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Automatica, Volume 20
Volume 20, Number 1, January 1984
- M. Cuénod:
Ed. Gerecke 1899-1983. 1 - Job van Amerongen:
Adaptive steering of ships - A model reference approach. 3-14 - Pertti M. Mäkilä, Tapio Westerlund, Hannu T. Toivonen:
Constrained linear quadratic gaussian control with process applications. 15-29 - Karl Johan Åström, Per Hagander, Jan Sternby:
Zeros of sampled systems. 31-38 - Václav Peterka:
Predictor-based self-tuning control. 39-50 - R. Krtolica:
A singular perturbation model of reliability in systems control. 51-57 - Shahriar Shokoohi, Leonard M. Silverman, Paul Van Dooren:
Linear time-variable systems: Stability of reduced models. 59-67 - Michel C. Delfour:
Linear optimal control of systems with state and control variable delays. 69-77 - Aart van Harten:
Singularly perturbed systems of diffusion type and feedback control. 79-91 - Jeff Kramer, Jeff Magee, Morris Sloman
A software architecture for distributed computer control systems. 93-102 - George Meyer, Renjeng Su, Louis R. Hunt:
Application of nonlinear transformations to automatic flight control. 103-107 - Wu-Sheng Lu, K. S. P. Kumar:
A staircase model for unknown multivariable systems and design of regulators. 109-112 - Willem L. De Koning:
Optimal estimation of linear discrete-time systems with stochastic parameters. 113-115 - Rajni V. Patel
, Mitsuhiko Toda:
Bounds on performance of nonstationary continuous-time filters under modelling uncertainty. 117-120 - George N. Saridis, James H. Graham:
Linguistic decision schemata for intelligent robots. 121-126 - T. Rajagopalan:
Pole assignment with output feedback. 127-128 - Hossny El-Sherief, M. A. Maud:
Dedicated microprocessors for realtime identification of multivariable systems. 129-131 - Martín D. España, Romeo Ortega, Juan J. Espino:
Variable structure systems with chattering reduction: A microprocessor based design. 133-134 - Jitendra K. Tugnait
An addendum and correction to: 'On identification and adaptive estimation for systems with interrupted observations'. 135-136 - Heinz Unbehauen:
Rechnergestützte optimierung statischer und dynamischer systeme: H. G. Jacob. 137-138 - Dale E. Seborg:
Digital control systems: Rolf Isermann. 138-139
Volume 20, Number 2, March 1984
- Nathan Cohn:
Recollections of the evolution of realtime control applications to power systems. 145-162 - R. Cori, Claudio Maffezzoni:
Practical-optimal control of a drum boiler power plant. 163-173 - Henri Dang Van Mien, Dorothée Normand-Cyrot:
Nonlinear state affine identification methods: Applications to electrical power plants. 175-188 - Hassan Modir, Robert A. Schlueter:
A dynamic state estimator for power system dynamic security assessment. 189-199 - P. P. J. van den Bosch, Ger Honderd, T. W. Siemensma:
A hierarchical approach to dynamic optimization of power systems. 201-203 - Howard Kaufman, Rob J. Roy, Xinhe Xu:
Model reference adaptive control of drug infusion rate. 205-209 - Jürgen Ackermann:
Robustness against sensor failures. 211-215 - M. Gauvrit:
Bayesian adaptive filter for tracking with measurements of uncertain origin. 217-224 - Violet B. Haas:
Reduced order state estimation for linear systems with exact measurements. 225-229 - M. S. Ahmed:
Fast GLS algorithm for parameter estimation. 231-236 - Barry Dwolatzky:
Intermediate domain system identification using walsh transforms. 237-242 - Erik V. Bohn:
Recursive evaluation of walsh coefficients for multiple integrals of walsh series. 243-246 - Venugopal Pichai, Mesut Erol Sezer, Dragoslav D. Siljak:
A graph-theoretic characterization of structurally fixed modes. 247-250 - Peter B. Luh, Shi-Chung Chang, Tsu-Shuan Chang:
Solutions and properties of multi-stage stackelberg games. 251-256 - Krishnan Balachandran, D. Somasundaram:
Controllability of nonlinear systems consisting of a bilinear mode with time-varying delays in control. 257-258 - Paraskevas N. Paraskevopoulos, Manolis A. Christodoulou, A. K. Boglu:
An algorithm for the computation of the transfer function matrix for singular systems. 259-260 - David W. Clarke, Peter J. Gawthrop:
Comments on: 'On adaptive minimum variance regulation for non-minimum phase plants'. 261 - John B. Moore:
Author's reply. 261-262 - Günther Schmidt:
Modern digital control systems: Raymond G. Jacqout. 263 - Björn Wittenmark:
Computer control of industrial processes: Edited by S. Bennett and D. A. Linkens. 264 - J. Marton:
Scientific fundamentals of robotics 1. Dynamics of manipulation robots: Theory and application: Edited by Miomir Vukobratovic and Veljko Potkonjak. 265-266
Volume 20, Number 3, May 1984
- George S. Axelby:
Transitions - New editors. 271-272 - Vikram R. Saksena, J. O'Reilly, Petar V. Kokotovic:
Singular perturbations and time-scale methods in control theory: Survey 1976-1983. 273-293 - Kenneth R. Lorell, R. R. Clappier, W. F. Barrows, G. K. Lee:
A microprocessor-based position control system for a telescope secondary mirror. 295-308 - Xianya Xie, Robin J. Evans
Discrete-time adaptive control for deterministic time-varying systems. 309-319 - Yoshikazu Nishikawa, Nobuo Sannomiya, Tokuji Ohta, Haruki Tanaka:
A method for auto-tuning of PID control parameters. 321-332 - Michel Gevers, Vincent Wertz:
Uniquely identifiable state-space and ARMA parametrizations for multivariable linear systems. 333-347 - John F. Dorsey, Robert A. Schlueter:
Structural archetypes for coherency: A framework for comparing power system equivalents. 349-352 - Dragan Stokic, Miomir Vukobratovic:
Practical stabilization of robotic systems by decentralized control. 353-358 - Tung-Sang Ng, Zahid H. Qureshi, Y. C. Cheah:
Optimal input design for an AR model with output constraints. 359-363 - Stephen L. Campbell
Regularizations of linear time varying singular systems. 365-370 - Mark J. Balas:
Linear distributed parameter systems: Closed-loop exponential stability with a finite-dimensional controller. 371-377 - Vadim I. Utkin:
Nonlinear control engineering: D. P. Atherton. 379-380 - George N. Saridis:
Scientific fundamentals of robotics 2. Control of manipulation robots: M. Vukobratović and D. Stokić. 380-381 - Madan M. Gupta:
Fuzzy techniques in pattern recognition: A. Kandel. 381
Volume 20, Number 4, July 1984
- Rolf Isermann:
Process fault detection based on modeling and estimation methods - A survey. 387-404 - R. Katoh, M. Mori:
Control method of biped locomotion giving asymptotic stability of trajectory. 405-414 - Yue-xin Zhu, Bai-Wu Wan:
The parameter identification of a population model of China. 415-428 - Gilberto O. Corrêa, Keith Glover:
Pseudo-canonical forms, identifiable parametrizations and simple parameter estimation for linear multivariable systems: Input-output models. 429-442 - Gilberto O. Corrêa, Keith Glover:
Pseudo-canonical forms, identifiable parametrizations and simple parameter estimation for linear multivariable systems: Parameter estimation. 443-452 - R. Tuschák, Ruth Bars, Robert Haber, M. Habermayer, T. Kovács, István Vajk
, Miklos Vajta:
ICONGRAPH - Program package for interactive controller design by graphical plotting. 453-463 - David H. Owens, A. Chotai:
Robust sampled regulators for stable systems from plant step data. 465-469 - Holger Rootzén, Jan Sternby:
Consistency in least-squares estimation: A Bayesian approach. 471-475 - Min-Chio Kung, Baxter F. Womack:
Discrete time adaptive control of linear systems with preload nonlinearity. 477-479 - P. T. Kidd:
Comments on: 'Self-tuning and stable adaptive control of a batch polymerization reactor'. 481 - Sirish L. Shah, Costas Kiparissides:
Authors' reply. 482 - Mohamed F. Hassan:
Comments on: Review of 'Dynamical hierarchical control' by M. Singh (Olsder, 1982). 483-484 - Geert Jan Olsder:
Reviewer's reply. 484 - Arunabha Bagchi:
Research survey. 485 - Alistair G. J. MacFarlane:
Multivariable feedback systems: F.M. Callier and C.A. Desoer. 487 - Jürgen Ackermann:
Abtastregelung, band I, analyse und synthese. (in German) (sampled-data control, vol. I. analysis and synthesis): J. Ackermann. 488-489 - Heinz Unbehauen:
Abtastregelung, band II. Entwurf robuster systeme. (in German) (sampled-data control, vol. II. Design of robust systems): J. Ackermann. 489-490 - Peter J. Gawthrop:
Real-time computing with applications to data acquisition and control: Edited by D. A. Mellichamp. 490-491
Volume 20, Number 5, September 1984
- George S. Axelby:
Editorial note. 499 - Lennart Ljung, Brian D. O. Anderson:
Adaptive control, where are we? 499-500 - David W. Clarke:
Self-tuning control of nonminimum-phase systems. 501-517 - Graham C. Goodwin, David J. Hill, Marimuthu Palaniswami:
A perspective on convergence of adaptive control algorithms. 519-531 - Howard Elliott, William A. Wolovich:
Parameterization issues in multivariable adaptive control. 533-545 - A. A. Voronov, V. Yu. Rutkovsky:
State-of-the-art and prospects of adaptive systems. 547-557 - Aldo Balestrino, Giuseppe De Maria, Alan Solon Ivor Zinober:
Nonlinear adaptive model-following control. 559-568 - Robert L. Kosut, C. Richard Johnson Jr.:
An input-output view of robustness in adaptive control. 569-581 - Petros A. Ioannou, Petar V. Kokotovic:
Instability analysis and improvement of robustness of adaptive control. 583-594 - Björn Wittenmark, Karl Johan Åström:
Practical issues in the implementation of self-tuning control. 595-605 - Juan M. Martin-Sanchez, Sirish L. Shah:
Multivariable adaptive predictive control of a binary distillation column. 607-620 - Denis Dochain
, Georges Bastin:
Adaptive identification and control algorithms for nonlinear bacterial growth systems. 621-634 - Salvatore Nicosia, Patrizio Tomei:
Model reference adaptive control algorithms for industrial robots. 635-644 - Karl Johan Åström, Tore Hägglund:
Automatic tuning of simple regulators with specifications on phase and amplitude margins. 645-651 - Charles E. Rohrs, Michael Athans, Lena S. Valavani, Gunter Stein:
Some design guidelines for discrete-time adaptive controllers. 653-660 - Michael J. Grimble:
Implicit and explicit LQG self-tuning controllers. 661-669 - Pertti M. Mäkilä:
A self-tuning regulator based on optimal output feedback theory. 671-679 - Cosimo Greco, Giuseppe Menga, Edoardo Mosca, Giovanni Zappa:
Performance improvements of self-tuning controllers by multistep horizons: The MUSMAR approach. 681-699 - Luc Dugard
, Graham C. Goodwin, Xianya Xie:
The role of the interactor matrix in multivariable stochastic adaptive control. 701-709
Volume 20, Number 6, November 1984
- Craig D. Walrath:
Adaptive bearing friction compensation based on recent knowledge of dynamic friction. 717-727 - J. J. Rodden:
Closed-loop magnetic control of a spin-stabilized satellite. 729-735 - K. Birmiwal, Yaakov Bar-Shalom:
Dual control guidance for simultaneous identification and interception. 737-749 - David Q. Mayne, Karl Johan Åström, John M. C. Clark:
A new algorithm for recursive estimation of parameters in controlled ARMA processes. 751-760 - Allan E. Pearson, C. Y. Wu:
Decoupled delay estimation in the identification of differential delay systems, . 761-772 - Kazuhiko Terashima, Hajime Akashi:
Decomposition and stability of linear systems with multiplicative noise. 773-785 - J. C. Kollodge, J. A. Sand:
Advanced star tracker design using the charge injection device. 787-791 - Philippe de Larminat:
On the stabilizability condition in indirect adaptive control. 793-795 - M. A. L. Thathachar, K. R. Ramakrishnan:
A cooperative game of a pair of learning automata. 797-801 - Miomir Vukobratovic, Dragan Stokic:
Suboptimal synthesis of a robust decentralized control for large-scale mechanical systems. 803-807 - Michael J. Grimble:
Research survey : M. J. Grimble. 809-810 - D. Bosman:
Handbook of measurement science : Peter H. Sydenham. 811-812 - Derek P. Atherton:
Optimal relay and saturating control systems synthesis : E. P. Ryan. 812-813 - Piet Verdiere:
Linear system fundamentals, continuous and discrete, classic and modern : J. Gary Reid. 813-814 - Alain Bensoussan:
Optimization over time : Peter Whittle. 814-816

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