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WHICEB 2014: Wuhan, China
- The Thirteenth Wuhan International Conference on E-Business, WHICEB 2014, Wuhan, China, May 31 - June 1, 2014. Association for Information Systems 2014
- Jian Tian, Yaqi Chen, Liwei Wang:
Research on the Relationship between Online Reviews and Customer Purchase Intention: The Moderating Role of Personality Trait. 1 - Yue Zhao, Qiang Ye, Ziru Li:
The Relationship between Online Attention and Share Prices. 2 - Peng Wu, Jiang Song:
Measuring Website Users' Mental Model in nformation seeking with the PathFinder Network Approach. 3 - Li Chen, Hui Zhu, Hongwei Liu:
An Analysis of Dynamic Game Strategy of Privacy Protection in Personalization. 4 - Samira Chaabna, Hu Wang, Mohammed Lutf:
A National Perspective on the Factors Involved in the Lack of E-commerce in Algeria. 5 - Lin Wang, Jianzheng Yang, Lifan Yang:
The Important of Enjoyment and Mobility for Continuance with Mobile Data Services. 6 - Zhuo Dai, Zaiyue Li:
The Study on Affecting Factors of Learners' Satisfaction of Online Course Platform. 7 - Yao Zhang, Tao Bai:
A Study on the International Competitiveness of China Textile and Clothing Industry. 8 - Linyan Liu, Hua Song:
Service Outsourcing and Procurement in Service Supply Chain: Perspective of Service Buyers. 9 - Linyan Liu:
Will User Involvement Always be the Case? The Effect of Service Procurement on Customer Perceived Value in Servitization. 10 - Hao Guo, Yanhui Li, Bailing Liu:
Model and Algorithm for Closed-loop Logistics System Considering Time-satisfaction Degree and Returns under E-commerce Environment. 11 - Jianzheng Yang, Nachuan Yang, Lifan Yang:
The Factors Affecting Cross-border E-commerce Development of SMEs - An Empirical Study. 12 - Zirui Xie, Kaiyuan Zhang, Zhong Ma:
Dividends Distribution and Earnings Persistence: Evidence from Chinese Listed Companies. 13 - Xiao Liu, Jun Wang:
A Modeling and Analysis Framework for Knowledge System Based on Meta-Network Approach. 14 - Ling Zhang, Xiaodong Qiao, Lijun Zhu:
The analytic network processes method & fuzzy cognitive map method in decision making: a comparative study. 15 - Wei Zou, Huiling Liu, Weiwei Song:
Research on the Competitiveness of Hubei Manufacturing Post Financial Crisis Era - - Panel Data of 2008~2011. 16 - Jiaxin Li, Li Lin:
Research on Operating Mechanism of Collaborative Commerce Based on Business Intelligence System - - An Analysis of the Application of Business Intelligence in Retail Enterprises. 17 - Yongzhong Qiao, Qi Liang:
Research on the Granted Patent Distribution of the Energy-saving and Environmental Protection Industry in China. 18 - Jue-ping Xie:
Social Capital and Entrepreneurial Success in Female Entrepreneurship. 19 - Li Ma, Mingfeng Jiang:
Debt Financing and Corporate Performance - - Taking the case of China's Listed Companies on Growth Enterprise Market. 20 - Zhiqiang Feng:
Research into Strategies of Risks in Supply Chain. 21 - Xuejun Lei:
A Study on the Enterprises' Internal and External Knowledge Network Management. 22 - Jianping Peng, Wenbin Xiao, Le Peng, Jing Quan:
An Explorative Study of the Effectiveness of Mobile Advertising. 23 - Zhuo Dai:
The Impacting Factors of College Students' Willingness to Use the Online Education- an Example of Jiujiang University. 24 - Qi Yue, Miaolan Guo, Minrong Wen:
The Antecedents of Acquisition Performance based on the Organizational Learning Theory. 25 - Samira Chaabna, Hu Wang, Mohammed Lutf:
Designing Ranking System for Chinese Product Search Engine Based on Customer Reviews. 26 - Peiji Shao, Liang Wu, Beijing Zhou:
A Comparative Study on MIS Research In Mainland China and Abroad (2002-2010). 27 - Luan Jiang, Minrong Wen:
IT Capability of Domestic Research Review. 28 - Xinhui Yi, Ying Wang, Yutian Zhang, Qing Chang:
Understanding the Impact of Service Reputation on the Online Group-buying Behaviors. 29 - Mojtaba Rees Safari, Liu Zhen Yu:
Assessment of IT Governance and Process Maturity: Evidence from banking Industry. 30 - Md. Khaled Amin, Jinghua Li:
Applying Farmer Technology Acceptance Model to Understand Farmer's Behavior Intention to use ICT Based Microfinance Platform: A Comparative analysis between Bangladesh and China. 31 - Rimantas Gatautis, Audrone Medziausiene:
Digital Business Ecosystems for regional development: evidences from EU countries pilots. 32 - Chayun Perng, Shih-Wei Huang, Shui-Shun Lin, Tsung-Yin Ou:
Constructing a evaluating model for Smartphone Green Design by VAHPand QFD. 33 - Xiaobo Xu:
Relating Organizational Politics to Social Networks and Individual Performance: An Empirical Study of a Chinese Manufacturer. 34 - Ying Xiong, Haiyan Ma:
Governance Model and Rents Allocation in Asymmetrical Power Relations: The Case of Notebook Computer Industry. 35 - Dingna Tang, Yimin Yang, Ying Yan, Ming Zhou:
What determines online consumers to migrate from PC to Mobile Terminals? -An empirical research on consumers'online channel-migration behaviors. 36 - Xiang Ying:
Research on the Development of the Manufacture of Medicine Based on Gray CorrelationAnalysis: Analysis ofYangtze River and Pearl River Deltas in China. 37 - Hongjian Li, Feiting Wang, Li Zhang:
Comparative Study on Static Term Structure of Interest Rates. 38 - Nikola Zivlak, Paula Hergert:
Research on Societal Constraints for Implementing an Innovative Electric Public Transportation System by BYD in Berlin. 39 - Bo Yang, Yuzhu Li, Chunhan Zheng, Hua Jin:
The Influence of Boundary Spanning Capability on Cultural Differences-Multi-case Study fromVendors'Perspective. 40 - Mu-chun Li:
M&As Effects on Chinese High-tech Company Innovation Performance: Developing Research Framework and Propositions. 41 - Shuyan Cao, Liang Chang, Yuanyuan Yu, Xuan Yang:
A Review of Current Studies on Internet Finance in China. 42 - Jinnan Wu, Lihua Huang, Lin Liu:
Impact of Information Technology Capability on Financial Performance of Chinese Listed Companies during the Period of Economic Downturn. 43 - Jie Zhao:
AStudy on the Mechanism of Open Innovation on Enterprise InnovationAbility. 44 - Xiaoyu Wang:
Astudy on the "inverted U" relationship between open innovation and enterprise innovation capacity. 45 - Liqin Liu, Xianyyang Lv:
The Mechanism and Empirical Test on the Effect of Technological Innovation on International Service Outsourcing in China. 46 - Jun Zhang:
The Psychic Distance of the Enterprise Internationalization. 47 - Qi Yue, Minrong Wen, Miaolan Guo:
An Empirical Analysis of the Relationship between Corporate IT Capability and Alliance Performance. 48 - Jingling Chen:
Game Analysis on Economic Risks of Lack of Innovation in Industrial Transferring Regions. 49 - Chung-Yang Chen, Wen-Lung Tsai:
The Key Success Factors of Wearable Computing Devices: An User-Centricity Perspective. 50 - Shih-Peng Hsu, Chayun Perng, Wen-Chih Chiou, Tsung-Yin Ou:
Usability Evaluation of Mobile Commerce Website on Internet - An empirical study. 51 - Bangming Xiao, Junyun Liao, Minxue Huang:
Network Evolution of Transactional Community: A Different Network Closure Mechanism from Social Network. 52 - Hongxiu Li, Reima Suomi:
Understanding e-Service Users' WOM Behavior from Expectation Confirmation Perspective. 53 - Junyong Xiang, Linbo Jing, Hyunsoo Lee, Il Young Choi:
Comparing the Effects of Perceived Enjoyment and Perceived Risk on Hedonic/Utilitarian Smartphone Applications. 54 - Hong Yan, Kailing Pan:
Examine User Adoption of Mobile Payment Using the TAM: A Trust Transfer Perspective. 55 - Dekui Li, Jinlong Zhang, Zhehui Xiao, Xiang Wu:
Country Image, e-WOM and Purchase Intention of Korean Products in China - - With Korean Cosmetic Products as an Example. 56 - Zhe Zang, Shang Gao, Yuhao Yang:
An Examination of the Determinants of Customer Loyalty in Online Group-buying Context in China. 57 - Qing Yang, Xinhua Qian, Chuan Pang, Baoxu An:
Empirical Study on Consumer Perceived On-line Payment Risk. 58 - Li Li, Jie Zhao, Jie He, Ruibo Yao:
Enhancing User Loyalty through Network Externality: An Empirical Study on B2B Platform. 59 - Zhong Yao, Xi Xu, Yongchao Shen:
The Empirical Research about the Impact of Seller Reputation on C2C Online Trading: The Case of Taobao. 60 - Chenyan Gu, Yunjie Xu, Xiaoai Tan:
Advertising Effectiveness of Different Social Appeals through Microblog. 61 - Xiaohong Yang, Qiuxia Xu:
Characteristics of Direct Distributors' Consumption Behavior and How do they Influence on the Finance. 62 - Qian Tian, Xiaoling Li, Silu Yu, Xinjian Li:
The Trustworthiness of Online Reference Group and Participation Behavior of Crowd in Crowdsourcing e-Market. 63 - Xianxian Yin:
Research on Motor Vehicle Ownership of Jinan Based on the Traffic Environmental Bearing Capacity Motor. 64 - Lei Zhang, Liang Wu, Panpan Tang:
Analysis in-Depth of the Factors that Impact the Development of E-Commerce in Underdeveloped Areas from the Perspective of Operating Process. 65 - Christopher P. Furner, Robert A. Zinko, Zhen Zhu, William C. McDowell, Adam Dalton:
Online Word-Of-Mouth and Mobile Product Reviews: An Experimental Investigation of the Mediating Role of Mobile Self Efficacy. 66 - Huiping Ding:
Study on Diffusion Mechanism of Viral Marketing Based on Social Networking Web Sites. 67 - Yaqin Li, Wei Cai, Yuequan Yang, Jiajia Fan:
Cross Cultural Comparative Research of Online Consumer Reviews Intentions. 68 - Reima Suomi, Hongxiu Li:
Innovation Path in E-Health - Illustration in Three Finnish Medicine Delivery Initiatives. 69 - Li-jun Xu, Kun Luo, Jing Wang:
Analysis of Multi-Financing Channels of Medium-sized and Small Enterprises. 70 - Jinhong Cui, Yue Teng, Xu Wang:
Achieving Customer-Provider Strategic Alignment in IT Outsourcing. 71 - Leina Deng, Zhigao Chen:
An Architecture of Problem-oriented E-learning System for Product After-sales Service: Design and Application. 72 - Xiaoxia Wang:
Understand and Calibrate Urban Freight Demand. 73 - Huilin Qin, Feng Guo:
Empirical Studies on the Warning of Financial Crisis Based on Factor Analysis. 74 - Ai Xu, Zongqing Zhou:
A Game Model and Contract Design for the Pricing of Recycling Used Home Appliances in Accordance with the Manufacturer's Collecting Method. 75 - Ang Li:
Analysis on the Establishment of Incentive Mechanism for College Academic Affairs Management Personnel. 76 - Feihang Wang, Li Zhang, Feiting Wang:
Study of Interest Rate Risk Measurement Based on VAR Method. 77 - Gao He, Yan Wang, Shihong Hong:
Analysis on Sino-Korean Structure of Trade in Goods and Economic Effects in the Framework of Free Trade Agreement. 78 - Wang Lin, Yuanyuan Nie, Huiqin Li:
Research on Hotel Service Design from perspective of customer. 79 - Xiaohong Yang, Jing Ling:
A Review of Research Progress on Direct Selling in China Mainland and Taiwan. 80 - Zhiqiang Wang, Qiang Zhou, Fei Ye:
Antecedents and Outcome of Information Sharing in Supply Chain. 81 - Wang Yan, Gao He, Shihong Hong:
Reflections on the Structure of China's Outward Foreign Direct Investmen. 82 - Xie Yun, Qian Hui:
The Dynamic Interaction between the Financial Development and the Urbanization Process in China -Based on the Analysis of Panel VEC Model. 83 - Runze Shi, Songyun Hu:
Based on the Location Advantage of Express Logistics Node Location Model Research. 84 - Liping Lin, Xiaoqing Zhang, Xigang Yuan, Haijun Zhou:
Research on Supply Chain Distribution Network of Bi-Level Programming Model based on Two-way Approximation Genetic Algorithm. 85 - Ying Mei, Yiliu Tu:
The Study and Prospects of the Dynamic Pricing Model for One-of-a-Kind Production Supply Chain. 86 - Ying Wang, Xiao-jiang Huang, Jing Wang:
The Research of Existing Problems and Countermeasures for Gypsum Exploitation and Usage in Tai'an. 87 - Minxue Huang, Peixiang Sun, Bangming Xiao:
CentralityDifferent Influence Models of Node Centrality in Transactional Community. 88 - Xiaofang Yuan, Lin Shi, Hongxia Li:
Research on the Relationship Between the Logistics Service Quality and Customer Loyalty in C2C E-commerce. 89 - Hongqing Sun, Dongjin He:
"Refunds" or "Discounts"? Exploring the Compensation Framing Effect on Consumer's Perceived Fairness of Online Service Recovery. 90 - Iddi Haji, Jianguo Wei:
Do Stock Market Development Variables and Economic Growth Variables have a similar Relationship in Different Countries? 91 - Hanchi Ye, Siqin Liu, Jie Gong:
The Effect of E-WOM Presentation Order on Consumer Attitude: The Moderating Role of E-WOM Sources. 92 - Xinyan Liu, Eric Li, Qian Li:
The Impact of Online Store Characteristics on Service Recovery Satisfaction in C2C Online Markets. 93 - Peng Hong, Wei Jiang, Lei Rong:
The Effect of Service Guarantee on Service Qualit of Online Merchants. 94 - Peng Hong, Lei Rong, Wei Jang:
The Effect of Service Guarantees on Online Customers ' Purchase Intention. 95 - Jingwen Chen, Yuan Yin, Shumeng Liao:
Online Consumer Misbehavior: The Effects of WOM versus Observational Learning. 96 - Xiaoling Li, Qian Tian, Zhanpeng Yang, Xinjian Li:
The Effectiveness of Two-Sided Users Activity for Sustainable competitiveness: Findings from B2B Electronic Market. 97 - Mojtaba Rees Safari, Zhen Yu Liu:
The effect of information technology on public and private sector: Evidence from the Banking Industry. 98 - Haitao Xiong, Bowen Wang, Shimin Wang, Ming Li:
A Multi-Criteria Decision Making Approach based on Fuzzy Theory and Credibility Mechanism for Logistics Center Location Selection. 99 - Xianglei Meng, Qiang Ye:
What Factors Affect Official Micro-blogging Influence - an Empirical Study Based on Data from Weibo.com. 100 - Lili Qu, Yan Chen:
The Impact of e-commerce on China's Economic Growth. 101

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