ECOOP Workshops 1997

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I: Object-Oriented Technology for Telecommunications Services Engineering

II: Reflective Real-Time Object-Oriented Programming and Systems

III: Language Support for Design Patterns and Frameworks

IV: Precise Semantics for Object-Oriented Modeling Techniques

V: Models, Formalisms and Methods for Object-Oriented Distributed Computing

The original texts of the contributions to the workshop are available on-line at

VI: FAMOOS Workshop on Object-Oriented Software Evolution and Re-engineering

VII: Modeling Software Processes and Artifacts

VIII: Component-Oriented Programming

The workshop reader contains short versions of the workshop papers. Full length papers have been published in the TUCS General Publication Series, Vol. 5, ISBN 952-12-0039-1, 1997,

IX: The 7th Workshop for PhD Students in Object-Oriented Systems

X: Object-Oriented Real-Time Systems

XI: Aspect-Oriented Programming

All position papers submitted to the workshop are available on the web-site

XII: Object-Orientation and Operating Systems