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10th FSKD 2013: Shenyang, China
- Jianhua Chen, Xingwei Wang, Lipo Wang, Jinguang Sun, Xiangfu Meng:
10th International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery, FSKD 2013, Shenyang, China, July 23-25, 2013. IEEE 2013, ISBN 978-1-4673-5253-6 - Menghui Xu
, Zhiping Qiu:
A novel ranking method for generalized fuzzy numbers based on fuzzy superiority degree. 6-16 - Shengli Zhang:
A novel type of fuzzy propositional logic. 17-22 - Xinye Zhao, Rusheng Ju, Shanliang Yang, Yun Zhou:
Aggregation operators using einstein operations on intuitionistic trapezoidal fuzzy number. 23-28 - Yating Hu, Fuheng Qu, Changji Wen:
An unsupervised possibilistic c-means clustering algorithm with data reduction. 29-33 - Zhongjiang Zhu, Liquan Zhang:
An adaptive complexion extraction method based on fuzzy entropy and fuzzy inference. 34-38 - Peiyu Liu, Linshan Duan, Xuezhi Chi, Zhenfang Zhu:
An improved fuzzy C-means clustering algorithm based on simulated annealing. 39-43 - Guiying Chen, Linshan Wang:
Convergence of generalized fuzzy bidirectional associative memory neural networks with thresholds. 44-48 - Xueqiu Zhan:
Decomposition theorems and representation theorems of lattice interval value fuzzy sets. 49-52 - Yanhong Li, Zhaoyou Tian:
Fuzzy continuity of convex fuzzy mapping based on relative interior. 58-62 - Jinxiang Chen:
Fuzzy state feedback robust control for discrete-time fuzzy singularly perturbed systems with time-delay. 63-67 - Nan Ye, Ming Gao, Rongwei Zhang, Dehong Wang, Xianhua He, Jun Lu, Zhengyan Wu, Qi Zheng:
Learning sparse Fuzzy Cognitive Maps by Ant Colony Optimization. 68-76 - Makoto Yasuda, Yasuyuki Orito:
Multi-q extension of Tsallis entropy based fuzzy c-means clustering. 77-82 - Cai-Li Zhou, Yin-Ying Zhou, Jun-Yan Bao:
New fuzzy metric spaces based on gradual numbers. 83-87 - Kankana Chakrabarty:
On B-groups. 88-92 - Hongmin Zhang, Guowang Jin, Qing Xu, Qin Yan:
Phase unwrapping with Chinese Remainder Theorem for multi-baseline Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar. 93-97 - Xiang Zhang, Gao Zheng:
Relationship between similarity measure and entropy of interval type-2 fuzzy sets. 98-102 - Dajing Xiang:
Soft module theory. 103-107 - Tiechao Wang, Jianqiang Yi, Ding Wang:
Switched control of type-2 polynomial discrete fuzzy systems based on SOS. 108-113 - Tianwen Li, Feng Ma, Weiyi Liu:
The core and the bargaining set for multi-choice games. 114-119 - Yiming Tang, Xuezhi Yang, Feng Yue:
Universal triple I method with maximum fuzzy entropy employing R-implications. 125-129 - Chunsheng Zhao, Wei Zeng, Mai Jiang, Zhiyong He:
A decision-theoretic rough set approach to spam filtering. 130-134 - Xuelan Zeng, Lisha Wu, Shizhou Weng:
Dominance-based multi-granulation rough sets and decision rules extraction in incomplete fuzzy information systems. 135-139 - Haidong Zhang, Yanping He:
Generalized intuitionistic fuzzy rough sets based on an intuitionistic fuzzy residual implicator. 140-145 - Yuejin Lv, Qingmei Chen, Lisha Wu:
Multi-granulation probabilistic rough set model. 146-151 - Li Fu:
Rough formal context based on the soft sets. 152-156 - Saeed Panahian Fard, Zarita Zainuddin
Triangular type-2 fuzzy neural networks version of the Stone-Weierstrass theorem. 157-161 - Fengyu Zhu, Zhengguang Shen, Qi Wang:
A data-driven health evaluation method for engine test-beds. 162-167 - Naixiang Li, Peng Guo:
A novel Fuzzy C Means algorithm based on distance modification for image segmentation. 174-178 - Yahong Li, Ting She:
Assessing college English teaching based on grey relational analysis. 179-183 - Xiaodong Wang, Jun Feng, Yao-lin Li, Zhan Li, Qiu-Ping Wang:
Computer Aided Detection for breast calcification clusters based on improved instance selection and an adaptive neuro-fuzzy network. 184-189 - Xinwang Liu
, Xiuzhi Sang, Yong Qin:
Fuzzy logic based security region evaluation of the urban rail transit operating system. 190-195 - Yijun Du, Xiaobo Lu, Wujun Chen, Qianzhou Xu:
Gender recognition using fisherfaces and a fuzzy iterative self-organizing technique. 196-200 - Linda Markowsky, Bruce Segee:
Unsupervised clustering with the Octave Fuzzy Logic Toolkit. 201-206 - Xun Bi, Bo Li, Hongxuan Wang, Letang Xue, Weiguo Wang:
Fuzzy position-force control in training systems with haptic guidance. 207-212 - Guoqing Xia, Huiyong Wu, Ang Zhao, Chengcheng Pang:
Network-based fuzzy adaptive sliding mode controller for the ship steering problem. 213-218 - Shangbin Jiao, Huazhen Wu, Haitao Wang:
Two-dimensional fuzzy PID switching power supply controller based on FPGA. 219-223 - Shaobin Chen, Caiquan Xiong, Cailin Li:
A fuzzy approach to texture suppression by combining edge length analysis with surround suppression. 224-228 - Xin Man, Xingwei Wang, Min Huang:
An intelligent fault-tolerant QoS unicast routing mechanism based on the outlook algorithm. 229-234 - F. Nuno Almirantearena, F. Clara, P. Burillo Lopez:
Obtaining the biological age of the cardiovascular system using fuzzy logic. 235-240 - Zhijun Yao:
Small target detection under the sea using multi-scale spectral residual and maximum symmetric surround. 241-245 - Shihong Yue, Jianling Gao:
Three-dimensional image reconstruction in electrical tomography. 246-250 - Zhijun Yao:
Visual saliency detection based on mahalanobis distance and feature evaluation. 251-255 - Shilian Han, Xinwang Liu
A new solution of multiplicative consistency for incomplete fuzzy preference relation for group decision making. 256-261 - Weijie Pang
, Shoumei Li:
A portfolio selection model with interval-valued return rates. 262-267 - Shaohua Wang, Yongchun Wang, Xudong Miao:
Extended GOWA operator in intuitionistic fuzzy setting based group decision making method for scientific research scheme organization. 268-272 - Chen-Tung Chen, Ping-Feng Pai
, Wei-Zhan Hung:
Extending the strategy game from multi-criteria considerations with linguistic variables. 273-278 - Kun Li, Xianwen Gao, Hai-bo Zhou, Zhong-da Tian:
Fault diagnosis for down-hole conditions in beam pumping units based on an improved fuzzy Iterative Self-Organizing Data Analysis Technique. 279-284 - Hongquan Shi, Yongchun Wang, Xudong Miao, Yongjie Xu:
Pattern recognition methodology for operation task allocation under intuitionistic fuzzy setting. 285-289 - Shigang Liu, Min Gan, Honghua Dai:
A hybrid approach to fuzzy risk analysis in stock market. 295-298 - Dabuxilatu Wang:
A soft control chart based on weighted measurement of fuzzy data. 299-303 - Guoqing Xia, Xingchao Shao:
Adaptive fuzzy control with backstepping for surface ships. 304-310 - Minpeng Xiong, Xiuyun Shi:
Fuzzy comprehensive evaluation for personnel quota control modes in group companies. 311-315 - Jihong Liu, Xiangnan An:
Reliability analysis of multidisciplinary systems by using chi-squared distributions. 321-326 - Jianwen Huang, Ting Zhang, Xingxia Wang, Zaiyi Liao:
TOPSIS based on the triangular fuzzy function and its application in construction scheme optimization. 332-337 - Li-Chang Liu, Jiann-Der Lee, Yu-Wei Hsu, Carol T. Liu, Ellen Tseng, Meng-Tsan Tsai:
A region segmentation method on 2-D vessel optical coherence tomography images. 338-343 - Yue Zhao, Jianzhong Zhou, Sheng Bi, Huajie Zhang:
Application of adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system for physical habitat simulation. 349-353 - Renyuan Wang, Yan Chen, Taoying Li, Penghui Li, Junxiong Sun:
Classification of road safety based on fuzzy clustering. 354-358 - Xiang Yin, Yun Li:
Coalition formation based on fuzzy trust relationship in MAS. 359-363 - Aidan O'Mara, Md. Sumon Shahriar:
Fuzzy clustering-based prediction of marine sensor data. 364-368 - Ling-Ling Yang:
Fuzzy evaluations in mulberry wine production. 369-373 - Wen Tang, Zhi-Xiang Li:
Fuzzy risk evaluation of industrial technology innovation strategic alliances. 374-378 - Xiaolu Zhang, Chengdong Li, Jianqiang Yi:
Prior information driven design of fuzzy logic controllers with application to the overhead crane control. 379-384 - Bing Zhao, Wenjun Cai, Fei Luo:
Satisfaction evaluation for meteorological environment information in sea battlefields based on membership cloud. 385-389 - Shuang Gu, Yong Yue
, Carsten Maple, Beisheng Liu, Chengdong Wu:
Three-dimensional localisation for wireless sensor networks using probabilistic fuzzy logic. 396-401 - Lei Feng, Youda Li, Xin Zhang:
Workflow execution data analysis based on personnel fuzzy evaluation. 402-406 - Wenbin Qian, Bingru Yang, Yonghong Xie, Hui Li:
A rule extraction algorithm based on compound attribute measure in decision systems. 407-411 - Fujiang Ao, Jing Du, Jingyi Yu, Fuzhi Wang, Qiong Wang:
Clustering high dimensional data streams based on N-most interesting itemsets mining. 412-416 - Shunliang Huang, Zongjie Wu, Junmo Cheng, Qi Wang:
A new method for calculating core attributes. 417-421 - Yajie Liu, Xinling Shi, Guoliang Huang, Baolei Li, Lei Zhao:
Classification of diffuse large B cell lymphoma gene expression data based on two-layer particle swarm optimization. 422-427 - Mei Yu, Yu Du, Tianyi Xu, Jian Yu, Yaqing Liu:
A K-anonymity model with strongly identifiable attributes. 428-432 - Jianjiang Lu, Wei Li, Jiabao Wang, Yafei Zhang, Yang Li
, Lei Bao:
Multiple Instance Support Vector Machines with latent variable description. 433-438 - Yizhang Jiang, Zhaohong Deng, Shitong Wang, Tongguang Ni
Training probability transductive classifiers for group probability datasets based on regression. 444-449 - Shihong Yue, Chenglong Yu, Ti Huang:
A new validity index with K-means algorithm and its applications in electrical tomography. 450-455 - Xiaobing Pei, Tao Wu:
Convex-Nonnegative Matrix Factorization with structure constraints. 456-460 - Yanli Jiang, Guannan Deng:
Fuzzy equivalence relation clustering with transitive closure, transitive opening and the optimal transitive approximation. 461-465 - Xiao Wang, Fusheng Yu, Huixin Zhang:
Granulation-based fuzzy clustering of large-scale time series. 466-471 - Joonwhoan Lee, Deepak Ghimire
, Jeong-Ok Rho:
Rough clustering of Korean foods based on adjectives for taste evaluation. 472-475 - Ru-peng Luan, Qian Zhang, Junfeng Zhang, Feng Yu, TianGang Lu:
An improved vector space model to retrieval systems for content matching in agricultural information. 476-480 - Hua Li, Xunjun Sun, Lingling Li, Fan Wu:
Application on the rate of lightning trip based on the grey model. 481-485 - Jitong Lou, Wengao Lou:
Financial risk evaluation of chinese commercial banks using projection pursuit clustering. 486-491 - Jihong Liu, Hongfei Zhan:
A reconstruction method of the design rationale model based on design context. 492-497 - Jihong Liu, Zhenjie Zhao:
A study on 3D model based knowledge. 498-502 - Wojciech A. Lorkiewicz, Radoslaw P. Katarzyniak
Consensus-based integration of unordered partitions. 503-509 - Grzegorz Popek, Radoslaw P. Katarzyniak
Interval-based aggregation of fuzzy-linguistic statements. 510-514 - Yihong Rong, Jia Song:
Mining a government affairs microblog network on Sina Weibo with social network analysis. 515-519 - Jihong Liu, Ling Ge:
A new integration mechanism for knowledge map of complex product development. 520-525 - Jun Gao:
A local domain adaptation feature extraction method. 526-530 - Di Zhang, Jiazhong He:
A new approach to dimensionality reduction based on locality preserving LDA. 531-535 - Yanyong Guan
, Hongkai Wang, Fasheng Xu, Hongbing Jiang:
A new dominance-based rough set model based on interval knowledge granules. 536-540 - Xuqing Li, Xiangnan Liu, Zhihong Du, Cuicui Wang:
A random forest model for estimating Canopy Chlorophyll Content in rice using hyperspectral measurements. 541-546 - Isiuwa Kokoye, Lawrence Oke, Padonou Izogie:
Nonnegative Matrix Factorization using Class Label Information. 552-556 - Wenlong Fu, Tingsong Du:
A new branch and bound algorithm for noncovex quadratic programming with box constraints. 562-566 - Jing Tian, Quan Wang, Bing Yu, Dan Yu:
A rough set algorithm for attribute reduction via mutual information and conditional entropy. 567-571 - Feng Wang, Lanfen Lin, Shuai Yang, Xiaowei Zhu:
A semantic query expansion-based patent retrieval approach. 572-577 - Yumin Tian, Zhihui Wang:
An adaptive orthogonal matching pursuit algorithm based on redundancy dictionary. 578-582 - Jianghong Shu, Yutao Chang, Ranfeng Yu:
Designing and implementing a highway dispatching command system using knowledge bases. 583-587 - Yunfei Ge, Lihua Zhou, Shengmin Cui, Ming Yang:
Extending GeNIe for building graphical decision-theoretic models. 588-593 - Ning Xiong, Liangjun Ma, Shouchuan Zhang:
Fuzzy relational learning: A new approach to case-based reasoning. 594-599 - Xing Wang, Ji Chen, Xiangfu Meng, Bing Wang:
Fuzzy rule interchange between f-R2ML and f-RIF. 600-604 - Han Xiong, Huasong Min
Global path planning for omnidirectional vehicles based on Bezier curve and dynamic constraints. 605-610 - Lin Liu, Hailong Cao, Tiejun Zhao:
Measuring domain similarity for statistical machine translation. 611-615 - Hongwei Wang, Ansheng Deng:
Non-revision reasoning with inconsistent ontology. 616-620 - Fangcui Jiang:
On consensus of high-order multi-agent systems with directed interactions and asymmetric communication delays. 621-626 - Tianwei Shi, Hong Wang, Fuwang Wang:
Path planning of a four-rotor aircraft based on shortest path algorithm and statistical analysis. 627-631 - Zhenzhen Wang, Hancheng Xing:
The measure space structure of logical Markov decision processes. 632-636 - Qixue Guan, Yueqiu Jiang
The parsimonious covering theory applied for communication equipment malfunction. 637-641 - Xinde Li:
The problem of entropy production in the classic rule of combination in the Dezert-Smarandache theory. 642-647 - Minna Shao:
An empirical Bayes test of parameters for a nonexponential distribution family with Negative Quadrant Dependent random samples. 648-652 - Jing Du, Fujiang Ao, Futong Qin, Ying Zhou, Chengdong Huang:
Cluster performance oriented characteristics of network simulations. 653-657 - Wei Sun, Xuefu Zhang, Huai Wang:
A knowledge discovery system for detecting and visualizing knowledge evolution of a research field. 658-663 - Sunzhong Lv, Hongxing Jiang, Li Zhao, Di Wang, Mingyu Fan:
Manifold based fisher method for semi-supervised feature selection. 664-668 - Jinsong Zhang, Yan Chen, Taoying Li:
Opportunities of innovation under challenges of big data. 669-673 - Azhar Mahmood
, Ke Shi, Shaheen Khatoon
Controlling in-patient environment by mining sensor data. 674-679 - Youqiang Sun, Rujing Wang, Bing-Yu Sun, Wenbo Li, Feng Jiang:
Prediction about time series based on updated prediction ARMA model. 680-684 - Boyi Xu, Hongming Cai, Lihong Jiang:
A clinic ontology construction method in distributed hospital information systems. 685-689 - Juan Wang, Maozu Guo, Kai Che, Chun-yu Wang, Xiaoyan Liu, Yang Liu:
A new distance computing method for DNA sequences in phylogenetic analysis. 690-694 - Hongyan Wang, Jiayin Sun, Yuan Li, Zejing Xing, Lixin Feng:
A reconstruction algorithm for point-wise sources in a two-dimension electroencephalography model. 695-699 - Zesheng Sun, Yuhai Zhao, Dengke Meng, He Pan:
An efficient projected partition algorithm based on the order among genes. 700-707 - R. A. Khorshed, Q. Yousuf, J. Jiang:
An intelligent approach for the automated segmentation and quantification of Immunohistologically stained nuclei. 708-712 - Guang Zheng, Zekun Ning, Junping Zhan, Kai Cui, Miao Jiang
, Cheng Lu, Aiping Lu:
Bisimulation-based consistency checking on Feng-Han-Shi-Bi syndrome for rheumatoid arthritis. 713-717 - Zhi Mao
, Guo-Sheng Han, Tingting Wang:
Effects of amino acid classification on prediction of protein structural classes. 718-723