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export results for "Luca Benedetto"
@article{DBLP:journals/cm/KousiasRCAABNNB24, author = {Konstantinos Kousias and Mohammad Rajiullah and Giuseppe Caso and Usman Ali and Ozgu Alay and Anna Brunstr{\"{o}}m and Luca De Nardis and Marco Neri and Maria{-}Gabriella Di Benedetto}, title = {A Large-Scale Dataset of 4G, NB-IoT, and 5G Non-Standalone Network Measurements}, journal = {{IEEE} Commun. Mag.}, volume = {62}, number = {5}, pages = {44--49}, year = {2024} }
@article{DBLP:journals/cn/KousiasRCABANNB24, author = {Konstantinos Kousias and Mohammad Rajiullah and Giuseppe Caso and Ozgu Alay and Anna Brunstr{\"{o}}m and Usman Ali and Luca De Nardis and Marco Neri and Maria{-}Gabriella Di Benedetto}, title = {Empirical performance analysis and ML-based modeling of 5G non-standalone networks}, journal = {Comput. Networks}, volume = {241}, pages = {110207}, year = {2024} }
@article{DBLP:journals/eait/BenedettoQCCF24, author = {Irene Benedetto and Moreno La Quatra and Luca Cagliero and Lorenzo Canale and Laura Farinetti}, title = {Abstractive video lecture summarization: applications and future prospects}, journal = {Educ. Inf. Technol.}, volume = {29}, number = {3}, pages = {2951--2971}, year = {2024} }
@article{DBLP:journals/eswa/BenedettoQCVT24, author = {Irene Benedetto and Moreno La Quatra and Luca Cagliero and Luca Vassio and Martino Trevisan}, title = {{TASP:} Topic-based abstractive summarization of Facebook text posts}, journal = {Expert Syst. Appl.}, volume = {255}, pages = {124567}, year = {2024} }
@inproceedings{DBLP:conf/aied/BenedettoTCGDLZ24, author = {Luca Benedetto and Shiva Taslimipoor and Andrew Caines and Diana Galv{\'{a}}n{-}Sosa and George Due{\~{n}}as and Anastassia Loukina and Torsten Zesch}, title = {Workshop on Automatic Evaluation of Learning and Assessment Content}, booktitle = {{AIED} Companion {(2)}}, series = {Communications in Computer and Information Science}, volume = {2151}, pages = {473--477}, publisher = {Springer}, year = {2024} }
@inproceedings{DBLP:conf/aied/GherardiBMB24, author = {Enrico Gherardi and Luca Benedetto and Maristella Matera and Paula Buttery}, title = {Using Knowledge Graphs to Improve Question Difficulty Estimation from Text}, booktitle = {{AIED} {(2)}}, series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science}, volume = {14830}, pages = {293--301}, publisher = {Springer}, year = {2024} }
@inproceedings{DBLP:conf/coling/TaslimipoorBFB24, author = {Shiva Taslimipoor and Luca Benedetto and Mariano Felice and Paula Buttery}, title = {Distractor Generation Using Generative and Discriminative Capabilities of Transformer-based Models}, booktitle = {{LREC/COLING}}, pages = {5052--5063}, publisher = {{ELRA} and {ICCL}}, year = {2024} }
@inproceedings{DBLP:conf/edbt/BenedettoCT24, author = {Irene Benedetto and Luca Cagliero and Francesco Tarasconi}, title = {Extreme Classification of European Union Law Documents Driven by Entity Embeddings}, booktitle = {{EDBT/ICDT} Workshops}, series = {{CEUR} Workshop Proceedings}, volume = {3651}, publisher = {}, year = {2024} }
@inproceedings{DBLP:conf/emnlp/BenedettoADLCB24, author = {Luca Benedetto and Giovanni Aradelli and Antonia Donvito and Alberto Lucchetti and Andrea Cappelli and Paula Buttery}, title = {Using LLMs to simulate students' responses to exam questions}, booktitle = {{EMNLP} (Findings)}, pages = {11351--11368}, publisher = {Association for Computational Linguistics}, year = {2024} }
@inproceedings{DBLP:conf/emnlp/CambrinGBCG24, author = {Daniele Rege Cambrin and Giuseppe Gallipoli and Irene Benedetto and Luca Cagliero and Paolo Garza}, title = {Beyond Accuracy Optimization: Computer Vision Losses for Large Language Model Fine-Tuning}, booktitle = {{EMNLP} (Findings)}, pages = {12060--12079}, publisher = {Association for Computational Linguistics}, year = {2024} }
@inproceedings{DBLP:conf/icl-gnss/SavelliNCFBANB24, author = {Marco Savelli and Luca De Nardis and Giuseppe Caso and Federico Ferretti and Anna Brunstr{\"{o}}m and {\"{O}}zg{\"{u}} Alay and Marco Neri and Maria{-}Gabriella Di Benedetto}, title = {Range-Free Positioning in NB-IoT Networks by Machine Learning}, booktitle = {{ICL-GNSS}}, pages = {1--7}, publisher = {{IEEE}}, year = {2024} }
@inproceedings{DBLP:conf/semeval/BenedettoKVPCT24, author = {Irene Benedetto and Alkis Koudounas and Lorenzo Vaiani and Eliana Pastor and Luca Cagliero and Francesco Tarasconi}, title = {{MAINDZ} at SemEval-2024 Task 5: {CLUEDO} - Choosing Legal oUtcome by Explaining Decision through Oversight}, booktitle = {SemEval@NAACL}, pages = {997--1005}, publisher = {Association for Computational Linguistics}, year = {2024} }
@proceedings{DBLP:conf/evallac/2024, editor = {Luca Benedetto and Andrew Caines and George Due{\~{n}}as and Diana Galv{\'{a}}n{-}Sosa and Anastassia Loukina and Shiva Taslimipoor and Torsten Zesch}, title = {Proceedings of the First Workshop on Automated Evaluation of Learning and Assessment Content co-located with the 25th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education {(AIED} 2024), Recife, Brazil, July 08, 2024}, series = {{CEUR} Workshop Proceedings}, volume = {3772}, publisher = {}, year = {2024} }
@article{DBLP:journals/corr/abs-2409-13641, author = {Daniele Rege Cambrin and Giuseppe Gallipoli and Irene Benedetto and Luca Cagliero and Paolo Garza}, title = {Beyond Accuracy Optimization: Computer Vision Losses for Large Language Model Fine-Tuning}, journal = {CoRR}, volume = {abs/2409.13641}, year = {2024} }
@article{DBLP:journals/corr/abs-2410-02610, author = {Giampaolo Cuozzo and Enrico Testi and Salvatore Riolo and Luciano Miuccio and Gianluca Cena and Gianni Pasolini and Luca De Nardis and Daniela Panno and Marco Chiani and Maria{-}Gabriella Di Benedetto and Enrico Buracchini and Roberto Verdone}, title = {Research Directions and Modeling Guidelines for Industrial Internet of Things Applications}, journal = {CoRR}, volume = {abs/2410.02610}, year = {2024} }
@article{DBLP:journals/csur/BenedettoCCBCGT23, author = {Luca Benedetto and Paolo Cremonesi and Andrew Caines and Paula Buttery and Andrea Cappelli and Andrea Giussani and Roberto Turrin}, title = {A Survey on Recent Approaches to Question Difficulty Estimation from Text}, journal = {{ACM} Comput. Surv.}, volume = {55}, number = {9}, pages = {178:1--178:37}, year = {2023} }
@article{DBLP:journals/jocs/SguraMNQB23, author = {Ivonne Sgura and Luca Mainetti and Francesco Negro and Maria Grazia Quarta and Benedetto Bozzini}, title = {Deep-learning based parameter identification enables rationalization of battery material evolution in complex electrochemical systems}, journal = {J. Comput. Sci.}, volume = {66}, pages = {101900}, year = {2023} }
@article{DBLP:journals/remotesensing/GagliardiTCBDAB23, author = {Valerio Gagliardi and Fabio Tosti and Luca Bianchini Ciampoli and Maria Libera Battagliere and Luigi D'Amato and Amir M. Alani and Andrea Benedetto}, title = {Satellite Remote Sensing and Non-Destructive Testing Methods for Transport Infrastructure Monitoring: Advances, Challenges and Perspectives}, journal = {Remote. Sens.}, volume = {15}, number = {2}, pages = {418}, year = {2023} }
@article{DBLP:journals/sensors/NardisCANBB23, author = {Luca De Nardis and Giuseppe Caso and {\"{O}}zg{\"{u}} Alay and Marco Neri and Anna Brunstr{\"{o}}m and Maria{-}Gabriella Di Benedetto}, title = {Positioning by Multicell Fingerprinting in Urban NB-IoT Networks}, journal = {Sensors}, volume = {23}, number = {9}, pages = {4266}, year = {2023} }
@article{DBLP:journals/softx/NardisBCS23, author = {Luca De Nardis and Maria{-}Gabriella Di Benedetto and Jeung{-}Yoon Choi and Stefanie Shattuck{-}Hufnagel}, title = {xkl: {A} legacy software for detailed acoustic analysis of speech made modern}, journal = {SoftwareX}, volume = {23}, pages = {101492}, year = {2023} }
@article{DBLP:journals/vr/GiardulliBSMFLJT23, author = {Benedetto Giardulli and Simone Battista and Lucia Grazia Sansone and Mattia Manoni and Luca Francini and Gaia Leuzzi and Mirko Job and Marco Testa}, title = {Real and perceived feet orientation under fatiguing and non-fatiguing conditions in an immersive virtual reality environment}, journal = {Virtual Real.}, volume = {27}, number = {3}, pages = {2371--2381}, year = {2023} }
@inproceedings{DBLP:conf/aied/Benedetto23, author = {Luca Benedetto}, title = {A Quantitative Study of {NLP} Approaches to Question Difficulty Estimation}, booktitle = {{AIED} (Posters/Late Breaking Results/...)}, series = {Communications in Computer and Information Science}, volume = {1831}, pages = {428--434}, publisher = {Springer}, year = {2023} }
@inproceedings{DBLP:conf/aied/CainesBTDGA0EM023, author = {Andrew Caines and Luca Benedetto and Shiva Taslimipoor and Christopher Davis and Yuan Gao and {\O}istein E. Andersen and Zheng Yuan and Mark Elliott and Russell Moore and Christopher Bryant and Marek Rei and Helen Yannakoudakis and Andrew Mullooly and Diane Nicholls and Paula Buttery}, title = {On the Application of Large Language Models for Language Teaching and Assessment Technology}, booktitle = {LLM@AIED}, series = {{CEUR} Workshop Proceedings}, volume = {3487}, pages = {173--197}, publisher = {}, year = {2023} }
@inproceedings{DBLP:conf/evalita/KoudounasGBMCAB23, author = {Alkis Koudounas and Flavio Giobergia and Irene Benedetto and Simone Monaco and Luca Cagliero and Daniele Apiletti and Elena Baralis}, title = {ba{\unicode{55052}}tti at GeoLingIt: Beyond Boundaries, Enhancing Geolocation Prediction and Dialect Classification on Social Media in Italy}, booktitle = {{EVALITA}}, series = {{CEUR} Workshop Proceedings}, volume = {3473}, publisher = {}, year = {2023} }
@inproceedings{DBLP:conf/igarss/LatiniCSFGCDBFBLF23, author = {Daniele Latini and Chiara Clementini and Davide De Santis and Fabio Del Frate and Valerio Gagliardi and Luca Bianchini Campoli and Fabrizio D'Amico and Andrea Benedetto and Margherita Fiani and Alessandro Di Benedetto and Pietro Leandri and Nicholas Fiorentini}, title = {A Concurrent Approach for Infrastructure Monitoring and Risks Prevention Using Space, Aerial and Ground Measurements}, booktitle = {{IGARSS}}, pages = {6334--6337}, publisher = {{IEEE}}, year = {2023} }
@inproceedings{DBLP:conf/ital-ia/CarraraC0FG023, author = {Fabio Carrara and Luca Ciampi and Marco Di Benedetto and Fabrizio Falchi and Claudio Gennaro and Giuseppe Amato}, title = {{AIMH} Lab 2022 Activities for Healthcare}, booktitle = {Ital-IA}, series = {{CEUR} Workshop Proceedings}, volume = {3486}, pages = {128--133}, publisher = {}, year = {2023} }
@inproceedings{DBLP:conf/ital-ia/Ciampi0BC0FGMVV23, author = {Luca Ciampi and Giuseppe Amato and Paolo Bolettieri and Fabio Carrara and Marco Di Benedetto and Fabrizio Falchi and Claudio Gennaro and Nicola Messina and Lucia Vadicamo and Claudio Vairo}, title = {{AIMH} Lab 2022 Activities for Vision}, booktitle = {Ital-IA}, series = {{CEUR} Workshop Proceedings}, volume = {3486}, pages = {538--543}, publisher = {}, year = {2023} }
@inproceedings{DBLP:conf/jurix/BenedettoCTGB23, author = {Irene Benedetto and Luca Cagliero and Francesco Tarasconi and Giuseppe Giacalone and Claudia Bernini}, title = {Benchmarking Abstractive Models for Italian Legal News Summarization}, booktitle = {{JURIX}}, series = {Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications}, volume = {379}, pages = {311--316}, publisher = {{IOS} Press}, year = {2023} }
@inproceedings{DBLP:conf/kes/BenedettoSBTCG23, author = {Irene Benedetto and Gianpiero Sportelli and Sara Bertoldo and Francesco Tarasconi and Luca Cagliero and Giuseppe Giacalone}, title = {On the use of Pretrained Language Models for Legal Italian Document Classification}, booktitle = {{KES}}, series = {Procedia Computer Science}, volume = {225}, pages = {2244--2253}, publisher = {Elsevier}, year = {2023} }
@inproceedings{DBLP:conf/semeval/BenedettoKVPBCT23, author = {Irene Benedetto and Alkis Koudounas and Lorenzo Vaiani and Eliana Pastor and Elena Baralis and Luca Cagliero and Francesco Tarasconi}, title = {PoliToHFI at SemEval-2023 Task 6: Leveraging Entity-Aware and Hierarchical Transformers For Legal Entity Recognition and Court Judgment Prediction}, booktitle = {SemEval@ACL}, pages = {1401--1411}, publisher = {Association for Computational Linguistics}, year = {2023} }
@inproceedings{DBLP:conf/tma/CasoRKANBANB23, author = {Giuseppe Caso and Mohammad Rajiullah and Konstantinos Kousias and Usman Ali and Luca De Nardis and Anna Brunstr{\"{o}}m and Ozgu Alay and Marco Neri and Maria{-}Gabriella Di Benedetto}, title = {An Initial Look into the Performance Evolution of 5G Non-Standalone Networks}, booktitle = {{TMA}}, pages = {1--4}, publisher = {{IEEE}}, year = {2023} }
@inproceedings{DBLP:conf/wassa/BenedettoQCVT23, author = {Irene Benedetto and Moreno La Quatra and Luca Cagliero and Luca Vassio and Martino Trevisan}, title = {Transformer-based Prediction of Emotional Reactions to Online Social Network Posts}, booktitle = {WASSA@ACL}, pages = {354--364}, publisher = {Association for Computational Linguistics}, year = {2023} }
@misc{DBLP:data/10/NardisCANBB23, author = {Luca De Nardis and Giuseppe Caso and {\"{O}}zg{\"{u}} Alay and Marco Neri and Anna Brunstr{\"{o}}m and Maria{-}Gabriella Di Benedetto}, title = {Outdoor NB-IoT coverage and channel information data in urban environments (Version 1)}, publisher = {Zenodo}, year = {2023}, month = feb, howpublished = {\url{}}, note = {Accessed on YYYY-MM-DD.} }
@misc{DBLP:data/10/NardisCANBB23a, author = {Luca De Nardis and Giuseppe Caso and {\"{O}}zg{\"{u}} Alay and Marco Neri and Anna Brunstr{\"{o}}m and Maria{-}Gabriella Di Benedetto}, title = {Outdoor NB-IoT and 5G coverage and channel information data in urban environments (Version 2)}, publisher = {Zenodo}, year = {2023}, month = jul, howpublished = {\url{}}, note = {Accessed on YYYY-MM-DD.} }
@article{DBLP:journals/corr/abs-2305-10236, author = {Luca Benedetto}, title = {A quantitative study of {NLP} approaches to question difficulty estimation}, journal = {CoRR}, volume = {abs/2305.10236}, year = {2023} }
@article{DBLP:journals/corr/abs-2307-08393, author = {Andrew Caines and Luca Benedetto and Shiva Taslimipoor and Christopher Davis and Yuan Gao and Oeistein Andersen and Zheng Yuan and Mark Elliott and Russell Moore and Christopher Bryant and Marek Rei and Helen Yannakoudakis and Andrew Mullooly and Diane Nicholls and Paula Buttery}, title = {On the application of Large Language Models for language teaching and assessment technology}, journal = {CoRR}, volume = {abs/2307.08393}, year = {2023} }
@phdthesis{DBLP:phd/it/Benedetto22, author = {Luca Benedetto}, title = {An assessment of recent techniques for question difficulty estimation from text}, school = {Polytechnic University of Milan, Italy}, year = {2022} }
@article{DBLP:journals/access/NardisB22, author = {Luca De Nardis and Maria{-}Gabriella Di Benedetto}, title = {Mo\({}^{\mbox{3}}\): {A} Modular Mobility Model for Future Generation Mobile Wireless Networks}, journal = {{IEEE} Access}, volume = {10}, pages = {34085--34115}, year = {2022} }
@article{DBLP:journals/data/AliCNKRANBB22, author = {Usman Ali and Giuseppe Caso and Luca De Nardis and Konstantinos Kousias and Mohammad Rajiullah and {\"{O}}zg{\"{u}} Alay and Marco Neri and Anna Brunstr{\"{o}}m and Maria{-}Gabriella Di Benedetto}, title = {Large-Scale Dataset for the Analysis of Outdoor-to-Indoor Propagation for 5G Mid-Band Operational Networks}, journal = {Data}, volume = {7}, number = {3}, pages = {34}, year = {2022} }
@article{DBLP:journals/eswa/BenedettoCCFGA22, author = {Marco Di Benedetto and Fabio Carrara and Luca Ciampi and Fabrizio Falchi and Claudio Gennaro and Giuseppe Amato}, title = {An embedded toolset for human activity monitoring in critical environments}, journal = {Expert Syst. Appl.}, volume = {199}, pages = {117125}, year = {2022} }
@article{DBLP:journals/fi/AliCNKRANBB22, author = {Usman Ali and Giuseppe Caso and Luca De Nardis and Konstantinos Kousias and Mohammad Rajiullah and {\"{O}}zg{\"{u}} Alay and Marco Neri and Anna Brunstr{\"{o}}m and Maria{-}Gabriella Di Benedetto}, title = {Data-Driven Analysis of Outdoor-to-Indoor Propagation for 5G Mid-Band Operational Networks}, journal = {Future Internet}, volume = {14}, number = {8}, pages = {239}, year = {2022} }
@inproceedings{DBLP:conf/adbis/BenedettoCT22, author = {Irene Benedetto and Luca Cagliero and Francesco Tarasconi}, title = {Automatic Inference of Taxonomy Relationships Among Legal Documents}, booktitle = {{ADBIS} (Short Papers)}, series = {Communications in Computer and Information Science}, volume = {1652}, pages = {24--33}, publisher = {Springer}, year = {2022} }
@inproceedings{DBLP:conf/compsac/BenedettoCFCQ22, author = {Irene Benedetto and Lorenzo Canale and Laura Farinetti and Luca Cagliero and Moreno La Quatra}, title = {Leveraging summarization techniques in educational technology systems}, booktitle = {{COMPSAC}}, pages = {415--416}, publisher = {{IEEE}}, year = {2022} }
@inproceedings{DBLP:conf/iciap/PaolantiPSBCCFF21, author = {Marina Paolanti and Rocco Pietrini and Laura Della Sciucca and Emanuele Balloni and Benedetto Luigi Compagnoni and Antonella Cesarini and Luca Fois and Pierluigi Feliciati and Emanuele Frontoni}, title = {PergaNet: {A} Deep Learning Framework for Automatic Appearance-Based Analysis of Ancient Parchment Collections}, booktitle = {{ICIAP} Workshops}, series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science}, volume = {13374}, pages = {290--301}, publisher = {Springer}, year = {2022} }
@inproceedings{DBLP:conf/icl-gnss/NardisCAANBB22, author = {Luca De Nardis and Giuseppe Caso and {\"{O}}zg{\"{u}} Alay and Usman Ali and Marco Neri and Anna Brunstr{\"{o}}m and Maria{-}Gabriella Di Benedetto}, title = {Positioning by fingerprinting with multiple cells in NB-IoT networks}, booktitle = {{ICL-GNSS}}, pages = {1--7}, publisher = {{IEEE}}, year = {2022} }
@inproceedings{DBLP:conf/igarss/GagliardiTCBTDT22, author = {Valerio Gagliardi and Fabio Tosti and Luca Bianchini Ciampoli and Maria Libera Battagliere and Deodato Tapete and Fabrizio D'Amico and Sue Threader and Amir M. Alani and Andrea Benedetto}, title = {Spaceborne Remote Sensing for Transport Infrastructure Monitoring: {A} Case Study of the Rochester Bridge, {UK}}, booktitle = {{IGARSS}}, pages = {4762--4765}, publisher = {{IEEE}}, year = {2022} }
@inproceedings{DBLP:conf/mobicom/KousiasRCABNN0B22, author = {Konstantinos Kousias and Mohammad Rajiullah and Giuseppe Caso and {\"{O}}zg{\"{u}} Alay and Anna Brunstr{\"{o}}m and Luca De Nardis and Marco Neri and Usman Ali and Maria{-}Gabriella Di Benedetto}, title = {Coverage and performance analysis of 5G non-standalone deployments}, booktitle = {WiNTECH}, pages = {61--68}, publisher = {{ACM}}, year = {2022} }
@inproceedings{DBLP:conf/sigcomm/KousiasRCABNN0B22, author = {Konstantinos Kousias and Mohammad Rajiullah and Giuseppe Caso and {\"{O}}zg{\"{u}} Alay and Anna Brunstr{\"{o}}m and Luca De Nardis and Marco Neri and Usman Ali and Maria{-}Gabriella Di Benedetto}, title = {Implications of handover events in commercial 5G non-standalone deployments in Rome}, booktitle = {5G-MeMZ@SIGCOMM}, pages = {22--27}, publisher = {{ACM}}, year = {2022} }
@misc{DBLP:data/10/AliCNKRANBB22, author = {Usman Ali and Giuseppe Caso and Luca De Nardis and Konstantinos Kousias and Mohammad Rajiullah and {\"{O}}zg{\"{u}} Alay and Marco Neri and Anna Brunstr{\"{o}}m and Maria{-}Gabriella Di Benedetto}, title = {Large-scale dataset for the analysis of outdoor-to-indoor propagation for 5G mid-band operational networks (Version 1)}, publisher = {Zenodo}, year = {2022}, month = feb, howpublished = {\url{}}, note = {Accessed on YYYY-MM-DD.} }
@misc{DBLP:data/10/AliCNKRANBB22a, author = {Usman Ali and Giuseppe Caso and Luca De Nardis and Konstantinos Kousias and Mohammad Rajiullah and {\"{O}}zg{\"{u}} Alay and Marco Neri and Anna Brunstr{\"{o}}m and Maria{-}Gabriella Di Benedetto}, title = {Large-scale dataset for the analysis of outdoor-to-indoor propagation for 5G mid-band operational networks (Version 2)}, publisher = {Zenodo}, year = {2022}, month = feb, howpublished = {\url{}}, note = {Accessed on YYYY-MM-DD.} }
@misc{DBLP:data/10/AliCNKRANBB22b, author = {Usman Ali and Giuseppe Caso and Luca De Nardis and Konstantinos Kousias and Mohammad Rajiullah and {\"{O}}zg{\"{u}} Alay and Marco Neri and Anna Brunstr{\"{o}}m and Maria{-}Gabriella Di Benedetto}, title = {Large-scale dataset for the analysis of outdoor-to-indoor propagation for 5G mid-band operational networks (Version 3)}, publisher = {Zenodo}, year = {2022}, month = feb, howpublished = {\url{}}, note = {Accessed on YYYY-MM-DD.} }
@misc{DBLP:data/10/KousiasRCAABNNB22, author = {Konstantinos Kousias and Mohammad Rajiullah and Giuseppe Caso and Usman Ali and Ozgu Alay and Anna Brunstr{\"{o}}m and Luca De Nardis and Marco Neri and Maria{-}Gabriella Di Benedetto}, title = {A Large-Scale Dataset of 4G, NB-IoT, and 5G Non-Standalone Network Measurements}, publisher = {{IEEE} DataPort}, year = {2022}, month = nov, howpublished = {\url{}}, note = {Accessed on YYYY-MM-DD.} }
@article{DBLP:journals/access/CasoAFNBB21, author = {Giuseppe Caso and {\"{O}}zg{\"{u}} Alay and Guido Carlo Ferrante and Luca De Nardis and Maria{-}Gabriella Di Benedetto and Anna Brunstr{\"{o}}m}, title = {User-Centric Radio Access Technology Selection: {A} Survey of Game Theory Models and Multi-Agent Learning Algorithms}, journal = {{IEEE} Access}, volume = {9}, pages = {84417--84464}, year = {2021} }
@article{DBLP:journals/bib/DotoloMRABCLNFT21, author = {Serena Dotolo and Anna Marabotti and Anna Maria Rachiglio and Riziero Esposito Abate and Marco Benedetto and Fortunato Ciardiello and Antonella De Luca and Nicola Normanno and Angelo M. Facchiano and Roberto Tagliaferri}, title = {A multiple network-based bioinformatics pipeline for the study of molecular mechanisms in oncological diseases for personalized medicine}, journal = {Briefings Bioinform.}, volume = {22}, number = {6}, year = {2021} }
@article{DBLP:journals/icl/BenedettoGP21, author = {Francesco Benedetto and Gaetano Giunta and Luca Pallotta}, title = {Cognitive Satellite Communications Spectrum Sensing Based on Higher Order Moments}, journal = {{IEEE} Commun. Lett.}, volume = {25}, number = {2}, pages = {574--578}, year = {2021} }
@article{DBLP:journals/ieeenl/BenedettoGP21, author = {Francesco Benedetto and Gaetano Giunta and Luca Pallotta}, title = {Unauthorized Access Detection in Underlay Cognitive Satellite Networks}, journal = {{IEEE} Netw. Lett.}, volume = {3}, number = {4}, pages = {181--185}, year = {2021} }
@article{DBLP:journals/iotj/CasoANBNB21, author = {Giuseppe Caso and {\"{O}}zg{\"{u}} Alay and Luca De Nardis and Anna Brunstr{\"{o}}m and Marco Neri and Maria{-}Gabriella Di Benedetto}, title = {Empirical Models for NB-IoT Path Loss in an Urban Scenario}, journal = {{IEEE} Internet Things J.}, volume = {8}, number = {17}, pages = {13774--13788}, year = {2021} }
@article{DBLP:journals/sensors/GagliardiCTDABT21, author = {Valerio Gagliardi and Luca Bianchini Ciampoli and Sebastiano Trevisani and Fabrizio D'Amico and Amir M. Alani and Andrea Benedetto and Fabio Tosti}, title = {Testing Sentinel-1 {SAR} Interferometry Data for Airport Runway Monitoring: {A} Geostatistical Analysis}, journal = {Sensors}, volume = {21}, number = {17}, pages = {5769}, year = {2021} }
@article{DBLP:journals/speech/BenedettoN21, author = {Maria{-}Gabriella Di Benedetto and Luca De Nardis}, title = {Consonant gemination in Italian: The nasal and liquid case}, journal = {Speech Commun.}, volume = {133}, pages = {62--80}, year = {2021} }
@article{DBLP:journals/speech/BenedettoN21a, author = {Maria{-}Gabriella Di Benedetto and Luca De Nardis}, title = {Consonant gemination in Italian: The affricate and fricative case}, journal = {Speech Commun.}, volume = {134}, pages = {86--108}, year = {2021} }
@article{DBLP:journals/tvt/LeSBB21, author = {Mai T. P. Le and Luca Sanguinetti and Emil Bj{\"{o}}rnson and Maria{-}Gabriella Di Benedetto}, title = {Code-Domain {NOMA} in Massive {MIMO:} When Is It Needed?}, journal = {{IEEE} Trans. Veh. Technol.}, volume = {70}, number = {5}, pages = {4709--4723}, year = {2021} }
@inproceedings{DBLP:conf/bea/BenedettoACCGT21, author = {Luca Benedetto and Giovanni Aradelli and Paolo Cremonesi and Andrea Cappelli and Andrea Giussani and Roberto Turrin}, title = {On the application of Transformers for estimating the difficulty of Multiple-Choice Questions from text}, booktitle = {BEA@EACL}, pages = {147--157}, publisher = {Association for Computational Linguistics}, year = {2021} }
@inproceedings{DBLP:conf/igarss/GagliardiCDATBB21, author = {Valerio Gagliardi and Luca Bianchini Ciampoli and Fabrizio D'Amico and Amir M. Alani and Fabio Tosti and Maria Libera Battagliere and Andrea Benedetto}, title = {Novel Perspectives in the Monitoring of Transport Infrastructures by Sentinel-1 and Cosmo-Skymed Multi-Temporal {SAR} Interferometry}, booktitle = {{IGARSS}}, pages = {1891--1894}, publisher = {{IEEE}}, year = {2021} }
@inproceedings{DBLP:conf/ranlp/LoginovaBBC21, author = {Ekaterina Loginova and Luca Benedetto and Dries F. Benoit and Paolo Cremonesi}, title = {Towards the Application of Calibrated Transformers to the Unsupervised Estimation of Question Difficulty from Text}, booktitle = {{RANLP}}, pages = {846--855}, publisher = {{INCOMA} Ltd.}, year = {2021} }
@misc{DBLP:data/10/MazziottiCVLLBGGAP21, author = {Raffaele Mazziotti and Fabio Carrara and Aurelia Viglione and Leonardo Lupori and Lo Verde Luca and Alessandro Benedetto and Ricci Giulia and Sagona Giulia and Giuseppe Amato and Tommaso Pizzorusso}, title = {Human and Mouse Eyes for Pupil Semantic Segmentation (Version 1.0)}, publisher = {Zenodo}, year = {2021}, month = feb, howpublished = {\url{}}, note = {Accessed on YYYY-MM-DD.} }
@article{DBLP:journals/corr/abs-2101-06147, author = {Javi Arango and Alec DeCaprio and Sunwoo Baik and Luca De Nardis and Stefanie Shattuck{-}Hufnagel and Maria{-}Gabriella Di Benedetto}, title = {Estimation of the Frequency of Occurrence of Italian Phonemes in Text}, journal = {CoRR}, volume = {abs/2101.06147}, year = {2021} }
@article{DBLP:journals/corr/abs-2102-03166, author = {Maria{-}Gabriella Di Benedetto and Stefanie Shattuck{-}Hufnagel and Luca De Nardis and Sara Budoni and Javier Arango and Ian Chan and Alec DeCaprio}, title = {Lexical and syntactic gemination in Italian consonants - Does a geminate Italian consonant consist of a repeated or a strengthened consonant?}, journal = {CoRR}, volume = {abs/2102.03166}, year = {2021} }
@article{DBLP:journals/corr/abs-2106-14481, author = {Luca Benedetto and Paolo Fantozzi and Luigi Laura}, title = {Complexity-based partitioning of {CSFI} problem instances with Transformers}, journal = {CoRR}, volume = {abs/2106.14481}, year = {2021} }
@article{DBLP:journals/corr/abs-2107-02720, author = {Maria{-}Gabriella Di Benedetto and Stefanie Shattuck{-}Hufnagel and Jeung{-}Yoon Choi and Luca De Nardis and Javier Arango and Ian Chan and Alec DeCaprio}, title = {Lexical Access Model for Italian - Modeling human speech processing: identification of words in running speech toward lexical access based on the detection of landmarks and other acoustic cues to features}, journal = {CoRR}, volume = {abs/2107.02720}, year = {2021} }
@article{DBLP:journals/cm/KousiasCABNBN20, author = {Konstantinos Kousias and Giuseppe Caso and Ozgu Alay and Anna Brunstr{\"{o}}m and Luca De Nardis and Maria{-}Gabriella Di Benedetto and Marco Neri}, title = {Coverage and Deployment Analysis of Narrowband Internet of Things in the Wild}, journal = {{IEEE} Commun. Mag.}, volume = {58}, number = {9}, pages = {39--45}, year = {2020} }
@article{DBLP:journals/tmc/CasoNLHWB20, author = {Giuseppe Caso and Luca De Nardis and Filip Lemic and Vlado Handziski and Adam Wolisz and Maria{-}Gabriella Di Benedetto}, title = {ViFi: Virtual Fingerprinting WiFi-Based Indoor Positioning via Multi-Wall Multi-Floor Propagation Model}, journal = {{IEEE} Trans. Mob. Comput.}, volume = {19}, number = {6}, pages = {1478--1491}, year = {2020} }
@inproceedings{DBLP:conf/aied/BenedettoCTC20, author = {Luca Benedetto and Andrea Cappelli and Roberto Turrin and Paolo Cremonesi}, title = {Introducing a Framework to Assess Newly Created Questions with Natural Language Processing}, booktitle = {{AIED} {(1)}}, series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science}, volume = {12163}, pages = {43--54}, publisher = {Springer}, year = {2020} }
@inproceedings{DBLP:conf/bibm/BenedettoGLP20, author = {Francesco Benedetto and Gaetano Giunta and Chiara Losquadro and Luca Pallotta}, title = {Covid-19 Signal Analysis: Effect of Lockdown and Unlockdowns on Normalized Entropy in Italy}, booktitle = {{BIBM}}, pages = {2250--2256}, publisher = {{IEEE}}, year = {2020} }
@inproceedings{DBLP:conf/lak/BenedettoCTC20, author = {Luca Benedetto and Andrea Cappelli and Roberto Turrin and Paolo Cremonesi}, title = {{R2DE:} a {NLP} approach to estimating {IRT} parameters of newly generated questions}, booktitle = {{LAK}}, pages = {412--421}, publisher = {{ACM}}, year = {2020} }
@article{DBLP:journals/corr/abs-2001-07569, author = {Luca Benedetto and Andrea Cappelli and Roberto Turrin and Paolo Cremonesi}, title = {{R2DE:} a {NLP} approach to estimating {IRT} parameters of newly generated questions}, journal = {CoRR}, volume = {abs/2001.07569}, year = {2020} }
@article{DBLP:journals/corr/abs-2003-01281, author = {Mai T. P. Le and Luca Sanguinetti and Emil Bj{\"{o}}rnson and Maria{-}Gabriella Di Benedetto}, title = {Code-domain {NOMA} in Massive {MIMO:} When is it Needed?}, journal = {CoRR}, volume = {abs/2003.01281}, year = {2020} }
@article{DBLP:journals/corr/abs-2004-13530, author = {Luca Benedetto and Andrea Cappelli and Roberto Turrin and Paolo Cremonesi}, title = {Introducing a framework to assess newly created questions with Natural Language Processing}, journal = {CoRR}, volume = {abs/2004.13530}, year = {2020} }
@article{DBLP:journals/corr/abs-2005-02341, author = {Konstantinos Kousias and Giuseppe Caso and {\"{O}}zg{\"{u}} Alay and Anna Brunstr{\"{o}}m and Luca De Nardis and Maria{-}Gabriella Di Benedetto and Marco Neri}, title = {Coverage and Deployment Analysis of Narrowband Internet of Things in the Wild}, journal = {CoRR}, volume = {abs/2005.02341}, year = {2020} }
@article{DBLP:journals/corr/abs-2005-06959, author = {Maria{-}Gabriella Di Benedetto and Luca De Nardis}, title = {Consonant gemination in Italian: the affricate and fricative case}, journal = {CoRR}, volume = {abs/2005.06959}, year = {2020} }
@article{DBLP:journals/corr/abs-2005-06960, author = {Maria{-}Gabriella Di Benedetto and Luca De Nardis}, title = {Consonant gemination in Italian: the nasal and liquid case}, journal = {CoRR}, volume = {abs/2005.06960}, year = {2020} }
@inproceedings{DBLP:conf/iccsa/ManganelliPT19, author = {Benedetto Manganelli and Mauro De Luca Picione and Sabina Tataranna}, title = {Automatic Estimate of Depreciated Reproduction Cost for Optimizing the Real Estate Management Through {BIM}}, booktitle = {{ICCSA} {(4)}}, series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science}, volume = {11622}, pages = {123--131}, publisher = {Springer}, year = {2019} }
@inproceedings{DBLP:conf/ict/LidonCNMZB19, author = {Pol Serra i Lid{\'{o}}n and Giuseppe Caso and Luca De Nardis and Alireza Mohammadpour and Eljona Zanaj and Maria{-}Gabriella Di Benedetto}, title = {Two-tier Architecture for NB-IoT: Improving Coverage and Load Balancing}, booktitle = {{ICT}}, pages = {510--515}, publisher = {{IEEE}}, year = {2019} }
@inproceedings{DBLP:conf/interact/BenedettoC19, author = {Luca Benedetto and Paolo Cremonesi}, title = {Rexy, {A} Configurable Application for Building Virtual Teaching Assistants}, booktitle = {{INTERACT} {(2)}}, series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science}, volume = {11747}, pages = {233--241}, publisher = {Springer}, year = {2019} }
@inproceedings{DBLP:conf/pimrc/LeSBB19, author = {Mai T. P. Le and Luca Sanguinetti and Emil Bj{\"{o}}rnson and Maria{-}Gabriella Di Benedetto}, title = {What is the Benefit of Code-domain {NOMA} in Massive MIMO?}, booktitle = {{PIMRC}}, pages = {1--5}, publisher = {{IEEE}}, year = {2019} }
@article{DBLP:journals/corr/abs-1902-09289, author = {Luca Benedetto and Paolo Cremonesi and Manuel Parenti}, title = {A Virtual Teaching Assistant for Personalized Learning}, journal = {CoRR}, volume = {abs/1902.09289}, year = {2019} }
@article{DBLP:journals/corr/abs-1907-02648, author = {Mai T. P. Le and Luca Sanguinetti and Emil Bj{\"{o}}rnson and Maria{-}Gabriella Di Benedetto}, title = {What is the Benefit of Code-domain {NOMA} in Massive MIMO?}, journal = {CoRR}, volume = {abs/1907.02648}, year = {2019} }
@article{DBLP:journals/algorithms/BoldriniNCLFB18, author = {Stefano Boldrini and Luca De Nardis and Giuseppe Caso and Mai T. P. Le and Jocelyn Fiorina and Maria{-}Gabriella Di Benedetto}, title = {muMAB: {A} Multi-Armed Bandit Model for Wireless Network Selection}, journal = {Algorithms}, volume = {11}, number = {2}, pages = {13}, year = {2018} }
@article{DBLP:journals/cacie/BenedettoCBAT18, author = {Andrea Benedetto and Luca Bianchini Ciampoli and Maria Giulia Brancadoro and Amir Morteza Alani and Fabio Tosti}, title = {A Computer-Aided Model for the Simulation of Railway Ballast by Random Sequential Adsorption Process}, journal = {Comput. Aided Civ. Infrastructure Eng.}, volume = {33}, number = {3}, pages = {243--257}, year = {2018} }
@article{DBLP:journals/iet-com/LeFCDB18, author = {Mai T. P. Le and Guido Carlo Ferrante and Giuseppe Caso and Luca De Nardis and Maria{-}Gabriella Di Benedetto}, title = {On information-theoretic limits of code-domain {NOMA} for 5G}, journal = {{IET} Commun.}, volume = {12}, number = {15}, pages = {1864--1871}, year = {2018} }
@article{DBLP:journals/wicomm/NardisFFB18, author = {Luca De Nardis and Jocelyn Fiorina and Guido Carlo Ferrante and Maria{-}Gabriella Di Benedetto}, title = {Robustness of Time Reversal versus All-Rake Transceivers in Multiple Access Channels}, journal = {Wirel. Commun. Mob. Comput.}, volume = {2018}, pages = {7548926:1--7548926:16}, year = {2018} }
@inproceedings{DBLP:conf/cikm/BenedettoCP18, author = {Luca Benedetto and Paolo Cremonesi and Manuel Parenti}, title = {A Virtual Teaching Assistant for Personalized Learning}, booktitle = {{CIKM} Workshops}, series = {{CEUR} Workshop Proceedings}, volume = {2482}, publisher = {}, year = {2018} }
@inproceedings{DBLP:conf/ict/LeCNMTB18, author = {Mai T. P. Le and Giuseppe Caso and Luca De Nardis and Alireza Mohammadpour and Gabriele Tucciarone and Maria{-}Gabriella Di Benedetto}, title = {Capacity bounds of Low-Dense {NOMA} over Rayleigh fading channels without {CSI}}, booktitle = {{ICT}}, pages = {428--432}, publisher = {{IEEE}}, year = {2018} }
@inproceedings{DBLP:conf/tsp/CiampoliATCAB18, author = {Luca Bianchini Ciampoli and Salih Serkan Artagan and Fabio Tosti and Alessandro Calvi and Amir Morteza Alani and Andrea Benedetto}, title = {A {GPR} Spectral-Based Processing Method for Minimisation of Concrete Sleepers Effects in Railway Ballast Investigations}, booktitle = {{TSP}}, pages = {1--5}, publisher = {{IEEE}}, year = {2018} }
@article{DBLP:journals/cn/BenedettoBF17, author = {Jacopo De Benedetto and Paolo Bellavista and Luca Foschini}, title = {Proximity discovery and data dissemination for mobile crowd sensing using {LTE} direct}, journal = {Comput. Networks}, volume = {129}, pages = {510--521}, year = {2017} }
@article{DBLP:journals/monet/CasoNLMFB17, author = {Giuseppe Caso and Luca De Nardis and Mai T. P. Le and Flavio Maschietti and Jocelyn Fiorina and Maria{-}Gabriella Di Benedetto}, title = {Performance Evaluation of Non-prefiltering vs. Time Reversal Prefiltering in Distributed and Uncoordinated {IR-UWB} Ad-Hoc Networks}, journal = {Mob. Networks Appl.}, volume = {22}, number = {5}, pages = {796--805}, year = {2017} }
@article{DBLP:journals/sigpro/BenedettoTCD17, author = {Andrea Benedetto and Fabio Tosti and Luca Bianchini Ciampoli and Fabrizio D'Amico}, title = {An overview of ground-penetrating radar signal processing techniques for road inspections}, journal = {Signal Process.}, volume = {132}, pages = {201--209}, year = {2017} }
@article{DBLP:journals/wc/CasoNB17, author = {Giuseppe Caso and Luca De Nardis and Maria{-}Gabriella Di Benedetto}, title = {Toward Context-Aware Dynamic Spectrum Management for 5G}, journal = {{IEEE} Wirel. Commun.}, volume = {24}, number = {5}, pages = {38--43}, year = {2017} }
@inproceedings{DBLP:conf/icc/BellavistaBRFM17, author = {Paolo Bellavista and Jacopo De Benedetto and Carlos Roberto De Rolt and Luca Foschini and Rebecca Montanari}, title = {{LTE} proximity discovery for supporting participatory mobile health communities}, booktitle = {{ICC}}, pages = {1--6}, publisher = {{IEEE}}, year = {2017} }
@article{DBLP:journals/corr/NardisB17, author = {Luca De Nardis and Maria{-}Gabriella Di Benedetto}, title = {MoMo: a group mobility model for future generation mobile wireless networks}, journal = {CoRR}, volume = {abs/1704.03065}, year = {2017} }
@article{DBLP:journals/arobots/AllottaCCCFMPR16, author = {Benedetto Allotta and Andrea Caiti and Riccardo Costanzi and Francesco Di Corato and Davide Fenucci and Niccol{\`{o}} Monni and Luca Pugi and Alessandro Ridolfi}, title = {Cooperative navigation of AUVs via acoustic communication networking: field experience with the Typhoon vehicles}, journal = {Auton. Robots}, volume = {40}, number = {7}, pages = {1229--1244}, year = {2016} }
@article{DBLP:journals/staeors/BenedettoTCD16, author = {Andrea Benedetto and Fabio Tosti and Luca Bianchini Ciampoli and Fabrizio D'Amico}, title = {{GPR} Applications Across Engineering and Geosciences Disciplines in Italy: {A} Review}, journal = {{IEEE} J. Sel. Top. Appl. Earth Obs. Remote. Sens.}, volume = {9}, number = {7}, pages = {2952--2965}, year = {2016} }
@inproceedings{DBLP:conf/iecon/AllottaGNP16, author = {Benedetto Allotta and Francesco Giorgetti and Matteo Nincheri and Luca Pugi}, title = {Modelling and control of a galvanometer for the application to a laser engraving system}, booktitle = {{IECON}}, pages = {595--600}, publisher = {{IEEE}}, year = {2016} }
@inproceedings{DBLP:conf/iecon/BenedettoLSCG16, author = {Marco Di Benedetto and Alessandro Lidozzi and Luca Solero and Fabio Crescimbini and Petar J. Grbovic}, title = {Five-level back to back E-Type converter for high speed gen-set applications}, booktitle = {{IECON}}, pages = {3409--3414}, publisher = {{IEEE}}, year = {2016} }
@inproceedings{DBLP:conf/iecon/LidozziBSSC16, author = {Alessandro Lidozzi and Marco Di Benedetto and Valerio Sabatini and Luca Solero and Fabio Crescimbini}, title = {Towards LabVIEW and system on module for power electronics and drives control applications}, booktitle = {{IECON}}, pages = {4995--5000}, publisher = {{IEEE}}, year = {2016} }
@inproceedings{DBLP:conf/igarss/PulvirentiPSBCB16, author = {Luca Pulvirenti and Nazzareno Pierdicca and Giuseppe Squicciarino and Giorgio Boni and Marco Chini and Catia Benedetto}, title = {Polarimetric {SAR} data for improving flood mapping: An investigation over rice flooded fields}, booktitle = {{IGARSS}}, pages = {7589--7592}, publisher = {{IEEE}}, year = {2016} }
@article{DBLP:journals/corr/CasoNLHWB16, author = {Giuseppe Caso and Luca De Nardis and Filip Lemic and Vlado Handziski and Adam Wolisz and Maria{-}Gabriella Di Benedetto}, title = {ViFi: Virtual Fingerprinting WiFi-based Indoor Positioning via Multi-Wall Multi-Floor Propagation Model}, journal = {CoRR}, volume = {abs/1611.09335}, year = {2016} }
@article{DBLP:journals/arc/AllottaBCCCFGGM15, author = {Benedetto Allotta and Fabio Bartolini and Andrea Caiti and Riccardo Costanzi and Francesco Di Corato and Davide Fenucci and Jonathan Gelli and Piero Guerrini and Niccol{\`{o}} Monni and Andrea Munaf{\`{o}} and Marco Natalini and Luca Pugi and Alessandro Ridolfi and John R. Potter}, title = {Typhoon at CommsNet13: Experimental experience on {AUV} navigation and localization}, journal = {Annu. Rev. Control.}, volume = {40}, pages = {157--171}, year = {2015} }
@article{DBLP:journals/sensors/CasoNB15, author = {Giuseppe Caso and Luca De Nardis and Maria{-}Gabriella Di Benedetto}, title = {A Mixed Approach to Similarity Metric Selection in Affinity Propagation-Based WiFi Fingerprinting Indoor Positioning}, journal = {Sensors}, volume = {15}, number = {11}, pages = {27692--27720}, year = {2015} }
@article{DBLP:journals/tits/AllottaDMMPR15, author = {Benedetto Allotta and Pierluca D'Adamio and Lorenzo Marini and Enrico Meli and Luca Pugi and Andrea Rindi}, title = {A New Strategy for Dynamic Weighing in Motion of Railway Vehicles}, journal = {{IEEE} Trans. Intell. Transp. Syst.}, volume = {16}, number = {6}, pages = {3520--3533}, year = {2015} }
@inproceedings{DBLP:conf/i2mtc/AllottaCMPR15, author = {Benedetto Allotta and Roberto Conti and Enrico Meli and Luca Pugi and Alessandro Ridolfi}, title = {Development of new {HIL} architecture to study high speed trains dynamics on full-scale test-rigs}, booktitle = {{I2MTC}}, pages = {1843--1848}, publisher = {{IEEE}}, year = {2015} }
@inproceedings{DBLP:conf/i2mtc/AllottaDFPP15, author = {Benedetto Allotta and Pierluca D'Adamio and Daniele Faralli and Susanna Papini and Luca Pugi}, title = {An innovative method of train integrity monitoring through wireless sensor network}, booktitle = {{I2MTC}}, pages = {278--283}, publisher = {{IEEE}}, year = {2015} }
@inproceedings{DBLP:conf/i2mtc/AllottaDGIMMP15, author = {Benedetto Allotta and Pierluca D'Adamio and Giulia Gaburri and Alice Innocenti and Lorenzo Marini and Enrico Meli and Luca Pugi}, title = {Weigh in Motion systems for railway vehicles: Performance and robustness analysis}, booktitle = {{I2MTC}}, pages = {1849--1854}, publisher = {{IEEE}}, year = {2015} }
@inproceedings{DBLP:conf/i2mtc/AllottaDIMP15, author = {Benedetto Allotta and Pierluca D'Adamio and Alice Innocenti and Enrico Meli and Luca Pugi}, title = {An innovative algorithm for train detection}, booktitle = {{I2MTC}}, pages = {1057--1062}, publisher = {{IEEE}}, year = {2015} }
@inproceedings{DBLP:conf/i2mtc/AllottaDMPRV15, author = {Benedetto Allotta and Pierluca D'Adamio and Monica Malvezzi and Luca Pugi and Alessandro Ridolfi and Gregorio Vettori}, title = {A localization algorithm for railway vehicles}, booktitle = {{I2MTC}}, pages = {681--686}, publisher = {{IEEE}}, year = {2015} }
@inproceedings{DBLP:conf/icc/CasoNB15, author = {Giuseppe Caso and Luca De Nardis and Maria{-}Gabriella Di Benedetto}, title = {Frequentist inference for WiFi fingerprinting 3D indoor positioning}, booktitle = {{ICC} Workshops}, pages = {809--814}, publisher = {{IEEE}}, year = {2015} }
@inproceedings{DBLP:conf/tsp/TedeschiBP15, author = {Antonio Tedeschi and Francesco Benedetto and Luca Paglione}, title = {A blind signal processing method for assessing users' movements in indoor Wi-Fi communications by Android-based smartphones}, booktitle = {{TSP}}, pages = {149--153}, publisher = {{IEEE}}, year = {2015} }
@article{DBLP:journals/ras/AllottaCMPRV14, author = {Benedetto Allotta and Riccardo Costanzi and Enrico Meli and Luca Pugi and Alessandro Ridolfi and Gregorio Vettori}, title = {Cooperative localization of a team of AUVs by a tetrahedral configuration}, journal = {Robotics Auton. Syst.}, volume = {62}, number = {8}, pages = {1228--1237}, year = {2014} }
@inproceedings{DBLP:conf/med/CaitiCCFFMABCGM14, author = {Andrea Caiti and Vincenzo Calabr{\`{o}} and Francesco Di Corato and Tommaso Fabbri and Davide Fenucci and Andrea Munaf{\`{o}} and Benedetto Allotta and Fabio Bartolini and Riccardo Costanzi and Jonathan Gelli and Niccol{\`{o}} Monni and Marco Natalini and Luca Pugi and Alessandro Ridolfi}, title = {Thesaurus: {AUV} teams for archaeological search. Field results on acoustic communication and localization with the Typhoon}, booktitle = {{MED}}, pages = {857--863}, publisher = {{IEEE}}, year = {2014} }
@inproceedings{DBLP:conf/mesa/AllottaCMPR14, author = {Benedetto Allotta and Roberto Conti and Enrico Meli and Luca Pugi and Alessandro Ridolfi}, title = {Development of a full-scale roller-rig to test high speed trains under degraded adhesion conditions}, booktitle = {{MESA}}, pages = {1--6}, publisher = {{IEEE}}, year = {2014} }
@inproceedings{DBLP:conf/mesa/AllottaGIMMPD14, author = {Benedetto Allotta and Giulia Gaburri and Alice Innocenti and Lorenzo Marini and Enrico Meli and Luca Pugi and Pierluca D'Adamio}, title = {An innovative high speed Weigh in Motion system for railway vehicles}, booktitle = {{MESA}}, pages = {1--7}, publisher = {{IEEE}}, year = {2014} }
@inproceedings{DBLP:conf/mesa/AllottaPRCBMNG14, author = {Benedetto Allotta and Luca Pugi and Alessandro Ridolfi and Riccardo Costanzi and Fabio Bartolini and Niccol{\`{o}} Monni and Marco Natalini and Roberto Giusti}, title = {An anti-capsize strategy for industrial vehicles: Preliminary testing on a scaled {AGV}}, booktitle = {{MESA}}, pages = {1--5}, publisher = {{IEEE}}, year = {2014} }
@phdthesis{DBLP:phd/hu/Benedetto13, author = {Luca De Benedetto}, title = {Integrated life cycle analysis approaches to strategic decision making in waste to energy}, school = {University of Pannonia, Hungary}, year = {2013} }
@article{DBLP:journals/automatica/BalluchiBBS13, author = {Andrea Balluchi and Luca Benvenuti and Maria Domenica Di Benedetto and Alberto L. Sangiovanni{-}Vincentelli}, title = {The design of dynamical observers for hybrid systems: Theory and application to an automotive control problem}, journal = {Autom.}, volume = {49}, number = {4}, pages = {915--925}, year = {2013} }
@article{DBLP:journals/telsys/NardisFPB13, author = {Luca De Nardis and Jocelyn Fiorina and Dorin Panaitopol and Maria{-}Gabriella Di Benedetto}, title = {Combining {UWB} with Time Reversal for improved communication and positioning}, journal = {Telecommun. Syst.}, volume = {52}, number = {2}, pages = {1145--1158}, year = {2013} }
@inproceedings{DBLP:conf/ew/NardisBRAGHAATBSKBDR13, author = {Luca De Nardis and Maria{-}Gabriella Di Benedetto and Valentin Rakovic and Vladimir Atanasovski and Liljana Gavrilovska and Oliver Holland and Auon Muhammad Akhtar and Hamid Aghvami and Dimitri Tassetto and Sergio Bovelli and Vera Stavroulaki and Yiouli Kritikou and Aimilia Bantouna and Panagiotis Demestichas and Sylwia Romaszko}, title = {Neighbour and network discovery in cognitive radio networks: research activities and results in the {ACROPOLIS} Network of Excellence}, booktitle = {{EW}}, publisher = {VDE-Verlag}, year = {2013} }
@inproceedings{DBLP:conf/icc/AkhtarNNHBA13, author = {Auon Muhammad Akhtar and Luca De Nardis and Mohammad Reza Nakhai and Oliver Holland and Maria{-}Gabriella Di Benedetto and A. Hamid Aghvami}, title = {Multi-hop cognitive radio networking through beamformed underlay secondary access}, booktitle = {{ICC}}, pages = {2863--2868}, publisher = {{IEEE}}, year = {2013} }
@inproceedings{DBLP:conf/ipin/CasoNFB13, author = {Giuseppe Caso and Luca De Nardis and Andrea Ferrante and Maria{-}Gabriella Di Benedetto}, title = {Cognitive indoor positioning in {TV} White Spaces}, booktitle = {{IPIN}}, pages = {1--8}, publisher = {{IEEE}}, year = {2013} }
@inproceedings{DBLP:conf/iswcs/CasoNHB13, author = {Giuseppe Caso and Luca De Nardis and Oliver Holland and Maria{-}Gabriella Di Benedetto}, title = {Impact of Spatio-Temporal Correlation in Cooperative Spectrum Sensing for Mobile Cognitive Radio Networks}, booktitle = {{ISWCS}}, pages = {1--5}, publisher = {VDE-Verlag / {IEEE}}, year = {2013} }
@inproceedings{DBLP:conf/pimrc/CasoNFB13, author = {Giuseppe Caso and Luca De Nardis and Guido Carlo Ferrante and Maria{-}Gabriella Di Benedetto}, title = {Cooperative spectrum sensing based on Majority decision under {CFAR} and {CDR} constraints}, booktitle = {{PIMRC} Workshops}, pages = {51--55}, publisher = {{IEEE}}, year = {2013} }
@inproceedings{DBLP:conf/crowncom/NardisBAH12, author = {Luca De Nardis and Maria{-}Gabriella Di Benedetto and Auon Muhammad Akhtar and Oliver Holland}, title = {Combination of {DOA} and beamforming in position-based routing for underlay cognitive wireless networks}, booktitle = {CrownCom}, pages = {218--223}, publisher = {{ICST} / {IEEE}}, year = {2012} }
@inproceedings{DBLP:conf/ems/ClaudiBDPD12, author = {Andrea Claudi and Francesco Di Benedetto and Gianluca Dolcini and Luca Palazzo and Aldo Franco Dragoni}, title = {{MARVIN:} Mobile Autonomous Robot for Video Surveillance Networks}, booktitle = {{EMS}}, pages = {21--26}, publisher = {{IEEE}}, year = {2012} }
@inproceedings{DBLP:conf/igarss/VespeBBCILNPR12, author = {Francesco Vespe and Luca Baldini and Catia Benedetto and Maria T. Chiaradia and Christian Iasio and Angela Losurdo and Claudia Notarnicola and Claudio Maria Prati and Daniele Riccio}, title = {{X-SAR} Cosmo-SkyMed mission and its scientific applications in the field of earth's observations: Some topics concerning the combinations of the observations achieved with other techniques}, booktitle = {{IGARSS}}, pages = {5522--5525}, publisher = {{IEEE}}, year = {2012} }
@inproceedings{DBLP:conf/iswcs/NardisBSBKD12, author = {Luca De Nardis and Maria{-}Gabriella Di Benedetto and Vera Stavroulaki and Aimilia Bantouna and Yiouli Kritikou and Panagiotis Demestichas}, title = {Role of neighbour discovery in distributed learning and knowledge sharing algorithms for cognitive wireless networks}, booktitle = {{ISWCS}}, pages = {421--425}, publisher = {{IEEE}}, year = {2012} }
@inproceedings{DBLP:conf/iswcs/NardisBTBAHT12, author = {Luca De Nardis and Maria{-}Gabriella Di Benedetto and Dimitri Tassetto and Sergio Bovelli and Auon Muhammad Akhtar and Oliver Holland and Ragnar Thobaben}, title = {Impact of mobility in cooperative spectrum sensing: Theory vs. simulation}, booktitle = {{ISWCS}}, pages = {416--420}, publisher = {{IEEE}}, year = {2012} }
@inproceedings{DBLP:conf/simutools/TassettoBAHNB12, author = {Dimitri Tassetto and Sergio Bovelli and Auon Muhammad Akhtar and Oliver Holland and Luca De Nardis and Maria{-}Gabriella Di Benedetto}, title = {A novel simulation framework for wireless cognitive networks: application to cooperative spectrum sensing}, booktitle = {SimuTools}, pages = {184--189}, publisher = {{ICST/ACM}}, year = {2012} }
@inproceedings{DBLP:conf/icar/AllottaPCV11, author = {Benedetto Allotta and Luca Pugi and Riccardo Costanzi and Gregorio Vettori}, title = {Localization algorithm for a fleet of three AUVs by INS, {DVL} and range measurements}, booktitle = {{ICAR}}, pages = {631--636}, publisher = {{IEEE}}, year = {2011} }
@article{DBLP:journals/tac/GrecoGP10, author = {Luca Greco and Matteo Gaeta and Benedetto Piccoli}, title = {Sensor Deployment for Network-Like Environments}, journal = {{IEEE} Trans. Autom. Control.}, volume = {55}, number = {11}, pages = {2580--2585}, year = {2010} }
@inproceedings{DBLP:conf/globecom/SithamparanathanNBGC10, author = {Kandeepan Sithamparanathan and Luca De Nardis and Maria{-}Gabriella Di Benedetto and Alessandro Guidotti and Giovanni Emanuele Corazza}, title = {Cognitive Satellite Terrestrial Radios}, booktitle = {{GLOBECOM}}, pages = {1--6}, publisher = {{IEEE}}, year = {2010} }
@inproceedings{DBLP:conf/pimrc/NardisDB10, author = {Luca De Nardis and Daniele Domenicali and Maria{-}Gabriella Di Benedetto}, title = {Traffic-based, mobility-aware clustering for {IEEE} 802.15.4a {UWB} networks}, booktitle = {{PIMRC}}, pages = {2002--2007}, publisher = {{IEEE}}, year = {2010} }
@article{DBLP:journals/tim/CataldoMBCTC09, author = {Andrea Cataldo and Giuseppina Monti and Egidio De Benedetto and Giuseppe Cannazza and Luciano Tarricone and Luca Catarinucci}, title = {Assessment of a TD-Based Method for Characterization of Antennas}, journal = {{IEEE} Trans. Instrum. Meas.}, volume = {58}, number = {5}, pages = {1412--1419}, year = {2009} }
@inproceedings{DBLP:conf/crowncom/NardisDB09, author = {Luca De Nardis and Daniele Domenicali and Maria{-}Gabriella Di Benedetto}, title = {Clustered hybrid energy-aware cooperative spectrum sensing {(CHESS)}}, booktitle = {CrownCom}, pages = {1--6}, publisher = {{IEEE}}, year = {2009} }
@inproceedings{DBLP:conf/cdc/GrecoGP08, author = {Luca Greco and Matteo Gaeta and Benedetto Piccoli}, title = {Deployment of sensors in a network-like environment}, booktitle = {{CDC}}, pages = {4257--4262}, publisher = {{IEEE}}, year = {2008} }
@inproceedings{DBLP:conf/crowncom/BenedettoN08, author = {Maria{-}Gabriella Di Benedetto and Luca De Nardis}, title = {Cognitive routing models in {UWB} networks}, booktitle = {CrownCom}, pages = {1--6}, publisher = {{IEEE}}, year = {2008} }
@inproceedings{DBLP:conf/wpnc/NardisB07, author = {Luca De Nardis and Maria{-}Gabriella Di Benedetto}, title = {Overview of the {IEEE} 802.15.4/4a standards for low data rate Wireless Personal Data Networks}, booktitle = {{WPNC}}, pages = {285--289}, publisher = {{IEEE}}, year = {2007} }
@article{DBLP:journals/sigpro/BenedettoN06, author = {Maria{-}Gabriella Di Benedetto and Luca De Nardis}, title = {Tuning {UWB} signals by pulse shaping: Towards context-aware wireless networks}, journal = {Signal Process.}, volume = {86}, number = {9}, pages = {2172--2184}, year = {2006} }
@inproceedings{DBLP:conf/adhs/BalluchiBBVS06, author = {Andrea Balluchi and Luca Benvenuti and Maria Domenica Di Benedetto and Tiziano Villa and Alberto L. Sangiovanni{-}Vincentelli}, title = {Idle Speed control - a Benchmark for Hybrid System Research1}, booktitle = {{ADHS}}, series = {{IFAC} Proceedings Volumes}, volume = {39}, number = {5}, pages = {259--264}, publisher = {Elsevier}, year = {2006} }
@inproceedings{DBLP:conf/icra/FagioliniGBPM06, author = {Adriano Fagiolini and Luca Greco and Antonio Bicchi and Benedetto Piccoli and Alessia Marigo}, title = {Symbolic Control for Underactuated Differentially Flat Systems}, booktitle = {{ICRA}}, pages = {1649--1654}, publisher = {{IEEE}}, year = {2006} }
@article{DBLP:journals/bc/SeccoVCMS05, author = {Emanuele Lindo Secco and Luca Valandro and Roberto Caimmi and Giovanni Magenes and Benedetto Salvato}, title = {Optimization of two-joint arm movements: a model technique or a result of natural selection?}, journal = {Biol. Cybern.}, volume = {93}, number = {4}, pages = {288--306}, year = {2005} }
@article{DBLP:journals/monet/BenedettoNJG05, author = {Maria{-}Gabriella Di Benedetto and Luca De Nardis and Matthias Junk and Guerino Giancola}, title = {(UWB)\({}^{\mbox{2}}\): Uncoordinated, Wireless, Baseborn Medium Access for {UWB} Communication Networks}, journal = {Mob. Networks Appl.}, volume = {10}, number = {5}, pages = {663--674}, year = {2005} }
@article{DBLP:journals/wc/BenedettoGMBDGGGL05, author = {Sergio Benedetto and Roberto Garello and Guido Montorsi and Claude Berrou and Catherine Douillard and Domenico Giancristofaro and Alberto Ginesi and Luca Giugno and Marco Luise}, title = {{MHOMS:} high-speed {ACM} modem for satellite applications}, journal = {{IEEE} Wirel. Commun.}, volume = {12}, number = {2}, pages = {66--77}, year = {2005} }
@inproceedings{DBLP:conf/cdc/AllottaPPU05, author = {Benedetto Allotta and Alessandro Pisano and Luca Pugi and Elio Usai}, title = {{VSC} of a servo-actuated ATR90-type pantograph}, booktitle = {{CDC/ECC}}, pages = {590--595}, publisher = {{IEEE}}, year = {2005} }
@article{DBLP:journals/tac/SantisBB04, author = {Elena De Santis and Maria Domenica Di Benedetto and Luca Berardi}, title = {Computation of maximal safe sets for switching systems}, journal = {{IEEE} Trans. Autom. Control.}, volume = {49}, number = {2}, pages = {184--195}, year = {2004} }
@inproceedings{DBLP:conf/icc/GiancolaNBD04, author = {Guerino Giancola and Luca De Nardis and Maria{-}Gabriella Di Benedetto and Emmanuel Dubuis}, title = {Dynamic resource allocation in time-varying ultra wide band channels}, booktitle = {{ICC}}, pages = {3581--3585}, publisher = {{IEEE}}, year = {2004} }
@inproceedings{DBLP:conf/icc/NardisGB04, author = {Luca De Nardis and Guerino Giancola and Maria{-}Gabriella Di Benedetto}, title = {Power limits fulfilment and {MUI} reduction based on pulse shaping in {UWB} networks}, booktitle = {{ICC}}, pages = {3576--3580}, publisher = {{IEEE}}, year = {2004} }
@article{DBLP:journals/automatica/BenvenutiBGS03, author = {Luca Benvenuti and Maria Domenica Di Benedetto and Stefano Di Gennaro and Alberto L. Sangiovanni{-}Vincentelli}, title = {Individual cylinder characteristic estimation for a spark injection engine}, journal = {Autom.}, volume = {39}, number = {7}, pages = {1157--1169}, year = {2003} }
@article{DBLP:journals/jcn/NardisB03, author = {Luca De Nardis and Maria{-}Gabriella Di Benedetto}, title = {Medium access control design for {UWB} communication systems: Review and trends}, journal = {J. Commun. Networks}, volume = {5}, number = {4}, pages = {386--393}, year = {2003} }
@inproceedings{DBLP:conf/cdc/BalluchiBBS03, author = {Andrea Balluchi and Luca Benvenuti and Maria Domenica Di Benedetto and Alberto L. Sangiovanni{-}Vincentelli}, title = {Observability for hybrid systems}, booktitle = {{CDC}}, pages = {1159--1164}, publisher = {{IEEE}}, year = {2003} }
@article{DBLP:journals/jsac/BaldiNB02, author = {Pierre Baldi and Luca De Nardis and Maria{-}Gabriella Di Benedetto}, title = {Modeling and optimization of {UWB} communication networks through a flexible cost function}, journal = {{IEEE} J. Sel. Areas Commun.}, volume = {20}, number = {9}, pages = {1733--1744}, year = {2002} }
@inproceedings{DBLP:conf/cdc/BalluchiBBFGS02, author = {Andrea Balluchi and Luca Beradi and Maria Domenica Di Benedetto and Alberto Ferrari and Giovanni Girasole and Alberto L. Sangiovanni{-}Vincentelli}, title = {Integrated control-implementation design}, booktitle = {{CDC}}, pages = {1337--1342}, publisher = {{IEEE}}, year = {2002} }
@inproceedings{DBLP:conf/hybrid/BalluchiBBS02, author = {Andrea Balluchi and Luca Benvenuti and Maria Domenica Di Benedetto and Alberto L. Sangiovanni{-}Vincentelli}, title = {Design of Observers for Hybrid Systems}, booktitle = {{HSCC}}, series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science}, volume = {2289}, pages = {76--89}, publisher = {Springer}, year = {2002} }
@inproceedings{DBLP:conf/eucc/BalluchiBBS01, author = {Andrea Balluchi and Luca Benvenuti and Maria Domenica Di Benedetto and Alberto L. Sangiovanni{-}Vincentelli}, title = {A hybrid observer for the driveline dynamics}, booktitle = {{ECC}}, pages = {618--623}, publisher = {{IEEE}}, year = {2001} }
@inproceedings{DBLP:conf/eucc/BerardiSBP01, author = {Luca Berardi and Elena De Santis and Maria Domenica Di Benedetto and Giordano Pola}, title = {Controlled safe sets for continuous time linear systems}, booktitle = {{ECC}}, pages = {803--808}, publisher = {{IEEE}}, year = {2001} }
@article{DBLP:journals/pieee/BalluchiBBPS00, author = {Andrea Balluchi and Luca Benvenuti and Maria Domenica Di Benedetto and Claudio Pinello and Alberto L. Sangiovanni{-}Vincentelli}, title = {Automotive engine control and hybrid systems: challenges and opportunities}, journal = {Proc. {IEEE}}, volume = {88}, number = {7}, pages = {888--912}, year = {2000} }
@inproceedings{DBLP:conf/amcc/BalluchiBBVWS00, author = {Andrea Balluchi and Luca Benvenuti and Maria Domenica Di Benedetto and Tiziano Villa and Howard Wong{-}Toi and Alberto L. Sangiovanni{-}Vincentelli}, title = {Hybrid controller synthesis for idle speed management of an automotive engine}, booktitle = {{ACC}}, pages = {1181--1185}, publisher = {{IEEE}}, year = {2000} }
@inproceedings{DBLP:conf/hybrid/BalluchiBBMPVWS00, author = {Andrea Balluchi and Luca Benvenuti and Maria Domenica Di Benedetto and Guido M. Miconi and Ugo Pozzi and Tiziano Villa and Howard Wong{-}Toi and Alberto L. Sangiovanni{-}Vincentelli}, title = {Maximal Safe Set Computation for Idle Speed Control of an Automotive Engine}, booktitle = {{HSCC}}, series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science}, volume = {1790}, pages = {32--44}, publisher = {Springer}, year = {2000} }
@inproceedings{DBLP:conf/hybrid/BerardiSB00, author = {Luca Berardi and Elena De Santis and Maria Domenica Di Benedetto}, title = {Invariant Sets and Control Synthesis for Switching Systems with Safety Specifications}, booktitle = {{HSCC}}, series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science}, volume = {1790}, pages = {59--72}, publisher = {Springer}, year = {2000} }
@inproceedings{DBLP:conf/eucc/BerardiSB99, author = {Luca Berardi and Elena De Santis and Maria Domenica Di Benedetto}, title = {Control of switching systems under state and input constraints}, booktitle = {{ECC}}, pages = {1778--1783}, publisher = {{IEEE}}, year = {1999} }
@inproceedings{DBLP:conf/icc/BenedettoDSD97, author = {Valter Benedetto and Giovanna D'Aria and Luca Scarabosio and Spase L. Drakul}, title = {Performance of the {COFDM} Systems with Waveform Shaping}, booktitle = {{ICC} {(3)}}, pages = {1241--1245}, publisher = {{IEEE}}, year = {1997} }
@inproceedings{DBLP:conf/icra/BergamascoABFPPSS94, author = {Massimo Bergamasco and Benedetto Allotta and L. Bosio and Luca Ferretti and Gianluca Parrini and G. M. Prisco and Fabio Salsedo and G. Sartini}, title = {An Arm Exoskeleton System for Teleoperation and Virtual Environments Applications}, booktitle = {{ICRA}}, pages = {1449--1454}, publisher = {{IEEE} Computer Society}, year = {1994} }
@article{DBLP:journals/kybernetika/LucaB93, author = {Alessandro De Luca and Marika Domenica Di Benedetto}, title = {Control of nonholonomic systems via dynamic compensation}, journal = {Kybernetika}, volume = {29}, number = {6}, pages = {593--608}, year = {1993} }
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