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Author search results

Exact matches

  • — disambiguation page

  • University of Surrey, Computing Department, School of Engineering and Physical Sciences, Guildford, UK
  • [0000-0002-8022-9002]
    Shenzhen University, College of Physics and Optoelectronic Engineering, China

  • Nortel Networks, Edmonton, ON, Canada
  • [0000-0003-1174-944X]
    Heriot-Watt University, School of Engineering and Physical Sciences, Edinburgh, UK
  • [0000-0001-7949-0556]
    Clemson University, Holcombe Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, SC, USA
  • [0000-0003-1502-2328]
    Aberystwyth University, Computer Science Department, UK

Likely matches

  • [0000-0002-5098-2853]
    Northeastern University, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering / College of Computer and Information Science, Boston, MA, USA
  • [0000-0003-0623-1590]
    aka: F. Y. Young, Fung Yu Young, Evan F. Y. Young
    Chinese University of Hong Kong

All 763 matches