International Symposium on Mathematical Morphology and Its Application to Signal and Image Processing (ISMM)

Venue statistics

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    frequent authors

      14th ISMM 2019: Saarbrücken, Germany

      13th ISMM 2017: Fontainebleau, France

      12th ISMM 2015: Reykjavik, Iceland

      11th ISMM 2013: Uppsala, Sweden

      10th ISMM 2011: Verbania-Intra, Italy

      9th ISMM 2009: Groningen, The Netherlands

      8th ISMM 2007: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

      7th ISMM 2005: Paris, France

      5th ISMM 2000: Palo Alto, CA, USA

      3rd ISMM 1996: Atlanta, GA, USA

      2nd ISMM 1994: Fontainebleau, France