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The Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, Volume 22
Volume 22, Number 1, 2015
- Anthony Nixon, Elissa Ross:
Periodic Rigidity on a Variable Torus Using Inductive Constructions. 1 - Ping Sun:
Evaluating the Numbers of some Skew Standard Young Tableaux of Truncated Shapes. 1 - Éva Czabarka, Rigoberto Flórez, Leandro Junes:
Some Enumerations on Non-Decreasing Dyck Paths. 1 - Alan Guo:
Group Homomorphisms as Error Correcting Codes. 1 - Ilse Fischer:
Vertically Symmetric Alternating Sign Matrices and a Multivariate Laurent Polynomial Identity. 1 - Fei-Huang Chang, Hong-Bin Chen, Jun-Yi Guo, Yu-Pei Huang:
On-Line Choice Number of Complete Multipartite Graphs: an Algorithmic Approach. 1 - Stefano Brocchi, Giuseppa Castiglione, Paolo Massazza:
On Computing the Degree of Convexity of Polyominoes. 1 - Ernest X. W. Xia:
The Concavity and Convexity of the Boros-Moll Sequences. 1 - Quan-Hui Yang:
Proof of a Conjecture of Amdeberhan and Moll on a Divisibility Property of Binomial Coefficients. 1 - Martin Loebl, Petr Somberg
Discrete Dirac Operators, Critical Embeddings and Ihara-Selberg Functions. 1 - Robert Lukot'ka, Ján Mazák
, Xuding Zhu:
Maximum 4-Degenerate Subgraph of a Planar Graph. 1 - Sho Suda:
Characterizations of Regularity for certain $Q$-Polynomial Association Schemes. 1 - Mikio Kano, Kenta Ozeki, Kazuhiro Suzuki, Masao Tsugaki, Tomoki Yamashita:
Spanning $k$-trees of Bipartite Graphs. 1 - Lily Yen:
Crossings and Nestings for Arc-Coloured Permutations and Automation. 1 - Joanna Cyman, Tomasz Dzido, John Lapinskas, Allan Lo:
On-line Ramsey Numbers of Paths and Cycles. 1 - Andrzej P. Kisielewicz, Magdalena Lysakowska
On Keller's Conjecture in Dimension Seven. 1 - Evgeniy Krasko, Alexander Omelchenko:
Brown's Theorem and its Application for Enumeration of Dissections and Planar Trees. 1 - István Kovács, Géza Tóth:
Multiple Coverings with Closed Polygons. 1 - Wolfgang Knapp, Hans-Jörg Schaeffer:
On the Codes Related to the Higman-Sims Graph. 1 - Sherry H. F. Yan, Huiyun Ge, Yaqiu Zhang:
On a Refinement of Wilf-equivalence for Permutations. 1 - Athirah Nawawi, Peter Rowley
On Commuting Graphs for Elements of Order 3 in Symmetric Groups. 1 - Vito Napolitano:
A Characterization of the Hermitian Variety in Finite 3-Dimensional Projective Spaces. 1 - Konstantinos Panagiotou, Ali Pourmiri, Thomas Sauerwald:
Faster Rumor Spreading With Multiple Calls. 1 - Arnau Padrol
, Julian Pfeifle:
Polygons as Sections of Higher-Dimensional Polytopes. 1 - Michael D. Hirschhorn, Pee Choon Toh:
On a Certain Vector Crank Modulo 7. 1 - Sabine Beil, Ilse Fischer, Philippe Nadeau:
Wieland Drift for Triangular Fully Packed Loop Configurations. 1 - Aline Parreau, Michel Rigo, Eric Rowland, Élise Vandomme:
A New Approach to the 2-Regularity of the ℓ-Abelian Complexity of 2-Automatic Sequences. 1 - Colton Magnant:
Density of Gallai Multigraphs. 1 - Deepak Bal
, Patrick Bennett
, Alan M. Frieze, Pawel Pralat
Power of k Choices and Rainbow Spanning Trees in Random Graphs. 1 - Balázs Patkós:
Induced and Non-induced Forbidden Subposet Problems. 1 - Svante Janson:
Maximal Clades in Random Binary Search Trees. 1 - Mark Lewko:
An improved lower bound related to the Furstenberg-Sárközy theorem. 1 - Tobias Johnson
Exchangeable Pairs, Switchings, and Random Regular Graphs. 1 - Alan M. Frieze, Wesley Pegden:
Between 2- and 3-Colorability. 1 - Milos Tatarevic:
On Limits of Dense Packing of Equal Spheres in a Cube. 1 - Rajendra M. Pawale
, Mohan S. Shrikhande, Shubhada M. Nyayate:
Conditions for the Parameters of the Block Graph of Quasi-Symmetric Designs. 1 - Bobby DeMarco, Jeff Kahn, Amanda Redlich:
Modular Statistics for Subgraph Counts in Sparse Random Graphs. 1 - José Luis Ramírez, Víctor F. Sirvent:
A Generalization of the $k$-Bonacci Sequence from Riordan Arrays. 1 - Alberto Facchini, André Leroy:
Leapfrog Constructions: From Continuant Polynomials to Permanents of Matrices. 1 - Ljuben R. Mutafchiev:
A Note on Goldbach Partitions of Large Even Integers. 1 - Emmanuel Tsukerman:
The Maximum Difference between the Number of Atoms and Number of Coatoms of a Bruhat Interval of the Symmetric Group. 1 - Vasu Tewari:
Backward Jeu de Taquin Slides for Composition Tableaux and a Noncommutative Pieri Rule. 1 - Reinhard Diestel:
Forcing Finite Minors in Sparse Infinite Graphs by Large-Degree Assumptions. 1 - Ayush Choure, Sundar Vishwanathan:
On Graph Parameters Guaranteeing Fast Sandpile Diffusion. 1 - Miguel Angel Fiol, J. Vilaltella:
Some Results on the Structure of Multipoles in the Study of Snarks. 1 - Seog-Jin Kim, Boram Park:
Bipartite Graphs whose Squares are not Chromatic-Choosable. 1 - Catarina Carvalho
, László Egri, Marcel Jackson
, Todd Niven:
On Maltsev Digraphs. 1 - Igor Pak, Robin Pemantle:
On the Longest $k$-Alternating Subsequence. 1 - Sara Rottey, Geertrui Van de Voorde:
Characterisations of Elementary Pseudo-Caps and Good Eggs. 1 - Nicholas J. Cavenagh:
Decomposing Dense Bipartite Graphs into 4-Cycles. 1 - Robert Lukotka, Edita Mácajová, Ján Mazák
, Martin Skoviera:
Small Snarks with Large Oddness. 1 - Éric Fusy, Adrian Tanasa:
Asymptotic Expansion of the Multi-Orientable Random Tensor Model. 1 - Seyed Hadi Afzali Borujeni, Hiu-Fai Law, Malte Müller:
Infinite Gammoids. 1 - Jorge Alberto Olarte:
Gammoids, Pseudomodularity and Flatness Degree. 1 - Mike Müller, Svetlana Puzynina, Michaël Rao:
On Shuffling of Infinite Square-Free Words. 1 - Stavros Kousidis
, Ernst Schulte-Geers:
Distributions Defined by $q$-Supernomials, Fusion Products, and Demazure Modules. 1 - Mickaël Montassier, Pascal Ochem:
Near-Colorings: Non-Colorable Graphs and NP-Completeness. 1 - Andrew M. Baxter, Lara Pudwell:
Ascent Sequences Avoiding Pairs of Patterns. 1 - Jean-Paul Allouche
, Jonathan Sondow:
Summation of Rational Series Twisted by Strongly $B$-multiplicative Coefficients. 1 - Dennis Clemens
, Julia Ehrenmüller, Yury Person, Tuan Tran:
Keeping Avoider's Graph Almost Acyclic. 1 - Asaf Ferber:
Closing Gaps in Problems related to Hamilton Cycles in Random Graphs and Hypergraphs. 1 - Wei-Guo Chen, Zhi-Hong Chen, Mei Lu:
Lai's Conditions for Spanning and Dominating Closed Trails. 1 - Emma L. Connon, Sara Faridi
A Criterion for a Monomial Ideal to have a Linear Resolution in Characteristic 2. 1 - Paul R. G. Mortimer, Thomas Prellberg:
On the Number of Walks in a Triangular Domain. 1 - Oswin Aichholzer, Andrei Asinowski, Tillmann Miltzow:
Disjoint Compatibility Graph of Non-Crossing Matchings of Points in Convex Position. 1 - Laura Florescu, Daniela Morar, David Perkinson, Nicholas Salter, Tianyuan Xu:
Sandpiles and Dominos. 1 - Andreas Paffenholz
Faces of Birkhoff Polytopes. 1 - James J. Y. Zhao:
A Bijective Proof of the Alladi-Andrews-Gordon Partition Theorem. 1 - Daniel J. Poole:
On the Strength of Connectedness of a Random Hypergraph. 1 - Laurent Beaudou, J. Adrian Bondy, Xiaomin Chen, Ehsan Chiniforooshan, Maria Chudnovsky
, Vasek Chvátal, Nicolas Fraiman
, Yori Zwols:
A De Bruijn-Erdős Theorem for Chordal Graphs. 1 - Xiaolin Chen, Xueliang Li, Huishu Lian:
Solution to a Conjecture on the Maximum Skew-Spectral Radius of Odd-Cycle Graphs. 1 - Natacha Astromujoff, Martín Matamala:
A Quantitative Approach to Perfect One-Factorizations of Complete Bipartite Graphs. 1 - Anne Schilling
, Travis Scrimshaw
Crystal Structure on Rigged Configurations and the Filling Map. 1 - Dan Archdeacon:
Heffter Arrays and Biembedding Graphs on Surfaces. 1 - Mina Bigdeli, Jürgen Herzog, Takayuki Hibi, Antonio Macchia
Simplicial Complexes of Whisker Type. 1 - Jun-Yang Zhang:
Vertex-Transitive Digraphs of Order $p^5$ are Hamiltonian. 1 - Marko Boben, Robert Jajcay, Tomaz Pisanski:
Generalized Cages. 1 - Izak Broere, Monika Pilsniak:
The Distinguishing Index of Infinite Graphs. 1 - Gary Gordon:
Linear Relations for a Generalized Tutte Polynomial. 1 - Shagnik Das
, Benny Sudakov:
Most Probably Intersecting Hypergraphs. 1 - Thomas Britz
, Nicholas J. Cavenagh, Henrik Kragh Sørensen:
Maximal Partial Latin Cubes. 1 - Feng Ming Dong
On Graphs Having no Flow Roots in the Interval $(1, 2)$. 1 - Zoltán Lóránt Nagy, Balázs Patkós:
On the Number of Maximal Intersecting $k$-Uniform Families and Further Applications of Tuza's Set Pair Method. 1 - Cheng Yeaw Ku, Kok Bin Wong:
A Deza-Frankl Type Theorem for Set Partitions. 1
Volume 22, Number 2, 2015
- Daniel W. Cranston, Landon Rabern:
A Note on Coloring Vertex-transitive Graphs. 2 - Michael H. Albert, Cheyne Homberger, Jay Pantone
Equipopularity Classes in the Separable Permutations. 2 - Luis Pedro Montejano, Jorge L. Ramírez Alfonsín:
Roudneff's Conjecture for Lawrence Oriented Matroids. 2 - Hiraku Abe:
Young Diagrams and Intersection Numbers for Toric Manifolds associated with Weyl Chambers. 2 - Veselin Jungic, Julian Sahasrabudhe:
Permutations Destroying Arithmetic Structure. 2 - Shenglin Zhou, Yajie Wang
Flag-transitive Non-symmetric 2-designs with $(r, \lambda)=1$ and Alternating Socle. 2 - Christos A. Athanasiadis:
Power Sum Expansion of Chromatic Quasisymmetric Functions. 2 - Roy Oste
, Joris Van der Jeugt:
Motzkin Paths, Motzkin Polynomials and Recurrence Relations. 2 - Valentin Borozan, Gerard Jennhwa Chang, Nathann Cohen, Shinya Fujita, Narayanan Narayanan, Reza Naserasr, Petru Valicov:
From Edge-Coloring to Strong Edge-Coloring. 2 - Marién Abreu, Gabriela Araujo-Pardo
, Camino Balbuena, Domenico Labbate:
A Construction of Small (q-1)-Regular Graphs of Girth 8. 2 - Vineet Gupta
, Uma Roy, Roger Van Peski:
A Generalization of Tokuyama's Formula to the Hall-Littlewood Polynomials. 2 - Cheng Yeaw Ku, Kok Bin Wong:
A Generalization of Very Odd Sequences. 2 - Albert Gu:
Sprague-Grundy Values of the $\mathcal{R}$-Wythoff Game. 2 - Thomas Mahoney, Jixian Meng, Xuding Zhu:
Characterization of $(2m, m)$-Paintable Graphs. 2 - Camino Balbuena, Florent Foucaud, Adriana Hansberg:
Locating-Dominating Sets and Identifying Codes in Graphs of Girth at least 5. 2 - Murray Elder, Geoffrey Lee, Andrew Rechnitzer:
Permutations Generated by a Depth 2 Stack and an Infinite Stack in Series are Algebraic. 2 - Robert Davis:
Ehrhart Series of Polytopes Related to Symmetric Doubly-Stochastic Matrices. 2 - Victor Lambert:
On Modular k-Free Sets. 2 - Clemens Heuberger, Sara Kropf, Helmut Prodinger:
Output Sum of Transducers: Limiting Distribution and Periodic Fluctuation. 2 - Aistis Atminas, Robert Brignall, Nicholas Korpelainen, Vadim V. Lozin, Vincent Vatter:
Well-Quasi-Order for Permutation Graphs Omitting a Path and a Clique. 2 - Xing Peng, Michael Tait, Craig Timmons:
On the Chromatic Number of the Erdős-Rényi Orthogonal Polarity Graph. 2 - David Callan, Shi-Mei Ma, Toufik Mansour
Some Combinatorial Arrays Related to the Lotka-Volterra System. 2 - Mike J. Grannell, Justin Z. Schroeder:
Biembeddings of 2-Rotational Steiner Triple Systems. 2 - Karl Dilcher, Larry Ericksen:
Hyperbinary Expansions and Stern Polynomials. 2 - Mauro Di Nasso:
Intersections of Shifted Sets. 2 - Erik Insko:
Schubert Calculus and the Homology of the Peterson Variety. 2 - Ron Aharoni, Ron Holzman, David M. Howard, Philipp Sprüssel:
Cooperative Colorings and Independent Systems of Representatives. 2 - Marston D. E. Conder, Ricardo Grande
On Embeddings of Circulant Graphs. 2 - Neil Hindman, Imre Leader, Dona Strauss:
Extensions of Infinite Partition Regular Systems. 2 - Carolyn Chun, Deborah Chun, Dillon Mayhew, Stefan H. M. van Zwam:
Fan-Extensions in Fragile Matroids. 2 - Amol Aggarwal:
When Does the Set of $(a, b, c)$-Core Partitions Have a Unique Maximal Element? 2 - Pawel Pralat
Containment Game Played on Random Graphs: Another Zig-Zag Theorem. 2 - Jaka Kranjc, Borut Luzar, Martina Mockovciaková, Roman Soták:
On a Generalization of Thue Sequences. 2 - Matthias Hamann
Generating the Cycle Space of Planar Graphs. 2 - Dwight Duffus, Kyle Thayer:
Symmetric Chain Decompositions of Quotients by Wreath Products. 2 - Bjarke Hammersholt Roune, Kevin Woods:
The Parametric Frobenius Problem. 2 - Yu-Pei Huang, Yeh-jong Pan, Chih-Wen Weng:
Nonexistence of a Class of Distance-Regular Graphs. 2 - Marie Albenque, Dominique Poulalhon:
A Generic Method for Bijections between Blossoming Trees and Planar Maps. 2 - Ehud Friedgut, Jeff Kahn, Clara Shikhelman:
Thresholds and Expectation-Thresholds of Monotone Properties with Small Minterms. 2 - Henri Mühle:
SB-Lattices, Distributivity, and Bruhat Order on Sortable Elements. 2 - Alan M. Frieze, Dieter Mitsche, Xavier Pérez-Giménez, Pawel Pralat
On-line List Colouring of Random Graphs. 2 - Angèle M. Hamel, Ronald C. King:
Tokuyama's Identity for Factorial Schur $P$ and $Q$ Functions. 2 - Ashish Mishra, Murali K. Srinivasan:
Wreath Product Action on Generalized Boolean Algebras. 2 - Jonathan E. Beagley, Paul Drube:
Combinatorics of Tableau Inversions. 2 - Neil J. Y. Fan, Liao He:
The Complete cd-Index of Boolean Lattices. 2 - Guillermo Pineda-Villavicencio, David R. Wood:
The Degree-Diameter Problem for Sparse Graph Classes. 2 - Tsz Lung Chan:
Contractible Edges in 2-Connected Locally Finite Graphs. 2 - Sam Hopkins, Ingrid Zhang:
A Note on Statistical Averages for Oscillating Tableaux. 2 - Ferdinand Ihringer:
Cross-Intersecting Erdős-Ko-Rado Sets in Finite Classical Polar Spaces. 2 - Béla Bajnok, Ryan Matzke:
The Minimum Size of Signed Sumsets. 2 - Rudi Pendavingh, Jorn G. van der Pol:
On the Number of Matroids Compared to the Number of Sparse Paving Matroids. 2 - John C. Wierman, Gaoran Yu, Theodore Huang:
A Disproof of Tsallis' Bond Percolation Threshold Conjecture for the Kagome Lattice. 2 - Miles Eli Jones, Sergey Kitaev, Artem V. Pyatkin, Jeffrey B. Remmel:
Representing Graphs via Pattern Avoiding Words. 2 - Julie Linman, Michael Pinsker:
Permutations on the Random Permutation. 2 - Louis W. Kolitsch, Michael Burnette:
Interpreting the Truncated Pentagonal Number Theorem using Partition Pairs. 2 - Ante Custic, Vedran Krcadinac, Yue Zhou:
Tiling Groups with Difference Sets. 2 - Jessica Striker:
The Toggle Group, Homomesy, and the Razumov-Stroganov Correspondence. 2 - Yuval Roichman:
On Exponential Growth of Degrees. 2
Volume 22, Number 3, 2015
- Vida Dujmovic, Pat Morin
On Obstacle Numbers. 3 - Michelle Delcourt, Asaf Ferber:
On a Conjecture of Thomassen. 3 - Kathrin Bringmann, Karl Mahlburg, Karthik Nataraj:
Distinct Parts Partitions without Sequences. 3 - James Propp, Tom Roby:
Homomesy in Products of Two Chains. 3 - Marién Abreu, Gabriela Araujo-Pardo
, Camino Balbuena, Domenico Labbate, Julián Salas:
Small Regular Graphs of Girth 7. 3 - Sarah Holliday, Jennifer Vandenbussche, Erik E. Westlund
Completing Partial Proper Colorings using Hall's Condition. 3 - Noah Golowich, David Rolnick
Acyclic Subgraphs of Planar Digraphs. 3 - Jian Liu, Andrew Y. Z. Wang:
Arithmetic Properties of a Restricted Bipartition Function. 3 - Mykhaylo Tyomkyn
, Andrew J. Uzzell:
Strong Turán Stability. 3 - Hadi Kharaghani, Sara Sasani, Sho Suda:
Mutually Unbiased Bush-type Hadamard Matrices and Association Schemes. 3 - Geoffrey Exoo, Milos Tatarevic:
New Lower Bounds for 28 Classical Ramsey Numbers. 3 - Lucia Morotti
Sign Conjugacy Classes of the Symmetric Groups. 3 - Yoshimi Egawa, Jun Fujisawa, Michitaka Furuya, Michael D. Plummer, Akira Saito:
Forbidden Triples Generating a Finite set of 3-Connected Graphs. 3 - JiSun Huh, SeungKyung Park:
Generalized Small Schröder Numbers. 3 - Emmanuel Briand
, Rosa C. Orellana
, Mercedes H. Rosas:
Rectangular Symmetries for Coefficients of Symmetric Functions. 3 - Carlos Segovia
, Monika Winklmeier
On the Density of Certain Languages with p2 Letters. 3 - Kathrin Bringmann, Jehanne Dousse, Jeremy Lovejoy, Karl Mahlburg:
Overpartitions with Restricted Odd Differences. 3 - John Ballantyne, Peter Rowley
Local Fusion Graphs and Sporadic Simple Groups. 3 - Jesse Geneson
A Relationship Between Generalized Davenport-Schinzel Sequences and Interval Chains. 3 - Francesco Monopoli:
Absolute Differences Along Hamiltonian Paths. 3 - Binlong Li, Yanbo Zhang
, Halina Bielak, Hajo Broersma, Premek Holub:
Closing the Gap on Path-Kipas Ramsey Numbers. 3 - Kayleigh Hyde, Bjørn Kjos-Hanssen
Nondeterministic Automatic Complexity of Overlap-Free and Almost Square-Free Words. 3 - Fengming Dong
, Xian'an Jin:
Zeros of Jones Polynomials of Graphs. 3 - Michel Bode, Nikolaos Fountoulakis
, Tobias Müller:
On the Largest Component of a Hyperbolic Model of Complex Networks. 3 - Cai Heng Li, Zai Ping Lu, Gai Xia Wang:
On Edge-Transitive Graphs of Square-Free Order. 3 - Bao-Xuan Zhu
, Hua Sun:
Linear Transformations Preserving the Strong $q$-log-convexity of Polynomials. 3 - Aleksandr Kodess, Felix Lazebnik:
Connectivity of some Algebraically Defined Digraphs. 3 - V. A. Aksenov, Oleg V. Borodin, Anna O. Ivanova
Weight of 3-Paths in Sparse Plane Graphs. 3 - Csilla Bujtás:
On the Game Domination Number of Graphs with Given Minimum Degree. 3 - André Guerino Castoldi
, Emerson L. Monte Carmelo:
The Covering Problem in Rosenbloom-Tsfasman Spaces. 3 - Jean Cardinal, Stefan Felsner:
Covering Partial Cubes with Zones. 3 - Joy Morris, Pablo Spiga, Gabriel Verret:
Semiregular Automorphisms of Cubic Vertex-Transitive Graphs and the Abelian Normal Quotient Method. 3 - S. Aparna Lakshmanan
, Csilla Bujtás, Zsolt Tuza:
Generalized Line Graphs: Cartesian Products and Complexity of Recognition. 3 - Kristóf Bérczi, Attila Bernáth, Máté Vizer:
Regular Graphs are Antimagic. 3 - Philippe Di Francesco:
Bessenrodt-Stanley Polynomials and the Octahedron Recurrence. 3 - Isaac Owino Okoth, Stephan G. Wagner:
Locally Oriented Noncrossing Trees. 3 - J. Fernando Barbero G.
, Jesús Salas, Eduardo J. S. Villaseñor
Generalized Stirling Permutations and Forests: Higher-Order Eulerian and Ward Numbers. 3 - Bostjan Bresar:
Vizing's Conjecture for Graphs with Domination Number 3 - a New Proof. 3 - Matthew Jura, Oscar Levin
, Tyler Markkanen:
Finding Domatic Partitions in Infinite Graphs. 3 - Darij Grinberg, Tom Roby:
Iterative Properties of Birational Rowmotion II: Rectangles and Triangles. 3 - Jeannette C. M. Janssen
, Rogers Mathew
, Deepak Rajendraprasad
Partial List Colouring of Certain Graphs. 3 - Dennis Clemens
, Mirjana Mikalacki:
A Remark on the Tournament Game. 3 - Dorothy Buck, Egor Dolzhenko, Natasa Jonoska, Masahico Saito, Karin Valencia:
Genus Ranges of 4-Regular Rigid Vertex Graphs. 3
Volume 22, Number 4, 2015
- Trent G. Marbach, Lijun Ji:
The Spectrum for 3-Way k-Homogeneous Latin Trades. 4 - Michal Kotrbcík, Tomaz Pisanski:
Genus of the Cartesian Product of Triangles. 4 - Adam Sanitt, John M. Talbot:
An Exact Turán Result for Tripartite 3-Graphs. 4 - Lucas Gerin:
The Page-Rényi Parking Process. 4 - Evan Morgan, Bogdan Oporowski:
Bounding Tree-Width via Contraction on the Projective Plane and Torus. 4 - Sylvain Gravier, Aline Parreau, Sara Rottey, Leo Storme
, Élise Vandomme:
Identifying Codes in Vertex-Transitive Graphs and Strongly Regular Graphs. 4 - Huanhuan Guan, Pingzhi Yuan, Xiangneng Zeng:
A Generalization of Graham's Conjecture. 4 - Kemal Tasköprü, Ismet Altintas:
HOMFLY Polynomials of Torus Links as Generalized Fibonacci Polynomials. 4 - Michael Krivelevich, Gal Kronenberg:
Random-Player Maker-Breaker games. 4 - Askar Dzhumadil'daev, Damir Yeliussizov
Walks, Partitions, and Normal Ordering. 4 - Zdenek Dvorák, Jean-Sébastien Sereni, Jan Volec
Fractional Coloring of Triangle-Free Planar Graphs. 4 - Philip B. Zhang:
On the Real-Rootedness of the Descent Polynomials of (n-2)-Stack Sortable Permutations. 4 - Ísak Hilmarsson, Ingibjörg Jónsdóttir, Steinunn Sigurðardóttir, Lína Viðarsdóttir, Henning Úlfarsson
Wilf-Classification of Mesh Patterns of Short Length. 4 - Cláudio Leonardo Lucchesi, Marcelo Henriques de Carvalho, Uppaluri S. R. Murty:
Thin Edges in Braces. 4 - Oleg Pikhurko:
The Maximal Length of a Gap between r-Graph Turán Densities. 4 - Silvia Goodenough, Christian Lavault:
Overview on Heisenberg - Weyl Algebra and Subsets of Riordan Subgroups. 4 - Roberta Rui Zhou, Wenlong Zhang:
Rank and Crank Analogs for some Colored Partitions. 4 - Karola Mészáros:
h-Polynomials via Reduced Forms. 4 - Florian Lehner
, Rögnvaldur G. Möller:
Local Finiteness, Distinguishing Numbers, and Tucker's Conjecture. 4 - Erkko Lehtonen
Reconstructing Permutations from Identification Minors. 4 - Leif K. Jørgensen:
Normally Regular Digraphs. 4 - Ranjan Rohatgi:
Enumeration of Lozenge Tilings of Halved Hexagons with a Boundary Defect. 4 - Adam Borchert, Narad Rampersad:
Words with many Palindrome Pair Factors. 4 - Radoslav Fulek, Jan Kyncl, Igor Malinovic, Dömötör Pálvölgyi:
Clustered Planarity Testing Revisited. 4 - Maria Rita Casali, Paola Cristofori:
Cataloguing PL 4-Manifolds by Gem-Complexity. 4 - Susan A. van Aardt, Jean E. Dunbar, Marietjie Frick, Nicolas Lichiardopol:
A Linear Bound towards the Traceability Conjecture. 4 - Marko Orel
On Generalizations of the Petersen Graph and the Coxeter Graph. 4 - Pingge Chen, Zhousheng Mei, Suijie Wang:
Inversion Formulae on Permutations Avoiding 321. 4 - Abhishek Methuku
, Casey Tompkins:
Exact Forbidden Subposet Results using Chain Decompositions of the Cycle. 4 - Petr Kolman
, Martin Koutecký:
Extended Formulation for CSP that is Compact for Instances of Bounded Treewidth. 4 - Jing Xu:
Digraph Representations of 2-closed Permutation Groups with a Normal Regular Cyclic Subgroup. 4 - Boris L. Granovsky, Dudley Stark
Developments in the Khintchine-Meinardus Probabilistic Method for Asymptotic Enumeration. 4 - Tao Zhang, Jerod Michel, Tao Feng, Gennian Ge:
On the Existence of Certain Optimal Self-Dual Codes with Lengths Between 74 and 116. 4 - Louis DeBiasio, Theodore Molla:
Semi-Degree Threshold for Anti-Directed Hamiltonian Cycles. 4 - Frans J. C. T. de Ruiter, Norman L. Biggs:
Applications of Integer Programming Methods to Cages. 4 - Yaokun Wu, Yinfeng Zhu:
Lifespan in a Primitive Boolean Linear Dynamical System. 4 - Seyed Hadi Afzali Borujeni, Hiu-Fai Law, Malte Müller:
Infinite Gammoids: Minors and Duality. 4 - Margaret Archibald, Aubrey Blecher
, Charlotte A. C. Brennan, Arnold Knopfmacher:
Greatest Descents after any Maxima in Compositions. 4 - Peter Hegarty, Anders Martinsson:
Permutations Destroying Arithmetic Progressions in Finite Cyclic Groups. 4 - Roland Bacher:
Counting Invertible Schrödinger Operators over Finite Fields for Trees, Cycles and Complete Graphs. 4 - Rafael I. Plaza:
Stability for Intersecting Families in PGL(2, q). 4 - Shi-Mei Ma, Yeong-Nan Yeh:
Stirling Permutations, Cycle Structure of Permutations and Perfect Matchings. 4 - Simon Hampe:
Tropical Linear Spaces and Tropical Convexity. 4 - Cesar Ceballos, Vincent Pilaud:
Cluster Algebras of Type D: Pseudotriangulations Approach. 4 - Michael H. Albert, Mathilde Bouvel:
A General Theory of Wilf-Equivalence for Catalan Structures. 4 - Nathan Reading, David E. Speyer:
A Cambrian Framework for the Oriented Cycle. 4 - Eiichi Bannai, Etsuko Bannai, Sho Suda, Hajime Tanaka:
On Relative $t$-Designs in Polynomial Association Schemes. 4 - Zach Higgins, Elizabeth Kelley, Bertilla Sieben, Anant P. Godbole:
Universal and Near-Universal Cycles of Set Partitions. 4

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