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PACIS 2023: Nanchang, China
- Patrick Chau, Jack Jing, Mikko T. Siponen, Andrew Burton-Jones, Chuan-Hoo Tan, Bo Sophia Xiao:
27th Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems, PACIS 2023, Nanchang, China, July 9-12, 2023. 2023 - Mathis Hoffmann, Maren Mehler:
An Industry-Specific Investigation on Artificial Intelligence Adoption: The Cases of Financial Services and Manufacturing. 1 - Hao Ding, Xuwen Li, Jialin Du, Guangwei Hu:
A Deep Learning Entity Extraction Model for Chinese Government Documents. 2 - Liuyi He, Jifeng Luo:
Home Bias in Knowledge Adoption: Evidence From Location Disclosure in An Online Q&A Community. 3 - Cui Li, Bo Sophia Xiao, Xiongwei Zhou, Bin Gu:
How much should I invest? The influence of reputable investors and platform investors in online lending. 4 - Lijun Wang:
The Interplay of Distinct Network Effects on Online Labor Platforms. 5 - Tobias Müller, Milena Zahn, Florian Matthes:
A Pathway for the Practical Adoption of Federated Machine Learning Projects. 6 - Fan Wang, Pasi Karppinen, Petri Ahokangas:
Exploring factors influencing actor engagement in MyData health platform: A case study from Finland. 7 - Qiang Cao, Xian Cheng, Stephen Shaoyi Liao:
The Impact of Competitive Threats from the Product Market on Data Breaches. 8 - Shaoxin Wang, Daniel Schlagwein, Michael Seymour:
Socio-Technical Phenomena Involving Blockchains: Review, Critique and Agenda. 9 - Chenxu Zheng, Bernard C. Y. Tan:
Designing A Scalable Intervention for Adult Learners' Negative Academic Self-concept. 10 - Xizi Wang, Jialin Du, Guangwei Hu:
How mobile instant messaging affects public employees' daily work: An empirical examination based on stressor-strain-outcome model. 11 - Maren Mehler, Merve Turan Akdag, Anne Zöll:
Exploring the Effect of National Culture on Emerging Technologies: A Glimpse into the Future. 12 - Susan Sheldrick, Shanton Chang, Sherah Kurnia, Dana McKay:
Across the Great Digital Divide: Investigating the Impact of AI on Rural SMEs. 13 - Yajing Lv, Ying Wang, Yongqiang Sun:
From Health Anxiety to Health Information Seeking and Utilization: Exploring the Underlying Mechanisms and Boundary Conditions. 14 - Zhewen Liang, Ben Liu:
Tech-Savvy on Board: Investigating the Impact of Board of Directors' IT Professional Experiences on Firms' IT Investment and Performance. 15 - Hao Hu, Nianxin Wang:
Dynamics of Business-IT Alignment: A Complex Adaptive System Model. 16 - Lorenz Baum, Patrick Weber, Laura-Marie Kolb:
The Explanation Matters: Enhancing AI Adoption in Human Resource Management. 17 - Ruihao Li, Qian Wang, Xinlin Yao, Xixi Li, Xiangbin Yan:
Growing Business in Live Commerce: A Tripartite Perspective and Product Heterogeneity. 18 - Yuan Zhuang, Qiang Wei, Guoqing Chen:
Substituting or Collaborating? A Diversion-Aware Bass Model for Evaluating Impacts from Online Content Copycats. 19 - Mandie Liu, Weiling Ke, David (Jingjun) Xu:
Will Humans be Free-Riders? The Effects of Expectations for AI on Human-AI Team Performance. 20 - Saima Qutab, Michael David Myers, Lesley A. Gardner:
Governing Actor Networks in an Emerging Crowdsourcing Ecosystem. 21 - Noor E. Nazneen, Lubna Alam, Lemai Nguyen:
Understanding technology-enabled patient-provider working alliance in diabetes management. 22 - Shiyi Wang, Jack Tong, Nan Jia:
Show Me The Money, Sooner! How Faster Payments Boost Gig Workers' Efforts and Productivity. 23 - Bin Ling, Qu Yao:
TikTok Use Motivators: A Latent Profile Analysis of TikTok Use Motives. 24 - Yong Liu, Yanqing Lin, Virpi Kristiina Tuunainen:
Examining Applicability of Uncanny Valley Hypothesis: A Large-Scale Study. 25 - Stephan Leible, Tom Lewandowski, Emir Kucevic, Moritz Leon Witt:
Creating Common Ground: Formalizing and Designing Employee-driven Innovation Processes with Decision Points. 26 - Yanhong Chen, Luning Liu, Zhenyuan Zhang:
Impact on Travelers Hedonic and Utilitarian Shopping Behavior by Adoption of Mobile Application: Results from a Quasi-experiment. 27 - Qiang Xu, Kwok On Matthew Lee:
How Online Diaries Persuade Customers - The Role of Narratives. 28 - Yulu Sun:
Cross-border E-commerce Risk Evaluation from Sellers' Perspective. 29 - Chunqi Qi, Tianmei Wang, Menghan Zhao, Jinsong Hao:
The Effect of Virtual Team Characteristics in Co-creation on the Quality of UGC Videos. 30 - Rongbin Yang, Santoso Wibowo, Sameera Mubarak:
An Investigation into Domestic Violence Victims' Adoption of Chatbots for Help-seeking: Based on the UTAUT2 and Health Belief Models. 31 - Ziyue Huang:
Trusting Beliefs and Bases in the Adoption of Autonomous Last Mile Services (ALMS). 32 - Ziqiong Zhang, Bowen Wang, Carol Ou, Zili Zhang:
To Disclose or Not to Disclose, That Is the Question: Evidence from TripAdvisor. 33 - Huiliang Wu, Jifeng Luo, Yu-Wang Chen:
Gamification in Mobile Payment: An Empirical Investigation. 34 - Zhe Jing, Jack Tong, Yue Guo, Alain Chong:
Driving Live Streaming Commitment with Goal Incentives Based on Viewer Reciprocity: A Quasi-Natural Experiment. 35 - Guoxin Wang, Shouwang Lu, Kanliang Wang:
Understanding the Impact of AI Decision speed and Historical Decision Quality on User adoption in AI-assisted Decision Making. 36 - Tan Cheng, Chenghong Zhang, Gang Chen, Shuaiyong Xiao, Zongxiang Zhang, Xulei Jin:
A Hierarchical Attention-based Contrastive Learning Method for Micro Video Popularity Prediction. 37 - Xiaoni Lu, Jack Tong, Hyeokkoo Eric Kwon, Xi Zhao:
Crowded Social Media: Investigating the Crowdedness Effect on Social Media Usage. 38 - Hanbi Fu, Yongqiang Sun:
Understanding Digital Hoarding Behaviors of Social Media Users from a Stress Coping Perspective. 39 - Oliver A. Vetter, Luisa Pumplun, Timo Koppe:
An Ambidextrous Perspective on Machine Learning Development and Operation: The Nexus of Organizational Structure, Tensions, and Tactics. 40 - Patrizia Orth, Gunther Piller, Franz Rothlauf:
Activities to Build a Digital Corporate Culture-A Multiple-case Study on the Prerequisites for Digital Innovation. 41 - Yue Cheng, Dan Ma:
From Seekers to Providers: Investigating the Transition of Participation Style in Online Health Communities. 42 - Waifong Boh, Thara Ravindran, Ben Choi:
Utility, Experience, or 'Self'? Adoption of Robotic Food Delivery. 43 - Julia Schulmeyer:
Guardians of the Metaverse: Expert Assessment of Emerging Privacy Challenges and Mitigation Strategies. 44 - Julia Eggers, Andreas Hein, Markus Böhm, Helmut Krcmar:
Leveraging Big Data for M&A: Towards Designing Process Mining Analyses for Process Assessment in IT Due Diligence. 45 - Miriam Gräf, Anne Zöll, Nihal Wahl, Sara Ellenrieder, Florentina Hager, Timo Sturm, Oliver A. Vetter:
Designing the Organizational Metaverse for Effective Socialization. 46 - Shu Liu, Fareeda Cassumbhoy, Louie Wong, Robert M. Davison:
Spearheading Digital Transformation: The Role of the Chief Digital Officer. 47 - Mengyuan Wang, Jifeng Ma, Yaobin Lu:
The Impact and Evolution of Individual's Learning: An Empirical Study in Open Innovation Community. 48 - Xinyue Zhang, Shan L. Pan, Yenni Tim, Lei Wu:
Leveraging IS-based Energy Systems for Energy Poverty Alleviation in Zambia: An Interpretive Case Study. 49 - Ping Deng, Chuyin Sun, Hao Lu:
Does digital finance enhance corporate green innovation? 50 - Li-Ting Huang:
Building Streamers' Personal Brand Loyalty by the Brand Resonance Pyramid Model in Live Streaming Commerce. 51 - Junyi Yang, Cong Qi, Xuecong Lu:
Review Helpfulness as a Function of discrete negative emotions and image colorfulness. 52 - Sebastian Heierhoff, Il-Hyun Choun:
The Impact of Cybersecurity and Innovation on Mobility Technology Acceptance. 53 - Mengyi Li, Lixia Hu, Quansheng Wang:
Understanding the Role of Streamer Emotion in E-Commerce Livestreaming. 54 - Sara Ellenrieder, Maren Mehler, Merve Turan Akdag:
Design for Acceptance and Intuitive Interaction: Teaming Autonomous Aerial Systems with Non-experts. 55 - Ping Fan Ke, Yi Meng Lau, Daniel Varghese Hanley:
Is Web3 Better Than Web2 for Investors? Evidence from Domain Name Auctions. 56 - Chenxi Ma, Alain Yee-Loong Chong, Chee Wei David Phang:
Responding to Paradoxical Organisational Demands for AI-Powered Systems considering Fairness. 57 - Wei Cui, Atreyi Kankanhalli:
Affect between Humans and Conversational Agents: A Review and Organizing Frameworks. 58 - Jianli Xie, Wei (Wayne) Huang:
Security Goal Matters: Impact of Threat-Prevention and Threat-Detection Behavior on Security Outcomes. 59 - Patrick Weber, Marc Pinski, Lorenz Baum:
Toward an Objective Measurement of AI Literacy. 60 - Liping Chen, Fei Ren, Minya Xu, Zhixue Zhang:
Does Collaboration Always Enhance Work Efficiency? Investigating Collective IS Use from a Process Perspective. 61 - Philip T. Y. Lee, Michael Chau, Richard W. C. Lui:
The Necessary Evil in Mixed-motivational Systems: The Negative Effect of Entropy in Serious Games. 62 - Abdulrahman Mohammed Aldkheel, Lina Zhou:
How to Support Domestic Violence Survivors with Conversational Agents: Meta Requirements and Design Principles. 63 - Jinshui Huang:
How does Digital Interactive Information Influence Stock Performances. 64 - Lujun He, Hongying Zhao, Qingfei Ming:
Judge's Advice Utilization: Whose Advice is More Persuasive, AI or Human? 65 - Yimei Zhou, Hewei Yang, Yifan Yu, Jinghua Huang:
Style Matching or Content Matching? Moderating Role of Discrete Negative Emotions in the Effects of Managerial Responses Tailoring. 66 - Wenchao Du, Wu Liu, Xitong Guo, Doug Vogel:
Exploring the role of the transactive memory system in virtual team resilience: Evidence from online medical teams. 67 - Huijing Guo, Kathy Ning Shen, Xiaofeng Ju:
Adherence to medication interventions: Following attending physicians or online support? 68 - Manyang Zhang, Zhijun Yan, Lun Li:
Patient Uncertainty About Physician Online Service Availability. 69 - Oliver A. Vetter, Alexander Efremov:
A User-Centric Approach to Explainable AI in Corporate Performance Management. 70 - Xuan Wang, Tao Huang, Wenping Zhang, Xin Sun:
What kind of doctor looks more popular? A multi-dimensional study on online healthcare consultation. 71 - Yifan Li, Christy M. K. Cheung:
Usage of Mobile Applications Amongst Older Adults: Retrospect and Prospect. 72 - Zhaobin Liu, Weiwei Deng, Peihu Zhu, Wei Du, Jian Ma:
A Dual-view Attention Neural Network for Assigning Industrial Categories to Academic Patents. 73 - Xiaoyan Wu, Yi Chen, Nila Zhang:
The Impact of Politeness in Bidding Descriptions on Hiring Decisions in Online Labor Markets. 74 - Qian Jia, Syam Menon, Zhengrui (Jeffrey) Jiang:
Micro-Fulfillment Center Inventory Policies for Digital Grocery Ecosystem. 75 - Fangze Dai, Lingfeng Dong, Liqiang Huang, Yu Tu:
Impacts of Live Chat on Refund Intention: Evidence from an Online Labor Market. 76 - Yangyin Lin, Qiang Ye, Hao Xia:
Competition in Fintech Lending by BigTechs with Personalized Interest Rates. 77 - Lizhuo Huang, Bo Yang, Yongqiang Sun:
Social Distance and Information Avoidance in Public Security Events: A Dual Involvement Perspective. 78 - Min Yu, Mingyue Zhang, Baojun Ma:
Understanding the Role of Bounty Awards in Improving Content Contribution: Bounty Amount and Temporal Scarcity. 79 - Khin Than Win, Deolindo Xiemenes, Yinfeng Hu, Xinghang Xiao, Amirreza Bandali, Jainil Sharma:
Technology support for cancer management of culturally and linguistically diverse communities: A systematic review. 80 - Yi Zhang, Quansheng Wang:
Chatbot or Human?The Impact of Chatbot Service Strategies on Recovery Satisfaction. 81 - Junqiao Gong, Li Zhou, Gang Wang, Jian Ma:
Multi-graph Attention Fusion Network for Paper Recommendation Considering Group Information in Scientific Social Networks. 82 - Jingyi Yuan, Yichen Liu, Qiuzhen Wang:
The Effect of Social Chatbot Avatar Presentation on User Self-disclosure. 83 - Zhiyin Li, Ben Choi:
Promoting Driving Safety with Self-Evaluation Maintenance: Human-Human and Human-Artificial Intelligence Performance Comparisons. 84 - Yan Shi, Ying Liu, Yi (Zoe) Zou:
Examine Online User Reactions for Philanthropic Communication in Social Media: An Online Natural Experiment. 85 - Md Jabir Rahman, Huigang Liang, Yajiong Xue:
AI Aversion: A Task Dependent Multigroup Analysis. 86 - Jia-Hui Lin, Sheng-Wei Lin, Tzu-Yang Chu, Hung-Ting Lin:
Exploring the effect of AR filter on perceived brand image: The mediating role of realistic experience. 87 - Mingsong Mao, Xu Weili, Quan Xiao, Sihua Chen:
What impacts the helpfulness of online multidimensional reviews? A perspective from cross-attribute rating and ranking Inconsistency. 88 - Jia Zheng, Xinwei Wang, Ying Zhang:
How Does the Winner-selection Mechanism Affect Users' Participation in Online Brand Communities: The Moderating Role of Power Distance Beliefs. 89 - Zhenya Tang, Botong Xue, Xin (Robert) Luo:
Exploring Users' Security-related Fact-Checking Behavior in Educational Social Media Groups: The Perspective of Health Belief Model. 90 - Asaf Dori, Cheuk Hang Au, Manoj A. Thomas:
Seizing new possibilities for expanding the scope of Cybersecurity Research in Information Systems. 91 - Anqi Zhao, Qian Tang, Yang Gao:
The Effect of Online Follow-up Services on Offline and Online Physician Demand: Evidence from Chronic Disease Physicians. 92 - Xu Zhang, Xinwei Wang:
Eliciting Positive Responses to Refurbished Electronics Through Consumer Empowerment. 93 - Xiaobo Li, Qin-Fang Luo, Xin Fu, Shun Cai:
What Motivates People to Purchase NFTs? A Self-Discrepancy Perspective. 94 - Yuanda Zhang, Yongqiang Sun:
Will Jargon Use Increase or Decrease a Doctor's Credibility? Exploring the Moderating Effects of eHealth Literacy and Question Type. 95 - Wilson Hua, Carmen Leong, Barney Tan:
Rapid Intrapreneurship with a Human Touch. 96 - Mingyue Guo, Na Liu, Julian Prester:
Exploring FemTech Affordances: A Computational Analysis of Fertility and Pregnancy Apps. 97 - Denghui Zhang, Hao Zhong, Jingyuan Yang:
Acqui-hiring or Acqui-quitting: Post-M&A Turnover Prediction via a Dual-fit Model. 98 - Tianlu Zhou, Dan Ma, Nan Feng:
The Use of Bug Bounty Programs for Software Reliability Improvement. 99 - Shixuan Fu, Xiaojiang Zheng:
How to present ideas in idea crowdsourcing communities? Pathways for idea convergence and divergence performances. 100 - Sasari Sanika Udanjala Samarasinghe, Sachithra Lokuge, Sophia Xiaoxia Duan:
Assessing Organizational Readiness for Data-driven Innovation: A Review of Literature. 101 - Adrian van Raay, Sophia Duan, Naomi Whiteside:
IT Project Selection in an Agile Organisation. 102 - Furong Jia, Xueqi Bao, Jie (Joseph) Yu:
Gamification of Digital Platform: A Meta-analysis. 103 - Yu Xia, Hailiang Chen, Yulin Fang:
Third-Party SDKs and Mobile App Performance. 104 - Haoyue Fan, Qiuju Yin, Zhijun Yan, Junwei Kuang:
Suicide Risk Prediction for Users with Depression in Question Answering Communities: A Design Based on Deep Learning. 105 - Jinzhao Wang, Yifan Dou, Lihua Huang, Xiaoyang Zhang, Qifeng Tang:
Selling the Data Product: Pricing Strategies and Welfare Implications. 106 - Zhibin Hu, Junjie Zhou, Hualong Yang, Dan Li:
Understanding the effects of doctors' online profile pictures on patients' decision-making. 107 - Xue Zhang, Yuewen Liu, Juan Feng:
The Anchoring Effect of "Quality Threshold for Monetary Incentive" on Online Review Platforms. 108 - Sihang Chen, Haiyang Feng, Minqiang Li:
Optimal Retailing mode for Content Platforms' E-commerce. 109 - Prashanth Madhala, Tingting Lin, Hongxiu Li, Nina Helander:
Data Analytics Capabilities for Digital Service Development: A Case Study. 110 - Labeeba Kothur, Vidushi Pandey:
Does Algorithmic Awareness Inculcate Mindful News Consumption in Social Media? 111 - Ping Wang, Lin Li, Wei Chen:
Exploring Antecedents of Cyberchondria During Pandemics: An integration of Stress and Coping and SOR. 112 - Nikola Finze, Luise Büscher, Heinz-Theo Wagner, Heiko Gewald:
IT Governance Mechanisms, Employees' Digital Mindset, and Behavioral Outcomes. 113 - Wenhao Guo, Jin Tian, Minqiang Li:
Sequential Recommendation Based on Objective and Subjective Features. 114 - Peng Xie, Hongwei Du:
Social Media Attention and the "Death" of Cryptocurrency: A Hazard Model Perspective. 115 - Xiao Peng, Xixian Peng, David (Jingjun) Xu:
Algorithmic Pricing and Fairness: A Moderated Moderation Model of AI Disclosure and Typicality of AI Pricing. 116 - Yifan Fan, Kun Chen, Yulin Fang:
Tokenized Ownership in Decentralized Autonomous Organizations: Evidence from Steemit. 117 - Mingxia Ma, Na Zhang:
How do short videos influence users' behavioral intentions? 118 - Maximilian Grüning, Dennis Renee Metzler, Manuel Trenz:
Towards Value Creation with Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare: A Qualitative Study on User Requirements. 119 - Yusha Zhong, Ji Wu:
Exploring How Healthcare Information Technology Use Impacts the Quality of Care: A Process Perspective. 120 - Kang Zhang, Einoshin Suzuki:
Judging Credible and Unethical Statistical Data Explanations via Phrase Similarity Graph. 121 - Qian Wang, Yuankun Luo, Weiling Ke:
Exploring the Process of Fresh Produce Supply Within a Platform Ecosystem During City Lockdown Period. 122 - Minghua Zhang, Jin Zhang:
Online Response and Consumer Satisfaction in One-to-many Services. 123 - Huijie Jin, Kanliang Wang, Shouwang Lu:
Embracing Uncertainty Between Us: On the Design of Incentive Allocation Mechanism in Referral Reward Programs. 124 - Ping Qiu, Zhao Cai, Hing Kai Chan, Xiangtianrui Kong, Ye Shi:
Disentangling the Impact of Bidding Price on Click-through Rate and Product Sales in E-commerce Search Advertising. 125 - Xuenan Huo, Keng Leng Siau:
Generative AI and ChatGPT Impact on Technostress of Teachers. 126 - Yeong-Woo Lim, Kee-Young Kwahk:
The Effect of Social Distance on Opinion Expression: Focusing on the Moderated Moderating Effect of Attitude Certainty. 127 - Shiyu Zheng, Ning Zhang:
Does Digital Transformation Promote Breakthrough Green Innovation? Empirical Evidence from Listed Chinese Manufacturing Companies. 128 - Yuechen Ou, Le Wang, Hualong Yang, Zhibin Hu:
Does social capital influence individuals' repayment default? Evidence from consumers' behavior data with mobile phone. 129