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Computational Statistics & Data Analysis, Volume 51
Volume 51, Number 1, November 2006
- Renato Coppi, María Angeles Gil, Henk A. L. Kiers:
The fuzzy approach to statistical analysis. 1-14 - Lotfi A. Zadeh:
Generalized theory of uncertainty (GTU) - principal concepts and ideas. 15-46 - Didier Dubois:
Possibility theory and statistical reasoning. 47-69 - Hung T. Nguyen, Berlin Wu:
Random and fuzzy sets in coarse data analysis. 70-85 - Cédric Baudrit, Didier Dubois:
Practical representations of incomplete probabilistic knowledge. 86-108 - Miguel López-Díaz, Dan A. Ralescu:
Tools for fuzzy random variables: Embeddings and measurabilities. 109-114 - Giulianella Coletti, Romano Scozzafava:
Conditional probability and fuzzy information. 115-132 - Reinhard Viertl:
Univariate statistical analysis with fuzzy data. 133-147 - María Angeles Gil, Manuel Montenegro, Gil González-Rodríguez, Ana Colubi, María Rosa Casals:
Bootstrap approach to the multi-sample test of means with imprecise data. 148-162 - Gil González-Rodríguez, Ana Colubi, María Angeles Gil:
A fuzzy representation of random variables: An operational tool in exploratory analysis and hypothesis testing. 163-176 - José D. Bermúdez, José Vicente Segura, Enriqueta Vercher:
A decision support system methodology for forecasting of time series based on soft computing. 177-191 - Christian Döring, Marie-Jeanne Lesot, Rudolf Kruse:
Data analysis with fuzzy clustering methods. 192-214 - Richard J. Hathaway, James C. Bezdek:
Extending fuzzy and probabilistic clustering to very large data sets. 215-234 - Wolfgang Näther:
Regression with fuzzy random data. 235-252 - Peijun Guo, Hideo Tanaka:
Dual models for possibilistic regression analysis. 253-266 - Renato Coppi, Pierpaolo D'Urso, Paolo Giordani, Adriana Santoro:
Least squares estimation of a linear regression model with LR fuzzy response. 267-286 - Pierpaolo D'Urso, Adriana Santoro:
Fuzzy clusterwise linear regression analysis with symmetrical fuzzy output variable. 287-313 - Przemyslaw Grzegorzewski:
The coefficient of concordance for vague data. 314-322 - Olgierd Hryniewicz:
Goodman-Kruskal gamma. 323-334 - Pierre-Alexandre Hébert, Marie-Hélène Masson, Thierry Denoeux:
Fuzzy multidimensional scaling. 335-359 - Patrick J. F. Groenen, Suzanne Winsberg, O. Rodríguez, Edwin Diday:
I-Scal: Multidimensional scaling of interval dissimilarities. 360-378 - Paolo Giordani, Henk A. L. Kiers:
A comparison of three methods for principal component analysis of fuzzy interval data. 379-397 - Piero P. Bonissone, Anil Varma, Kareem S. Aggour, Feng Xue:
Design of local fuzzy models using evolutionary algorithms. 398-416 - David Shepherd, Francis K. C. Shi:
Fuzzy modelling and estimation of economic relationships. 417-433 - Murat Gülbay, Cengiz Kahraman:
Development of fuzzy process control charts and fuzzy unnatural pattern analyses. 434-451
Volume 51, Number 2, November 2006
- Richard William Farebrother:
A linear programming procedure based on de la Vallée Poussin's minimax estimation procedure. 453-456 - Hansong Wang, Daniel O. Stram:
Optimal two-stage genome-wide association designs based on false discovery rate. 457-465 - Allou Samé, Christophe Ambroise, Gérard Govaert:
A classification EM algorithm for binned data. 466-480 - Wim P. Krijnen:
Convergence of the sequence of parameters generated by alternating least squares algorithms. 481-489 - F. Requena, N. Martín Ciudad:
A major improvement to the Network Algorithm for Fisher's Exact Test in 2×c. 490-498 - Sven Knoth:
Computation of the ARL for CUSUM-S. 499-512 - Thanh N. Tran, Ron Wehrens, Lutgarde M. C. Buydens:
KNN-kernel density-based clustering for high-dimensional multivariate data. 513-525 - Friedrich Leisch:
A toolbox for K. 526-544 - Pavel Cízek, Wolfgang K. Härdle:
Robust estimation of dimension reduction space. 545-555 - Athanassios Kondylis, Ali S. Hadi:
Derived components regression using the BACON algorithm. 556-569 - Qinfang Xiang, Jode W. Edwards, Gary L. Gadbury:
Interval estimation in a finite mixture model: Modeling P. 570-586 - Christophe Biernacki, Gilles Celeux, Gérard Govaert, Florent Langrognet:
Model-based cluster and discriminant analysis with the MIXMOD software. 587-600 - Edson Zangiacomi Martinez, Jorge Alberto Achcar, Francisco Louzada-Neto:
Estimators of sensitivity and specificity in the presence of verification bias: A Bayesian approach. 601-611 - George Kapetanios:
Choosing the optimal set of instruments from large instrument sets. 612-620 - Maria J. Bayarri, María Eugenia Castellanos, Javier Morales:
MCMC methods to approximate conditional predictive distributions. 621-640 - Yi He, Wei Pan, Jizhen Lin:
Cluster analysis using multivariate normal mixture models to detect differential gene expression with microarray data. 641-658 - Tzu-Haw Lee, Yu-Shan Shih:
Unbiased variable selection for classification trees with multivariate responses. 659-667 - George Kokolakis, Ph. Nanopoulos, Dimitris Fouskakis:
Bregman divergences in the (m×k)-partitioning problem. 668-678 - M. N. M. van Lieshout, Radu S. Stoica:
Perfect simulation for marked point processes. 679-698 - Hans J. Skaug, David A. Fournier:
Automatic approximation of the marginal likelihood in non-Gaussian hierarchical models. 699-709 - Seung-Ho Kang, Yonghee Lee, EunSug Park:
The sizes of the three popular asymptotic tests for testing homogeneity of two binomial proportions. 710-722 - Adeniyi J. Adewale, Douglas P. Wiens:
New criteria for robust integer-valued designs in linear models. 723-736 - Vartan Choulakian, J. Allard, Jalal Almhana:
Robust centroid method. 737-746 - Wolfgang Jank:
Ascent EM for fast and global solutions to finite mixtures: An application to curve-clustering of online auctions. 747-761 - Andrés M. Alonso, José R. Berrendero, Adolfo Hernández, Ana Justel:
Time series clustering based on forecast densities. 762-776 - Thomas Kneib:
Mixed model-based inference in geoadditive hazard regression for interval-censored survival times. 777-792
- Marinela Capanu, Gregory A. Jones, Ronald H. Randles:
Testing for preference using a sum of Wilcoxon signed rank statistics. 793-796 - Dimitrios V. Vougas:
On unit root testing with smooth transitions. 797-800 - Guoqing Zheng, Pingjian Zhang:
Meta-heuristic algorithms for parameter estimation of semi-parametric linear regression models. 801-808 - David Huard, Guillaume Évin, Anne-Catherine Favre:
Bayesian copula selection. 809-822 - C. J. Pérez, Jacinto Martín, María Jesús Rufo:
MCMC-based local parametric sensitivity estimations. 823-835 - John E. Hinkle, William S. Rayens:
Reciprocal curves. 836-858 - André Tscheschel, Dietrich Stoyan:
Statistical reconstruction of random point patterns. 859-871 - Gustavo L. Gilardoni:
Very accurate posterior approximations based on finite mixtures of the hyperparameters conditionals. 872-884 - Siem Jan Koopman, Marius Ooms:
Forecasting daily time series using periodic unobserved components time series models. 885-903 - Alberto Luceño:
Fitting the generalized Pareto distribution to data using maximum goodness-of-fit estimators. 904-917 - Mu Zhu, Ali Ghodsi:
Automatic dimensionality selection from the scree plot via the use of profile likelihood. 918-930 - Hans-Friedrich Köhn:
Combinatorial individual differences scaling within the city-block metric. 931-946 - Juha Karvanen:
Estimation of quantile mixtures via L-moments and trimmed L-moments. 947-959 - Raydonal Ospina, Francisco Cribari-Neto, Klaus L. P. Vasconcellos:
Improved point and interval estimation for a beta regression model. 960-981 - Hubert J. Chen, Miin-Jye Wen:
Optimal confidence interval for the largest normal mean under heteroscedasticity. 982-1001 - E. M. Silva, Glaura C. Franco, Valderio Anselmo Reisen, Frederico R. B. Cruz:
Local bootstrap approaches for fractional differential parameter estimation in ARFIMA models. 1002-1011 - Seung-Chun Lee:
Interval estimation of binomial proportions based on weighted Polya posterior. 1012-1021 - Miin-Jye Wen, Hubert J. Chen:
A studentized range test for the equivalency of normal means under heteroscedasticity. 1022-1038 - Reza Modarres, Terrence P. Hui, Gang Zheng:
Resampling methods for ranked set samples. 1039-1050 - Jin Xu, Arjun K. Gupta:
Improved confidence regions for a mean vector under general conditions. 1051-1062 - Antonio Cuevas, Manuel Febrero-Bande, Ricardo Fraiman:
On the use of the bootstrap for estimating functions with functional data. 1063-1074 - Peter Goos, Alexander N. Donev:
Blocking response surface designs. 1075-1088 - Arvind Ruggoo, Martina Vandebroek:
Model-sensitive sequential optimal designs. 1089-1099 - María Luisa Menéndez, Julio Angel Pardo, Leandro Pardo, Kostas Zografos:
On tests of independence based on minimum phi. 1100-1118 - Arturo J. Fernández:
Bayesian estimation based on trimmed samples from Pareto populations. 1119-1130 - Liang Xu, Sik-Yum Lee, Wai-Yin Poon:
Deletion measures for generalized linear mixed effects models. 1131-1146 - Tathagata Banerjee, Tapabrata Maiti, Pushpal Mukhopadhyay:
Classification of pathological stage of prostate cancer patients using penalized splines. 1147-1155 - Lili Tian:
Testing equality of inverse Gaussian means under heterogeneity, based on generalized test variable. 1156-1162 - Yi-Ting Hwang, Peir Feng Wei:
A novel method for testing normality in a mixed model of a nested classification. 1163-1183 - Vladimir Nikulin:
Threshold-based clustering with merging and regularization in application to network intrusion detection. 1184-1196 - Bradley G. Hammill, John S. Preisser:
A SAS/IML software program for GEE and regression diagnostics. 1197-1212 - Mark A. Lukas, Mingren Shi:
Sensitivity analysis of constrained linear L. 1213-1231 - Cajo J. F. ter Braak:
Bayesian sigmoid shrinkage with improper variance priors and an application to wavelet denoising. 1232-1242 - Zhiguang Qian, Alexander Shapiro:
Simulation-based approach to estimation of latent variable models. 1243-1259
- Assi N'Guessan, Azeddine Essai, Modeste N'Zi:
An estimation method of the average effect and the different accident risks when modelling a road safety measure: A simulation study. 1260-1277 - Abdelaziz Ouali, Amar Ramdane-Cherif, Marie-Odile Krebs:
Data mining based Bayesian networks for best classification. 1278-1292 - Thierry Ané:
An analysis of the flexibility of Asymmetric Power GARCH models. 1293-1311 - Oriol Roch, Antonio Alegre:
Testing the bivariate distribution of daily equity returns using copulas. An application to the Spanish stock market. 1312-1329 - David I. Stern:
An atmosphere-ocean time series model of global climate change. 1330-1346 - N. Miklós Arató, Ian L. Dryden, Charles C. Taylor:
Hierarchical Bayesian modelling of spatial age-dependent mortality. 1347-1363 - Nicholas T. Longford, M. G. Pittau:
Stability of household income in European countries in the 1990s. 1364-1383 - Afaf M. Mady:
Some extensions of Langenberg model for clinical trials with delayed observations normally distributed responses. 1384-1392 - Emeline Sicard, Robert Sabatier:
Theoretical framework for local PLS1 regression, and application to a rainfall data set. 1393-1410 - Haiying Chen, Elizabeth A. Stasny, Douglas A. Wolfe:
An empirical assessment of ranking accuracy in ranked set sampling. 1411-1419 - Ana-María Fuertes, Elena Kalotychou:
Early warning systems for sovereign debt crises: The role of heterogeneity. 1420-1441
Volume 51, Number 3, December 2006
- Raquel Prado, Francisco Molina, Gabriel Huerta:
Multivariate time series modeling and classification via hierarchical VAR mixtures. 1445-1462 - Joaquín A. Pacheco, Silvia Casado, Laura Núñez, Olga Gómez:
Analysis of new variable selection methods for discriminant analysis. 1463-1478 - Tim Garlipp, Christine H. Müller:
Detection of linear and circular shapes in image analysis. 1479-1490 - Mohamed Hanafi, Henk A. L. Kiers:
Analysis of K sets of data, with differential emphasis on agreement between and within sets. 1491-1508 - Jukka Jokinen:
Fast estimation algorithm for likelihood-based analysis of repeated categorical responses. 1509-1522 - Amal Helu, Dayanand N. Naik:
Estimation of interclass correlation via a Kotz-type distribution. 1523-1534 - Jorge González, Francis Tuerlinckx, Paul De Boeck, Ronald Cools:
Numerical integration in logistic-normal models. 1535-1548 - Masahiro Kuroda, Michio Sakakihara:
Accelerating the convergence of the EM algorithm using the vector epsilon. 1549-1561 - Adeline Samson, Marc Lavielle, France Mentré:
Extension of the SAEM algorithm to left-censored data in nonlinear mixed-effects model: Application to HIV dynamics model. 1562-1574 - Ferenc Izsák:
Maximum likelihood estimation for constrained parameters of multinomial distributions - Application to Zipf-Mandelbrot models. 1575-1583 - Saralees Nadarajah:
FIM for Arnold and Strauss's bivariate gamma distribution. 1584-1590 - B. Torsney, Saumen Mandal:
Two classes of multiplicative algorithms for constructing optimizing distributions. 1591-1601 - Annamaria Guolo, Alessandra R. Brazzale, Alessandra Salvan:
Improved inference on a scalar fixed effect of interest in nonlinear mixed-effects models. 1602-1613 - Brian A. Wichmann, I. D. Hill:
Generating good pseudo-random numbers. 1614-1622 - Jan Schepers, Iven Van Mechelen, Eva Ceulemans:
Three-mode partitioning. 1623-1642 - Yongdai Kim, Sunghoon Kwon, Seuck Heun Song:
Multiclass sparse logistic regression for classification of multiple cancer types using gene expression data. 1643-1655 - Florian Frommlet, Malgorzata Bogdan, Andreas Futschik:
Power analysis of database search using multiple scoring matrices. 1656-1663 - Romain Neugebauer, Mark J. van der Laan:
Causal effects in longitudinal studies: Definition and maximum likelihood estimation. 1664-1675 - Romain Neugebauer, Mark J. van der Laan:
G-computation estimation for causal inference with complex longitudinal data. 1676-1697 - Aila Särkkä, Eric Renshaw:
The analysis of marked point patterns evolving through space and time. 1698-1718 - Tor Arne Øigård, Håvard Rue, Fred Godtliebsen:
Bayesian multiscale analysis for time series data. 1719-1730 - Jen-Wen Lin, A. Ian McLeod:
Improved Pena-Rodriguez portmanteau test. 1731-1738 - Eugene Demidenko:
Criteria for global minimum of sum of squares in nonlinear regression. 1739-1753
- Ming Yuan:
Flexible temporal expression profile modelling using the Gaussian process. 1754-1764 - Christelle Reynès, Robert Sabatier, Nicolas Molinari:
Choice of B-splines with free parameters in the flexible discriminant analysis context. 1765-1778 - Pak Wing Fong, Wai Keung Li, Hong-Zhi An:
A simple multivariate ARCH model specified by random coefficients. 1779-1802 - Giuseppe Storti:
Minimum distance estimation of GARCH(1, 1) models. 1803-1821