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KES 2013: Kitakyushu, Japan
- Junzo Watada, Lakhmi C. Jain, Robert J. Howlett, Naoto Mukai, Koichi Asakura:
17th International Conference in Knowledge Based and Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems, KES 2013, Kitakyushu, Japan, 9-11 September 2013. Procedia Computer Science 22, Elsevier 2013 - Issam M. Kouatli
A Biologicaly Inspired Decision Model for Multivariable Genetic- Fuzzy-AHP System. 2-9 - Masanori Matsumura, Vaise Patu, Yutaka Matsuno, Shota Takama, Tatsuya Tokuno, Shuichiro Yamamoto:
A Method to Share Word Knowledge of Dependability Case. 10-19 - H. A. Abeysundara, Hiroshi Hamori, Takeshi Matsui, Masatoshi Sakawa:
A Neural Network Approach for Non-contact Defect Inspection of Flat Panel Displays. 20-29 - Wei Yan, Cecilia Zanni-Merk, François Rousselot, Denis Cavallucci, Pierre Collet:
A New Method of Using Physical Effects in Su-field Analysis based on Ontology Reasoning. 30-39 - Anne Håkansson:
AIC-An AI-system for Combination of Senses. 40-49 - Akimasa Otsuka, Fusaomi Nagata:
Application of Genetic Algorithms to Fine-gain Tuning of Improved the Resolved Acceleration Controller. 50-59 - Karin Kandananond
Applying 2k Factorial Design to Assess the Performance of ANN and SVM Methods for Forecasting Stationary and Non-stationary Time Series. 60-69 - Eleftherios Anagnostopoulos, Sotiris Batsakis
, Euripides G. M. Petrakis
CHRONOS: A Reasoning Engine for Qualitative Temporal Information in OWL. 70-77 - Lili Yang, Chunping Li, Qiang Ding, Li Li:
Combining Lexical and Semantic Features for Short Text Classification. 78-86 - Mohammad Azad
, Beata Zielosko
, Mikhail Moshkov
, Igor Chikalov:
Decision Rules, Trees and Tests for Tables with Many-valued Decisions-comparative Study. 87-94 - Jinyue Peng, Dongxing Jiang, Xinyu Zhang:
Design and Implement a Knowledge Management System to Support Web-based Learning in Higher Education. 95-103 - Huimin Jiang
, C. K. Kwong
, M. C. Law, W. H. Ip
Development of Customer Satisfaction Models for Affective Design Using Rough Set and ANFIS Approaches. 104-112 - William Widjaja, Keito Yoshii, Kiyokazu Haga, Makoto Takahashi:
Discusys: Multiple User Real-time Digital Sticky-note Affinity-diagram Brainstorming System. 113-122 - Ngo Xuan Bach, Kunihiko Hiraishi, Minh Le Nguyen
, Akira Shimazu:
Dual Decomposition for Vietnamese Part-of-Speech Tagging. 123-131 - Hai-Minh Nguyen, Kiyoaki Shirai:
Exploitation of Query Sentences Using Specific Weighting in Support-sentence Retrieval. 132-141 - Kushal Bafna, Durga Toshniwal:
Feature based Summarization of Customers' Reviews of Online Products. 142-151 - Yun-Ching Liu, Yi-Ting Chiang, Tsan-sheng Hsu, Churn-Jung Liau, Da-Wei Wang:
Floating Point Arithmetic Protocols for Constructing Secure Data Analysis Application. 152-161 - Hitoshi Yano, Kota Matsui:
Hierarchical Multiobjective Fuzzy Random Linear Programming Problems. 162-171 - Tadashi Kondo, Junji Ueno, Shoichiro Takao:
Hybrid Multi-layered GMDH-type Neural Network Using Principal Component Regression Analysis and its Application to Medical Image Diagnosis of Liver Cancer. 172-181 - Edison Marrese-Taylor, Juan D. Velásquez, Felipe Bravo-Marquez
, Yutaka Matsuo:
Identifying Customer Preferences about Tourism Products Using an Aspect-based Opinion Mining Approach. 182-191 - Syaiful Anam
, Eiji Uchino, Noriaki Suetake:
Image Boundary Detection Using the Modified Level Set Method and a Diffusion Filter. 192-200 - Eugene S. Kitamura, Hiroshi Sato, Akira Namatame:
Individual Reinforcement and Social Reinforcement: Analytical Model of Individual Behavior in Social Context. 201-210 - Ahmed Al-Moadhen
, Renxi Qiu
, Michael S. Packianather
, Ze Ji
, Rossi Setchi:
Integrating Robot Task Planner with Common-sense Knowledge Base to Improve the Efficiency of Planning. 211-220 - Takashi Hasuike, Hideki Katagiri, Hiroe Tsubaki, Hiroshi Tsuda:
Interactive Multi-objective Route Planning for Sightseeing on Time-expanded Networks under Various Conditions. 221-230 - Bernardo Pereira Nunes
, Ricardo Kawase, Besnik Fetahu, Stefan Dietze, Marco A. Casanova
, Diana Maynard
Interlinking Documents based on Semantic Graphs. 231-240 - Aroua Hedhili Sbaï
, Wided Lejouad Chaari
, Khaled Ghédira:
Intra-agent Explanation Using Temporal and Extended Causal Maps. 241-249 - Diman Todorov, Rossi Setchi, Antony Bayer
Linguistic Markers in the Sentence Writing Question of the Mini-Mental State Examination for Discrimination between Alzheimer's and Vascular Dementia. 250-259 - Misako Imono, Eriko Yoshimura, Seiji Tsuchiya, Hirokazu Watabe:
Method of Embodying the Meaning of Headlines Using News Articles. 260-268 - Tohru Nitta:
Neural Networks with Comparatively Few Critical Points. 269-275 - Hisaaki Yamaba, Michihito Tanoue, Kayoko Takatsuka, Naonobu Okazaki, Shigeyuki Tomita:
On a Serendipity-oriented Recommender System based on Folksonomy and its Evaluation. 276-284 - Sohail Sarwar
, Zia Ul-Qayyum, Saqib Majeed:
Ontology based Image Retrieval Framework Using Qualitative Semantic Image Descriptions. 285-294 - Fawaz Alsolami
, Igor Chikalov, Mikhail Moshkov
, Beata Zielosko
Optimization of Approximate Inhibitory Rules Relative to Number of Misclassifications. 295-302 - Ja-Hwung Su, Wei-Yi Chang, Vincent S. Tseng:
Personalized Music Recommendation by Mining Social Media Tags. 303-312 - Rim Zghal Rebaï, Leila Ghorbel
, Corinne Amel Zayani
, Ikram Amous
Pertinent User Profile based on Adaptive Semi-supervised Learning. 313-320 - Mario Kusek, Ignac Lovrek, Hrvoje Maracic:
Rich Presence Information in Agent based Machine-to-Machine Communication. 321-329 - Amina Madani, Omar Boussaid, Djamel Eddine Zegour:
Semi-structured Documents Mining: A Review and Comparison. 330-339 - Fatima Boumahdi
, Rachid Chalal:
SOAda: Service Oriented Architecture with a Decision Aspect. 340-348 - Bruno Apolloni, G. Galliani, C. Zizzo, Francesco Epifania, L. Crosta, I. Cesareo:
Socializing Entrepreneurship. 349-358 - Igor Chikalov, Shahid Hussain
, Mikhail Moshkov
Totally Optimal Decision Trees for Monotone Boolean Functions with at Most Five Variables. 359-365 - Gaku Watanabe, Shinji Fukui, Yuji Iwahori
, Manas Kamal Bhuyan, Robert J. Woodham, Yoshinori Adachi:
Tracking Method in Consideration of Existence of Similar Object around Target Object. 366-374 - Hiroki Nomiya
, Atsushi Morikuni, Teruhisa Hochin:
Unsupervised Emotional Scene Detection for Lifelog Video Retrieval based on Gaussian Mixture Model. 375-384 - Tudor Barbu
Unsupervised SIFT-based Face Recognition Using an Automatic Hierarchical Agglomerative Clustering Solution. 385-394 - Przemyslaw Madrzycki
, Dariusz Karczmarz, Piotr Golanski
Usage of Diagnostic Simulator for Ground Engineering Crew Training. 395-400 - Takaaki Yamada:
Use of both Invisible and Emergable Watermarks to Deter Illegal Copying of Images. 401-410 - Soumaya Moussa, Makram Soui
, Mourad Abed
User Profile and Multi-criteria Decision Making: Personalization of Traveller's Information in Public Transportation. 411-420 - Anna Ohira, Trung Ngo Lam, Makoto Mizukawa, Yoshinobu Ando, Takashi Yoshimi:
User-oriented RT Service Proposal System in Kukanchi. 421-429 - George Moroni Teixeira Batista, Mayu Urata, Takami Yasuda:
Version Management of the Dynamic Teaching Materials. 430-439 - Daniel Madrigal, Gustavo Torres, Juan L. Del Valle, Félix Ramos:
A Bio-inspired Architecture of a Motor Neuron System for Virtual Creatures: Movement of a Single Limb with a Single Muscle. 440-449 - Fatahiyah Mohd Anuar, Rossitza Setchi, Yu-Kun Lai:
A Conceptual Model of Trademark Retrieval based on Conceptual Similarity. 450-459 - Tomoharu Nakashima
, Takeshi Sumitani, Andrzej Bargiela:
A Construction Method of Fuzzy Classifiers Using Confidence-weighted Learning. 460-466 - Hisaaki Yamaba, Shoichiro Kitano, Kayoko Takatsuka, Tetsuro Katayama, Naonobu Okazaki, Shigeyuki Tomita:
A Conversion Method from an ETSC to a Timed Petri Net to Improve the Matrix-based Discrete Event Controller and its Unified Support System. 467-476 - Arina Kawano, Katsuhiro Honda, Hirohide Kasugai, Akira Notsu:
A Greedy Algorithm for k-Member Co-clustering and its Applicability to Collaborative Filtering. 477-484 - Noriyuki Kushiro, Taichi Ide, Makoto Katsukura, Toshiyasu Higuma:
A Long-term Data Collection System for Life Pattern Sensor. 485-493 - Koichi Asakura, Kota Fukaya, Toyohide Watanabe:
A Map Construction System for Disaster Areas based on Ant Colony Systems. 494-501 - Tsukasa Kudou, Yui Takeda, Masahiko Ishino, Kenji Saotome, Nobuhiro Kataoka:
A Mass Data Update Method in Distributed Systems. 502-511 - Masaru Noda:
A Method for the Identification of Multiple Blocked Locations in a Microreactor without a Combinatorial Explosion of CFD Simulations for Database Construction. 512-520 - Satoshi Masuda
, Tohru Matsuodani, Kazuhiko Tsuda:
A Method of Creating Testing Pattern for Pair-wise Method by Using Knowledge of Parameter Values. 521-528 - Atsuko K. Yamazaki, Hitomi Shimada, Kaoru Eto:
A Preliminary Examination of the Effect of White and Blue Backgrounds on Web-based English Listening Tests. 529-536 - Yuki Okubo, Teruaki Kitasuka, Masayoshi Aritsugi
A Preliminary Study of the Number of Votes under Majority Rule in Crowdsourcing. 537-543 - Akhmad Syaikhul Hadi, Takashi Yukawa, Yukikazu Murakami:
A Support System for Generating SCORM Compliant Open Source Software Usage Manuals. 544-550 - Tsuyoshi Yumoto, Tohru Matsuodani, Kazuhiko Tsuda:
A Test Analysis Method for Black Box Testing Using AUT and Fault Knowledge. 551-560 - Na Chang, Mhd Irvan, Takao Terano:
A TV Program Recommender Framework. 561-570 - Kenichi Takahashi, Kousuke Arita:
A Warning System in e-learning Using Web Cameras. 571-579 - Hiromasa Kaneko, Kimito Funatsu:
Adaptive Soft Sensor Model Using Online Support Vector Regression with the Time Variable and Discussion on Appropriate Parameter Settings. 580-589 - Yosuke Uozumi, Kouki Nagamune, Daisuke Araki, Yuichi Hoshino
, Ryosuke Kuroda, Masahiro Kurosaka:
An Automatic Segmentation of Bone Tunnels after Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction in MDCT Image Using K-means Clustering. 590-598 - Nobuo Suzuki, Kazuhiko Tsuda:
An Effective Method for Habitual Behavior Extraction from the Internet. 599-605 - Kazuki Yamauchi, Naruaki Toma, Yuhei Akamine, Koji Yamada, Satoshi Endo:
An Introduction of a Tag Ratio Model and the Classification Examination for Recommender Systems. 606-614 - Mao Wu, Michinori Nakata, Hiroshi Sakai:
An Overview of the getRNIA System for Non-deterministic Data. 615-622 - Lim Kai Tun, Hideyuki Matsumoto:
Application Methods for Genetic Algorithms for the Search of Feed Positions in the Design of a Reactive Distillation Process. 623-632 - Xinlian Li, Toyohide Watanabe:
Automatic Paper-to-reviewer Assignment, based on the Matching Degree of the Reviewers. 633-642 - Daisuke Yamada, Yoshitaka Kuwata, Ryosei Kasai, Tatsuya Nakamura:
Automation of Message Handling in Cloud-based Managed Service. 643-652 - Tatsuhiko Matsumoto
, Tomoko Kojiri:
Baseball Coaching Ability Development System based on Externalization of Decision Process. 653-661 - Joakim Ersson, Esmiralda Moradian:
Botnet Detection with Event-Driven Analysis. 662-671 - Yoshiteru Ishida, Takumi Satou:
Characterization of Dynamics of Stable Matchings: Attractors Mapped from Stable Matchings. 672-679 - Umer Khalid, Abdul Ghafoor Abbasi, Misbah Irum, Muhammad Awais Shibli:
Cloud Based Secure and Privacy Enhanced Authentication & Authorization Protocol. 680-688 - Rasha F. El-Agamy
, Chikako Morimoto, Kazuhiko Tsuda:
Comparison of ITSS Definition and A Questionnaire to Software engineer′s Skill Improvement. 689-698 - Nanda Nandagopal
, Ramasamy Vijayalakshmi
, Bernie Cocks, Nabaraj Dahal, Naga Dasari, M. Thilaga
, S. Shamshu Dharwez:
Computational Techniques for Characterizing Cognition Using EEG Data - New Approaches. 699-708 - Yukio Ohsawa, Hiroyuki Kido, Teruaki Hayashi
, Chang Liu:
Data Jackets for Synthesizing Values in the Market of Data. 709-716 - Asanka D. Dharmawansa
, Katsuko T. Nakahira, Yoshimi Fukumura:
Detecting Eye Blinking of a Real-world Student and Introducing to the virtual e-Learning Environment. 717-726 - Takahito Morita, Shuichi Yogo, Masato Koike, Takashi Hamaguchi, Sun Jung, Ichiro Koshijima, Yoshihiro Hashimoto:
Detection of Cyber-attacks with Zone Dividing and PCA. 727-736 - Masato Soga, Takuya Tamura, Hirokazu Taki:
Development of a Typing Skill Learning Environment with Diagnosis and Advice on Fingering Errors. 737-744 - Junko Itou, Yuichi Motojin, Jun Munemori:
Development of Manga-style Chat System Aiming to Communicate Nonverbal Expression. 745-752 - Nur Budi Mulyono, Yoshiteru Ishida:
Development of Manufacturing Support System for SME under Disruption Risk. 753-761 - Hiroko Kanoh
Development of MMRS (Mind Map and Relief System), an Information Sharing System for Children's Safety. 762-771 - Yoshinori Adachi, Kei Konishi, Masahiro Ozaki, Yuji Iwahori
Development of an Automatic Measurement System of Diameter of Pupil - As an Indicator of Comprehension among Web-based Learners. 772-779 - Nguyen Ngoc Anh Huyen, Ai Yamakawa, Dai Kodama, Shinji Tsuruoka, Hiroharu Kawanaka, Haruhiko Takase, Yukitaka Uji, Hisashi Matsubara, Fumio Okuyama:
Disease Generating Model for 3D Display of the Effect of Treatment on 3D Optical Coherence Tomography Images. 780-789 - Takashi Furuhata, Taizo Miyachi, Tomoya Adachi, Saiko Iga, Tseveenbolor Davaa:
Doze Sleepy Driving Prevention System (Finger Massage, High Density Oxygen Spray, Grapefruit Fragrance) with that Involves Chewing Dried Shredded Squid. 790-799 - Chi-Hyon Oh, Katsuhiro Honda:
Dual Exclusive Partition in Fuzzy CoDoK and SCAD-based Fuzzy Co-clustering. 800-809 - Yutaka Juba, Hung-Hsuan Huang, Kyoji Kawagoe:
Dynamic Isolation of Network Devices Using OpenFlow for Keeping LAN Secure from Intra-LAN Attack. 810-819 - Kayo Iizuka, Yasuki Iizuka, Chihiro Suematsu:
E-Business Process Modeling Issues: From the Viewpoint of Inter-organizational Process Efficiency and Information Sharing. 820-827 - Hideyuki Kanematsu
, Toshiro Kobayashi, Nobuyuki Ogawa, Dana M. Barry
, Yoshimi Fukumura, Hirotomo Nagai:
Eco Car Project for Japan Students as a Virtual PBL Class. 828-835 - Hideki Sato, Ryoichi Narita:
Efficient Maximum Range Search on Remote Spatial Databases Using k-Nearest Neighbor Queries. 836-845 - Tomoe Entani:
Encouragement of Group Decisions Beyond the Sum of the Individuals based on Possible Estimations. 846-854 - Kouji Yoshida, Humiyasu Hirai, Yuuta Sakamoto, Isao Miyaji:
Evaluation of the Change of Work Using Simple Electroencephalography. 855-862 - Yumei Luo, Hong Ling:
Exploration and Exploitation of Information Systems Usage and Individual Performance. 863-872 - Liya Ding, Sio-Long Lo:
Extended Interval-valued Confidence for Inference of Knowware System Using Hybrid Logic. 873-882 - János Botzheim, Dalai Tang, Bakhtiar Yusuf, Takenori Obo
, Naoyuki Kubota, Toru Yamaguchi:
Extraction of Daily Life Log Measured by Smart Phone Sensors Using Neural Computing. 883-892 - Ikunari Nakahara, Mohd Fadzil bin Abdul Kadir
, Shinji Tsuruoka, Haruhiko Takase, Hiroharu Kawanaka, Fumio Okuyama, Hisashi Matsubara:
Extraction of Disease Area from Retinal Optical Coherence Tomography Images Using Three Dimensional Regional Statistics. 893-901 - Mohamed Bennasar
, Rossitza Setchi, Antony Bayer
, Yulia Hicks
Feature Selection based on Information Theory in the Clock Drawing Test. 902-911 - Koji Yamaoka, Masataka Uehara, Takeshi Shima, Yasuhisa Tamura:
Feedback of Flying Disc Throw with Kinect and its Evaluation. 912-920 - Hirotaka Itoh, Yuma Itoh, Kenji Funahashi, Daisuke Yamamoto, Shoichi Saito, Ichi Takumi, Hiroshi Matsuo:
Forecasting Students' Future Academic Records Using Past Attendance Recording Data and Grade Data. 921-927 - Yao-Feng Chang, Hiroaki Ishii:
Fuzzy Multiple Criteria Decision Making Approach to Assess the Project Quality Management in Project. 928-936 - Takashi Hamaguchi, B. Mondori, Kazuhiro Takeda, Naoki Kimura
, Masaru Noda:
Generating Alternative Modules for a Plant Alarm System based on First-out Alarm Alternative Signals. 937-944 - Kosuke Sato, Haiyuan Wu, Qian Chen:
High-speed and High-accuracy Scene Flow Estimation Using Kinect. 945-953 - Vaise Patu, Shuichiro Yamamoto:
How to Develop Security Case by Combining Real Life Security Experiences (Evidence) with D-case. 954-959 - Manabu Nii, Yoshihiro Kakiuchi, Kazunobu Takahama, Kazusuke Maenaka, Kohei Higuchi, Takayuki Yumoto:
Human Activity Monitoring Using Fuzzified Neural Networks. 960-967 - Haruki Kawanaka, Shinichi Kosaka, Yuji Iwahori
, Saburo Sugiyama:
Image Reproduction based on Texture Image Extension with Traced Drawing for Heavy Damaged Mural Painting. 968-975 - Syoji Kobashi
, Akihiko Toda, Nao Shibanuma, Yutaka Hata:
Image-based Evaluation of Patient Specific Instrument Attachment in TKA. 976-982 - Yutaka Kokawa, Haiyuan Wu, Qian Chen:
Improved Affinity Propagation for Gesture Recognition. 983-990 - Jun-ichi Fukumoto, Noriaki Aburai, Ryosuke Yamanishi:
Interactive Document Expansion for Answer Extraction of Question Answering System. 991-1000 - Yasufumi Takama, Masaki Okumura:
Interactive Visualization for Monitoring Support of Multiple BBS Threads. 1001-1010 - Akira Notsu, Hirokazu Kawakami, Yuki Tezuka, Katsuhiro Honda:
Intergration of Information based on the Similarity in AHP. 1011-1020 - Yuki Tezuka, Akira Notsu, Katsuhiro Honda:
Introduction of Majority Vote of Neighborhood Conditions for Sneak form Reinforcement Learning. 1021-1028 - Qian Chen, Kohei Matsumoto, Haiyuan Wu:
Iris-Eyelid Separability Filter for Irises Tracking. 1029-1037 - Shuichiro Yamamoto:
Knowledge Collaboration through Enterprise Information Services. 1038-1046 - Atsuo Hazeyama, Eri Umino, Hikaru Yoshii:
Knowledge Transfer Support for Server Administration Using Operations Histories. 1047-1055 - Tetsuya Takaishi:
Markov Chain Monte Carlo versus Importance Sampling in Bayesian Inference of the GARCH Model. 1056-1064