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Jean-Marie Pinon
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- affiliation: LIRS Lyon, France
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2010 – 2019
- 2015
- [j13]Belkacem Abdelli, Okba Kazar
, Jean-Marie Pinon:
The impact of titles expansion based on ontology in document retrieval. Int. J. Metadata Semant. Ontologies 10(3): 170-181 (2015) - 2014
- [j12]Hatem Mousselly Sergieh, Elöd Egyed-Zsigmond, Gabriele Gianini
, Mario Döller
, Jean-Marie Pinon, Harald Kosch
Tag relatedness in image folksonomies. Document Numérique 17(2): 33-54 (2014) - [c50]Belkacem Abdelli, Jean-Marie Pinon, Okba Kazar
The impact of sections headings on the document retrieval. ICDIM 2014: 128-134 - [c49]Hatem Mousselly Sergieh, Mario Döller
, Elöd Egyed-Zsigmond, Gabriele Gianini
, Harald Kosch
, Jean-Marie Pinon:
Tag Relatedness Using Laplacian Score Feature Selection and Adapted Jensen-Shannon Divergence. MMM (1) 2014: 159-171 - 2013
- [j11]Benjamin Bertin, Vasile-Marian Scuturici, Jean-Marie Pinon, Emmanuel Risler:
Base de données sémantique d'inventaires en cycle de vie. Ingénierie des Systèmes d Inf. 18(2): 103-128 (2013) - [j10]Reim Doumat, Elöd Egyed-Zsigmond, Jean-Marie Pinon:
A web 2.0 archive to access, annotate and retrieve manuscripts. Multim. Tools Appl. 64(1): 97-117 (2013) - [c48]Hatem Mousselly Sergieh, Elöd Egyed-Zsigmond, Mario Döller, Gabriele Gianini, Harald Kosch, Jean-Marie Pinon:
Tag Similarity in Folksonomies. INFORSID 2013: 319-334 - 2012
- [j9]Pierre-Edouard Portier, Noureddine Chatti, Sylvie Calabretto, Elöd Egyed-Zsigmond, Jean-Marie Pinon:
Modeling, encoding and querying multi-structured documents. Inf. Process. Manag. 48(5): 931-955 (2012) - [c47]Benjamin Bertin, Vasile-Marian Scuturici, Jean-Marie Pinon, Emmanuel Risler:
CarbonDB: a semantic life cycle inventory database. CIKM 2012: 2683-2685 - [c46]Benjamin Bertin, Vasile-Marian Scuturici, Emmanuel Risler, Jean-Marie Pinon:
A semantic approach to life cycle assessment applied on energy environmental impact data management. EDBT/ICDT Workshops 2012: 87-94 - [c45]Benjamin Bertin, Marian Scuturici, Jean-Marie Pinon, Emmanuel Risler:
Semantic Modelling of Dependency Relations between Life Cycle Analysis Processes. ICT-GLOW 2012: 109-124 - [c44]Benjamin Bertin, Vasile-Marian Scuturici, Jean-Marie Pinon, Emmanuel Risler:
Modélisation sémantique des relations de dépendance entre les processus de l'analyse en cycle de vie . INFORSID 2012: 507-522 - [c43]Hatem Mousselly Sergieh
, Gabriele Gianini
, Mario Döller
, Harald Kosch
, Elöd Egyed-Zsigmond, Jean-Marie Pinon:
Geo-based automatic image annotation. ICMR 2012: 46 - [c42]Hatem Mousselly Sergieh
, Elöd Egyed-Zsigmond, Mario Döller
, David Coquil, Jean-Marie Pinon, Harald Kosch
Improving SURF Image Matching Using Supervised Learning. SITIS 2012: 230-237 - 2010
- [c41]Reim Doumat, Elöd Egyed-Zsigmond, Jean-Marie Pinon:
User Trace-Based Recommendation System for a Digital Archive. ICCBR 2010: 360-374
2000 – 2009
- 2009
- [j8]Reim Doumat, Elöd Egyed-Zsigmond, Jean-Marie Pinon:
Digitized ancient documents ... What's next ? Document Numérique 12(1): 31-51 (2009) - [c40]Reim Doumat, Elöd Egyed-Zsigmond, Jean-Marie Pinon:
Digitized ancient documents; What's next? INFORSID 2009: 195-210 - 2008
- [c39]Reim Doumat, Elöd Egyed-Zsigmond, Jean-Marie Pinon:
Un modèle de bibliothèque numérique collaborative - ARMARIUS. CORIA 2008: 417-424 - [c38]Reim Doumat, Elöd Egyed-Zsigmond, Jean-Marie Pinon, Emese Csiszar:
Online ancient documents: Armarius. ACM Symposium on Document Engineering 2008: 127-130 - [c37]Romain Vuillemot, Béatrice Rumpler, Jean-Marie Pinon:
Anatomy of a Visualization On-Demand Server - A Service Oriented Architecture to Visually Explore Large Data Collections. ICEIS (5) 2008: 86-93 - [c36]Romain Vuillemot, Béatrice Rumpler, Jean-Marie Pinon:
Dissection of a Visualization On-Demand Server. ICEIS 2008: 348-360 - [c35]Ovidiu Vasutiu, Youssef Amghar, David Jouve, Jean-Marie Pinon:
Knowledge Management in Information System Design and Delivery Process - An Application to the Design of a Legal Information System. ICEIS (1) 2008: 492-496 - [c34]Hassan Naderi
, Béatrice Rumpler, Jean-Marie Pinon:
A graph-based profile similarity calculation method for collaborative information retrieval. SAC 2008: 1127-1131 - 2007
- [j7]Jean-Marie Pinon:
Avant-propos. Document Numérique 10(1): 7 (2007) - [j6]Jean-Marie Pinon, Michel Beigbeder:
Editorial. Document Numérique 10(1): 9-10 (2007) - [j5]Jean-Marie Pinon, Chantal Soulé-Dupuy:
Éditorial. Ingénierie des Systèmes d Inf. 12(4): 7-8 (2007) - 2006
- [c33]Hassan Naderi
, Béatrice Rumpler, Jean-Marie Pinon:
An Efficient Collaborative Information Retrieval System by Incorporating the User Profile. Adaptive Multimedia Retrieval 2006: 247-257 - [c32]Noureddine Chatti, Sylvie Calabretto, Jean-Marie Pinon:
Encoding and Querying Multi-Structured Documents. ELPUB 2006: 237-246 - 2005
- [c31]Rocío Abascal
, Béatrice Rumpler, Suela Berisha-Bohé, Jean-Marie Pinon:
A Semantic Structure for Digital Theses Collection Based on Domain Annotations. ECDL 2005: 496-497 - 2004
- [j4]Vivien Guillet, Béatrice Rumpler, Jean-Marie Pinon:
Modélisation de l'utilisateur et exploitation dans un système "adapté" d'aide au déplacement piéton. Ingénierie des Systèmes d Inf. 9(2): 107-128 (2004) - [c30]Noureddine Chatti, Sylvie Calabretto, Jean-Marie Pinon:
Vers un environnement de gestion de documents à structures multiples. BDA 2004: 47-64 - [c29]Vivien Guillet, Béatrice Rumpler, Jean-Marie Pinon:
User Adaptation in a Pedestrian Guidance System for the Blind. ICEIS (5) 2004: 69-74 - [c28]Rocío Abascal, Béatrice Rumpler, Jean-Marie Pinon:
Information Retrieval in Digital Theses Based on Natural Language Processing Tools. EsTAL 2004: 172-182 - 2003
- [j3]David Jouve, Youssef Amghar
, Bertrand Chabbat, Jean-Marie Pinon:
Conceptual framework for document semantic modelling: an application to document and knowledge management in the legal domain. Data Knowl. Eng. 46(3): 345-375 (2003) - 2002
- [c27]Rocío Abascal, Béatrice Rumpler, Jean-Marie Pinon:
Improving Information Retrieval in Digital Theses Using Metadata. ELPUB 2002 - [c26]Lobna Jeribi, Béatrice Rumpler, Jean-Marie Pinon:
User Modeling and Instance Reuse for Information Retrieval Study Case: Visually Disabled Users Access to Scientific Documents. FLAIRS 2002: 51-55 - [c25]Vivien Guillet, Béatrice Rumpler, Jean-Marie Pinon:
Providing Help for Visually Impaired People's Navigation in an Urban Environment Using GPS. ICCHP 2002: 429-436 - [c24]Aurélien Bénel
, Sylvie Calabretto, Andréa Iacovella, Jean-Marie Pinon:
Porphyry 2001: Semantics for Scholarly Publications Retrieval. ISMIS 2002: 351-361 - 2001
- [j2]David Jouve, Bertrand Chabbat, Youssef Amghar, Jean-Marie Pinon:
Modélisation sémantique de la réglementation. Ingénierie des Systèmes d Inf. 6(2): 95-119 (2001) - [c23]Catherine Roussey
, Sylvie Calabretto, Jean-Marie Pinon:
A Multilingual Information System Based on Knowledge Representation. ADBIS 2001: 98-111 - [c22]Catherine Roussey
, Sylvie Calabretto, Jean-Marie Pinon:
A New Conceptual Graph Formalism Adapted for Multilingual Information Retrieval Purposes. DEXA 2001: 92-101 - [c21]Catherine Roussey, Sylvie Calabretto, Jean-Marie Pinon:
SyDoM: A Multilingual Information Retrieval System for Digital Libraries. ELPUB 2001 - [c20]Aurélien Bénel
, Elöd Egyed-Zsigmond, Yannick Prié, Sylvie Calabretto, Alain Mille, Andréa Iacovella, Jean-Marie Pinon:
Truth in the Digital Library: From Ontological to Hermeneutical Systems. ECDL 2001: 366-377 - [c19]Pierre Maret, Youssef Amghar, Jean-Marie Pinon:
Approche hypermédia pour la gestion des savoir-faire. EGC 2001: 325-330 - [c18]David Jouve, Bertrand Chabbat, Youssef Amghar, Jean-Marie Pinon:
Structuration sémantique de la réglementation. INFORSID 2001: 5-25 - [c17]Lobna Jeribi, Béatrice Rumpler, Jean-Marie Pinon:
Système d'aide à la recherche et à l'interrogation de bases documentaires, fondé sur la réutilisation d'expériences. INFORSID 2001: 443-463 - 2000
- [j1]David Jouve, Bertrand Chabbat, Youssef Amghar, Jean-Marie Pinon:
Archivage des documents réglementaires - Maîtrise d''une matière première spécifique. Document Numérique 4(3-4): 315-329 (2000) - [c16]Aurélien Bénel, Sylvie Calabretto, Andréa Iacovella, Jean-Marie Pinon:
Vers un outil documentaire unifié pour les chercheurs en archéologie. INFORSID 2000: 133-145 - [c15]Cécile Nicolle, Youssef Amghar, Jean-Marie Pinon:
Système d'accès à des bases de données hétérogènes dans le cadre de l'aide à la décision. INFORSID 2000: 193-209 - [c14]Cécile Nicolle, Youssef Amghar, Jean-Marie Pinon:
Interrogation system architecture of heterogenous data for decision making. RIAO 2000: 812-818 - [c13]Lobna Jeribi, Béatrice Rumpler, Jean-Marie Pinon:
Intelligent System for Document Retrieval and Access to Scientific Documents for Visually Deficient Users. RIAO 2000: 870-884 - [c12]Elöd Egyed-Zsigmond, Yannick Prié, Alain Mille, Jean-Marie Pinon:
A graph based audio-visual document annotation and browsing system. RIAO 2000: 1381-1289
1990 – 1999
- 1999
- [c11]Yannick Prié
, Alain Mille, Jean-Marie Pinon:
A Context-Based Audiovisual Representation Model for Audiovisual Information Systems. CONTEXT 1999: 296-309 - 1998
- [c10]Yannick Prié
, Alain Mille, Jean-Marie Pinon:
AI-STRATA: A User-Centered Model for Content-Based Description and Retrieval of Audiovisual Sequences. AMCP 1998: 328-343 - [c9]Catherine Roussey, Sylvie Calabretto, Jean-Marie Pinon:
Indexation sémantique de corpus multilingues : application aux manuscrits anciens. INFORSID 1998: 289-303 - 1997
- [c8]Sylvie Calabretto, Jean-Marie Pinon:
Modelling a Medieval Manuscript Database with HyTime. ELPUB 1997 - [c7]Jean-Marie Pinon, Sylvie Calabretto, Line Poullet:
Document Semantic Model: an experiment with patient medical records. ELPUB 1997 - [c6]Francoise Corvaisier, Alain Mille, Jean-Marie Pinon:
Information retrieval on the World Wide Web using a decision making system. RIAO 1997: 284-295 - 1996
- [c5]Pierre Maret, Jean-Marie Pinon:
Process Knowledge Modeling. ER 1996: 89-104 - 1994
- [c4]Youssef Amghar, Jean-Marie Pinon:
Actor Management in Documentary Applications. OOIS 1994: 406-415 - [c3]Jean-Marie Pinon, Marc-Antoine Richez, André Flory:
Support System for Co-operative Edition of Multimedia Documents. OOIS 1994: 416-421 - 1991
- [c2]R. Dykiel, M. Mabzouk, Jean-Marie Pinon:
A hyperdocument model based on the ODA standard. RIAO 1991: 245-263 - 1990
- [c1]Frédérique Biennier, Michel Guivarch, Jean-Marie Pinon:
Browsing in Hyperdocuments with the Assistance of a Neural Network. ECHT 1990: 288-297
Coauthor Index

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