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4. CAMSAP 2011: San Juan, PR, USA
- 4th IEEE International Workshop on Computational Advances in Multi-Sensor Adaptive Processing, CAMSAP 2011, San Juan, PR, USA, December 13-16, 2011. IEEE 2011, ISBN 978-1-4577-2104-5
- Daniel R. Fuhrmann:
MIMO radar signal processing for distributed phased arrays. 1-4 - Marie Ström, Mats Viberg
Low PAPR waveform synthesis with application to wideband MIMO radar. 5-8 - Marie Ström, Mats Viberg
, Kent Falk:
Transmit and receive filter optimization for wideband MIMO radar. 9-12 - Sandeep Gogineni, Arye Nehorai:
Adaptive waveform design for colocated MIMO radar using sparse modeling. 13-16 - Sandeep Gogineni, Arye Nehorai:
Polarimetric MIMO radar target detection using game theory. 17-20 - Junhyeong Bae, Nathan A. Goodman
Widely separated MIMO radar with adaptive waveform for target classification. 21-24 - Francisco Rubio, Xavier Mestre, Daniel Pérez Palomar
Asymptotic analysis and consistent estimation of high-dimensional Markowitz portfolios. 25-28 - Emmanuelle Jay, Patrick Duvaut, Serge Darolles, Christian Gouriéroux:
lq-regularization of the Kalman Filter for exogenous outlier removal: Application to hedge funds analysis. 29-32 - Mustafa U. Torun, Ali N. Akansu:
On Epps effect and rebalancing of hedged portfolio in multiple frequencies. 33-36 - Ilya Pollak:
Weight shrinkage for portfolio optimization. 37-40 - Gareth W. Peters
, Ben Lasscock, Kannan Balakrishnan:
Rank estimation in Cointegrated Vector Auto-Regression models via automated Trans-dimensional Markov chain Monte Carlo. 41-44 - Jonathan Bosse, Anne Ferréol, Pascal Larzabal:
A glance on geographical positioning. 45-48 - L. Adolfo Inza
, Jérôme I. Mars, Jean-Philippe Metaxian, Gareth S. O'Brien
, Orlando Macedo
Localization with multicomponent seismic array. 49-52 - Joseph Shmuel Picard, Anthony J. Weiss:
Time-delay and Doppler-shift based geolocation in the presence of outliers. 53-56 - Claus Pedersen, Troels Pedersen
, Bernard H. Fleury:
Exploiting network topology information to mitigate ambiguities in VMP localization. 57-60 - Marek Schikora, Marc Oispuu, Wolfgang Koch, Daniel Cremers
Multiple source localization based on biased bearings using the intensity filter - approach and experimental results. 61-64 - Peter B. Weichman:
Physics-based EM models in support of through-wall microwave imaging. 65-68 - Emre Ertin, Randolph L. Moses, Robert J. Burkholder:
Autofocus for coherent through-the-wall imaging with multiple antenna arrays. 69-72 - Michael Leigsnering, Abdelhak M. Zoubir, Mounir Ghogho:
Fast wideband near-field imaging with URAs applied to urban sensing. 73-76 - Marija M. Nikolic, Arye Nehorai, Antonije R. Djordjevic:
Sparse through-the-wall imaging. 77-80 - Katrin Achutegui, Joaquín Míguez
A parallel resampling scheme and its application to distributed particle filtering in wireless networks. 81-84 - Li Geng, Petar M. Djuric
Non-centralized target tracking in networks of directional sensors: Further advances. 85-88 - Pau Closas
, Mónica F. Bugallo
Iterated multiple particle filtering. 89-92 - Silvia Paris, David Mary, André Ferrari:
PDR and LRMAP detection tests applied to massive hyperspectral data. 93-96 - Henri Lantéri, Céline Theys, Cédric Richard:
Nonnegative matrix factorization with regularization and sparsity-enforcing terms. 97-100 - Celine Quinsac
, Nicolas Dobigeon
, Adrian Basarab, Denis Kouame, Jean-Yves Tourneret:
Bayesian compressed sensing in ultrasound imaging. 101-104 - Di Wu
, Chengrui Cai, Dionysios C. Aliprantis:
Potential impacts of aggregator-controlled plug-in electric vehicles on distribution systems. 105-108 - Seung-Jun Kim, Georgios B. Giannakis
Efficient and scalable demand response for the smart power grid. 109-112 - Liyan Jia, Zhe Yu, Mary C. Murphy-Hoye, Annabelle Pratt, Ellen G. Piccioli, Lang Tong:
Multi-scale stochastic optimization for Home Energy Management. 113-116 - Bei Yan, Hanoch Lev-Ari, Aleksandar M. Stankovic
Multi-sensor networked estimation in electric power grids. 117-120 - Dongliang Duan, Liuqing Yang, Louis L. Scharf:
Phasor state estimation from PMU measurements with bad data. 121-124 - Miao He, Sugumar Murugesan, Junshan Zhang:
A Markov decision process approach to multi-timescale scheduling and pricing in smart grids with integrated wind generation. 125-128 - Hanoch Lev-Ari, Aleksandar M. Stankovic
Customized dynamic phasors for power quality control in electric grids. 129-132 - Neelabh Kashyap, Stefan Werner
, Yih-Fang Huang:
Event-triggered multi-area state estimation in power systems. 133-136 - Usman A. Khan, Mohammadreza Doostmohammadian
A sensor placement and network design paradigm for future smart grids. 137-140 - Mahnoosh Alizadeh, Zhifang Wang, Anna Scaglione
Demand side management trends in the power grid. 141-144 - Vassilis Kekatos
, Georgios B. Giannakis
A convex relaxation approach to optimal placement of phasor measurement units. 145-148 - Jake Gunther, Todd K. Moon:
An interior point method for a semidefinite relaxation based equalizer incorporating prior information. 149-152 - Julia Vinogradova, Nima Sarmadi, Marius Pesavento
Subspace-based semiblind channel estimation method for fast fading orthogonally coded MIMO-OFDM systems. 153-156 - Pouya Tehrani, Qing Zhao, Lang Tong:
Multi-channel opportunistic spectrum access in unslotted primary systems with unknown models. 157-160 - Antonio G. Marqués
, Luis M. Lopez-Ramos
, Georgios B. Giannakis
, Javier Ramos
Adaptive underlay cognitive radios with imperfect CSI and probabilistic interference constraints. 161-164 - Paolo Di Lorenzo
, Marco Omilipo, Sergio Barbarossa
Distributed stochastic pricing for sum-rate maximization in femtocell networks with random graph and quantized communications. 165-168 - Paolo Di Lorenzo
, Sergio Barbarossa
Optimal beamforming for range-doppler ambiguity suppression in squinted SAR systems. 169-172 - Mohammad Zaeri-Amirani, Shahram Shahbazpanahi
, Min Dong
On the design and performance of TDBC-based bi-directional network beamforming. 173-176 - David Ayllón, Roberto Gil-Pita
, Manuel Rosa-Zurera
Optimum microphone array for monaural and binaural in-the-canal hearing aids. 177-180 - Mu Zhou, Alle-Jan van der Veen
Improved blind separation algorithm for overlapping secondary surveillance radar replies. 181-184 - Arash Khabbazibasmenj, Sergiy A. Vorobyov:
A computationally efficient robust adaptive beamforming for general-rank signal model with positive semi-definite constraint. 185-188 - Paolo Castiglione, Osvaldo Simeone
, Elza Erkip
, Thomas Zemen:
Energy-harvesting for source-channel coding in cyber-physical systems. 189-192 - Omur Ozel, Jing Yang, Sennur Ulukus:
Optimal scheduling over fading broadcast channels with an energy harvesting transmitter. 193-196 - Kaya Tutuncuoglu, Aylin Yener:
Transmission policies for asymmetric interference channels with energy harvesting nodes. 197-200 - Deniz Gündüz
, Bertrand Devillers:
Two-hop communication with energy harvesting. 201-204 - Srinivas Reddy, Chandra R. Murthy
Duty cycling and power management with a network of energy harvesting sensors. 205-208 - Ebrahim A. Gharavol, Erik G. Larsson:
Robust joint optimization of MIMO interfering relay channels with imperfect CSI. 209-212 - Luca Sanguinetti
, Antonio A. D'Amico
Power allocation in two-hop amplify-and-forward MIMO relay systems with QoS requirements. 213-216 - Adrian Schad, Marius Pesavento
Multiuser bi-directional communications in cooperative relay networks. 217-220 - Samer J. Alabed
, Marius Pesavento
, Alex B. Gershman:
Distributed differential space-time coding techniques for two-way wireless relay networks. 221-224 - Ahmed Abdelkader
, Marius Pesavento
, Alex B. Gershman:
Orthogonalization techniques for single group multicasting in cooperative amplify-and-forward networks. 225-228 - Batu K. Chalise, Yimin D. Zhang, Moeness G. Amin
Successive convex approximation for system performance optimization in a multiuser network with multiple mimo relays. 229-232 - Oshri Naparstek
, Amir Leshem
Fully distributed auction algorithm for spectrum sharing in unlicensed bands. 233-236 - Rami Mochaourab, Eduard A. Jorswieck
Coalition formation in MISO interference channels. 237-240 - Johannes Lindblom, Eleftherios Karipidis
, Erik G. Larsson:
Efficient computation of the pareto boundary for the two-user MISO interference channel with multi-user decoding capable receivers. 241-244 - Emil Björnson
, Mats Bengtsson
, Gan Zheng, Björn E. Ottersten:
Computational framework for optimal robust beamforming in coordinated multicell systems. 245-248 - Jianhui Li, Florian Roemer
, Martin Haardt:
Efficient relay sharing (EReSH) between multiple operators in amplify-and-forward relaying systems. 249-252 - Amitav Mukherjee, A. Lee Swindlehurst
Prescient beamforming in multi-user interweave cognitive radio networks. 253-256 - Sebastian Pazos, Martin Hurtado
, Carlos H. Muravchik
, Arye Nehorai:
Optimal sensing matrix for sparse linear models. 257-260 - Peng Yang, Gongguo Tang, Arye Nehorai:
Sparsity-enforced regression based on over-complete dictionary. 261-264 - Gongguo Tang, Arye Nehorai:
Computable performance analysis of block-sparsity recovery. 265-268 - Alireza Makhzani, Shahrokh Valaee:
Reconstruction of a Generalized Joint Sparsity Model using Principal Component Analysis. 269-272 - Christoph F. Mecklenbräuker, Peter Gerstoft
, Huajian Yao:
Bayesian sparse wideband source reconstruction of Japanese 2011 earthquake. 273-276 - Dmitriy Shutin, Sanjeev R. Kulkarni, H. Vincent Poor:
Stationary point variational Bayesian attribute-distributed sparse learning with ℓ1 sparsity constraints. 277-280 - Jianshu Chen, Sheng-Yuan Tu, Ali H. Sayed:
Distributed optimization via diffusion adaptation. 281-284 - Arash Mohammadi, Amir Asif
A consensus/fusion based distributed implementation of the particle filter. 285-288 - Romain Couillet, Pascal Bianchi, Jérémie Jakubowicz:
Distributed convex stochastic optimization under few constraints in large networks. 289-292 - Swarnendu Kar, Pramod K. Varshney, Hao Chen:
Spatial whitening framework for distributed estimation. 293-296 - Raj Thilak Rajan
, Alle-Jan van der Veen
Joint ranging and clock synchronization for a wireless network. 297-300 - Pietro Stinco
, Maria Greco
, Fulvio Gini, Mario La Manna:
NCTR in netted radar systems. 301-304 - Mélanie Mahot, Frédéric Pascal, Philippe Forster
, Jean Philippe Ovarlez
Robust covariance matrix estimates with attractive asymptotic properties. 305-308 - Ami Wiesel:
Regularized covariance estimation in scaled Gaussian models. 309-312 - Tual Trainini, Eric Moreau:
A least squares algorithm for global joint decomposition of complex matrix sets. 313-316 - Sheng-Yuan Tu, Ali H. Sayed:
Optimal combination rules for adaptation and learning over networks. 317-320 - Daniel Romero, Roberto López-Valcarce
Bandlimited or constant envelope? Exploiting waveform properties in Wireless Microphone detection. 321-324 - Jarmo Lundén, Visa Koivunen, Sanjeev R. Kulkarni, H. Vincent Poor:
Exploiting spatial diversity in multiagent reinforcement learning based spectrum sensing. 325-328 - Erik Axell
, Erik G. Larsson:
Multiantenna spectrum sensing of a second-order cyclostationary signal. 329-332 - Deborah Cohen, Eric Rebeiz, Varun Jain, Yonina C. Eldar, Danijela Cabric:
Cyclostationary feature detection from sub-Nyquist samples. 333-336 - Geert Leus
, Zhi Tian:
Recovering second-order statistics from compressive measurements. 337-340 - Emiliano Dall'Anese
, Georgios B. Giannakis
Distributed cognitive spectrum sensing via group sparse total least-squares. 341-344 - Andrew Harms, Waheed U. Bajwa, A. Robert Calderbank:
Faster than Nyquist, slower than Tropp. 345-348 - Kun Qiu, Aleksandar Dogandzic
A GEM hard thresholding method for reconstructing sparse signals from quantized noisy measurements. 349-352 - Anastasios Kyrillidis, Volkan Cevher
Recipes on hard thresholding methods. 353-356 - Philip Schniter:
Exploiting structured sparsity in Bayesian experimental design. 357-360 - Sangnam Nam, Michael E. Davies, Michael Elad, Rémi Gribonval:
Recovery of cosparse signals with Greedy Analysis Pursuit in the presence of noise. 361-364 - Ulugbek Kamilov, Vivek K. Goyal, Sundeep Rangan:
Generalized approximate message passing estimation from quantized samples. 365-368 - Toon van Waterschoot
, Geert Leus
Static field estimation using a wireless sensor network based on the finite element method. 369-372 - Harish Chintakunta, Hamid Krim:
Detection and tracking of systematic time-evolving failures in sensor networks. 373-376 - Richard K. Martin
, Christopher Robert Anderson
, Ryan W. Thomas, Amanda Sue King:
Modelling and analysis of radio tomography. 377-380 - Jieqi Yu, Sanjeev R. Kulkarni, H. Vincent Poor:
A distributed spring model algorithm for sensor localization using dimension expansion and hyperbolic tangential force. 381-384 - Hector M. Lugo-Cordero, Abigail Fuentes-Rivera, Ratan K. Guha, Kejie Lu, Domingo Rodríguez:
Multimodal species identification in wireless sensor networks. 385-388 - Philippe Goy, François Vincent, Jean-Yves Tourneret:
Clutter rejection for MTI radar using a single antenna and a long integration time. 389-392 - Jimeng Zheng, Mostafa Kaveh:
Persistently active block sparsity with application to direction-of-arrival estimation of moving sources. 393-396 - Ashkan Panahi
, Mats Viberg
Fast LASSO based DOA tracking. 397-400 - Shuo Zhang, Yaakov Bar-Shalom:
Particle filter processing of out-of-sequence measurements: Exact Bayesian solution. 401-404 - Sirin Nitinawarat, George K. Atia, Venugopal V. Veeravalli:
Efficient target tracking using mobile sensors. 405-408 - Phani Chavali, Arye Nehorai:
Multiple Rao-Blackwellized particle filtering for target tracking in urban environments. 409-412

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