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MODELS 2023: Västerås, Sweden - Companion Proceedings
- ACM/IEEE International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems, MODELS 2023 Companion, Västerås, Sweden, October 1-6, 2023. IEEE 2023, ISBN 979-8-3503-2498-3
- Sebastian Bergemann
Towards Confidentiality in Multi-Model Inconsistency Detection for Systems Engineering. 1-6 - Sebastian Götz, Nelly Bencomo:
Tools and Demonstrations Track. 1-3 - Sebastian Götz, Nelly Bencomo:
Tools and Demonstrations Track. 1-3 - Jakub Klímek, Pavel Koupil, Petr Skoda
, Jáchym Bártík, Stepán Stenchlák, Martin Necaský, Irena Holubová:
Atlas: A Toolset for Efficient Model-Driven Data Exchange in Data Spaces. 4-8 - Steven Kelly
, Juha-Pekka Tolvanen
How MetaEdit+ Supports Co-Evolution of Modeling Languages, Tools and Models. 9-13 - Francisco Martínez-Lasaca
, Pablo Díez, Esther Guerra, Juan de Lara:
Engineering Low-Code Modelling Environments with Dandelion. 14-18 - Floriment Klinaku, Julijan Katic, Sarah Sophie Stieß, Steffen Becker:
Designing Elasticity Policies for Cloud-Native Applications with Slingshot. 19-23 - Karel Klíma
, Michal Med, Miroslav Blasko, Petr Kremen, Martin Necaský, Martin Ledvinka, Alice Binderová, Michal Svagr, Filip Kopecký:
Assembly Line: A Tool for Collaborative Modeling of Ontologies in Public Administration. 24-29 - Pasquale Ardimento, Lerina Aversano, Mario Luca Bernardi, Vito Alessandro Carella, Marta Cimitile, Michele Scalera:
UML Miner: A Tool for Mining UML Diagrams. 30-34 - Christoph Bockisch, Gabriele Taentzer, Daniel Neufeld:
MMT: Mutation Testing of Java Bytecode with Model Transformation. 35-39 - Haydar Metin, Dominik Bork:
Introducing BIGUML: A Flexible Open-Source GLSP-Based Web Modeling Tool for UML. 40-44 - Yang Zhang, Yang Li, Yilong Yang, Shuang Chen, Juntao Gao, Weiru Wang, Yongfeng Yin:
RapidMS: A Tool for Supporting Rapid Microservices Generation and Refinement from Requirements Model. 45-49 - Yang Li, Yang Zhang, Yilong Yang, Weiru Wang, Yongfeng Yin:
RM2MS: A Tool for Automatic Identification of Microservices from Requirements Models. 50-54 - Juri Di Rocco, Davide Di Ruscio, Amleto Di Salle, Damiano Di Vincenzo, Alfonso Pierantonio, Giordano Tinella:
jjodel - A Reflective Cloud-Based Modeling Framework. 55-59 - Moamin Abughazala, Henry Muccini, Khitam Qadri:
PyDaQu: Python Data Quality Code Generation Based on Data Architecture. 60-64 - Pablo Gómez-Abajo
, Pablo C. Cañizares, Alberto Núñez
, Esther Guerra, Juan de Lara:
Gotten: A Model-Driven Solution to Engineer Domain-specific Metamorphic Testing Environments. 65-69 - Sohil Lal Shrestha, Alexander Boll, Timo Kehrer, Christoph Csallner:
ScoutSL: An Open-Source Simulink Search Engine. 70-74 - Laurens Sion
, Dimitri Van Landuyt
, Pierre Dewitte
, Peggy Valcke
, Wouter Joosen:
Demonstration of the DPMF for Data Protection Analysis. 75-79 - Maria Spichkova, Jan Carlson:
Posters Track. 80 - Marcello Agostino Scalera, Alessio Zanutta, Marco Riva:
MBSE Methodology to Track and Validate the Interfaces of ANDES Spectrograph for E-ELT. 81-82 - Ralf H. Reussner, Ina Schaefer
, Bernhard Beckert
, Anne Koziolek, Erik Burger
Consistency in the View-Based Development of Cyber-Physical Systems (Convide). 83-84 - Bastian Olberts, Yan Dittjen:
Model Based STPA for Assisted Driving Functions. 85-86 - Alexandr Vasenev, Johan Lukkien, Laura van Veen, Pieter Goosen, Richard Doornbos, Arjan J. Mooij:
Obtaining Insights into the Interplay Between Systems and Software Engineering. 87-88 - Michel Zam:
Enlightening Modeling the Aristotelian Way with Light-Code. 89-90 - Silvia Abrahão, Shaukat Ali:
Educators Symposium. 91-93 - Daniel Strüber:
The Complexity Paradox: An Analysis of Modeling Education Through the Lens of Complexity Science. 94-97 - Timur Saglam
, Larissa Schmid
, Sebastian Hahner
, Erik Burger
How Students Plagiarize Modeling Assignments. 98-101 - Azad Khandoker
, Sabine Sint
, Manuel Wimmer
, Klaus Zeman
An Interdisciplinary Course on Model-Based Systems Engineering. 102-109 - Sergio Morales
, Elena Planas
, Robert Clarisó
, Martin Gogolla
Generative AI in Model-Driven Software Engineering Education: Friend or Foe? 110-113 - Will Barnett
, Steffen Zschaler, Artur Boronat, Antonio García-Domínguez, Dimitrios S. Kolovos:
An Online Education Platform for Teaching MDE. 114-121 - Antonio Bucchiarone
, Andrea Vázquez-Ingelmo, Gianluca Schiavo, Simone Barandoni, Alicia García-Holgado, Francisco José García-Peñalvo
, Sébastien Mosser, Alfonso Pierantonio, Steffen Zschaler, William Barnett
Towards Personalized Learning Paths to Empower Competence Development in Model Driven Engineering Through the ENCORE Platform. 122-129 - Pavani Vemuri, Stephan Poelmans, Ivan Compagnucci, Monique Snoeck:
Using Formative Assessment and Feedback to Train Novice Modelers in Business Process Modeling. 130-137 - Fiona Polack, Hugo Bruneliere:
Doctoral Symposium. 138-139 - Ionut Predoaia
Towards Systematic Engineering of Hybrid Graphical-Textual Domain-Specific Languages. 153-158 - Tiago Sousa:
Towards Modeling and Predicting the Resilience of Ecosystems. 159-165 - Jérôme Pfeiffer:
Systematic Component-Oriented Language Reuse. 166-171 - Mainak Majumder:
A Domain-Driven Model Generation Framework for Cyber-Physical Production Systems. 172-178 - Daniel Lehner:
A Model-Driven Platform for Engineering Holistic Digital Twins. 179-185 - Nicholas Annable:
Deriving Safety Assurance Case Argumentation from WF+ Models. 186-191 - Chaimae Asaad
Towards Leveraging Artificial Intelligence for NoSQL Data Modeling, Querying and Quality Characterization. 192-198 - Peter Herrmann, Stein Erik Ellevseth:
15th System Analysis and Modelling Conference (SAM 2023). 199 - Ole Lehrmann Madsen
, Birger Møller-Pedersen:
What Your Mother Forgot to Tell you About Modeling - and Programming. 200-210 - Kevin Lano, Howard P. Haughton, Ziwen Yuan, Hessa Alfraihi
Program Abstraction and Re-Engineering: An Agile MDE Approach. 211-220 - Maged Elaasar, Nicolas Rouquette, David A. Wagner, Bentley James Oakes, Abdelwahab Hamou-Lhadj, Mohammad Hamdaqa:
openCAESAR: Balancing Agility and Rigor in Model-Based Systems Engineering. 221-230 - Emmanuel Gaudin, Eric Brunel, Mihal Brumbulli:
Language Agnostic Model Checking for SDL. 231-240 - Sorour Jahanbin, Dimitris S. Kolovos, Simos Gerasimou:
Towards Memory-Efficient Validation of Large XMI Models. 241-250 - Jordan Epp, Thomas Robert, Olivier Ruch, Alison Olechowski:
Towards SysML v2 as a Variability Modeling Language. 251-256 - Afef Awadid, Remi Boyer:
On the Conceptualization of Tools for Traceability-Based Change Impact Analysis Using a Domain-Specific Modeling Approach. 257-265 - Panagiotis Kourouklidis, Dimitris S. Kolovos, Joost Noppen, Nicholas Matragkas:
A Domain-Specific Language for Monitoring ML Model Performance. 266-275 - Owen James Reynolds
, Antonio García-Domínguez
, Nelly Bencomo
Automated Provenance Collection at Runtime as a Cross-Cutting Concern. 276-285 - Hessa Alfraihi
, Kevin Lano:
Trends and Insights into the Use of Model-Driven Engineering: A Survey. 286-295 - Paul Boutot, Sadaf Mustafiz:
IoTMoF: A Requirements-Driven Modelling Framework for IoT Systems. 296-305 - Asma Fariha, Sanaa A. Alwidian, Akramul Azim:
Towards Requirements Specification Collaboration Forum for Embedded Software Systems. 312-317 - Nouf Alturayeif
, Jameleddine Hassine:
Detection of Linguistic Bad Smells in GRL Models: An NLP Approach. 318-327 - Ed Seidewitz, Arnaud Blouin, Jérôme Pfeiffer:
Modeling Language Engineering Workshop (MLE 2023). 328-329 - Rohit Gupta
, Nico Jansen, Nikolaus Regnat
, Bernhard Rumpe:
User-Centric Model-Aware Recommendations for Industrial Domain-Specific Modelling Languages. 330-341 - Antonio Bucchiarone
, Stefano Martella, Mario Fusco, Henry Muccini:
Enhancing Gameful Systems with a Domain Specific Language for Rules Lifecycle Management. 342-352 - Josselin Enet, Erwan Bousse
, Massimo Tisi, Gerson Sunyé:
On the Suitability of LSP and DAP for Domain-Specific Languages. 353-363 - Joeri Exelmans, Ciprian Teodorov, Robert Heinrich, Alexander Egyed, Hans Vangheluwe
Collaborative Live Modelling by Language-Agnostic Versioning. 364-374 - Sylvain Guérin, Joël Champeau, Antoine Beugnard, Salvador Martínez Perez:
Monitoring Association Constraints in Model-Oriented Programming. 375-380 - Léo Olivier, Marcos Didonet Del Fabro, Chokri Mraidha, Sébastien Gérard:
Towards an End-to-End Metamodeling Approach Using Rust. 381-390 - Robert Clarisó, Lars Hamann
International Workshop on OCL and Textual Modeling (OCL 2023). 391-392 - Hector Cardenas, Mustafa Al-Lail:
Specifying Temporal Properties in UML Using Patterns: A Tool-Supported Approach. 393-402 - Arne Henzgen, Lukas Strey:
Model-Driven Approach for Automatic Model Information Aggregation in Structured Documents. 403-413 - Frédéric Jouault, Nicolas Pouillard:
Approaching Model Edition as a Linear Logic Problem. 414-421 - Martin Gogolla
Towards a Model Development Environment Acknowledging Contradicting Dimensions in MDE. 422-425 - Tony Clark, Loek Cleophas, Romina Eramo, Vinay Kulkarni, Manuel Wimmer:
3rd International Workshop on Model-Driven Engineering for Digital Twins (MoDDiT 2023). 426-428 - Benoît Combemale, Jean-Marc Jézéquel, Quentin Perez
, Didier Vojtisek, Nico Jansen, Judith Michael, Florian Rademacher, Bernhard Rumpe, Andreas Wortmann, Jingxi Zhang:
Model-Based DevOps: Foundations and Challenges. 429-433 - Birte Caesar, Nico Jansen, Maximilian Weigand, Alexander Fay
, Bernhard Rumpe:
Extracting Hardware Reconfiguration Models Based on Knowledge Synthesis from STEP Files. 434-443 - Hussein Marah, Lucas Lima, Moharram Challenger
, Hans Vangheluwe
Towards Ontology Enabled Agent-Based Twinning for Cyber-Physical Systems. 444-448 - Ivan Compagnucci, Monique Snoeck, Estefanía Serral Asensio
Supporting Digital Twins Systems Integrating the MERODE Approach. 449-458 - Ramya Jayaraman, Daniel Lehner, Stefan Klikovits
, Manuel Wimmer:
Towards Generating Model-Driven Speech Interfaces for Digital Twins. 459-464 - Patrick Spaney
, Steffen Becker, Robin Ströbel
, Jürgen Fleischer, Soraya Zenhari, Hans-Christian Möhring, Ann-Kathrin Splettstößer, Andreas Wortmann:
A Model-Driven Digital Twin for Manufacturing Process Adaptation. 465-469 - Malte Heithoff, Marco Konersmann, Judith Michael, Bernhard Rumpe, Felix Steinfurth:
Challenges of Integrating Model-Based Digital Twins for Vehicle Diagnosis. 470-478 - Benjamin Nast
, Achim Reiz
, Nikola Ivanovic, Kurt Sandkuhl:
A Modeling Approach Supporting Digital Twin Engineering: Optimizing the Energy Consumption of Air Conditioning Facilities. 479-483 - Randy Paredis, Moussa Amrani, Joeri Exelmans, Dominique Blouin, Moharram Challenger, Robert Heinrich:
5th International Workshop on Multi-Paradigm Modeling for Cyber-Physical Systems (MPM4CPS). 484-485 - Milan Cornelis, Yon Vanommeslaeghe
, Bert Van Acker, Paul De Meulenaere
Weaving System-Level Properties with Architectural Decomposition for Mechatronic Co-Design. 486-494 - Yon Vanommeslaeghe
, Bert Van Acker, Milan Cornelis, Paul De Meulenaere
Towards Continuous Verification and Validation of Multi-Domain System Designs. 495-499 - Baptiste Gueuziec, Jean-Pierre Gallois, Frédéric Boulanger:
Qualitative Tendencies for Hybrid System Simulation. 500-509 - Johan Cederbladh, Anna Reale, Andreas Bergsten, Richard Mikelöv, Antonio Cicchetti:
Barriers for Adopting FMI-Based Co-Simulation in Industrial MBSE Processes. 510-519 - Diego Clerissi, Juri Di Rocco, Davide Di Ruscio, Claudio Di Sipio, Felicien Ihirwe, Leonardo Mariani, Daniela Micucci, Maria Teresa Rossi, Riccardo Rubei:
Supporting Early-Safety Analysis of IoT Systems by Exploiting Testing Techniques. 520-529 - Hussein Marah, Randy Paredis, Moharram Challenger
, Hans Vangheluwe
A Multi-Robot Warehouse System: An Exemplar. 530-538 - Juri Di Rocco, Claudio Di Sipio:
ResyDuo: Combining Data Models and CF-Based Recommender Systems to Develop Arduino Projects. 539-548 - Éric Lubat, Eric Jenn, Dominique Blouin, Marc Kaufmann:
Towards a Development Process for Multi-CPU Distributed Synchronous Software Applications. 549-558 - Lola Burgueño, Dominik Bork, Jessie Galasso, Manuel Wimmer:
5th Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Model-Driven Engineering (MDE 2023). 559-561 - Syed Juned Ali
, Aleksandar Gavric, Henderik A. Proper, Dominik Bork:
Encoding Conceptual Models for Machine Learning: A Systematic Review. 562-570 - Lars van Arragon, Carlos Diego Nascimento Damasceno, Daniel Strüber:
Model-Driven Optimization: Towards Performance-Enhancing Low-Level Encodings. 571-579 - Sathurshan Arulmohan, Marie-Jean Meurs, Sébastien Mosser:
Extracting Domain Models from Textual Requirements in the Era of Large Language Models. 580-587 - Boqi Chen, Fandi Yi, Dániel Varró:
Prompting or Fine-tuning? A Comparative Study of Large Language Models for Taxonomy Construction. 588-596 - Abbas Rahimi, Massimo Tisi, Shekoufeh Kolahdouz Rahimi, Luca Berardinelli:
Towards Generating Structurally Realistic Models by Generative Adversarial Networks. 597-604 - Aymeric Koenig, Benjamin Allaert, Emmanuel Renaux:
NEURAL-UML: Intelligent Recognition System of Structural Elements in UML Class Diagram. 605-613 - Felix Gemeinhardt, Martin Eisenberg
, Stefan Klikovits
, Manuel Wimmer:
Model-Driven Optimization for Quantum Program Synthesis with MOMoT. 614-621 - Mouna Dhaouadi, Bentley James Oakes, Michalis Famelis:
Towards Understanding and Analyzing Rationale in Commit Messages Using a Knowledge Graph Approach. 622-630 - Thomas Kühne, Zoltán Theisz, Manfred A. Jeusfeld
10th International Workshop on Multi-Level Modeling (MULTI 2023). 631-633 - Giancarlo Guizzardi:
An Ontological View on Types. 634 - Mira Balaban, Michael Kifer, Azzam Maraee:
Clabject Typing in MLM - the Double Life of a Clabject: A Position Paper. 635-638 - Thomas Kühne, João Paulo A. Almeida, Colin Atkinson, Manfred A. Jeusfeld
, Gergely Mezei:
Field Types for Deep Characterization in Multi-Level Modeling. 639-648 - Arne Lange, Colin Atkinson:
Modeling in LML with DOCL: A Contribution to the MULTI Warehouse Challenge. 649-658 - Ulrich Frank, Pierre Maier, Daniel Töpel:
Modeling Facets of a Warehouse with the FMMLx: A Contribution to the MULTI Warehouse Challenge. 659-668 - Arne Lange, Ulrich Frank, Colin Atkinson, Daniel Töpel:
Comparing LML and FMMLx: A Contribution to the MULTI Collaborative Comparison Challenge. 669-678 - Yuhong Fu, Georg Grossmann
, Karamjit Kaur
, Matt Selway
, Markus Stumptner
Towards the Integration of Multi-Level and Multi-View Modelling for Interoperability. 679-688 - Simon Staudinger, Christoph G. Schuetz, Michael Schrefl:
Using Multilevel Business Artifacts for Knowledge Management in Analytics Projects. 689-698 - Thomas Kühne, Manfred A. Jeusfeld
The MULTI Warehouse Challenge. 699-702 - Amleto Di Salle, Ludovico Iovino, Leonardo Mariani:
Mastering Reference Architectures with Modeling Assistants. 705-709 - Christophe Ponsard, Denis Darquennes:
MBSE Tool Selection Process: Feedback from a Railway Case Study. 710-714 - Horacio Hoyos Rodriguez, Naveen Ganesh Muralidharan, Faezeh Siavashi, Vera Pantelic, Victor Bandur, Mark Lawford, Richard F. Paige:
An Automotive Architecture Product Line for E/E Powertrain Architectures. 715-719 - Jean-Marie Gauthier, Jérôme Fasquel, Julien Baclet:
EasyMOD: A Web-Based Modeling Tool for Non-MBSE Engineers. 720 - Johan Cederbladh, Loek Cleophas, Eduard Kamburjan, Lucas Lima, Hans Vangheluwe
Symbolic Reasoning for Early Decision-Making in Model-Based Systems Engineering. 721-725 - Arnaud Blouin, Silvia Abrahão, Philippe A. Palanque, Bran Selic:
7th International Workshop on Human Factors in Modeling / Modeling of Human Factors (HuFaMo 2023). 726-728 - Marcus Haapasaari Lindgren, Jon Persson, Rodi Jolak, Felix Dobslaw:
COMET: A ML-Based Tool for Evaluating the Effectiveness of Software Design Communication. 729-736 - Reyhaneh Kalantari
, Timothy C. Lethbridge:
Unveiling Developers' Mindset Barriers to Software Modeling Adoption. 737-746 - Federico Bonetti
, Antonio Bucchiarone
, Antonio Cicchetti, Annapaola Marconi:
Challenging Models: Formalizing Quests in Gamified Systems for Behavioral Change. 747-756 - Axel Carayon, Célia Martinie, Philippe A. Palanque:
Task Models as a Mean to Identify and Justify Automations in Development Tasks. 757-764 - Istvan David, Antonio García-Domínguez, Eugene Syriani:
2nd International Hands-On Workshop on Collaborative Modeling (HoWCoM 2023). 765-766 - Jakob Pietron, Alexander Raschke, Joeri Exelmans, Matthias Tichy:
Collaboration And Versioning Framework - A Systematic Top-Down Approach. 767-777 - Daniel Lehner, Gera Weiss:
Model Driven Engineering, Verification and Validation (MoDeVVa 2023).