42 - Sverrir Olafsson:
A general model for task distribution on an open heterogenous processor system. 43-58 - J. Christopher Westland:
Bayesian alternatives to neural computing. 59-67 - Giuseppe Berio, Antonio Di Leva, Piercarlo Giolito, François B. Vernadat:
The M*-OBJECT methodology for information system design in CIM environments. 68-85 - Christoph Römer, Abraham Kandel:
Constraints on belief functions imposed by fuzzy random variables. 86-99 - Robert Spence, Seth Hutchinson:
An integrated architecture for robot motion planning and control in the presence of obstacles with unknown trajectories. 100-110 - Chunhui Xu, Kyoichi Kijima:
Dominant incentive strategies for hierarchical systems with incomplete information structure. 111-118 - Shigeo Abe, Ming-Shong Lan:
Fuzzy rules extraction directly from numerical data for function approximation. 119-129 - George Harhalakis, Chang-Pin Lin, Leo Mark, Pedro R. Muro-Medrano:
Structured representation of rule-based specifications in CIM using updated Petri nets. 130-144 - Dusko Katic, Miomir Vukobratovic:
Highly efficient robot dynamics learning by decomposed connectionist feedforward control structure. 145-158 - Arie Ben-David, Gal Ben-David:
On the architecture and implementation of parallel ordinal machines. 159-168 - Kaoru Hirota, Witold Pedrycz:
Design of fuzzy systems with fuzzy flip-flops. 169-176 - Zoltan Tomori:
Border detection of the object segmented by the pyramid linking method. 176-181 - Jonathan M. Vinson, Lyle H. Ungar:
Dynamic process monitoring and fault diagnosis with qualitative models. 181-189 - Venceslav Kafedziski, Darryl Morrell:
Epistemic utility estimation with valuational convexity. 190-193 - Thomas B. Sheridan:
Reflections on information and information value. 194-196 - Hyung Lee-Kwang, Keon-Myung Lee:
Fuzzy hypergraph and fuzzy partition. 196-201 - Horst Bunke, János Csirik:
Parametric string edit distance and its application to pattern recognition. 202-206 - V. S. Manoranjan, A. de Sam Lazaro, D. Edwards, A. Athalye:
A systematic approach to obtaining fuzzy sets for control systems. 206-213 - Mahmoud A. Manzoul, D. Jayabharathi:
FPGA for fuzzy controllers. 213-216
Volume 25, Number 2, February 1995
- Kathleen M. Carley, Zhiang (John) Lin:
Organizational designs suited to high performance under stress. 221-230 - Shawn D. Bird, George M. Kasper:
Problem formalization techniques for collaborative systems. 231-242 - Zhaoyu Li, Bruce D'Ambrosio:
A framework for ordering composite beliefs in belief networks. 243-255 - Anup Basu:
Active calibration of cameras: theory and implementation. 256-265 - Nicolay Stanoulov:
A parsimonious outranking method for individual and group decisionmaking and its computerized support. 266-276 - Edward A. Billard, Joseph Pasquale:
Probabilistic coalition formation in distributed knowledge environments. 277-286 - Srinivasan Raghunathan, Ramayya Krishnan, Jerrold H. May:
On using belief maintenance systems to assist mathematical modeling. 287-303 - Luiz Homem de Mello:
Sequence planning for robotic assembly of tetrahedral truss structures. 304-312 - Haya Zak, Hari Das Nayar:
Towards a training methodology for skilled teleoperation. 313-327 - Ahmad A. Masoud, Mohamed M. Bayoumi:
Using local structure for the reliable removal of noise from the output of the LoG edge detector. 328-337 - Ronald A. Hess:
Modeling the effects of display quality upon human pilot dynamics and perceived vehicle handling qualities. 338-344 - Jimmy Krozel, Dominick Andrisani II:
Intelligent ϵ-optimal path prediction for vehicular travel. 345-353 - Volkmar Uebele, Shigeo Abe, Ming-Shong Lan:
A neural-network-based fuzzy classifier. 353-361 - Athanasios Rontogiannis, Nikitas J. Dimopoulos:
A probabilistic approach for reducing the search cost in binary decision trees. 362-370 - Frank Y. Shih, Wai-Tak Wong:
A new safe-point thinning algorithm based on the mid-crack code tracing. 370-378 - James J. Jiang, Roger Alan Pick, Gary Klein:
Are you sure you want to use that data in your study? 378-380 - Sung-Bae Cho, Jin H. Kim:
Combining multiple neural networks by fuzzy integral for robust classification. 380-384
Volume 25, Number 3, March 1995
- Gunilla A. Sundström, Anthony C. Salvador:
Integrating field work in system design: a methodology and two case studies. 385-399 - Georgios P. Lekkas, Nikolaos M. Avouris, George K. Papakonstantinou:
Development of distributed problem solving systems for dynamic environments. 400-414 - Nagarajan Ranganathan, Rajiv Mehrotra, S. Subramaniam:
A high speed systolic architecture for labeling connected components in an image. 415-423 - Isabelle Rouvellou, George W. Hart:
Inference of a probabilistic finite state machine from its output. 424-437 - Houn-Gee Chen:
Operator scheduling approaches in group technology cells-information request analysis. 438-452 - Kuniharu Takayama, Hiroyuki Kano:
A new approach to synthesizing free motions of robotic manipulators based on a concept of unit motions. 453-463 - Hee Rak Beom, Hyung Suck Cho:
A sensor-based navigation for a mobile robot using fuzzy logic and reinforcement learning. 464-477 - Liang Jin, Peter N. Nikiforuk, Madan M. Gupta:
Fast neural learning and control of discrete-time nonlinear systems. 478-488 - Sunil R. Das, Wen-Ben Jone, Amiya R. Nayak, Ian Choi:
On testing of sequential machines using circuit decomposition and stochastic modeling. 489-504 - Han-Xiong Li, H. B. Gatland:
A new methodology for designing a fuzzy logic controller. 505-512 - Hsi-Chin Hsin, Ching-Chung Li, Mingui Sun, Robert J. Sclabassi:
An adaptive training algorithm for back-propagation neural networks. 512-514 - Tiziana Catarci:
The assignment heuristic for crossing reduction. 515-521 - Prabir Bhattacharya, Yan-Kung Yan:
Iterative histogram modification of gray images. 521-523 - Randy L. Brown:
Accelerated template matching using template trees grown by condensation. 523-528
Volume 25, Number 4, April 1995
- Kim J. Vicente, Klaus Christoffersen, Alex Pereklita:
Supporting operator problem solving through ecological interface design. 529-545 - Edward A. Billard, Joseph Pasquale:
Adaptive coordination in distributed systems with delayed communication. 546-554 - I. Burhan Türksen, Y. Tian:
Two-level tree search in fuzzy expert systems. 555-568 - ChuXin Chen, Mohan M. Trivedi:
Task planning and action coordination in integrated sensor-based robots. 569-591 - Sumit Sarkar:
Modeling uncertainty using enhanced tree structures in expert systems. 592-604 - Fei-Yue Wang, Jeffery L. Russell:
Optimum shape construction of flexible manipulators with total weight constraint. 605-614 - DeLiang Wang, Budi Yuwono:
Anticipation-based temporal pattern generation. 615-628 - Juan Luis Castro:
Fuzzy logic controllers are universal approximators. 629-635 - Gang Chen, Yee H. Hong Yang:
Edge detection by regularized cubic B-spline fitting. 636-643 - S. S. Iyengar, Lakshman Prasad:
A general computational framework for distributed sensing and fault-tolerant sensor integration. 643-650 - Gianpaolo Conte, Romolo Zulli:
Hierarchical path planning in a multi-robot environment with a simple navigation function. 651-654 - Joe Suzuki:
A Markov chain analysis on simple genetic algorithms. 655-659 - Chin-Teng Lin, C. S. George Lee:
A multi-valued Boltzmann machine. 660-669 - Philippe Ballard, George C. Stockman:
Controlling a computer via facial aspect. 669-677 - Yves Grandvalet, Stéphane Canu:
Comments on "Noise injection into inputs in back propagation learning". 678-681 - Tzong-Wann Kao, Shi-Jinn Horng, Yue-Li Wang:
An O(1) time algorithms for computing histogram and Hough transform on a cross-bridge reconfigurable array of processors. 681-687 - José Nelson Amaral, Kagan Tumer, Joydeep Ghosh:
Designing genetic algorithms for the state assignment problem. 687-694 - Yung-Ping Chien, Qing Xue, Yaobin Chen:
Configuration space model of tightly coordinated two robot manipulators operating in 3-dimensional workspace. 695-704 - Yendo Hu, Ronald D. Fellman:
An implementation efficient learning algorithm for adaptive control using associative content addressable memory. 704-709 - Chen-Tsun Chuang, Lin-Yu Tseng:
A heuristic algorithm for the recognition of printed Chinese characters. 710-717
Volume 25, Number 5, May 1995
- Steven A. Harp, Tariq Samad, Michael Villano:
Modeling student knowledge with self-organizing feature maps. 727-737 - Yuan Yan Tang, Ching Y. Suen, Chang De Yan, Mohamed Cheriet:
Financial document processing based on staff line and description language. 738-754 - Tiehua Cao, Arthur C. Sanderson:
Task sequence planning using fuzzy Petri nets. 755-768 - Witold Pedrycz, Patrick C. F. Lam, Armando F. Rocha:
Distributed fuzzy system modeling. 769-780 - Hong Zhang:
Two-dimensional optimal sensor placement. 781-792 - Shyi-Ming Chen, Jeng-Yih Wang:
Document retrieval using knowledge-based fuzzy information retrieval techniques. 793-803 - Thierry Denoeux:
A k-nearest neighbor classification rule based on Dempster-Shafer theory. 804-813 - Anurag Srivastava, V. Rajaraman:
A vector measure for the intelligence of a question-answering (Q-A) system. 814-823 - Christopher James Garrett, Sergio B. Guarro, George E. Apostolakis:
The dynamic flowgraph methodology for assessing the dependability of embedded software systems. 824-840 - Chi-Hsu Wang, Wei-Yen Wang, Tsu-Tian Lee, Pao-Shun Tseng:
Fuzzy B-spline membership function (BMF) and its applications in fuzzy-neural control. 841-851 - Dirk Baldwin, Surya B. Yadav:
The process of research investigations in artificial intelligence-a unified view. 852-861 - Richard Tello:
Fourier descriptors for computer graphics. 861-865 - Wen-Ben Jone, Sunil R. Das:
CACOP-a random pattern testability analyzer. 865-871 - Chun-Yi Su, Yury Stepanenko:
Adaptive sliding mode coordinated control of multiple robot arms attached to a constrained object. 871-878 - Alberto Rovetta, Francesca Cosmi, Lorenzo Molinari Tosatti:
Teleoperator response in a touch task with different display conditions. 878-881 - Jian Qin Chen, Jian Hong Lu, Lai Jiu Chen:
Analysis and synthesis of fuzzy closed-loop control systems. 881-888 - Vicenç Torra, Ulises Cortés:
Towards an automatic consensus generator tool: EGAC. 888-894 - Chun Hung Cheng:
A branch and bound clustering algorithm. 895-898
Volume 25, Number 6, June 1995
- Kathryn Blackmond Laskey:
Sensitivity analysis for probability assessments in Bayesian networks. 901-909 - Kuo-Chu Chang, Robert M. Fung:
Symbolic probabilistic inference with both discrete and continuous variables. 910-916 - Liu Qiao, Mitsuo Sato, Hiroshi Takeda:
Learning algorithm of environmental recognition in driving vehicle. 917-925 - Syed I. Ahson:
Petri net models of fuzzy neural networks. 926-932 - Andrea Caiti, Gaetano Canepa, Danilo De Rossi, Fabio Germagnoli, Giovanni Magenes, Thomas Parisini:
Towards the realization of an artificial tactile system: fine-form discrimination by a tensorial tactile sensor array and neural inversion algorithms. 933-946 - Nageswara S. V. Rao:
Robot navigation in unknown generalized polygonal terrains using vision sensors. 947-962 - Junhong Nie:
Constructing fuzzy model by self-organizing counterpropagation network. 963-970 - John Yen, Nathan Pfluger:
A fuzzy logic based extension to Payton and Rosenblatt's command fusion method for mobile robot navigation. 971-978 - D. C. Douglas Hung:
The use of negative printing and attributed-token state modeling character recognition. 978-985 - ChangBum Kim, Kyoung A. Seong, Hyung Lee-Kwang, Jeong O. Kim, Yong Bae Lim:
A fuzzy approach to elevator group control system. 985-990 - Yaochu Jin, Jingping Jiang, Jing Zhu:
Neural network based fuzzy identification and its application to modeling and control of complex systems. 990-997 - Zi-Cai Li, Ching Y. Suen, J. Guo:
A regional decomposition method for recognizing handprinted characters. 998-1010 - Luong A. Nguyen, Ian D. Walker, Rui J. P. deFigueiredo:
Robustness issues for kinematically redundant manipulator control. 1010-1016 - Jim Z. C. Lai:
Sensitivity analysis of line correspondence. 1016-1023
Volume 25, Number 7, July 1995
- Patricia M. Jones, Rose W. Chu, Christine M. Mitchell:
A methodology for human-machine systems research: knowledge engineering, modeling, and simulation. 1025-1038 - Patricia M. Jones, Christine M. Mitchell:
Human-computer cooperative problem solving: theory, design, and evaluation of an intelligent associate system. 1039-1053 - Rose W. Chu, Christine M. Mitchell, Patricia M. Jones:
Using the operator function model and OFMspert as the basis for an intelligent tutoring system: towards a tutor/aid paradigm for operators of supervisory control systems. 1054-1075 - Vijay Vasandani, T. Govindaraj:
Knowledge organization in intelligent tutoring systems for diagnostic problem solving in complex dynamic domains. 1076-1096 - James W. Lark III, Chelsea C. White III, Kirsten Syverson:
A best-first search algorithm guided by a set-valued heuristic. 1097-1101 - K. Krishna, K. Ganeshan, D. Janaki Ram:
Distributed simulated annealing algorithms for job shop scheduling. 1102-1109 - Melody Y. Kiang, Aimo Hinkkanen, Andrew B. Whinston:
Reasoning in qualitatively defined systems using interval-based difference equations. 1110-1120 - Israel Spiegler:
Information systems: a construct of transformations. 1121-1129 - David A. Castañón:
Optimal search strategies in dynamic hypothesis testing. 1130-1138 - S. T. Sum, B. John Oommen:
Mixture decomposition for distributions from the exponential family using a generalized method of moments. 1139-1149 - John T. Boardman:
Wholes and parts-a systems approach. 1150-1161 - Jacques Weymann, Jean-Loup Farges, Jean-Jacques Henry:
Optimization of traffic dynamic route guidance with drivers' reactions in a queue-based model. 1161-1165 - Harold W. Thimbleby, Ian H. Witten, David J. Pullinger:
Concepts of cooperation in artificial life. 1166-1171 - Chen-Tsun Chuang, Lin-Yu Tseng:
A stroke extraction method for multifont Chinese characters based on the reduced special interval graph. 1171-1178
Volume 25, Number 8, August 1995
- Constantinos Goutis:
A graphical method for solving a decision analysis problem. 1181-1193 - Scott McMillan, David E. Orin, Robert B. McGhee:
Efficient dynamic simulation of an underwater vehicle with a robotic manipulator. 1194-1206 - Rong-Nan Chiou, Chin-Hsing Chen, King-Chu Hung, Jau-Yien Lee:
The optimal camera geometry and performance analysis of a trinocular vision system. 1207-1220 - Ronald R. Yager, Dimitar P. Filev:
Including probabilistic uncertainty in fuzzy logic controller modeling using Dempster-Shafer theory. 1221-1230 - Mieczyslaw M. Kokar:
On consistent symbolic representations of general dynamic systems. 1231-1242 - Ishwar K. Sethi:
Neural implementation of tree classifiers. 1243-1249