CSIE 2009: Los Angeles, California, USA - Volume 1

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Communications and Mobile Computing Symposium

Ad Hoc, Body-Area and Sensor Networks

Antennas, Propagation and Channel Modeling

Computer and Network Security

Cooperative Communications


Grid, Cluster and P2P Computing

Intrusion Detection and Countermeasures

Mobile and Wireless Networks Security

Modulation, Coding and Information Theory

OFDM and Multi-carrier Systems

Optical Communications and Networking

Other Topics in Communications

Other Topics in Computer and Network Security

Other Topics in Mobile Computing and Internet

Other Topics in Wireless Communications and Networking

Performance Modeling and Analysis in Mobile Computing and Internet

Pervasive/Ubiquitous Computing

Protocols (Routing/Switching, Congestion Control, Multicasting)

Security Modeling and Protocol Design

Signal and Multimedia Processing for Communications


Web Services and Internet Computing

Web, E-business, E-commerce, E-government Security

WLAN, WPAN, WMAN, and Wireless Wide Area Networks

Computer Applications Symposium


Biometric Modeling

Chemical Informatics