International Conference on Cellular Automata for Research and Industry (ACRI)

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      16th ACRI 2024: Florence, Italy

      15th ACRI 2022: Geneva, Switzerland

      14th ACRI 2020: Lodz, Poland

      13th ACRI 2018: Como, Italy

      12th ACRI 2016: Fez, Morocco

      11th ACRI 2014: Krakow, Poland

      10th ACRI 2012: Santorini Island, Greece

      9th ACRI 2010: Ascoli Piceno, Italy

      8th ACRI 2008: Yokohama, Japan

      7th ACRI 2006: Perpignan, France

      6th ACRI 2004: Amsterdam, The Netherlands

      5th ACRI 2002: Geneva, Switzerland

      4th ACRI 2000: Karlsruhe, Germany

      2nd ACRI 1996: Milan, Italy