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12th ACM Multimedia 2004: New York, NY, USA
- Henning Schulzrinne, Nevenka Dimitrova, Martina Angela Sasse, Sue B. Moon, Rainer Lienhart:
Proceedings of the 12th ACM International Conference on Multimedia, New York, NY, USA, October 10-16, 2004. ACM 2004, ISBN 1-58113-893-8 - Gordon Bell:
A new relevance for multimedia when we record everything personal. 1
Content-Based Image Retrieval
- Xiaofei He:
Incremental semi-supervised subspace learning for image retrieval. 2-8 - Jingrui He, Mingjing Li, HongJiang Zhang, Hanghang Tong
, Changshui Zhang:
Manifold-ranking based image retrieval. 9-16 - Xiaofei He, Wei-Ying Ma, HongJiang Zhang:
Learning an image manifold for retrieval. 17-23 - Steven Chu-Hong Hoi, Michael R. Lyu:
A novel log-based relevance feedback technique in content-based image retrieval. 24-31
Networked Multimedia Applications
- Jinjun Wang, Changsheng Xu, Chng Eng Siong, Kongwah Wan, Qi Tian:
Automatic replay generation for soccer video broadcasting. 32-39 - Preetha Appan, Hari Sundaram
Networked multimedia event expsoration. 40-47 - Jehan Wickramasuriya, Mahesh Datt, Sharad Mehrotra, Nalini Venkatasubramanian:
Privacy protecting data collection in media spaces. 48-55 - Qiang Zhu, Ching-Tung Wu, Kwang-Ting Cheng
, Yi-Leh Wu:
An adaptive skin model and its application to objectionable image filtering. 56-63
Augmented and Virtual Spaces for Creative Learning, Collaboration, and Play
- Roderick Galantay, Jan Torpus, Maia Engeli:
"living-room": interactive, space-oriented augmented reality. 64-71 - Flavia Sparacino:
Scenographies of the past and museums of the future: from the wunderkammer to body-driven interactive narrative spaces. 72-79 - Marc Cavazza, Jean-Luc Lugrin, Simon Hartley, Paolo Libardi, Matthew J. Barnes, Mikael Le Bras, Marc Le Renard, Louis Bec, Alok Nandi:
New ways of worldmaking: the Alterne platform for VR art. 80-87
Multimedia Service Composition
- Klara Nahrstedt, Wolf-Tilo Balke
A taxonomy for multimedia service composition. 88-95 - Dongyan Xu, Xuxian Jiang:
Towards an integrated multimedia service hosting overlay. 96-103 - Matthias Wagner, Wolfgang Kellerer
Web services selection for distributed composition of multimedia content. 104-107 - Karthik Lakshminarayanan, Ion Stoica, Klaus Wehrle:
Support for service composition in i3. 108-111
Audio Processing
- Namunu Chinthaka Maddage, Changsheng Xu, Mohan S. Kankanhalli
, Xi Shao:
Content-based music structure analysis with applications to music semantics understanding. 112-119 - Yoshiharu Suga, Naoko Kosugi, Masashi Morimoto:
Real-time background music monitoring based on content-based retrieval. 120-127 - Rainer Typke, Remco C. Veltkamp, Frans Wiering:
Searching notated polyphonic music using transportation distances. 128-135
Multimedia Streaming
- Shu Tao, Roch Guérin:
Application-specific path switching: a case study for streaming video. 136-143 - Ye Wang
, Wendong Huang, Jari Korhonen:
A framework for robust and scalable audio streaming. 144-151 - Cheng Huang, Ramaprabhu Janakiraman, Lihao Xu:
Loss-resilient on-demand media streaming using priority encoding. 152-159
Technical and Art Demonstrations Session 1
- Eun-Seok Ryu, Chuck Yoo:
An approach to interactive media system for mobile devices. 160-161 - Ning Jiang, Yao Hua Ho
, Kien A. Hua:
Range multicast routers for large-scale deployment of multimedia application. 162-163 - Viktor S. Wold Eide, Frank Eliassen, Jørgen Andreas Michaelsen
Exploiting content-based networking for video streaming. 164-165 - Tommo Reti, Risto Sarvas:
DiMaS: distributing multimedia on peer-to-peer file sharing networks. 166-167 - Conrad Parker, André Pang, Silvia Pfeiffer:
Demonstrating a video and audio web. 168-169 - Shawn Van Every:
Interactive tele-journalism: low cost, live, interactive television news production. 170-171 - Xian-Sheng Hua, Lie Lu, HongJiang Zhang:
P-Karaoke: personalized karaoke system. 172-173 - Huahui Wu, Mark Claypool, Robert E. Kinicki:
Demonstration of adjusting forward error correction with quality scaling for TCP-friendly streaming MPEG. 174-175 - Frank Zhao, Qiong Liu:
A web based multi-display presentation system. 176-177 - Ansgar Scherp
, Susanne Boll:
Generic support for personalized mobile multimedia tourist applications. 178-179 - Jason Freeman:
N.A.G.: network auralization for Gnutella. 180-181 - Douglas Easterly:
Bio-Fi: inverse biotelemetry projects. 182-183 - Eric Singer, Jeff Feddersen:
LEMUR: robotic musical instruments. 184-185 - August Black:
Userradio. 186-187
From Context to Content: Leveraging Contextual Metadata to Infer Multimedia Content
- Marc Davis, Simon King, Nathan Good, Risto Sarvas:
From context to content: leveraging context to infer media metadata. 188-195 - Mor Naaman
, Susumu Harada, Qianying Wang, Hector Garcia-Molina, Andreas Paepcke:
Context data in geo-referenced digital photo collections. 196-203 - Kenneth B. Haase:
Context for semantic metadata. 204-211
Student Best Paper Contest
- Ye Wang, Min-Yen Kan
, Tin Lay Nwe, Arun Shenoy, Jun Yin:
LyricAlly: automatic synchronization of acoustic musical signals and textual lyrics. 212-219 - Oleg Komogortsev, Javed I. Khan:
Predictive perceptual compression for real time video communication. 220-227 - Qi Xue, Aura Ganz:
Proportional service differentiation in wireless LANs using spacing-based channel occupancy regulation. 228-235
Technical Poster Session 1: Multimedia Analysis, Processing, and Retrieval
- Lijun Yin, Johnny Loi, Wei Xiong:
Facial expression representation and recognition based on texture augmentation and topographic masking. 236-239 - Julinda Gllavata, Ralph Ewerth, Bernd Freisleben
Tracking text in MPEG videos. 240-243 - Helge Drumm:
MPEG-4 based real-time shadows. 244-247 - Mutlu Uysal, Fatos T. Yarman-Vural:
A content based image retrieval system based on the fuzzy ARTMAP architecture. 248-251 - Matthew Cooper:
Video segmentation combining similarity analysis and classification. 252-255 - Xinguo Yu, Hon Wai Leong, Changsheng Xu, Qi Tian:
A robust and accumulator-free ellipse hough transform. 256-259 - Xinguo Yu, Xin Yan, Tze Sen Hay, Hon Wai Leong:
3D reconstruction and enrichment of broadcast soccer video. 260-263 - Ying Li, Chitra Dorai:
Analyzing discussion scene contents in instructional videos. 264-267 - François Coldefy, Patrick Bouthemy:
Unsupervised soccer video abstraction based on pitch, dominant color and camera motion analysis. 268-271 - Rahul Nair:
Calculation of an aggregated level of interest function for recorded events. 272-275 - Xianfeng Yang, Qi Tian, Ee-Chien Chang
A color fingerprint of video shot for content identification. 276-279 - Saurabh Sood, Ashok Krishnamurthy:
A robust on-the-fly pitch (OTFP) estimation algorithm. 280-283 - Kee-Koo Kwon, Sung-Ho Im, Dong-Sun Lim:
Picture quality improvement in MPEG-4 video coding using simple adaptive filter. 284-287 - Che-Bin Liu, Narendra Ahuja:
Motion based retrieval of dynamic objects in videos. 288-291 - Shuqiang Jiang, Qixiang Ye, Wen Gao, Tiejun Huang:
A new method to segment playfield and its applications in match analysis in sports video. 292-295 - Jun Shimamura, Kenichi Arakawa:
Location-aware projection with robust 3-D viewing point detection and fast image deformation. 296-299 - Gao Chen, Yong-Dong Zhang, Shouxun Lin, Feng Dai:
Efficient block size selection for MPEG-2 to H.264 transcoding. 300-303 - Zheng Liu, Xue Li
, Zhao Yang Dong:
Enhancing security of frequency domain video encryption. 304-307 - Tat-Wan Leung, Chong-Wah Ngo:
Indexing and matching of polyphonic songs for query-by-singing system. 308-311 - Haoran Yi, Deepu Rajan, Liang-Tien Chia:
Automatic extraction of motion trajectories in compressed sports videos. 312-315 - Jamie Ng
, Kanagasabai Rajaraman, Edward Altman:
Mining emergent structures from mixed media For content retrieval. 316-319 - Jun Wu, Xian-Sheng Hua, HongJiang Zhang, Bo Zhang:
An online-optimized incremental learning framework for video semantic classification. 320-323 - Tin Lay Nwe, Arun Shenoy, Ye Wang
Singing voice detection in popular music. 324-327 - Ling-Yu Duan, Min Xu
, Qi Tian, Changsheng Xu:
Nonparametric motion model with applications to camera motion pattern classification. 328-331 - Vidyarani M. Dyaberi, Hari Sundaram
, Jodi James, Gang Qian:
Phrase structure detection in dance. 332-335 - Wanjun Jin, Rui Shi, Tat-Seng Chua:
A semi-naïve Bayesian method incorporating clustering with pair-wise constraints for auto image annotation. 336-339 - Yiqun Hu, Liang-Tien Chia, Deepu Rajan:
Region-of-interest based image resolution adaptation for MPEG-21 digital item. 340-343 - Na Li, Jiajun Bu, Chun Chen:
A reversible color transform for 16-bit-color picture coding. 344-347 - Florent Monay, Daniel Gatica-Perez:
PLSA-based image auto-annotation: constraining the latent space. 348-351 - Paraskevi K. Tzouveli, Klimis S. Ntalianis, Stefanos D. Kollias:
Security of human video objects by incorporating a chaos-based feedback cryptographic scheme. 352-355 - Yuhang Wang, Fillia Makedon, Amit Chakrabarti:
R*-Histograms: efficient representation of spatial relations between objects of arbitrary topology. 356-359 - Lijun Yin, Kenny Weiss:
Generating 3D views of facial expressions from frontal face video based on topographic analysis. 360-363 - Tao Li, Mitsunori Ogihara:
Music artist style identification by semi-supervised learning from both lyrics and content. 364-367 - Meng Yang, Barbara M. Wildemuth, Gary Marchionini:
The relative effectiveness of concept-based versus content-based video retrieval. 368-371 - Mei-Ling Shyu, Shu-Ching Chen, Min Chen, Chengcui Zhang:
Affinity relation discovery in image database clustering and content-based retrieval. 372-375 - Patrick de Smet, Filip Rooms, Hiêp Quang Luong, Wilfried Philips:
Do not zero-pute: an efficient homespun MPEG-audio layer II decoding and optimization strategy. 376-379
Technical Poster Session 2: Multimedia Networking and System Support
- Yongdong Wu, Feng Bao:
Collusion attack on a multi-key secure video proxy scheme. 380-383 - J. R. Parker, Keith Chung:
Index-frame audio transmission. 384-387 - Frederick W. B. Li
, Lewis W. F. Li, Rynson W. H. Lau:
Supporting continuous consistency in multiplayer online games. 388-391 - Toshikatsu Kanda, Kazunori Shimamura:
Application of packet assembly technology to digital video and VoIP. 392-395 - Shudong Jin:
Replication of partitioned media streams in wireless ad hoc networks. 396-399 - Tiecheng Liu, Chekuri Choudary:
Real-time content analysis and adaptive transmission of lecture videos for mobile applications. 400-403 - Abhik Majumdar, Jiajun Wang, Kannan Ramchandran:
Drift reduction in predictive video transmission using a distributed source coded side-channel. 404-407 - Pradeep K. Atrey, Mohan S. Kankanhalli
Probability fusion for correlated multimedia streams. 408-411 - Song Ye, Fillia Makedon:
Collaboration-aware peer-to-peer media streaming. 412-415 - Harinath Garudadri, Phoom Sagetong, Sanjiv Nanda:
Video transport over wireless networks. 416-419 - Tiecheng Liu, Srihari Nelakuditi:
Disruption-tolerant content-aware video streaming. 420-423
Technical Poster Session 3: Multimedia Tools, End-Systems, and Applications
- Fuhao Zou, Zhengding Lu, Hefei Ling:
A multiple watermarking algorithm based on CDMA technique. 424-427 - Shiyan Hu:
Key-dependant decomposition based image watermarking. 428-431 - Shu-Ching Chen, Mei-Ling Shyu, Na Zhao:
SMARXO: towards secured multimedia applications by adopting RBAC, XML and object-relational database. 432-435 - Xin-Jing Wang, Wei-Ying Ma, Qi-Cai He, Xing Li:
Grouping web image search result. 436-439 - Anthony Solon, Paul McKevitt, Kevin Curran:
Mobile MultiModal presentation. 440-443 - Shinji Daigo, Shinji Ozawa:
Automatic pan control system for broadcasting ball games based on audience's face direction. 444-447 - Jiang Yu Zheng, Yu Zhou:
Scene tunnels for seamless virtual tour. 448-451 - Amin Shah-Hosseini, Gerald M. Knapp:
Learning image semantics from users relevance feedback. 452-455 - Roberto Lopez-Gulliver, Hiroko Tochigi, Tomohiro Sato, Masami Suzuki, Norihiro Hagita:
SenseWeb: collaborative image classification in a multi-user interaction environment. 456-459 - Brett Adams, Svetha Venkatesh:
Director in your pocket: holistic help for the hapless home videographer. 460-463 - Dacheng Tao, Hao Liu, Xiaoou Tang:
K-BOX: a query-by-singing based music retrieval system. 464-467 - Angus M. K. Siu, Rynson W. H. Lau:
Image-based modeling and rendering with geometric proxy. 468-471 - Xian-Sheng Hua, Lie Lu
, HongJiang Zhang:
Automatic music video generation based on temporal pattern analysis. 472-475 - Jun Yin, Ankur Dhanik, David Hsu, Ye Wang
The creation of a music-driven digital violinist. 476-479 - André Pang, Conrad Parker, Silvia Pfeiffer:
Challenges of networked media: integrating the navigational features of browsing histories and media playlists into a media browser. 480-483 - Hitoshi Ikeda, Masahiro Maeda, Noriji Kato, Hirotsugu Kashimura:
Classification of human actions using face and hands detection. 484-487 - Wolfgang Hürst, Tobias Lauer, Georg Götz:
Interactive manipulation of replay speed while listening to speech recordings. 488-491 - Dick C. A. Bulterman, Jack Jansen, Kleanthis Kleanthous, Kees Blom, Daniel Benden:
Ambulant: a fast, multi-platform open source SMIL player. 492-495 - Rahul Singh, Rachel Lee Knickmeyer, Punit Gupta, Ramesh C. Jain:
Designing experiential environments for management of personal multimedia. 496-499 - Xiaozhou Wei, Lijun Yin, Zhiwei Zhu, Qiang Ji:
Avatar-mediated face tracking and lip reading for human computer interaction. 500-503 - Wille Mäkelä, Markku Reunanen, Tapio Takala:
Possibilities and limitations of immersive free-hand expression: a case study with professional artists. 504-507 - Till Quack, Ullrich J. Mönich, Lars Thiele, B. S. Manjunath:
Cortina: a system for large-scale, content-based web image retrieval. 508-511 - Piotr D. Adamczyk:
Seeing sounds: exploring musical social networks. 512-515 - Ali Sabbir, Kaliappa Nadar Ravindran:
User-assisted tools for concurrency control in distributed multimedia collaborations. 516-519
Art poster session
- Andrea Polli:
DATAREADER: a tool for art and science collaborations. 520-523 - David Birchfield
Composing the digital rainstick. 524-527 - Kristjan Varnik, Jason Freeman, Chandrasekhar Ramakrishnan:
Tools used while developing auracle: a voice-controlled networked instrument. 528-531 - Lina Peng, K. Selçuk Candan, Kyung Dong Ryu, Karam S. Chatha, Hari Sundaram
ARIA: an adaptive and programmable media-flow architecture for interactive arts. 532-535 - David A. Shamma, Sara Owsley, Shannon Bradshaw, Kristian J. Hammond:
Using web frequency within multi-media exhibitions. 536-539
Technical Best Paper Contest Session
- Jianping Fan, Yuli Gao, Hangzai Luo:
Multi-level annotation of natural scenes using dominant image components and semantic concepts. 540-547 - Rong Yan, Jun Yang, Alexander G. Hauptmann:
Learning query-class dependent weights in automatic video retrieval. 548-555 - Chika Oshima, Kazushi Nishimoto, Masami Suzuki:
Family ensemble: a collaborative musical edutainment system for children and parents. 556-563
Learning in Multi-Modal Data
- Kingshy Goh, Edward Y. Chang, Wei-Cheng Lai:
Multimodal concept-dependent active learning for image retrieval. 564-571 - Yi Wu, Edward Y. Chang, Kevin Chen-Chuan Chang, John R. Smith:
Optimal multimodal fusion for multimedia data analysis. 572-579 - Jun Yang, Alexander G. Hauptmann:
Naming every individual in news video monologues. 580-587