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CoRR, May 2010
- Maayan Gal-on, Shie Mannor:
Learning from Multiple Outlooks. - Bing Zeng, Xueming Tang, Ching-Fang Hsu:
A Framework For Fully-Simulatable h-Out-Of-n Oblivious Transfer. - Arvind Agarwal, Hal Daumé III:
A Geometric View of Conjugate Priors. - Byung-Hak Kim, Henry D. Pfister:
On the Joint Decoding of LDPC Codes and Finite-State Channels via Linear Programming. - Amparo Fúster-Sabater, Pino Caballero-Gil:
Global Linear Complexity Analysis of Filter Keystream Generators. - Pino Caballero-Gil, Candelaria Hernández-Goya:
Secret Sharing Based on a Hard-on-Average Problem. - Pino Caballero-Gil, Amparo Fúster-Sabater:
On the Design of Cryptographic Primitives. - Amparo Fúster-Sabater, Pino Caballero-Gil:
Linear solutions for cryptographic nonlinear sequence generators. - Rania El-Badry, Ahmed K. Sultan, Moustafa Youssef:
HyberLoc: Providing Physical Layer Location Privacy in Hybrid Sensor Networks. - Ying Cui, Vincent K. N. Lau:
Distributive Stochastic Learning for Delay-Optimal OFDMA Power and Subband Allocation. - Xiaoyu Chen:
Electronic Geometry Textbook: A Geometric Textbook Knowledge Management System. - Pino Caballero-Gil, Candelaria Hernández-Goya, Carlos Bruno-Castañeda:
A Rational Approach to Cryptographic Protocols. - Xiaohong Jia, Ron Goldman:
Using Smith Normal Forms and mu-Bases to Compute all the Singularities of Rational Planar Curves. - Pino Caballero-Gil, Amparo Fúster-Sabater, Oscar Delgado-Mohatar:
Linear Cellular Automata as Discrete Models for Generating Cryptographic Sequences. - Pino Caballero-Gil, Amparo Fúster-Sabater, Maria Eugenia Pazo-Robles:
New Attack Strategy for the Shrinking Generator. - Tom W. Kelsey, Lars Kotthoff:
The Exact Closest String Problem as a Constraint Satisfaction Problem. - Evgeny S. Sagatov, Andrei M. Sukhov, Prasad Calyam:
Influence of distortions of key frames on video transfer in wireless networks. - Pino Caballero-Gil, Amparo Fúster-Sabater:
A Simple Attack on Some Clock-Controlled Generators. - Rahul Gupta, Sunita Sarawagi:
Joint Structured Models for Extraction from Overlapping Sources. - Pino Caballero-Gil, Candelaria Hernández-Goya:
Self-Organized Authentication in Mobile Ad-hoc Networks. - Pino Caballero-Gil, Amparo Fúster-Sabater, Maria Eugenia Pazo-Robles:
Using Linear Difference Equations to Model Nonlinear Cryptographic Sequences. - Sugata Sanyal, Dhaval Gada, Rajat Gogri, Punit Rathod, Zalak Dedhia, Nirali Mody:
Security Scheme for Distributed DoS in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks. - Shirin Jalali, Michelle Effros:
On the Separation of Lossy Source-Network Coding and Channel Coding in Wireline Networks. - Dotan Di Castro, Shie Mannor:
Adaptive Bases for Reinforcement Learning. - Dimitry S. Ananichev, Vladimir V. Gusev, Mikhail V. Volkov:
Slowly synchronizing automata and digraphs. - Jayesh Kataria, Prabhakar S. Dhekne, Sugata Sanyal:
ACRR: Ad Hoc On-Demand Distance Vector Routing with Controlled Route Requests. - Andriy Kovalchuk, Vyacheslav Levitsky, Igor Samolyuk, Valentyn Yanchuk:
The Formulator MathML Editor Project: User-Friendly Authoring of Content Markup Documents. - Ali Alhazmi, Abdulrahman Al-Sharawi, Bing Liu, Deyvisson Oliveira, Kanj Sobh, Max Mayantz, Robin de Bled, Yu Ming Zhang:
Software Requirements Specification of the IUfA's UUIS - a Team 4 COMP5541-W10 Project Approach. - Manish Anand, P. R. Kumar:
A digital interface for Gaussian relay and interference networks: Lifting codes from the discrete superposition model. - Kanj Sobh, Deyvisson Oliveira, Bing Liu, Max Mayantz, Yu Ming Zhang, Ali Alhazmi, Robin de Bled, Abdulrahman Al-Sharawi:
Software Design Document, Testing, Deployment and Configuration Management, and User Manual of the UUIS -- a Team 4 COMP5541-W10 Project Approach. - Dongjie Yin, Pui King Wong, Tony T. Lee:
Analysis of Non-Persistent CSMA Protocols with Exponential Backoff Scheduling. - Nishant A. Mehta, Alexander G. Gray:
Generative and Latent Mean Map Kernels. - Houssem Jerbi, Geneviève Pujolle, Franck Ravat, Olivier Teste
Personnalisation de Systèmes OLAP Annotés. - Franck Ravat, Olivier Teste
, Gilles Zurfluh:
Personnalisation de bases de données multidimensionnelles. - Kevin Rosenblum, Lihi Zelnik-Manor, Yonina C. Eldar:
Dictionary Optimization for Block-Sparse Representations. - Frédéric Bret, Olivier Teste
Construction graphique d'entrepôts et de magasins de données. - Franck Ravat, Olivier Teste
, Gilles Zurfluh:
Algèbre OLAP et langage graphique. - Franck Ravat, Olivier Teste
, Gilles Zurfluh:
Modélisation et extraction de données pour un entrepôt objet. - Gilles Hubert, Olivier Teste
Analyse multigraduelle OLAP. - Faiza Ghozzi, Franck Ravat, Olivier Teste
, Gilles Zurfluh:
Contraintes pour modèle et langage multidimensionnels. - Franck Ravat, Olivier Teste
Modélisation et manipulation de données historisées et archivées dans un entrepôt orienté objet. - Olivier Teste
Elaboration d'entrepôts de données complexes. - Olivier Teste
Towards Conceptual Multidimensional Design in Decision Support Systems. - Andrea Campagna, Rasmus Pagh:
On Finding Frequent Patterns in Directed Acyclic Graphs. - Amir M. Ben-Amram:
Size-Change Termination, Monotonicity Constraints and Ranking Functions. - Wai Shing Fung, Nicholas J. A. Harvey:
Graph Sparsification by Edge-Connectivity and Random Spanning Trees. - Qiyu Sun:
Recovery of sparsest signals via ℓq-minimization. - Andri Mirzal, Masashi Furukawa:
Node-Context Network Clustering using PARAFAC Tensor Decomposition. - Moritz Wiese, Holger Boche, Igor Bjelakovic, Volker Jungnickel:
The Compound Multiple Access Channel with Partially Cooperating Encoders. - Abirami Sankaran, Andriy Samsonyuk, Maab Attar, Mohammad Parham, Olena Zayikina, Omar Jandali Rifai, Pavel Lepin, Rana Hassan:
Software Requirements Specification of the IUfA's UUIS -- a Team 1 COMP5541-W10 Project Approach. - Moazzam Islam Tiwana, Berna Sayraç, Zwi Altman:
Statistical Learning in Automated Troubleshooting: Application to LTE Interference Mitigation. - Andrea Asperti, Enrico Tassi:
Smart matching. - Christian Esteve Rothenberg, Carlos Alberto Braz Macapuna, Fábio Luciano Verdi, Maurício F. Magalhães:
The Deletable Bloom filter: A new member of the Bloom family. - Sami Akin, Mustafa Cenk Gursoy:
Performance Analysis of Cognitive Radio Systems under QoS Constraints and Channel Uncertainty. - Soheil Mohajer, Suhas N. Diggavi, Christina Fragouli, David N. C. Tse:
Approximate Capacity of Gaussian Interference-Relay Networks with Weak Cross Links. - Sertac Karaman, Emilio Frazzoli:
Incremental Sampling-based Algorithms for Optimal Motion Planning. - Rina Panigrahy, Kunal Talwar, Udi Wieder:
Lower Bounds on Near Neighbor Search via Metric Expansion. - Ersen Ekrem, Sennur Ulukus:
Capacity-Equivocation Region of the Gaussian MIMO Wiretap Channel. - Theodoros K. Dikaliotis, Alexandros G. Dimakis, Tracey Ho:
Security in Distributed Storage Systems by Communicating a Logarithmic Number of Bits. - Samuel Bucheli, Roman Kuznets
, Thomas Studer:
Explicit Evidence Systems with Common Knowledge. - Tirza Routtenberg, Joseph Tabrikian:
Classes of lower bounds on outage error probability and MSE in Bayesian parameter estimation. - Luc Dartois, Manfred Kufleitner, Alexander Lauser:
Rankers over Infinite Words. - Endre Csóka:
Maximum flow is approximable by deterministic constant-time algorithm in sparse networks. - Amir M. Ben-Amram:
On Decidable Growth-Rate Properties of Imperative Programs. 1-14 - Guillaume Bonfante:
Observation of implicit complexity by non confluence. 15-29 - Ugo Dal Lago
, Simone Martini, Margherita Zorzi:
General Ramified Recurrence is Sound for Polynomial Time. 47-62 - Luca Roversi
, Luca Vercelli:
Safe Recursion on Notation into a Light Logic by Levels. 63-77 - Aloïs Brunel, Kazushige Terui:
Church => Scott = Ptime: an application of resource sensitive realizability. 31-46 - Mohak Shah, Mario Marchand, Jacques Corbeil:
Feature Selection with Conjunctions of Decision Stumps and Learning from Microarray Data. - Arash Behboodi, Pablo Piantanida:
Capacity of a Class of Broadcast Relay Channels. - Abirami Sankaran, Andriy Samsonyuk, Maab Attar, Mohammad Parham, Olena Zayikina, Omar Jandali Rifai, Pavel Lepin, Rana Hassan:
Software Design Document, Testing, and Deployment and Configuration Management of the UUIS - a Team 1 COMP5541-W10 Project Approach. - Manuel Kauers, Veronika Pillwein:
When can we decide that a P-finite sequence is positive? - Manuel Kauers, Carsten Schneider:
Partial Denominator Bounds for Partial Linear Difference Equations. - Vladimir L. Gavrikov, Rem G. Khlebopros:
An approach to visualize the course of solving of a research task in humans. - Kurt Ammon:
Informal Concepts in Machines. - Ahmed Daoudi, David Zerkler, Gay Hazan, Isabelle Toutant, Mariano Diaz, René Toutant, Virginia Cook, William Nzoukou, Yassine Amaiche:
Software Requirements Specification of the IUfA's UUIS -- a Team 3 COMP5541-W10 Project Approach. - Xiang He, Aylin Yener:
The Gaussian Many-to-1 Interference Channel with Confidential Messages. - Andrew Drucker:
Improved Direct Product Theorems for Randomized Query Complexity. - Patrick Baillot:
Proceedings International Workshop on Developments in Implicit Computational complExity, DICE 2010, Paphos, Cyprus, 27-28th March 2010. EPTCS 23, 2010 [contents] - Alexander Gallego, Nitesh Saxena, Jonathan Voris:
Security Through Entertainment: Experiences Using a Memory Game for Secure Device Pairing. - Daniel Golovin:
The B-Skip-List: A Simpler Uniquely Represented Alternative to B-Trees. - Omer Shahid Ahmad, Faisal Alrashdi, Jason Jun-Duo Chen, Najah Ilham, Jianhai Lu, Yiwei Sun, Tong Wang, Yongxin Zhu:
Software Design Document, Testing, Deployment and Configuration Management of the UUIS--a Team 2 COMP5541-W10 Project Approach. - Ramesh Hariharan, Debmalya Panigrahi:
A Linear-time Algorithm for Sparsification of Unweighted Graphs. - Sándor P. Fekete, Christiane Schmidt, Axel Wegener, Horst Hellbrück, Stefan Fischer:
Empowered by Wireless Communication: Self-Organizing Traffic Collectives. - Kasra Alishahi, Shayan Dashmiz, Pedram Pad, Farrokh Marvasti, M. H. Shafinia, M. S. Mansouri:
The Enigma of CDMA Revisited. - Jaeok Park, Mihaela van der Schaar:
Adaptive MAC Protocols Using Memory for Networks with Critical Traffic. - Mohammad Iqbal Bin Shahid, Joarder Kamruzzaman:
Weighted Soft Decision for Cooperative Sensing in Cognitive Radio Networks. - Jacques M. Bahi, Christophe Guyeux:
A chaos-based approach for information hiding security. - Christophe Guyeux, Nicolas Friot, Jacques M. Bahi:
Chaotic iterations versus Spread-spectrum: chaos and stego security. - Loet Leydesdorff:
The Production of Probabilistic Entropy in Structure/Action Contingency Relations. - Matthias Wilhelm, Ivan Martinovic, Jens B. Schmitt:
Key Generation in Wireless Sensor Networks Based on Frequency-selective Channels - Design, Implementation, and Analysis. - Zoran Hadzi-Velkov, Nikola Zlatanov:
Outage rates and outage durations of opportunistic relaying systems. - Nikola Zlatanov, Zoran Hadzi-Velkov, George K. Karagiannidis:
An efficient approximation to the correlated Nakagami-m sums and its application in equal gain diversity receivers. - Mathieu Baudet, Véronique Cortier, Stéphanie Delaune:
YAPA: A generic tool for computing intruder knowledge. - Jónathan Heras, Vico Pascual, Ana Romero, Julio Rubio:
Integrating multiple sources to answer questions in Algebraic Topology. - Nirmalendu Bikas Sinha, Manish sonal, Makar Chand Snai, R. Bera, Monojit Mitra:
Modelling and Implementation of ITWS: An ultimate solution to ITS. - David Auger, Irène Charon, Olivier Hudry, Antoine Lobstein:
Watching Systems in graphs: an extension of Identifying Codes. - Vincent Y. F. Tan, Animashree Anandkumar, Alan S. Willsky:
Learning High-Dimensional Markov Forest Distributions: Analysis of Error Rates. - Lamjed Touil, Abdessalem Ben Abdelali, Abdellatif Mtibaa
, El-Bey Bourennane:
Towards Hardware implementation of video applications in new telecommunications devices. - Omer Shahid Ahmad, Faisal Alrashdi, Jason Jun-Duo Chen, Najah Ilham, Jianhai Lu, Yiwei Sun, Tong Wang, Yongxin Zhu:
Software Requirements Specification of the IUfA's UUIS -- a Team 2 COMP5541-W10 Project Approach. - Andy B. Yoo, Yang Liu, Sheila Vaidya, Stephen Poole:
A New Benchmark For Evaluation Of Graph-Theoretic Algorithms. - Sumit Ganguly, Purushottam Kar:
On Estimating the First Frequency Moment of Data Streams. - Robert S. Weigel, Doug M. Lindholm
, Anne Wilson, Jeremy Faden:
TSDS: high-performance merge, subset, and filter software for time series-like data. - Sylvie Boldo, François Clément, Jean-Christophe Filliâtre, Micaela Mayero, Guillaume Melquiond, Pierre Weis:
Formal Proof of a Wave Equation Resolution Scheme: the Method Error. - Daniil Ryabko:
Clustering processes. - Jean-Guillaume Dumas
, Thierry Gautier, Jean-Louis Roch:
Generic design of Chinese remaindering schemes. - Roberto M. Amadio, Patrick Baillot, Antoine Madet:
An affine-intuitionistic system of types and effects: confluence and termination. - Chris Armbruster, Laurent Romary:
Comparing Repository Types - Challenges and barriers for subject-based repositories, research repositories, national repository systems and institutional repositories in serving scholarly communication. - Yassine Amaiche, Virginia Cook, Ahmed Daoudi, Mariano Diaz, Gay Hazan, David Zerkler, William Nzoukou, Isabelle Toutant, René Toutant:
Software Design Document, Testing, Deployment and Configuration Management of the IUfA's UUIS -- a Team 3 COMP5541-W10 Project Approach. - Won-Yong Shin, Daniel Enrique Lucani, Muriel Médard, Milica Stojanovic, Vahid Tarokh:
On Capacity Scaling of Underwater Networks: An Information-Theoretic Perspective. - Teng Zhang, Arthur Szlam, Yi Wang, Gilad Lerman:
Randomized hybrid linear modeling by local best-fit flats. - Martianus Frederic Ezerman, San Ling, Patrick Solé, Olfa Yemen:
From Skew-Cyclic Codes to Asymmetric Quantum Codes. - Yi Su, Mihaela van der Schaar:
Structural Solutions For Additively Coupled Sum Constrained Games. - Jean-Marc Tacnet
, Mireille Batton-Hubert, Jean Dezert:
A two-step fusion process for multi-criteria decision applied to natural hazards in mountains. - Pantelis Bouboulis, Sergios Theodoridis:
The Complex Gaussian Kernel LMS algorithm. - Pantelis Bouboulis, Sergios Theodoridis:
Extension of Wirtinger Calculus in RKH Spaces and the Complex Kernel LMS. - Yechang Fang, Kang Yen, Deng Pan, Zhuo Sun:
Buffer Management Algorithm Design and Implementation Based on Network Processors. - Yasser M. Alginaih, Abdul Ahad Siddiqi:
Multistage Hybrid Arabic/Indian Numeral OCR System. - Richard P. Brent:
George Forsythe's last paper. - Haim Kaplan, Natan Rubin, Micha Sharir:
A Kinetic Triangulation Scheme for Moving Points in The Plane. - Agnieszka Rowinska-Schwarzweller, Christoph Schwarzweller:
On Building a Knowledge Base for Stability Theory. - Dewan Md. Farid, Mohammad Zahidur Rahman:
Attribute Weighting with Adaptive NBTree for Reducing False Positives in Intrusion Detection. - Patrizio Frosini, Claudia Landi:
No embedding of the automorphisms of a topological space into a compact metric space endows them with a composition that passes to the limit. - Asgarali Bouyer, Mohammad Javad hoseyni, Abdul Hanan Abdullah:
Improving Overhead Computation and pre-processing Time for Grid Scheduling System. - Maman Abdurohman, Kuspriyanto, Sarwono Sutikno, Arif Sasongko:
The New Embedded System Design Methodology For Improving Design Process Performance. - Md. Golam Kaosar, Xun Yi:
Semi-Trusted Mixer Based Privacy Preserving Distributed Data Mining for Resource Constrained Devices. - S. Malathy, G. Sudha Sadhasivam, K. Murugan, S. Lokesh:
Adaptive Slot Allocation And Bandwidth Sharing For Prioritized Handoff Calls In Mobile Netwoks. - Mohit Soni, Sandesh Gupta, M. S. Rao, Phalguni Gupta:
An Efficient Vein Pattern-based Recognition System. - Adam Grabowski, Christoph Schwarzweller:
On Duplication in Mathematical Repositories. - S. Vijay Bhanu, R. M. Chandrasekaran, V. Balakrishnan:
Effective Bandwidth Utilization in IEEE802.11 for VOIP. - S. Karpagachelvi, M. Arthanari, M. Sivakumar:
ECG Feature Extraction Techniques - A Survey Approach. - H. S. Aravinda, H. D. Maheshappa, Ranjan Moodithaya:
Implementation of the Six Channel Redundancy to achieve fault tolerance in testing of satellites. - M. Umamaheswari, S. Sivasubramanian:
Performance Oriented Query Processing In GEO Based Location Search Engines. - Manish Kumar, M. C. Srivastava, Umesh Kumar:
Tunable Multifunction Filter Using Current Conveyor.