BibTeX record conf/f-ic/AlecSRSB14

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  author       = {C{\'{e}}line Alec and
                  Brigitte Safar and
                  Chantal Reynaud and
                  Zied Sellami and
                  Uriel Berdugo},
  editor       = {Catherine Faron{-}Zucker},
  title        = {Peuplement automatique d'ontologie {\`{a}} partir d'un catalogue de
  booktitle    = {{IC} 2014 : 25es Journ{\'{e}}es francophones d'Ing{\'{e}}nierie
                  des Connaissances (Proceedings of the 25th French Knowledge Engineering
                  Conference), Clermont Ferrand, France, May 12-16, 2014},
  pages        = {87--98},
  year         = {2014},
  url          = {\_2014/hal-01015213},
  timestamp    = {Tue, 21 Jul 2020 00:40:32 +0200},
  biburl       = {},
  bibsource    = {dblp computer science bibliography,}
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