21st ICCSA 2021: Cagliari, Italy- Part X

Refine list

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International Workshop on Smart and Sustainable Island Communities (SSIC 2021)

International Workshop on Science, Technologies and Policies to Innovate Spatial Planning (STP4P 2021)

International Workshop on Sustainable Urban Energy Systems (SURENSYS 2021)

International Workshop on Ports of the Future Smartness and Sustainability (SmartPorts 2021)

International Workshop on Smart Tourism (SmartTourism 2021)

International Workshop on Space Syntax for Cities in Theory and Practice (Syntax_City 2021)

International Workshop on Theoretical and Computational Chemistry and Its Applications (TCCMA 2021)

International Workshop on Urban Form Studies (UForm 2021)

International Workshop on Urban Space Accessibility and Safety (USAS 2021)

International Workshop on Virtual and Augmented Reality and Applications (VRA 2021)

International Workshop on Advanced and Computational Methods for Earth Science Applications (WACM4ES 2021)