IWCMC 2012: Limassol, Cyprus

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Invited Papers

Network Structural Analysis (TRAC Workshop)

Resource Allocation and Management I (Wireless Networking Symposium)

Applications and Data Aggregation (Wireless Sensor Networks Symposium)

Mobile Computing (Mobile Computing Symposium)

Cooperative Networks (Cooperative and Cognitive Networks Workshop)

OFDM/OFDMA (Communication & Information Theory Symp.)

Relays (Communication & Information Theory Symp.)

Wireless Technologies II (Wireless Networking Symposium)

MAC and Design Techniques (Wireless Sensor Networks Symposium)

Wireless Technologies I (Wireless Networking Symposium)

Cognitive Networks (Cooperative and Cognitive Networks Workshop)

Performance Evaluation (General Symposium)

Invited Papers

High Speed Traffic Analysis (TRAC Workshop)

Wireless Multi-Hop Networks (Wireless Networking Symposium)

WSN and Other Networks (Wireless Sensor Networks Symposium)

Coverage and Security (Wireless Sensor Networks Symposium)

Access and Data Transmission (General Symposium)

Transceiver Design-I (Communication and Information Theory Symp.)

Overlay Networks Analysis (TRAC Workshop)

Power Control (Wireless Networking Symposium)

Protocols and Attacks (Security Symposium)

Network Protocols (Wireless Networking Symposium)

Web Services and M2M

Multimedia over Wireless (Multimedia over Wireless Symposium)

Invited Papers

Design and Routing Protocols (Wireless Sensor Networks Symposium)

Resource Allocation and Management II (Wireless Networking Symposium)

Capacity (Communication and Information Theory Symp.)

Performance Analysis & Optimization (Wireless Networking Symposium)

Wireless Communication Networks: Design and Performance Analysis (Vehicular Symp.)

Multimedia over Wireless (Multimedia over Wireless Symposium)

Physical and Application Level Security (Security Symposium)

Mobile Ad-hoc Networks (Wireless Networking Symposium)

Vehicular Communication Networks: Architectures and Protocols (Vehicular Symp.)

Wireless Sensor Networks (Wireless Networking Symposium)

Transceiver Design-II (Communication and Information Theory Symp.)

Traffic and Distribution (General Symposium)