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SC 1993: Portland, Oregon, USA
- Bob Borchers, Dona Crawford:
Proceedings Supercomputing '93, Portland, Oregon, USA, November 15-19, 1993. ACM 1993, ISBN 0-8186-4340-4
Algorithms for Applications
- Karen D. Devine, Joseph E. Flaherty, Stephen R. Wheat, Arthur B. Maccabe
A massively parallel adaptive finite element method with dynamic load balancing. 2-11 - Michael S. Warren, John K. Salmon:
A parallel hashed Oct-Tree N-body algorithm. 12-21 - Richard E. Ewing, Robert C. Sharpley, Derek Mitchum, Patrick O'Leary, James S. Sochacki:
Distributed computation of wave propagation models using PVM. 22-31
Computational Physics
- Hong Q. Ding:
Monte Carlo simulations of Quantum systems on massively parallel computers. 34-43 - Jack C. Wells
, Volker E. Oberacker, A. Sait Umar, C. Bottcher, M. R. Strayer, John B. Drake, R. Flanery:
The quantum structure of matter grand challenge project: large-scale 3-D solutions in relativistic quantum dynamics. 44-53 - Jaswinder Pal Singh, Chris Holt, John L. Hennessy, Anoop Gupta:
A parallel adaptive fast multipole method. 54-65
- Mary Stephenson, Larry Brandt, Eric D. Sills
, Alex Ropelewski, B. Loftis, B. Buzbee:
Uses of videoconferencing in the supercomputing environment. 68-71
Invited Presentations
- James A. Sethian:
Computational fluid mechanics and massively parallel processors. 74-82 - Robert A. Coyne, Harry Hulen, Richard W. Watson:
The high performance storage system. 83-92
- Leonardo Dagum:
Automatic partitioning of unstructured grids into connected components. 94-101 - Rob F. Van der Wijngaart:
Efficient implementation of a 3-dimensional ADI method on the iPSC/860. 102-111 - Y. Ansel Teng, Francis Sullivan, Isabel Beichl, Enrico Puppo
A data-parallel algorithm for three-dimensional Delaunay triangulation and its implementation. 112-121
- Raj K. Singh, Stephen G. Tell, Shaun J. Bharrat, David Becker, Vernon L. Chi:
A programmable HIPPI interface for a graphics supercomputer. 124-132 - Thomas T. Kwan, Jeffrey A. Terstriep:
Experiments with a gigabit neuroscience application on the CM-2. 133-142 - Scott T. Leutenegger, Xian-He Sun:
Distributed computing feasibility in a non-dedicated homogeneous distributed system. 143-152
- Ian T. Foster, Carl Kesselman:
Integrating task and data parallelism. 154-155
Matrix Library Issues
- Jack J. Dongarra, Roldan Pozo, David W. Walker
LAPACK++: a design overview of object-oriented extensions for high performance linear algebra. 162-171 - Andreas Stathopoulos, Charlotte Froese Fischer:
Reducing synchronization on the parallel Davidson method for the large sparse, eigenvalue problem. 172-180 - Lionel M. Ni, Hong Xu, Edgar T. Kalns:
Issues in scalable library design for massively parallel computers. 181-190
Evaluation of Real Machines
- Thomas T. Kwan, Brian Totty, Daniel A. Reed:
Communication and computation performance of the CM-5. 192-201 - Rafael H. Saavedra, R. Stockton Gaines, Michael J. Carlton:
Micro benchmark analysis of the KSR1. 202-213 - Jaswinder Pal Singh, Truman Joe, Anoop Gupta, John L. Hennessy:
An empirical comparison of the Kendall Square Research KSR-1 and Stanford DASH multiprocessors. 214-225
Applications I
- Jon A. Webb:
Latency and bandwidth considerations in parallel robotics image processing. 230-239 - Steven Lumetta, Liam Murphy, Xiaoye S. Li, David E. Culler, Ismail S. Khalil:
Decentralized optimal power pricing: the development of a parallel program. 240-249 - Roland Schweitzer, Jonathan McHugh, Patrick J. Burns, Charles Zeeb:
Daylighting design via Monte Carlo with a corresponding scientific visualization. 250-259
Parallel Languages
- David E. Culler, Andrea C. Dusseau, Seth Copen Goldstein, Arvind Krishnamurthy, Steven Lumetta, Thorsten von Eicken, Katherine A. Yelick
Parallel programming in Split-C. 262-273 - François Bodin, L. Kervella, Thierry Priol:
Fortran-S: a Fortran interface for shared virtual memory architectures. 274-283 - Barbara M. Chapman, Piyush Mehrotra, Hans Moritsch, Hans P. Zima:
Dynamic data distributions in Vienna Fortran. 284-293
- Richard E. Gillilan, Bruce R. Land:
Scientific visualization of chemical systems. 296-301
Invited Presentations
- Warren M. Washington:
Computer modeling of the global warming effect (abstract). 304
Applications II
- Vickie E. Lynch
, Benjamin A. Carreras, J. N. Leboeuf, Bruce C. Curtis, R. L. Troutman:
Multi-CPU plasma fluid turbulence calculations on a Cray Y-MP C90. 308-316 - Gang Cheng, Yinghua Lu, Geoffrey C. Fox, Kim Mills, Tomasz Haupt:
An interactive remote visualization environment for an electromagnetic scattering simulation on high performance computing system. 317-326 - A. Zaafrani, Mabo Robert Ito:
Partitioning the global space for distributed memory systems. 327-336
Data Parallel Compilers
- Seema Hiranandani, Ken Kennedy, Chau-Wen Tseng:
Preliminary experiences with the Fortran D compiler. 338-350 - Zeki Bozkus, Alok N. Choudhary, Geoffrey C. Fox, Tomasz Haupt, Sanjay Ranka
Fortran 90D/HPF compiler for distributed memory MIMD computers: design, implementation, and performance results. 351-360 - Ravi Ponnusamy, Joel H. Saltz, Alok N. Choudhary:
Runtime compilation techniques for data partitioning and communication schedule reuse. 361-370
- Carol Christian, Robert F. Cromp, Carol L. Hunter, Lloyd Treinish:
Smart access to large scientific datasets (panel). 372-373
- Henry D. Shay, Vinton G. Cerf, Lansing Hatfield, Stacey Jenkins, Ed McCracken, John Rollwagen, Dale Williams:
National information infrastructure (NII) at Supercomputing '93 (panel). 376
Parallel I/O I
- Ann L. Drapeau, Randy H. Katz:
Striping in large tape libraries. 378-387 - Barbara K. Pasquale, George C. Polyzos
A static analysis of I/O characteristics of scientific applications in a production workload. 388-397 - Andrew Spray, Heiko Schröder, K. T. Lie, Erik Plesner, Peter Bray:
PIPADS - a low cost real-time visualization tool. 398-407
Optimizations for High-Performance Compilers
- Olivier Temam, Elana D. Granston, William Jalby:
To copy or not to copy: a compile-time technique for assessing when data copying should be used to eliminate cache conflicts. 410-419 - Siddhartha Chatterjee, John R. Gilbert, Robert Schreiber:
Mobile and replicated alignment of arrays in data-parallel programs. 420-429 - Aart J. C. Bik, Harry A. G. Wijshoff:
Advanced compiler optimizations for sparse computations. 430-439
- Jeffrey S. Brown:
Debuggers for high performance computers. 442-445
- Linda Stanberry:
Parallel C/C++: convergence or divergence. 448-449
Parallel I/O II
- Rajesh Bordawekar, Juan Miguel del Rosario, Alok N. Choudhary:
Design and Evaluation of primitives for Parallel I/O. 452-461 - N. Galbreath, William Gropp
, David Levine:
Applications-driven parallel I/O. 462-471 - Peter F. Corbett, Dror G. Feitelson, Jean-Pierre Prost, Sandra Johnson Baylor:
Parallel access to files in the Vesta file system. 472-481
Sparse Matrices
- John G. Lewis, Robert A. van de Geijn
Distributed memory matrix-vector multiplication and conjugate gradient algorithms. 484-492 - Stephen T. Barnard, Alex Pothen
, Horst D. Simon
A spectral algorithm for envelope reduction of sparse matrices. 493-502 - Edward Rothberg, Anoop Gupta:
An efficient block-oriented approach to parallel sparse Cholesky factorization. 503-512
- Don Eric Heller, Alan H. Karp, Horst D. Simon
Gordon Bell prize lectures 1993. 514-515 - Sara K. Graffunder:
Barrier-breaking performance for industrial problems on the CRAY C916. 516-519 - Peter S. Lomdahl, Pablo Tamayo, Niels Grønbech-Jensen, David M. Beazley:
50 GFlops molecular dynamics on the Connection Machine 5. 520-527 - Lyle N. Long, Jacek Myczkowski:
Solving the Boltzmann equation at 61 gigaflops on a 1024-node CM-5. 528-534 - Robert W. Means, Bret Wallach, David Busby:
Bispectrum signal processing on HNC's SIMD numerical array processor (SNAP). 535-537 - Gary Sabot, Skef Wholey, Jonas Berlin, Paul Oppenheimer:
Parallel execution of a Fortran 77 weather prediction model. 538-545
Visualization Environments
- Constantine J. Pavlakos, Larry A. Schoof, John F. Mareda:
A visualization environment for supercomputing-based applications in computational mechanics. 550-559 - David Jablonowski, John D. Brunner, Brian Bliss, Robert B. Haber:
VASE: the visualization and application steering environment. 560-569 - Roger Crawfis, Nelson L. Max, Barry G. Becker, Brian Cabral:
Volume rendering of 3D scalar and vector fields at LLNL. 570-576
Run-Time Support for Parallelism
- Gagan Agrawal, Alan Sussman
, Joel H. Saltz:
Compiler and runtime support for structured and block structured applications. 578-587 - François Bodin, Peter H. Beckman, Dennis Gannon, Shelby X. Yang, S. Kesavan, Allen D. Malony, Bernd Mohr:
Implementing a parallel C++ runtime system for scalable parallel systems. 588-597 - Vijay Karamcheti, Andrew A. Chien:
Concert-efficient runtime support for concurrent object-oriented programming languages on stock hardware. 598-607
- Alok N. Choudhary, Charles Koelbel, Mary Zosel:
High performance Fortran: implementor and users workshop. 610-613
- Francine Berman, Tom Kitchens:
The heterogeneous computing challenge (Mini symposium). 616-621
Super Micros
- Gregory M. Papadopoulos, G. Andrew Boughton, Robert Greiner, Michael J. Beckerle:
T: integrated building blocks for parallel computing. 624-635 - James K. Pickett, David G. Meyer:
Enhanced superscalar hardware: the schedule table. 636-644 - David H. Bailey:
RISC microprocessors and scientific computing. 645-654
Communication Intensive Algorithms
- S. D. Kaushik, Chua-Huang Huang, John R. Johnson, Rodney W. Johnson, P. Sadayappan:
Efficient transposition algorithms for large matrices. 656-665 - Xiqing Li, Gordon Linoff, Stephen J. Smith, Craig Stanfill, Kurt H. Thearling:
A practical external sort for shared disk MPPs. 666-675 - Douglas Miles:
Compute intensity and the FFT. 676-684
Parallel Rendering
- Tzi-cker Chiueh:
A novel memory access mechanism for arbitrary-view-projection volume rendering. 690-698 - Raghu Machiraju, Roni Yagel:
Efficient feed-forward volume rendering techniques for vector and parallel processors. 699-708 - Frank A. Ortega, Charles D. Hansen, James P. Ahrens
Fast data parallel polygon rendering. 709-718
Cache Coherence
- Ervan Darnell, Ken Kennedy:
Cache coherence using local knowledge. 720-729 - Reid A. Baldwin:
A cache coherence scheme suitable for massively parallel processors. 730-739 - Shin-ichiro Mori, Hideki Saito, Masahiro Goshima, Mamoru Yanagihara, Takashi Tanaka, David Fraser, Kazuki Joe, Hiroyuki Nitta, Shinji Tomita:
A distributed shared memory multiprocessor ASURA: memory and cache architecture. 740-749
- Geoffrey C. Fox, Sanjay Ranka
, Michael L. Scott, Allen D. Malony, James C. Browne, Marina C. Chen, Alok N. Choudhary, Thomas E. Cheatham, Janice E. Cuny, Rudolf Eigenmann, Amr F. Fahmy, Ian T. Foster, Dennis Gannon, Tomasz Haupt, Carl Kesselman
, Charles Koelbel, Wei Li, Monica S. Lam, Thomas J. LeBlanc, Jim Openshaw, David A. Padua, Constantine D. Polychronopoulos, Joel H. Saltz, Alan Sussman, Gil Weigand, Katherine A. Yelick:
Common runtime support for high-performance parallel languages. 752-757
- Doreen Cheng:
Heterogeneous distributed computing (Mini symposium). 762-770
- M. T. Raghunath, Abhiram G. Ranade:
Designing interconnection networks for multi-level packaging. 772-781 - Loren Schwiebert
, Doddaballapur Narasimha-Murthy Jayasimha:
Optimal fully adaptive wormhole routing for meshes. 782-791 - David F. Robinson, Dan Judd, Philip K. McKinley, Betty H. C. Cheng
Efficient collective data distribution in all-port wormhole-routed hypercubes. 792-801
Scheduling and Allocation
- Cindy Norris, Lori L. Pollock:
A scheduler-sensitive global register allocator. 804-813 - Jie Liu, Vikram A. Saletore:
Self-scheduling on distributed-memory machines. 814-823 - Vijay K. Naik, Sanjeev Setia, Mark S. Squillante:
Performance analysis of job scheduling policies in parallel supercomputing environments. 824-833
Performance Measurement and Debugging
- Robert H. B. Netzer, Jian Xu:
Adaptive message logging for incremental replay of message-passing programs. 840-849 - Bernhard Ries, Ray Anderson, W. Auld, Don Breazeal, Karla Callaghan, Eric Richards, W. D. Smith:
The paragon performance monitoring environment. 850-859 - David K. Poulsen, Pen-Chung Yew
Execution-driven tools for parallel simulation of parallel architectures and applications. 860-869
- David C. Douglas, Anoop Gupta, Olaf M. Lubeck, David Maier, Paul Messina, Justin R. Ratner, Burton J. Smith, Frederica Darema:
What's in the future for parallel architectures? 872
- David X. Kahaner, Allen D. Malony:
Supercomputing around the world (Mini symposium). 874-876
- CORPORATE The MPI Forum - MPI: a message passing interface. 878-883
Performance Bottlenecks
- Mark J. Clement, Michael J. Quinn:
Analytical performance prediction on multicomputers. 886-894 - Karim Harzallah, Kenneth C. Sevcik:
Hot spot analysis in large scale shared memory multiprocessors. 895-905 - Bob Boothe, Abhiram G. Ranade:
Performance on a Bandwidth Constrained Network: How much bandwidth do we need? 906-915
- Gary Mountry, David H. Bailey, Eugene D. Brooks III, David W. Forslund
, Robert J. Harrison, Don Eric Heller, Tom Kraay:
Massively parallel vs. parallel vector supercomputers: a user's perspective (panel). 918-920

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