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17th AMCIS 2011: Detroit, Michigan, USA
- Vallabh Sambamurthy, Mohan Tanniru:
A Renaissance of Information Technology for Sustainability and Global Competitiveness. 17th Americas Conference on Information Systems, AMCIS 2011, Detroit, Michigan, USA, August 4-8 2011. Association for Information Systems 2011
Accounting Information Systems
- Sonia Gantman:
Boundary Objects and Internal Control in Outsourced ISD Projects: Results of a Pilot Study. - Mohammed Ibrahim, Andreas I. Nicolaou:
An Examination of Familiarity, Risk and Trust in Inter- Organizational Data Exchange Relationships. - Mirko Jan Zülch, Irina Alic, Jan Muntermann:
How "good" is bad News? Exploring Sentiments of Corporate Disclosures. - Acklesh Prasad, Peter F. Green, Jon Heales:
IT Governance in Collaborative Organizational Structures. - Wipawee Uppatumwichian, Björn Johansson:
Applying the viable system model in an MCS: Addressing relationships between ERP and budgeting. - Mitchell Wenger, Manoj A. Thomas, Jeffrey S. Babb Jr.:
An Ontological Approach to XBRL Financial Statement Reporting.
Business Intelligence and Knowledge Management
- Mahmoud Abdelrahman, K. Nadia Papamichail, Simon French:
Knowledge Management System's Characteristics that facilitate Knowledge Sharing to Support Decision Making Processes in Multinational Corporations. - Ehi E. Aimiuwu, Sanjay Bapna:
Measuring Innovation Using Business Intelligence Dashboards. - Henning Baars, Hans-Georg Kemper:
Ubiquitous Computing - an Application Domain for Business Intelligence in the Cloud? - Julian Bahrs, Norbert Gronau, Gergana Vladova:
Managing knowledge distribution to prevent product imitation and counterfeiting. - Jyoti M. Bhat, Sukriti Goel:
Mining Transaction Data for Process Instance Monitoring in Legacy Systems. - Achim Botzenhardt, Andreas Witt, Alexander Maedche:
A Text Mining Application for Exploring the Voice of the Customer. - Liang Chen, Scott C. Ellis, Clyde W. Holsapple:
A Knowledge-sharing Perspective on Supplier Development Activities. - Anitha Chennamaneni, James T. C. Teng:
An Integrated Framework for Effective Tacit Knowledge Transfer. - Rajanish Dass, Rumit Jain:
An Analysis on the factors causing telecom churn: First Findings. - Barbara Dinter, Christian Schieder, Peter Gluchowski:
Towards a Life Cycle Oriented Business Intelligence Success Model. - Tomas Eklund, Jarmo Toivonen, Hannu Vanharanta, Barbro Back:
Customer Feedback Analysis using Collocations. - Lee B. Erickson, Eileen M. Trauth:
Narrowing the Innovation Gap: Factors Influencing Outcomes of Industry-University Collaborations. - Tom Hänel, Carsten Felden:
Limits or Integration? - Manufacturing Execution Systems and Operational Business Intelligence. - Paul Hawking:
Business Intelligence Excellence: A Company's Journey to Business Intelligence Maturity. - Yong Seog Kim:
Identifying Key Success Factors of Vocational Rehabilitation Services Program for People with Disabilities: A Multi-Level Analysis Approach. - Yong Seog Kim, Vinh Loc Tran:
Selecting Core Target Users for Online Social Networking Marketing with Target Marketing: A Preliminary Report. - Young-Chan Lee, Hyung-Jin Oh, Chulmo Koo, Joseph Sarkis:
Logistics Decision Model for Environmental Aspect using the Analytic Network Process. - Todd A. Little, Amit V. Deokar:
Role of Knowledge Asset Indicators in Understanding Knowledge-Intensive Processes. - Roman Lukyanenko, Joerg Evermann:
A Survey of Cognitive Theories to Support Data Integration. - Rozan O. Maghrabi, Richelle L. Oakley, Ravi Thambusamy, Lakshmi S. Iyer:
The Role of Business Intelligence (Bi) in Service Innovation: an Ambidexterity Perspective. - Adel Moslehi, Henry Linger, Kerry Tanner:
Towards a KM framework for e-business projects within SMEs. - Surma Mukhopadhyay, Sumali Conlon, Lakisha Simmons:
Consumer Feedback: Does Rating Reflect Reviewers' Feelings? - Tetsushi Nishida, James B. Pick:
Spatial Analysis of the Global Digital Divide. - Tim Pidun, Carsten Felden:
Limitations of Performance Measurement Systems based on Key Performance Indicators. - Gregory Richards, William Yeoh, Shan Wang:
An Empirical Study of BI-based Corporate Performance Management in North America and East Asia. - Andreas Schieber, Stefan Sommer, Andreas Hilbert, Kai Heinrich:
Analyzing customer sentiments in microblogs - A topic-model-based approach for Twitter datasets. - Hagen Schorcht, Volker Nissen, Mathias Petsch:
Knowledge Goals as an Essential Component of Knowledge Management. - Alexander Serenko, Nick Bontis, Madora Moshonsky:
Exploring the Role of Books as a Knowledge Translation Mechanism: Citation Analysis and Author Survey. - Amar Viswanathan, Prasanna Venkatesh, Bintu G. Vasudevan, Rajesh Balakrishnan, Lokendra Shastri:
Suggestion Mining from Customer Reviews. - Karen Vizecky:
A Design Theory for Knowledge Transfer in Business Intelligence. - Karen Vizecky:
Data Mining meets Decision Making: a Case Study Perspective. - Helena Vranesic:
Twenty Years of Boundary Spanning and Brokering in ISD: Implications for the Data Warehouse Domain. - Mohammad Hossein Fazel Zarandi, Soheil Davari, Mina Hamidifar, I. Burhan Türksen:
Locating Post Offices Using Fuzzy Goal Programming and Geographical Information System (GIS).
Design Science
- Sandra Álvarez-García, Nieves R. Brisaboa, Javier D. Fernández, Miguel A. Martínez-Prieto:
Compressed k2-Triples for Full-In-Memory RDF Engines. - Lars Bækgaard:
A Socio-Technical Approach to Interaction Modeling. - Matthias Boehm, Carl Stolze, Rüdiger Breitschwerdt, Novica Zarvic, Oliver Thomas:
An Integrated Approach for Teaching Professionals IT Management and IT Consulting. - Gunnar Dietz, Martin Juhrisch, Knut Großmann:
Inherence of Ratios for Service Identification and Evaluation. - Kelly A. Lyons, Lysanne Lessard, Stephen Marks:
Integrating social features in service systems: the case of a library service. - Matthew Manley, Yong Seog Kim:
Exitus: Agent-based Evacuation Simulation for Individuals with Disabilities in a Densely Populated Sports Arena. - Roland M. Müller, Katja Thoring:
Understanding Artifact Knowledge in Design Science: Prototypes and Products as Knowledge Repositories. - Christoph Pflügler:
Software Characteristics of B2B Electronic Intermediaries: A Novel Design Science Approach. - Nandini Taneja, Aakash Taneja:
An Agent based Proactive System Management in the Cloud.
Diffusion of Information Technology
- Jaffar Alalwan, Manoj A. Thomas:
A Holistic Framework to Evaluate E-government Systems. - Shaikha AlFadhel, David Brown, Paul Lewis:
Institutional Intervention in SMEs ICT Adoption: A Network Perspective. - Alan A. Brandyberry:
A Conceptual Framework for Sequential Organizational Technology Adoption with Dynamic Goal and Action Portfolios. - Quang "Neo" Bui:
On the Diffusion of Administrative Innovation: Performance, Fashion, or Legitimacy. - Michelle Carter, Jeffrey A. Clements, Jason Bennett Thatcher, Joey F. George:
Unraveling the "paradox of the active user": Determinants of individuals' innovation with it-based work routines. - Liang Chen, Radhika Santhanam:
The Influence of Usage Experience on Adoption of Successive ICT Products. - Bill Davey, Kevin R. Parker, Audra Lukaitis:
e-Government and the Elderly: A Two Country Comparison. - Christophe Elie-Dit-Cosaque, Jessie Pallud:
The Influence of User Active Adaptive Strategies on IT Adoption: An Empirical Investigation. - Paul Golding, Avraam Papastathopoulos, Vanesa Tennant:
Factors Inhibiting the Adoption of RFID Technology: Results and Implications from an Empirical Study of SMEs in Spain. - Paul Golding, Vanesa Tennant, Terry-Ann Virtue:
The Determinants of Adoption of Digital Terrestrial Television for Marginalized Groups: The Deaf Community. - Wencui Han, Serkan Ada, Raj Sharman, H. Raghav Rao, Joseph Brennan:
Critical Success Factors to Improve Compliance with Campus Emergency Notifications. - Andrew Harris, Brian E. Mennecke:
Power Interactions in Enterprise System Assimilation. - A. K. M. Najmul Islam:
Extending information system continuance theory with system quality in e-learning context. - Wei Jie, Choon-Ling Sia:
The process of RFID assimilation by supply chain participants in China: A technology diffusion perspective on RFID technology. - Donghyun Kim, Anthony P. Ammeter:
Under-Subjective Knowledge, Compatibility, and the Impact on Adoption and Implementation of Technology. - Julia Kroenung:
User's Attitude - Contemporary Reflections of an Old Concept. - Sanjeev Kumar, Terence Saldanha, Mayuram S. Krishnan:
Antecedents and Effect of IT Usage on Performance: A Research Framework and Empirical Study. - Lemma Lessa, Solomon Negash, Donald L. Amoroso:
Acceptance of WoredaNet E-Government Services in Ethiopia: Applying the UTAUT Model. - Leigh A. Mutchler, Jung P. Shim, Dustin Ormond:
Exploratory Study on Users' Behavior: Smartphone Usage. - Hasan Z. Nuseibeh:
Adoption of Cloud Computing in Organizations. - Biswajit Panja, Bradley Schneider, Priyanka Meharia:
Wirelessly Sensing Open Parking Spaces : Accounting and Management of Parking Facility. - Marijn G. A. Plomp, Roel P. Huiden, Ronald Batenburg:
Determinants of Point-of-Sale System Adoption: A Survey among Small Retailers in The Netherlands. - Khawaja A. Saeed:
Understanding the Adoption of Mobile Banking Services: An Empirical Assessment. - Jan Henrik Storgårds:
The Influence of the Hedonic and Utilitarian Value of Digital Games on Product Recommendation. - Yin Leng Tan, Linda A. Macaulay:
Factors Affecting Regional SMEs Progression to Digital Business Ecosystems. - Manal M. Yunis, Lai C. Liu, Kai S. Koong:
Towards a Framework for Perceived Effectiveness of Mobile Learning. - Holger Ziekow, Jens Strueker:
Inter-organizational Integration of Smart Objects: White Spots in the Solution Landscape.
Economics and Value of Information Systems
- Golrou Abdollahi, Uwe Leimstoll:
A Classification for Business Model Types in E-commerce. - Shatha A. Al-Haddad, Peter Hyland, Geoffrey S. Hubona:
An Assessment Tool for E-Government System Performance: -A Citizen-Centric Model. - Tridib Bandyopadhyay:
IT Security in Supply Chain: Does a Leader-Follower Structure matter? - Carlo Batini, Cinzia Cappiello, Chiara Francalanci, Andrea Maurino, Gianluigi Viscusi:
A capacity and value based model for data architectures adopting integration technologies. - Jörg Becker, Dominic Breuker, Hans Peter Rauer:
On Guidelines for Representing Business Models - A Design Science Approach. - Franziska Brecht, Kerstin Schäfer, Annika Baumann, Oliver Günther:
Shopping Online - Determining Consumer Acceptance of Online Shops. - Jaciane Cristina Costa, Mariana de Freitas Dewes, Antônio Carlos Gastaud Maçada:
IT Outsourcing as a Source of Open Innovation. - Markus Eurich, Andrea Giessmann, Tobias Mettler, Katarina Stanoevska-Slabeva:
Revenue Streams of Cloud-based Platforms: Current State and Future Directions. - Ina Friedrich, Jon Sprenger, Michael H. Breitner:
Discussion and Validation of a CRM System Selection Approach with Experts. - Quirin Görz:
An Economics-Driven Decision Model for Data Quality Improvement - A Contribution to Data Currency. - Bo Han, Kittipong Boonme, Victor R. Prybutok:
What Is Behind the Tipping Point Mechanism? - Jochen Kokemüller:
An empirical investigation of factors influencing data quality improvement success. - Gunwoong Lee, T. S. Raghu:
Product Portfolio and Mobile Apps Success: Evidence from App Store Market. - Lemma Lessa, Mesfin Belachew, Salehu Anteneh:
Sustainability of E-Government project Success: Cases from Ethiopia. - Felix Limbach, Jochen Wulf, Rüdiger Zarnekow, Michael Düser:
Revenue distribution in a quality-centric internet interconnection market. - Olli Martikainen, Raija Halonen:
Model for the Benefit Analysis of ICT. - Florian Moser:
Evaluating IT Fashion Investments regarding Risk and Return. - Srikanth Parameswaran, Srikanth Venkatesan, Manish Gupta, Raj Sharman, H. Raghav Rao:
Impact of Cloud Computing Announcements on Firm Valuation. - Anton Pussep, Markus Schief, Thomas Widjaja, Peter Buxmann, Christian M. Wolf:
The Software Value Chain as an Analytical Framework for the Software Industry and Its Exemplary Application for Vertical Integration Measurement. - Kerstin Schäfer, Tyge-F. Kummer, Oliver Günther:
Measuring Web Site Information and Service Quality - An Extended Multi-Attribute Attitude Model. - Dennis M. Steininger, Jan C. Huntgeburth, Daniel Veit:
Conceptualizing Business Models for Competitive Advantage Research by Integrating the Resource and Market-Based Views. - Radu E. Vlas, Cristina Vlas:
A Requirements-Based Analysis of Success in Open- Source Software Development Projects. - Benjamin Yeo:
Analysing Knowledge-Based Growth: Going Beyond Innovation.
Enterprise Systems and Organizational Issues in IS
- Katja Andresen, Carsten Brockmann, Narcyz Roztocki:
Business Models for Enterprise System Providers: Towards the Solution Based Procedure. - Wilfrid Azan:
« Human agency », ERP and CRM: the roles of final users in the postimplementation phase. - Probir Banerjee, Noor Akma Mohd Salleh, Ahmad Murad Mohamed Rohani:
1 ERP Customisation, User Satisfaction and Operational Performance of Organisations: Investigating the Links. - Jörg Becker, Mathias Eggert, Axel Winkelmann, Ralf Knackstedt:
Towards a Contingency Theory based Model of the Influence of Regulation on MIS. - Pratyush Bharati, Abhijit Chaudhury:
Impact of Institutional Pressures on Absorptive Capacity of a Firm and Web 2.0 Assimilation. - Charles S. Brust, Surendra Sarnikar:
Decision Modeling for Healthcare Enterprise IT Architecture Utilizing Cloud Computing. - David Dreyfus, George M. Wyner:
Digital Cement: Software Portfolio Architecture, Complexity, and Flexibility. - Michael Fellmann, Sebastian Hucke, Rüdiger Breitschwerdt, Oliver Thomas, Nadine Blinn, Michael Schlicker:
Supporting Technical Customer Services with Mobile Devices: Towards an Integrated Information System Architecture. - Oliver Gass, Alexander Maedche:
Enabling End-user-driven Data Interoperability - A Design Science Research Project. - Raza Hasan, Suranjan Chakraborty:
Investigating Software Maintenance Challenges in Small Organizations. - Paul Hawking, Robert Jovanovic, Carmine Sellitto:
Business Intelligence Maturity in Australia. - John L. Hopkins, Sue Foster:
Supply Chain ERP Simulation: A unique learning experience. - Mehruz Kamal:
The Role of Psychological Empowerment to Support IT Adoption in Micro-enterprises. - Changsu Kim, Roger Johnson, George Roussos, Jongheon Kim:
Searching for Key Success Factors of Ubiquitous Supply Chain Management from Dual Perspectives. - Eleonora J. Kuiper, G. R. Gangadharan, Marijn Janssen:
Using IS/IT Valuation Methods in Practice. - Kun Chang Lee, Honglei Li, Bong Choi:
A Theoretical Framework for Exploring the Effect of the Six Sigma Management Activities on Corporate Competitiveness. - Christian Leyh, Axel Winkelmann, Jingjie Lu:
Exploring the diversity of ERP systems - An empirical insight into system usage in academia. - Tobias Mettler, David Raber, Hagen Hoffmann:
Using Real Options in ERP-Systems for Improving Delivery Reliability. - Salman Nazir, Alain Pinsonneault:
The Effect of Application Ambidexterity on Firm Agility. - Irapuan Noce, João Álvaro Carvalho:
Business and Technology Integrated Model. - Boris Otto, Martin Ofner:
Strategic Business Requirements for Master Data Management Systems. - Augusto A. Pacheco-Comer, Juan Carlos González-Castolo, Noe Garcia Sanchez:
Methodological proposal to implement enterprise resource planning systems. - Panagiotis Panagiotopoulos, Laurence D. Brooks, Tony Elliman, Salihu Ibrahim Dasuki:
Social networking for membership engagement in nonprofit organisations: a trade union study. - Jörg Paschke, Alemayehu Molla:
Definition and Measurement of the Adaptive IT Capabilities Construct. - Acklesh Prasad, Peter F. Green, Jon Heales:
Developing Sustainable IT-Related Capabilities: Instrument Development and Test. - Hakikur Rahman, Isabel Ramos:
Is Open Innovation imperative to Small and Medium Enterprises?: A Comparative Study. - Sandra M. Richardson, James L. Parrish Jr., David A. Rosenthal:
Toward a Theory of Emergent Leadership for Collaborative Information Systems Development among Social Enterprises. - Rajeev Sharma, Graeme G. Shanks:
The Role of Dynamic Capabilities in Creating Business Value from IS Assets. - Andreas Stenger, Michael Schneider, Oliver Wendt:
Towards an IT-based Planning Process Alignment: Integrated Route and Location Planning for Small Package Shippers. - Shuguang Suo, Angsana A. Techatassanasoontorn, Sandeep Purao:
The Interplay between Cloud-based SOA and IT Departments: Research Directions. - Cherngchai Suwannakoot, Pradip Sarkar, Martin Dick:
USAGE OF STUDENT AND ADMINISTRATIVE MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS (SAMS); A case study of user perceptions at an Australia university. - Vassilena Mladenova, Marcus Homann, Harald Kienegger, Holger Wittges, Helmut Krcmar:
Towards an Approach to Identify and Assess the Mobile Eligibility of Business Processes. - Thomas Wirtky, Andreas Eckhardt, Sven Laumer, Udo Wild, Tim Weitzel:
Going beyond operational efficiency in HR using IT - A Literature Review of Human Resources Information Systems.