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1st SIMULTECH 2011: Noordwijkerhout, The Netherlands
- Janusz Kacprzyk, Nuno Pina, Joaquim Filipe:
SIMULTECH 2011 - Proceedings of 1st International Conference on Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications, Noordwijkerhout, The Netherlands, 29 - 31 July, 2011. SciTePress 2011, ISBN 978-989-8425-78-2
Invited Speakers
Keynote Speakers
- Oleg Yu. Gusikhin:
Novel Areas for Modeling and Simulation in the Automotive Industry - Prediction of Energy Consumption in Electric Vehicles. SIMULTECH 2011: 05 - Simon Taylor:
Advances in e-Science and e-Research - e-Infrastructures for Modelling and Simulation. SIMULTECH 2011: 07 - Agostino G. Bruzzone:
Critical Issues in Advancing Modeling & Simulation. SIMULTECH 2011: 09
Methodologies and Technologies
Full Papers
- Rocío Murcia-Hernández, Carolina García-Costa, Juan Bautista Tomás-Gabarrón, Esteban Egea-López, Joan García-Haro:
Parallelization of a Mathematical Model to Evaluate a CCA Application for VANETs. SIMULTECH 2011: 5-13 - Yuri N. Sotskov, Natalja G. Egorova, Tsung-Chyan Lai, Frank Werner:
The Stability Box in Interval Data for Minimizing the Sum of Weighted Completion Times. SIMULTECH 2011: 14-23 - Yuri N. Skiba, Denis M. Filatov:
Simulation of Nonlinear Diffusion on a Sphere. SIMULTECH 2011: 24-30 - Ines Mynttinen, Erich Runge, Pu Li:
Parameter Estimation of an Industrial Evaporator with Hybrid Dynamics by a Smoothing Approach. SIMULTECH 2011: 31-36 - Rocco Rongo, Valeria Lupiano, Maria Vittoria Avolio, Donato D'Ambrosio, William Spataro, Giuseppe A. Trunfio:
Cellular Automata Simulation of Lava Flows - Applications to Civil Defense and Land Use Planning with a Cellular Automata based Methodology. SIMULTECH 2011: 37-44 - Andrea Sindico, Marco Di Natale, Gianpiero Panci:
Integrating SysML with Simulink using Open-source Model Transformations. SIMULTECH 2011: 45-56 - Jean-Yves Choley, Régis Plateaux, Olivia Penas, Christophe Combastel, Hubert Kadima:
Mechatronic System Modeling - A Consistent Preliminary Design Process. SIMULTECH 2011: 57-64 - Tae-Hyuk Ahn, Damian Dechev, Heshan Lin, Helgi Adalsteinsson, Curtis L. Janssen:
Evaluating Performance Optimizations of Large-scale Genomic Sequence Search Applications using SST/macro. SIMULTECH 2011: 65-73 - Alfredo Garro, Francesco Parisi, Wilma Russo:
A Model-driven Architecture Approach for Agent-based Modeling and Simulation. SIMULTECH 2011: 74-83
Short Papers
- Gabriele Milani, Federico Milani:
Crosslinking by Peroxide and Sulphur Vulcanization: Chemical Mechanisms and Reaction Kinetic Determination - A Comprehensive Numerical Model. SIMULTECH 2011: 87-92 - Massinissa Djerroud, Guyh Dituba Ngoma, Walid Ghié:
Numerical Parametric Study of Complex Liquid Flow in Three-dimensional Impeller and Impeller-volute of a Centrifugal Pump. SIMULTECH 2011: 93-102 - Jean-Luc de Kok, Guy Engelen:
Linking and Reusing Model Components for Environmental Simulation. SIMULTECH 2011: 103-108 - Srinivas R. Chakravarthy:
Stochastic Modelling in Healthcare Systems. SIMULTECH 2011: 109-115 - A. Pétrissans, M. Chaouch, P. Gérardin, M. Pétrissans, R. Younsi:
Kinetics Modeling of Wood Torrefaction - Weight Loss Kinetics. SIMULTECH 2011: 116-121 - Katarzyna Rycerz, Marian Bubak:
Component Approach to Distributed Multiscale Simulations. SIMULTECH 2011: 122-127 - Jean François Santucci, Laurent Capocchi:
Visualization of Folktales on a Map by Coupling Dynamic DEVS Simulation within Google Earth. SIMULTECH 2011: 128-133 - Michael A. Guravage, Roeland Merks:
A Web-based Repository of Reproducible Simulation Experiments for Systems Biology. SIMULTECH 2011: 134-141 - João Miguel Lemos Chasqueira Nabais, José Duarte, Miguel Ayala Botto, Manuel Rijo:
Flexible Framework for Modeling Water Conveyance Networks. SIMULTECH 2011: 142-147 - Anastasiya Shtiliyanova, Fabien Feschet, Pascal Pommier:
Tool for the Evaluation of Innovative Therapies - Multi-agent based System. SIMULTECH 2011: 148-154 - Andrea D'Ambrogio, Giuseppe Iazeolla, Alessandra Pieroni, Daniele Gianni:
A Model Transformation Approach for the Development of HLA-based Distributed Simulation Systems. SIMULTECH 2011: 155-160 - Andreas Blunk, Mihal Brumbulli, Ingmar Eveslage, Joachim Fischer:
Modeling Real-time Applications for Wireless Sensor Networks using Standardized Techniques. SIMULTECH 2011: 161-167 - Xiaochen Zhang, Jan F. Broenink:
A Model Management Approach for Co-simulation Model Evolution. SIMULTECH 2011: 168-173 - Safai Tandogan, Atakan Dogan, Celal Murat Kandemir:
DGridSim: A Real-time Data Grid Simulator with Hierarchical Job and Data Scheduling. SIMULTECH 2011: 174-179 - Mykola Gusti, Georg Kindermann:
An Approach to Modeling Landuse Change and Forest Management on a Global Scale. SIMULTECH 2011: 180-185 - Béla Lakatos:
Multi-scale Approach to Population Balance Modelling of Disperse Systems. SIMULTECH 2011: 186-191 - Aaron D. Tull, Tucker S. Smith, Kendra M. L. Cooper:
Towards an Agent-oriented Framework for Serious Games - Architecting with Behavioural Software Agents. SIMULTECH 2011: 192-199 - Chutisant Kerdvibulvech:
Real-time Adaptive Learning System using Object Color Probability for Virtual Reality Applications. SIMULTECH 2011: 200-204 - Santiago Martín, Liudmila Pupo, Yoander Cabrera, Ramón Rubio:
An Open-source C Sharp Library based on OpenGL for Stereoscopic Graphic Applications Development. SIMULTECH 2011: 205-210 - Michael Neumann, Carmen Constantinescu:
Multi-scale Production System Modelling - Motivation - Concepts - Method. SIMULTECH 2011: 211-216
- Jon del Portillo, Jaizki Mendizabal, Iñigo Adin, Juan Meléndez, Joaquín de No, Unai Alvarado:
Functional, Thermal and EMC Analysis for a Safety Critical Analogue Design Applied to a Transportation System. SIMULTECH 2011: 219-223 - Li Li, Tianyuan Xiao, Wenhui Fan, Hongbo Sun, Cheng Ma:
Step-based Modeling & Simulation for Virtual Product Development. SIMULTECH 2011: 224-227 - Maaike Harbers, Karel van den Bosch, John-Jules Ch. Meyer:
A Theoretical Framework for Explaining Agent Behavior. SIMULTECH 2011: 228-231 - Incheol Kim, Huikyung Oh:
A Plan Execution Model for Mobile Personal Assistants. SIMULTECH 2011: 232-235
Applications and Tools
Full Papers
- Temitope Raphael Ayodele, A. A. Jimoh, Josiah Munda, J. T. Agee:
Study of Wind Farm Behaviour during Power System Network Disturbance. SIMULTECH 2011: 241-248 - Luis Felipe Acebes Arconada, Alejandro Merino Gómez, Luis Gómez, Raúl Alves Santos, Rogelio Mazaeda, José Acedo:
Simulators for Control Engineers Advanced Learning. SIMULTECH 2011: 249-256 - Eleftherios Stergiou, John D. Garofalakis:
A Simulation Study for Optimizing the Performance of Semi-layer Delta Networks. SIMULTECH 2011: 257-265 - Timo Vepsäläinen, Seppo Kuikka:
Simulation Assisted, Model-based Development of Safety Related Interlocks. SIMULTECH 2011: 266-275 - Stefan Pauleweit, J. Barbara Nebe, Olaf Wolkenhauer:
Agent-based Simulation of Molecular Processes - An Application to Actin-polymerisation. SIMULTECH 2011: 276-282 - Ricky Andriansyah, L. F. P. Etman, Ivo J. B. F. Adan, Jacobus E. Rooda:
Automated Order-picking Workstation Handling Out-of-sequence Product Arrivals. SIMULTECH 2011: 283-292 - VenkatRao Mallipudi, Stéphane Valance, Johannes Bertsch:
Modeling the Effect of Hydrogen on Creep Behavior of Zircaloy Cladding. SIMULTECH 2011: 293-299
Short Papers
- Kitipat Siemanond, Supachai Kosol:
Retrofit of Crude Preheat Train with Multiple Types of Crude. SIMULTECH 2011: 303-308 - S. Ganesh Kumar, Srinivasan Hosimin Thilagar:
Comparative Study of Proportional Integral and Passivity based Control for Buck Converter. SIMULTECH 2011: 309-314 - Takanobu Kosugi:
Climate-economy Modeling Considering Solar Radiation Management and its Termination Risk. SIMULTECH 2011: 315-320 - Kara A. Olson, C. Michael Overstreet:
Enhancing Understanding of Models through Analysis. SIMULTECH 2011: 321-326 - Jana Görmer, Jan Fabian Ehmke, Maksims Fiosins, Daniel Schmidt, Henrik Schumacher, Hugues Tchouankem:
Decision Support for Dynamic City Traffic Management using Vehicular Communication. SIMULTECH 2011: 327-332 - Tomás Ludík, Jaroslav Rácek, Lucie Pekárková:
Methodology and Recommendations for Crisis Processes - An Effective Way How to Manage Business Process Deployment in the Crisis Management. SIMULTECH 2011: 333-338 - Dorin Andreescu, Hartmut Riehle, Florin Ionescu, Stefan Arghir:
Human Body as a Mechatronic System - Complex Modelling, Simulation and Control. SIMULTECH 2011: 339-342 - Mina Roudgar, Elizabetta Brunazzi, Chiara Galletti, Roberto Mauri:
The Effect of Fluid Viscosity in T-shaped Micromixers. SIMULTECH 2011: 343-347 - Lawrence K. Letting, Josiah L. Munda, Yskandar Hamam:
A Fuzzy-PI Controller for Wind Turbine Driven DFIG Optimized using Genetic Algorithms. SIMULTECH 2011: 348-353 - Berto de Tácio Pereira Gomes, Francisco José da Silva e Silva:
AGST - Autonomic Grid Simulation Tool - A Simulator of Autonomic Functions based on the MAPE-K Model. SIMULTECH 2011: 354-359 - Julien Laurent, Romain Guignard, Magali Casellas, Christophe Dagot:
Sludge Minimization by Thermal Lysis during Biological Wastewater Treatment - Experimental Study, Model Set Up and Calibration. SIMULTECH 2011: 360-365 - Ioannis Paraskevopoulos, Emmanuel Tsekleves:
Simulation of Photovoltaics for Defence and Commercial Applications by Extending Existing 3D Authoring Software - A Validation Study. SIMULTECH 2011: 366-373 - Àngela Nebot, Francisco Mugica, Benjamin Martinez-Lopez, Carlos Gay-García:
Fuzzy Approaches for Modeling Dynamical Ecological Systems. SIMULTECH 2011: 374-379 - Nobuaki Ishii, Masaaki Muraki:
A Strategy for Accepting Orders in ETO Manufacturing with Competitive Bidding - Analysis of Bidding Strategy and Expected Profits via Multi-Period Operations. SIMULTECH 2011: 380-385 - Tucker S. Smith, Aaron D. Tull, Kendra M. L. Cooper, C. Shaun Longstreet:
Using Simulation Training Games to Create More Active and Student Centered Learning Environments for Software and Systems Engineering Education. SIMULTECH 2011: 386-392
- Oliver Heuermann, Wolfgang Fengler, Reinhard Langmann:
Discrete Event Simulation for a Complex High Power Medical System. SIMULTECH 2011: 395-400 - Miao-Ling Wang, Jia-Ru Li, Sheng-Hung Chang:
The Influence Analysis of Opening Projects on Project Performance. SIMULTECH 2011: 401-404 - Bo Yu, Qingyu Zhang, Liangqian Fang, Qi Liu, Weili Tian:
An Expert System for Decision Support of the Total Allocation of Agriculture Non-point Source Pollution - A Case of Tiaoxi Watershed. SIMULTECH 2011: 405-408 - Toni Lastusilta, Tapio Westerlund:
A Comparative Study of Solving Quadratic Assignment Problems using Some Standard MINLP Solvers. SIMULTECH 2011: 409-412 - Davide Cannone, Maurizio Naldi, Giuseppe F. Italiano, Andrea Brancaleoni:
A Simulator of a Mobile Ad-Hoc Network in a Hostile Environment. SIMULTECH 2011: 413-417 - Ilango Leonardo Sriram, Dave Cliff:
SPECI-2 - An Open-source Framework for Predictive Simulation of Cloud-scale Data-centres. SIMULTECH 2011: 418-421 - V. Tukac, Jirí Hanika, Václav Veselý, J. Lederer, D. Kovac:
Simulation of Biomass Partial Oxidation. SIMULTECH 2011: 422-424 - Lining Zhang, Duo Zhao, Peng Wu, Jinsheng Sun, Lili Liu, Yulan Ji, Shuo Jiang:
Simulative Programming of a Hybrid Washing Oil Separation Scheme for Pure Chemicals. SIMULTECH 2011: 425-428 - Tetsunari Inamura:
Human-robot Cooperation System using Shared Cyber Space that Connects to Real World - Development of SocioIntelliGenesis Simulator SIGVerse toward HRI. SIMULTECH 2011: 429-434
Special Session on Computationally Efficient Simulation-driven Engineering Design Optimization and Modeling
Full Papers
- Slawomir Koziel, Stanislav Ogurtsov, Leifur Þ. Leifsson:
Design of Dielectric Resonator Antennas using Surrogate-based Optimization and Electromagnetic Models. SIMULTECH 2011: 439-448 - Malte Prieß, Slawomir Koziel, Thomas Slawig:
Improved Surrogate-based Optimization of a Marine Ecosystem Model using Response Correction. SIMULTECH 2011: 449-457 - Bo Hou, Yong-fu Wu, Shu-hui Li, Zhong-qin Lin, Zhong-qi Yu:
A Comparative Study of Different Chip Separation Approaches for Numerical Modeling of Orthogonal Cutting. SIMULTECH 2011: 458-464 - Leifur Þ. Leifsson, Slawomir Koziel, Stanislav Ogurtsov:
Multi-fidelity Design Optimization of Axisymmetric Bodies in Incompressible Flow. SIMULTECH 2011: 465-473 - Slawomir Koziel, Leifur Þ. Leifsson, Stanislav Ogurtsov:
Transonic Airfoil Design by the Inverse Method using Variable-fidelity Modelling. SIMULTECH 2011: 474-482 - Tanja Clees, Igor N. Nikitin, Lialia Nikitina, Clemens-August Thole:
Nonlinear Metamodeling and Robust Optimization in Automotive Design. SIMULTECH 2011: 483-491 - Mika Strömman, Ilkka Seilonen, Jukka Peltola, Kari Koskinen:
Design Process Model for Optimizing Design of Continuous Production Processes. SIMULTECH 2011: 492-501 - Ting Zhu, Mustafa Berke Yelten, Michael B. Steer, Paul D. Franzon:
Application of Surrogate Modeling in Variation-aware Macromodel and Circuit Design. SIMULTECH 2011: 502-508
Special Session on Manufacturing Simulation and Industrial Engineering
Full Paper
- Christian Brecher, Fritz Klocke, Christof Gorgels, Ario Hardjosuwito:
Manufacturing Simulation of Bevel Gear Cutting - Simulation based Approach for Tool Wear Analysis. SIMULTECH 2011: 513-520
Short Paper
- Lobna Haouari, Nabil Absi, Dominique Feillet:
Introduction of RFID Technologies in a Manufacturing System - A Discrete Event Simulation Approach. SIMULTECH 2011: 523-529

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