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5th Euro-Par 1999: Toulouse, France
- Patrick Amestoy, Philippe Berger, Michel J. Daydé, Iain S. Duff, Valérie Frayssé, Luc Giraud, Daniel Ruiz:
Euro-Par '99 Parallel Processing, 5th International Euro-Par Conference, Toulouse, France, August 31 - September 3, 1999, Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1685, Springer 1999, ISBN 3-540-66443-2
Invited Talks
- Richard P. Brent:
Some Parallel Algorithms for Integer Factorisation. 1-22 - Philippe Courtier:
MERCATOR, the Mission. 23-29 - Henri Casanova, MyungHo Kim, James S. Plank, Jack J. Dongarra:
Adaptive Scheduling for Task Farming with Grid Middleware. 30-43 - Cherri M. Pancake:
Applying Human Factors to the Design of Performance Tools. 44-60 - Horst D. Simon, William T. C. Kramer, Robert F. Lucas:
Building the Teraflops/Petabytes Production Supercomputing Center. 61-77 - Thomas L. Sterling, Daniel Savarese:
A Coming of Age for Beowulf-Class Computing. 78-88
Topic 01: Support Tools and Environments
- Frederic Desprez:
Support Tools and Environments - Introduction. 89 - Péter Kacsuk, Róbert Lovas, József Kovács:
Systematic Debugging of Parallel Programs in DIWIDE Based on Collective Breakpoints and Macrosteps. 90-97 - Dino Ahr, Andreas Bäcker:
Project Workspaces for Parallel Computing - The TRAPPER Approach. 98-107 - Jan Bækgaard Pedersen, Alan S. Wagner:
PVMbuilder - A Tool for Parallel Programming. 108-112 - T. Es-sqalli, Eric Fleury, Eric Dillon, Jacques Guyard:
Message-Passing Specification in a CORBA Environment. 113-116 - Gabriel Antoniu, Christian Pérez:
Using Preemptive Thread Migration to Load-Balance Data-Parallel Applications. 117-124 - Barbara M. Chapman, François Bodin, L. Hill, John H. Merlin, G. Viland, Fritz Georg Wollenweber:
FITS - A Light-Weight Integrated Programming Environment. 125-134 - Matthew J. Sottile, Allen D. Malony:
INTERLACE: An Interoperation and Linking Architecture for Computational Engines. 135-138 - Benoît Planquelle, Jean-François Méhaut, Nathalie Revol:
Multi-protocol Communications and High Speed Networks. 139-143 - Paul A. S. Ward:
An Online Algorithm for Dimension-Bound Analysis. 144-153 - Dieter Kranzlmüller, Jacques Chassin de Kergommeaux, Christian Schaubschläger:
Correction of Monitor Intrusion for Testing Nondeterministic MPI-Programs. 154-158 - Dimitris Dimitrelos, Constantine Halatsis:
Improving the Performance of Distributed Shared Memory Environments on Grid Multiprocessors. 159-162
Topic 02: Performance Evaluation and Prediction
- Jean-Marc Vincent:
Performance Evaluation and Prediction - Introduction. 163-164 - Michele Colajanni, Bruno Ciciani, Francesco Quaglia:
Performance Analysis of Wormhole Switching with Adaptive Routing in a Two-Dimensional Torus. 165-172 - Manuel Prieto, David Espadas, Ignacio Martín Llorente, Francisco Tirado:
Message Passing Evaluation and Analysis on Cray T3E and SGI Origin 2000 Systems. 173-182 - Juan Touriño, Ramon Doallo:
Performance Evaluation and Modeling of the Fujitsu AP3000 Message-Passing Libraries. 183-187 - Jörg Cordsen, Marco Dimas Gubitoso:
Improving Communication Support for Parallel Applications. 188-192 - Jeff S. Reeve:
A Performance Estimator for Parallel Programs. 193-202 - Volker Elling, Karsten Schwan:
Min-Cut Methods for Mapping Dataflow Graphs. 203-212 - Patricia Borensztejn, Cristina Barrado, Jesús Labarta:
Influence of Variable Time Operations in Static Instruction Scheduling. 213-216 - Andy D. Pimentel, Louis O. Hertzberger:
Evaluation of LH*LH for a Multicomputer Architecture. 217-228 - Ramon Doallo, Basilio B. Fraguela, Emilio L. Zapata:
Set Associative Cache Behavior Optimization. 229-238 - Ramesh Radhakrishnan, Lizy Kurian John:
A Performance Study of Modern Web Server Applications. 239-247 - Guohua Jin, Y. Charlie Hu:
An Evaluation of High Performance Fortran Compilers Using the HPFBench Benchmark Suite. 248-257 - László Böszörményi, Andreas Wickner, Harald Wolf:
Performance Evaluation of Object Oriented Middleware. 258-261 - Claude Limousin, Alexis Vartanian, Jean-Luc Béchennec:
PopSPY: A PowerPC Instrumentation Tool for Multiprocessor Simulation. 262-265 - Deependra Talla, Lizy Kurian John:
Performance Evaluation and Benchmarking of Native Signal Processing. 266-270
Topic 03: Scheduling and Load Balancing
- Jean-Marc Geib, Bruce Hendrickson, Pierre Manneback, Jean Roman:
Scheduling and Load Balancing - Introduction. 271 - Ricardo C. Corrêa, Afonso Ferreira:
A Polynomial-Time Branching Procedure for the Multiprocessor Scheduling Problem. 272-279 - Robert Elsässer, Andreas Frommer, Burkhard Monien, Robert Preis:
Optimal and Alternating-Direction Load Balancing Schemes. 280-290 - Jean-Marie Garcia, David Gauchard, Thierry Monteil, Olivier Brun:
Process Mapping Given by Processor and Network Dynamic Load Prediction. 291-294 - Y. F. Hu, K. C. F. Maguire, R. J. Blake:
Ordering Unsymmetric Matrices into Bordered Block Diagonal Form for Parallel Processing. 295-302 - Eric Blayo, Laurent Debreu, Grégory Mounié, Denis Trystram:
Dynamic Load Balancing for Ocean Circulation Model with Adaptive Meshing. 303-312 - Bart Maerten, Dirk Roose, Achim Basermann, Jochen Fingberg, Guy Lonsdale:
DRAMA: A Library for Parallel Dynamic Load Balancing of Finite Element Applications. 313-316 - Muhammet Fikret Ercan, Ceyda Oguz, Yu-Fai Fung:
Job Scheduling in a Multi-layer Vision System. 317-321 - Kirk Schloegel, George Karypis, Vipin Kumar:
A New Algorithm for Multi-objective Graph Partitioning. 322-331 - Welf Löwe, Wolf Zimmermann:
Scheduling Iterative Programs onto LogP-Machine. 332-339 - Cristina Boeres, Aline de Paula Nascimento, Vinod E. F. Rebello:
Scheduling Arbitrary Task Graphs on LogP Machines. 340-349 - Aziz Moukrim, Eric Sanlaville, Frédéric Guinand:
Scheduling with Communication Delays and On-Line Disturbances. 350-357 - Eleftherios D. Polychronopoulos, Theodore S. Papatheodorou:
Scheduling User-Level Threads on Distributed Shared-Memory Multiprocessors. 358-368 - Evripidis Bampis, Rodolphe Giroudeau, Jean-Claude König:
Using Duplication for the Multiprocessor Scheduling Problem with Hierarchical Communications. 369-372
Topic 04: Compilers for High Performance Systems
- Barbara M. Chapman:
Compilers for High Performance Systems - Introduction. 373-374 - Albert Cohen, Vincent Lefebvre:
Storage Mapping Optimization for Parallel Programs. 375-382 - Jean-Francois Collard:
Array SSA for Explicitly Parallel Programs. 383-390 - Jens Knoop:
Parallel Data-Flow Analysis of Explicitly Parallel Programs. 391-400 - Dirk Fimmel, Renate Merker:
Localization of Data Transfer in Processor Arrays. 401-408 - Jason B. Crop, Doran Wilde:
Scheduling Structured Systems. 409-412 - Erwin Laure, Matthew Haines, Piyush Mehrotra, Hans P. Zima:
Compiling Data Parallel Tasks for Coordinated Execution. 413-417 - Mark Leair, Douglas Miles, Vincent Schuster, Michael Wolfe:
Flexible Data Distribution in PGHPF. 418-421 - Eladio Gutiérrez, Oscar G. Plata, Emilio L. Zapata:
On Automatic Parallelization of Irregular Reductions on Scalable Shared Memory Systems. 422-429 - Mahmut T. Kandemir, Alok N. Choudhary, J. Ramanujam:
I/O-Conscious Tiling for Disk-Resident Data Sets. 430-439 - Stephen Shafer, Kanad Ghose:
Post-Scheduling Optimization of Parallel Programs. 440-444 - Wolf Pfannenstiel:
Piecewise Execution of Nested Parallel Programs - A Thread-Based Approach. 445-448
Topic 05: Parallel and Distributed Databases
- Burkhard Freitag, Kader Hameurlain:
Parallel and Distributed Databases - Introduction. 449 - Roberto Baldoni, Francesco Quaglia, Michel Raynal:
Distributed Database Checkpointing. 450-458 - Armin Fessler, Hans-Jörg Schek:
A Generalized Transaction Theory for Database and Non-database Tasks. 459-468 - Holger Märtens:
On Disk Allocation of Intermediate Query Results in Parallel Database Systems. 469-476 - Christian Jacobi, Cédric Lichtenau:
Highly Concurrent Locking in Shared Memory Database Systems. 477-481 - Basilis Mamalis, Paul G. Spirakis, Basil Tampakas:
Parallel Processing of Multiple Text Queries on Hypercube Interconnection Networks. 482-486
Topics 06 + 20: Fault Avoidance and Fault Removal in Real-Time Systems & Fault-Tolerant Computing
- Gilles Motet, David Powell:
Fault Avoidance and Fault Removal in Real-Time Systems & Fault-Tolerant Computing - Introduction. 487-488 - Binoy Ravindran:
Quality of Service Management in Distributed Asynchronous Real-Time Systems. 489-496 - Costas Mourlas:
Multiprocessor Scheduling of Real-Time Tasks with Resource Requirements. 497-504 - Kanad Ghose, Sudhir Aggarwal, Abhrajit Ghosh, David Goldman, Peter Sulatycke, Pavel Vasek, David R. Vogel:
Designing Multiprocessor/Distributed Real-Time Systems Using the ASSERTS Toolkit. 505-510 - Luis Carroll, Bertrand Tondu, Claude Baron, Jean Claude Geffroy:
UML Framework for the Design of Real-Time Robot Controllers. 511-514 - Dimiter R. Avresky, Sean J. Geoghegan:
Software Implemented Fault Tolerance in Hypercube. 515-518 - René Meier, Paddy Nixon:
Managing Fault Tolerance Transparently Using CORBA Services. 519-522
Topic 07: Theory and Models for Parallel Computation
- Michel Cosnard:
Theory and Models for Parallel Computation - Introduction. 523-524 - Michael G. Lamoureux, Andrew Rau-Chaplin:
Parallel Algorithms for Grounded Range Search and Applications. 525-532 - Michel Toulouse, Krishnaiyan Thulasiraman, Fred W. Glover:
Multi-level Cooperative Search: A New Paradigm for Combinatorial Optimization and an Application to Graph Partitioning. 533-542 - Gianfranco Bilardi, Andrea Pietracaprina, Geppino Pucci:
A Quantitative Measure of Portability with Application to Bandwidth-Latency Models for Parallel Computing. 543-551 - Emmanuel Melin, Bruno Raffin, Xavier Rebeuf, Bernard Virot:
A Cost Model for Asynchronous and Structured Message Passing. 552-556 - Bruno Martin:
A Parallel Simulation of Cellular Automata by Spatial Machines. 557-560
Topic 08: High-Performance Computing and Applications
- Wolfgang Gentzsch:
High-Performance Computing and Applications - Introduction. 561 - Azzedine Boukerche, Sajal K. Das:
Null Messages Cancellation Through Load Balancing in Distributed Simulations. 562-569 - Frédérique Chaussumier, Frederic Desprez, Michel Loi:
Efficient Load-Balancing and Communication Overlap in Parallel Shear-Warp Algorithm on a Cluster of PCs. 570-577 - Silvia N. Crivelli, Teresa Head-Gordon, Richard H. Byrd, Elizabeth Eskow, Robert B. Schnabel:
A Hierarchical Approach for Parallelization of a Global Optimization Method for Protein Structure Prediction. 578-585 - Geir Åge Øye, Hilde Reme:
Parallelization of a Compositional Simulator with a Galerkin Coarse/Fine Method. 586-594 - F. Chalot, G. Chevalier, Quang Vinh Dinh, Luc Giraud:
Some Investigations of Domain Decomposition Techniques in Parallel CFD. 595-602 - Marc Guyon, Gurvan Madec, François-Xavier Roux, Maurice Imbard:
A Parallel Ocean Model for High Resolution Studies. 603-607 - Paulo B. Vasconcelos, Filomena D. d'Almeida:
Nonoverlapping Domain Decomposition Applied to a Computational Fluid Mechanics Code. 608-612 - Maciej Golebiewski, Achim Basermann, Markus Baum, Rolf Hempel, Hubert Ritzdorf, Jesper Larsson Träff:
A PC Cluster with Application-Quality MPI. 613-623 - Wilfrid Lefer, Jean-Marc Pierson:
Using Network of Workstations to Support a Web-Based Visualization Service. 624-632 - Patrick Geoffray, Laurent Lefèvre, CongDuc Pham, Loïc Prylli, Olivier Reymann, Bernard Tourancheau, Roland Westrelin:
High-Speed LANs: New Environments for Parallel and Distributed Applications. 633-642 - Christian Becker, Susanne Kilian, Stefan Turek:
Consequences of Modern Hardware Design for Numerical Simulations and Their Realization in FEAST. 643-650 - Jonathan M. Nash, Martin Berzins, Paul M. Selwood:
A Structured SADT Approach to the Support of a Parallel Adaptive 3D CFD Code. 651-658 - Julien Sébot, Alexis Vartanian, Jean-Luc Béchennec, Nathalie Drach-Temam:
A Parallel Algorithm for 3D Geometry Transformations in OpenGL. 659-662 - Salvatore Rinaudo, Francesco Moschella, Marcello A. Anile:
Parallel Implementation in a Industrial Framework of Statistical Tolerancing Analysis in Microelectronics. 663-667 - Chidamber Kulkarni, Koen Danckaert, Francky Catthoor, Manish Gupta:
Interaction Between Data Parallel Compilation and Data Transfer and Storage Cost Minimization for Multimedia Applications. 668-676 - Michel Langlais, Guillaume Latu, Jean Roman, Patrick Silan:
Parallel Numerical Simulation of a Marine Host-Parasite System. 677-685 - El Mostafa Daoudi, El Miloud Jaâra:
Parallel Methods of Training for Multilayer Neural Network. 686-690 - Terence M. Sloan, Michael J. Mineter, Steve Dowers, Connor Mulholland, Gordon Darling, Bruce M. Gittings:
Partitioning of Vector-Topological Data for Parallel GIS Operations: Assessment and Performance Analysis. 691-694
Topic 09: Parallel Computer Architecture - What Is Its Future?
- Chris R. Jesshope:
Parallel Computer Architecture - What Is Its Future? Introduction. 695-697 - Sanjay V. Rajopadhye, Claude Tadonki, Tanguy Risset:
The Algebraic Path Problem Revisited. 698-707 - Stamatis Vassiliadis, Sorin Cotofana, Pyrrhos Stathis:
Vector ISA Extension for Sparse Matrix-Vector Multiplication. 708-715 - Dominik Madon, Eduardo Sanchez, Stefan Monnier:
A Study of a Simultaneous Multithreaded Processor Implementation. 716-726 - Guangming Lu, Hartej Singh, Ming-Hau Lee, Nader Bagherzadeh, Fadi J. Kurdahi, Eliseu M. Chaves Filho:
The MorphoSys Parallel Reconfigurable System. 727-734 - Xavier Verians, Jean-Didier Legat, Jean-Jacques Quisquater, Benoît Macq:
A Graph-Oriented Task Manager for Small Multiprocessor Systems. 735-744 - Wissam Hlayhel, Jacques Henri Collet, Laurent Fesquet:
Implementing Snoop-Coherence Protocol for Future SMP Architectures. 745-752 - Cheol Ho Park, Jong Hyuk Choi, Kyu Ho Park, Daeyeon Park:
An Adaptive Limited Pointers Directory Scheme for Cache Coherence of Scalable Multiprocessors. 753-756 - Alexis Vartanian, Jean-Luc Béchennec, Nathalie Drach-Temam:
Two Schemes to Improve the Performance of a Sort-Last 3D Parallel Rendering Machine with Texture Caches. 757-760 - Gerald G. Pechanek, Stamatis Vassiliadis, Nikos Pitsianis:
ManArray Processor Interconnection Network: An Introduction. 761-765
Topic 10: Distributed Systems and Algorithms
- Gérard Padiou, André Schiper:
Distributed Systems and Algorithms - Introduction. 767-768 - Khalil Drira, Frédéric Gouëzec, Michel Diaz:
A Cooperation Service for CORBA Objects. From the Model to the Applications. 769-776 - Roy Friedman, Assaf Schuster, Ayal Itzkovitz, Eli Biham, Erez Hadad, Vladislav Kalinovsky, Sergey Kleyman, Roman Vitenberg:
Symphony: Managing Virtual Servers in the Global Village. 777-784 - Djamel Fezzani, Jocelyn Desbiens:
Épidaure: A Java Distributed Tool for Building DAI Applications. 785-789 - Olivier Richard, Franck Cappello:
A Client/Broker/Server Substrate with µs Round-Trip Overhead. 790-794 - Ajay D. Kshemkalyani, Mukesh Singhal:
Universal Constructs in Distributed Computations. 795-805 - Michel Raynal:
Illustrating the Use of Vector Clocks in Property Detection: An Example and a Counter-Example. 806-814 - Luciana Bezerra Arantes, Bertil Folliot, Pierre Sens:
A Node Count-Independent Logical Clock for Scaling Lazy Release Consistency Protocol. 816-822 - Gheorghe Antonoiu, Pradip K. Srimani:
Mutual Exclusion Between Neighboring Nodes in an Arbitrary System Graph Tree That Stabilizes Using Read/Write Atomicity. 823-830
Topic 11: Parallel Programming: Models, Methods, and Languages
- Luc Bougé, Bill McColl, Mamoun Filali, Henk J. Sips:
Parallel Programming: Models, Methods, and Languages - Introduction. 831-832 - Thomas Brandes:
Exploiting Advanced Task Parallelism in High Performance Fortran via a Task Library. 833-844 - João Luís Sobral, Alberto José Proença:
A Run-Time System for Dynamic Grain Packing. 845-852 - Andrea Zavanella:
Optimising Skeletal-Stream Parallelism on a BSP Computer. 853-857 - Noel William Winstanley:
Parallel Programming by Transformation. 858-865 - John P. Morrison, Niall J. Dalton:
Condensed Graphs: A Multi-level, Parallel, Intermediate Representation. 866-876