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Computación y Sistemas, Volume 28
Volume 28, Number 1, 2024
- Christian Efraín Maldonado Sifuentes, Mariano Vargas-Santiago, Diana Assaely León-Velasco, Maria Cristina Ortega-García, Yoel Ledo Mezquita, Francisco Antonio Castillo Velásquez:
Leveraging Machine Learning to Unveil the Critical Role of Geographic Factors in COVID-19 Mortality in Mexico. - Maha Ben Kraiem, Jamel Feki:
Building a Data Warehouse for Social Media: Review and Comparison. - Jyoti Prakash-Borah, Prakash Devnani, Sumon Kumar-Das, Advaitha Vetagiri, Partha Pakray:
Real-Time Helmet Detection and Number Plate Extraction Using Computer Vision. - Volkan Duran, Iskander Akhmetov, Elman Hazar, Alexander F. Gelbukh, Ezgi Kaya:
From Words to Paragraphs: Modeling Sentiment Dynamics in Notes from Underground with GPT-4 by Differential Equations Via Quantile Regression Analysis. - Alvaro Salazar-Urbina, Elías Ventura-Molina, Cornelio Yáñez-Márquez, Mario Aldape-Pérez, Itzamá López-Yáñez:
MiniCovid-Unet: CT-Scan Lung Images Segmentation for COVID-19 Identification. - Alexander F. Gelbukh, Daniel Alejandro Pérez Alvarez, Olga Kolesnikova, Liliana Chanona-Hernández, Grigori Sidorov:
Multi-Instrument Based N-Grams for Composer Classification Task. - Lidia Ramírez Lemus, Carlos Alberto Rodríguez Rodríguez, José Miguel Barrón-Adame:
Datos mercadológicos del uso y consumo de las compras por internet (e-commerce) de los empresarios en pequeña escala México. - Diego Uribe, Enrique Cuan, Elisa Urquizo:
The Impact of Training Methods on the Development of Pre-trained Language Models. - Elina Makipova, Iskander Akhmetov, Alexander F. Gelbukh:
Resurrection: The Khazar Language Reconstruction Using Computer Science Technologies. - Myrna Lezama-León, Eduardo Cruz-Aldana, Noé Ortega-Sánchez, Luisa F. Loera Díaz:
Un modelo de programación entera para la generación de horarios universitarios: Un caso de estudio. - Olaronke Oluwayemisi Adebanji, Olumide Ebenezer Ojo, Hiram Calvo, Irina Gelbukh, Grigori Sidorov:
Adaptation of Transformer-based Models for Depression Detection. - Alicia Margarita Jiménez-Galina, Aidé Aracely Maldonado-Macías, Karla Miroslava Olmos-Sanchez, Israel Hernandez, Fernando Estrada-Saldana, Felipe Adrián Vázquez-Gálvez:
Framework for heterogeneous data management: An application case in a NoSQL environment from a Climatological Center. - Sanjeev K. Cowlessur, Annappa Basava, Bibudhendu Pati:
PIONEER: An interest-aware POI Recommendation Engine. - Amir Naderolasli, Hamidreza Shirzadfar:
Different Applications of the Gyroscope Sensors Data Fusion in Distinctive Systems: An Extended Kalman Filter Approach.
- Ansel Y. Rodríguez-González, Humberto Pérez Espinosa, José Fco. Martínez-Trinidad, Jesús Ariel Carrasco-Ochoa, José Arturo Olvera-López:
Thematic Section: Advances in Pattern Recognition. - Rodrigo Eduardo Arevalo-Ancona, Manuel Cedillo-Hernandez:
Secure Medical Image Authentication Using Zero-Watermarking based on Deep Learning Context Encoder. - José de J. Velázquez-Arreola, Nohemí Sánchez-Medel, Oliver A. Zarraga-Vargas, Raquel Díaz-Hernández, Leopoldo Altamirano Robles:
Evaluation of Heat Map Methods Using Cell Morphology for Classifying Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia Cells. - Idileisy Torres-Rodríguez, Roberto Díaz-Amador, Beatriz Peón-Pérez, Alberto Hurtado Armas, Alberto Taboada-Crispí:
Benchmarking of Averaging Methods Using Realistic Simulation of Evoked Potentials. - Juan Manuel Fortuna-Cervantes, Carlos Soubervielle-Montalvo, César Augusto Puente Montejano, Oscar Ernesto Perez-Cham, Rafael Peña-Gallardo:
Evaluation of CNN Models with Transfer Learning in Art Media Classification in Terms of Accuracy and Class Relationship. - Ricardo Salvador Luna Lozoya, Humberto de Jesús Ochoa Domínguez, Juan Humberto Sossa Azuela, Vianey Guadalupe Cruz Sánchez, Osslan Osiris Vergara-Villegas:
Lightweight CNN for Detecting Microcalcifications Clusters in Digital Mammograms. - Mohale Emmanuel Molefe, Jules R. Tapamo:
Classifying Roads with Multi-Step Graph Embeddings. - Francisco Garibaldi-Márquez, Gerardo Ramon Flores, Luis M. Valentín-Coronado:
Corn/Weed Plants Detection Under Authentic Fields based on Patching Segmentation and Classification Networks.
- Ricardo Calderón-Suarez, Rosa María Ortega-Mendoza, Marco Antonio Márquez-Vera, Félix Agustín Castro Espinoza:
Automatic Identification of Misogynistic Content on Social Networks: An Approach based on Knowledge Transfer from Songs.
Volume 28, Number 2, 2024
- Jairo Eduardo Márquez Díaz:
Benefits and challenges of military artificial intelligence in the field of defense. - Luis Alberto Holgado-Apaza, Ruth Nataly Aragón-Navarrete, Coren Luhana Ancco-Calloapaza, Edgar E. Carpio-Vargas, Marleny Quispe-Layme, José Miguel Barrón-Adame, Rafael Guzmán-Cabrera, Wilian Quispe-Layme:
Detection of Wildlife Species in the Peruvian Amazon using Transfer Learning. - Gerardo Hernandez-Oregon, Mario E. Rivero-Angeles, Juan C. Chimal-Eguia, Jorge Enrique Coyac-Torres:
Performance Analysis in Peer-to-Peer Networks with Collaborative Initial States. - Omar Gutiérrez-De-La-Paz, Ricardo Menchaca-Mendez, Erik Zamora Gómez, Uriel Corona Bermúdez, Rolando Menchaca-Méndez, Bruno Gutiérrez-De-La-Paz:
Policy Gradient MaxSAT Solver. - Javier Gamboa-Cruzado, Luis Cuya-Chuica, Jefferson López-Goycochea, Angel Nuñez Meza, Carlos Del Valle Jurado:
Impact of 5G Technology on Cybersecurity: A Comprehensive Systematic and Bibliometric Review. - Karen Pamela López-Medina, Abril Valeria Uriarte-Arcia, Cornelio Yáñez-Márquez:
Data Stream Classification Based on an Associative Classifier. - Sushil Kumar Mahapatra, Binod Kumar Pattanayak, Bibudhendu Pati:
An IoE-SVM Based Statistical Investigation to Measure Effect of Air Pollutant Substances on Student's Attention Level. - Gaurav Gogia, Parag H. Rughani:
PAREX: A Novel exFAT Parser for File System Forensics. - Marina Fernández Miranda, Daniel Román Acosta, Adolfo A. Jurado Rosas, Dolore Limón-Domínguez, Cristóbal Torres Fernández:
Artificial Intelligence in Latin American Universities: Emerging Challenges. - Muhammad Arif, Iqra Ameer, Necva Bölücü, Grigori Sidorov, Alexander F. Gelbukh, Vinnayak Elangovan:
Mental Illness Classification on Social Media Texts using Deep Learning and Transfer Learning. - Nasereddine Amroune, Maklouf Benazi, Lamri Sayad:
An Adaptative Eps Parameter of DBSCAN Algorithm for Identifying Clusters with Heterogeneous Density. - Benaissa Safa, Reda Mohamed Hamou, Adil Toumouh:
Optimizing the Performance of the IDS Through Feature-Relevant Selection Using PSO and Random Forest Techniques. - Esteban Castillo Juarez, Ofelia Cervantes Villagómez:
Mining a Trending Topic: U.S. Immigration on the Context of Social Media. - Moustafa Maaskri, Sid Ahmed Mokhtar Mostefaoui, Madani Hadj Meghazi, Mohamed Goismi:
Multi-class Sentiment Analysis of COVID-19 Tweets by Machine Learning and Deep Learning Approaches. - Nabil Khoufi, Chafik Aloulou:
Comparative Study for Text Chunking Using Deep Learning: Case of Modern Standard Arabic. - Hadj Madani Meghazi, Sid Ahmed Mostefaoui, Moustafa Maaskri, Youcef Aklouf:
Deep Learning-Based Text Classification to improve Web Service Discovery. - S. Mohamed Mansoor Roomi, Lokesh V. S, Shankar Mahadevan G, Priya K:
A Transfer Learning Approach for Identification of Two-Wheeler Brand and Model. - Iván Alejandro Encinas Monroy, Jessica Beltrán, Luis H. Sánchez, Luis-Felipe Rodríguez, Adrián Macías, Cynthia B. Pérez, Manuel Domitsu, Luís A. Castro:
Young Adults' Instagram posts and Depressive Moods: A study in Mexico in the Wild. - Hela Taktak, Khouloud Boukadi, Chirine Ghedira Guégan, Michael Mrissa, Faïez Gargouri:
Automatic Knowledge-driven Approach for Optimal Service Selection based on ELECTRE III and Quality-Aware Services. - Seyyid Ahmed Medjahed, Fatima Boukhatem:
On the Performance Assessment and Comparison of Features Selection Approaches. - Ulises Revilla-Duarte, Marco Antonio Ramírez Salinas, Luis Alfonso Villa Vargas, Andrei Tchernykh:
Proactive Load Balancing to Reduce Unnecessary Thread Migrations on Chip Multi-Processor (CMP) Systems. - Rodolfo García-Rodríguez, Ivan Martínez-Pérez, Luis Enrique Ramos Velasco, Mario Alejandro Vega Navarrete:
Rocket Thrust Vectoring Attitude Control Based on Convolutional Neural Networks. - Seyyid Ahmed Medjahed, Fatima Boukhatem:
Applying Support Vector Machines with Different Kernel to Breast Cancer Diagnosis. - Gilberto Ramírez Muñoz, Arnulfo Luévanos Rojas, Sandra López Chavarría, Manuel Medina Elizondo:
Deflections in Beams of Rectangular Cross Section with Parabolic Haunches Subjected to a Uniformly Distributed Load. - Kheir Eddine Daouadi, Yaakoub Boualleg, Oussama Guehairia:
Comparing Pre-trained Language Model for Arabic Hate Speech Detection. - Shyambabu Pandey, Partha Pakray, Riyanka Manna:
Quantum Classifier for Natural Language Processing Applications. - Maria Elena Ensastegui-Ortega, Ildar Z. Batyrshin, Alexander F. Gelbukh, Nailya I. Kubysheva:
Analysis of Relationships Between Co-Symmetric Dissimilarity Measures of Probability Distributions with Involutive Negations. - Ernesto García Amaro, Jair Cervantes Canales, Farid García-Lamont, Francisco Marcelo Lara Viveros, José Sergio Ruiz Castilla, Josué Espejel Cabrera:
Use of Computer Vision Techniques for Recognition of Diseases and Pests in Tomato Plants.
- Oscar Castillo:
Editorial for Thematic Section: Theory and Applications of Fuzzy Systems, Neural Networks, and Metaheuristics. - Miguel Ángel García Morales, José A. Brambila-Hernández, Héctor Joaquín Fraire Huacuja, Juan Frausto Solís, Laura Cruz-Reyes, Claudia Gómez-Santillán, Juan Martín Carpio Valadez:
Multi-objective Evolutionary Algorithm Based on Decomposition with Adaptive Adjustment of Control Parameters to Solve the Bi-objective Internet Shopping Optimization Problem (MOEA/D-AACPBIShOP). - José Alfredo Brambila-Hernández, Miguel Ángel García Morales, Héctor Joaquín Fraire Huacuja, Laura Cruz-Reyes, Claudia Guadalupe Gómez Santillán, Nelson Rangel-Valdez, Héctor José Puga Soberanes, Fausto Balderas:
Novel Dynamic Decomposition-Based Multi-objective Evolutionary Algorithm Using Reinforcement Learning Adaptive Operator Selection (DMOEA/D-SL). - Daniel Ruelas, Fernando Gaxiola, Alain Manzo-Martinez, Raymundo Cornejo Garcia, Jesus Soto-Vega:
Prediction of Enterprise Financial Health Using Machine Learning and Financial Reasons for Taiwan Economic Companies. - Hector M. Guajardo, Fevrier Valdez:
Dragonfly Algorithm for Benchmark Mathematical Functions Optimization. - Jessica González-San-Martín, Laura Cruz-Reyes, Bernabé Dorronsoro, Héctor Joaquín Fraire Huacuja, Marcela Quiroz-Castellanos, Claudia Gómez-Santillán, Nelson Rangel-Valdez:
Advancing Cloud Task Scheduling: Recent Developments and Comparative Insights. - Lucero Ortiz-Aguilar, Luis Angel Xoca-Orozco, Juan de Anda-Suárez:
Design of Routes for Collaborative Robots In The Automobile Painting Process Through a Comparison of Perturbative Heuristics for Iterated Local Search. - Jesus A. Rodriguez-Arellano, Victor D. Cruz-Lares, Luis T. Aguilar, Roger Miranda-Colorado:
Prescribed-Time Trajectory Tracking Control of Wheeled Mobile Robots Using Neural Networks and Robust Control Techniques. - Andrés Espinal, Marco Aurelio Sotelo-Figueroa, Jorge Alberto Soria-Alcaraz:
Grammatical Evolution with Codons Selection Order as Intensification Process. - Martha Pulido, Patricia Melin:
Bird Swarm Algorithm and Particle Swarm Optimization in Ensemble Recurrent Neural Networks Optimization for Time Series Prediction. - Marylu L. Lagunes, Ivette Miramontes, Oscar Castillo, Patricia Melin:
Comparative Study of Gorilla Troops Optimizer and Stochastic Fractal Search with fuzzy dynamic parameter adaptation. - Rodrigo Cordero-Martínez, Daniela Sánchez, Patricia Melin:
Adjustment of Convolutional and Hidden Layers Using Type-1 Fuzzy Logic Applied to Diabetic Retinopathy Classification. - Valentín Calzada-Ledesma, José Alejandro Cornejo-Acosta, Blanca Verónica Zúñiga-Nuñez:
Water Stress Challenges: Mathematical Modeling of Water Resource Management.
Volume 28, Number 3, 2024
- Jairo Eduardo Márquez Díaz:
Disinformation and Fake News: The Infodemic in the Global Health Field. - Julio Ernesto Zaldivar-Herrera, Luis Pastor Sánchez Fernández, Luis Manuel Rodríguez-Méndez, María Teresa Zagaceta Álvarez:
A Fuzzy Inference Model for Evaluating Data Transfer in LTE Mobile Networks via Crowdsourced Data. - Jhoana Novoa-Gallardo, Morellia Rodriguez-Rodriguez, Javier Gamboa-Cruzado, Yesenia Vasquez Valencia, Jefferson López-Goycochea:
Mobile Application with Voicebot for the Detection of Family Violence: A Case Study in the District of Casa Grande, Peru. - Rogelio Barraza Saucedo, Arnulfo Luévanos Rojas:
Deflexiones en trabes de sección transversal rectangular con cartelas parabólicas sometidas a una carga concentrada. - Seyyid Ahmed Medjahed, Fatima Boukhatem:
Performance Comparison of Stereo Correspondence Algorithms in Dense Image Matching. - Zeineb Zouaoui, Imen Ben Cheikh, Mohamed Jemni:
Neural-Combinatorial Classifiers for Arabic Decomposable Word Recognition. - Rabab Mohamed Nabawy, Mohamed H. Ibrahim, Mostafa R. Kaseb:
Survey of Mobile Cloud Computing Security and Privacy Issues in Healthcare. - Billel Aklouche, Yousra Bazine, Zoumrouda Ghalia-Bououchma:
Offensive Language and Hate Speech Detection Using Transformers and Ensemble Learning Approaches. - Yomna Ben Jmaa, David Duvivier:
Sorting Algorithms Comparison on FPGA and Intel i7 Architectures. - Uriel Corona Bermúdez, Ricardo Menchaca-Mendez, Rolando Menchaca-Méndez, Erendira Corona-Bermúdez:
Evaluating the Impact of Removing Low-Relevance Features in Non-Retrained Neural Networks. - Osvaldo David Velazquez-Gonzalez, Yenny Villuendas-Rey:
Respiratory Disease Pre-diagnosis through a Novel Pattern Classification Algorithm based on Associative Memories. - Sahinur Rahman Laskar, Gauri Gupta, Ritika Badhani, David Eduardo Pinto Avendaño:
Cyberbullying Detection in a Multi-classification Codemixed Dataset. - Víctor Manuel Bátiz Beltrán, María Lucía Barrón-Estrada, Ramón Zataraín-Cabada, Jonathan Iván Roldán-Arana:
Creation of a Corpus in Spanish for the recognition of personality traits. - Najla Fattouch, Imen Ben Lahmar, Khouloud Boukadi:
Reinforcement Learning based Fog and Cloud Resource Allocation for an IoRT-aware Business Process. - Juan Carlos Blandón Andrade, Alejandro Castaño-Toro, Alejandro Morales-Ríos, Nilton Tangarife:
Complaint Process Management in an Electric Power Company. - Jose Luciano Maldonado, Manuel Jose Maldonado:
Comprehensive Method for Measuring Randomness in Pseudorandom Generators. - David Hiram Vázquez-Santana, Amadeo José Argüelles-Cruz:
Non-Intrusive Drowsiness Detection for Accident Prevention Using a Novel CNN. - Cinthia Huayana-Salvador, Javier Gamboa-Cruzado, César Jesús Núñez-Prado:
Innovation in Mobile Applications with the New Collaborative ASWAN Methodology for Sales Management of Apartments: A Case Study from the Real Estate Sector, Peru. - Bulat Shkanov, Mikhail Alexandrov:
Social Influence, Market Manipulators, Hardware and Software as New Factors for Cryptocurrency Pricing: A Survey. - Samira Boudaa, Tarik Boudaa, Anass El Haddadi:
Semantic Textual Similarity: Overview and Comparative Study between Arabic and English. - Sudhanshu Saurabh, Pragya K. Gupta:
Detection and Classification of Multiple Sclerosis from Brain MRIs by using MobileNet 2D-CNN Architecture. - Joshua Rene Gabriel Guerrero-Rangel, Grigori Sidorov, Christian Efraín Maldonado Sifuentes, Mariano Vargas-Santiago, Maria Cristina Ortega-García, Diana Assaely León-Velasco:
Natural Language Processing Approach Using a Neural Network Ensemble (CNN-HSNN) for Skin Cancer and Multi-Disease Classification. - José Fernando Padrón-Tristán, Laura Cruz-Reyes, Rafael Alejandro Espín Andrade, Carlos Eric Llorente-Peralta, Fausto A. Balderas-Jaramillo, Jessica González-San-Martín:
Compensatory Fuzzy Logic Genetic Algorithm for Classification Problems: A Case Study. - Jessica González-San-Martín, Laura Cruz-Reyes, Bernabé Dorronsoro, Héctor Joaquín Fraire Huacuja, Fausto A. Balderas-Jaramillo, Marcela Quiroz-Castellanos, Nelson Rangel-Valdez:
Deep Study on the Application of Machine Learning in Bin Packing Problems. - Lorena R. Rosas-Solórzano, Claudia Guadalupe Gómez Santillán, Nelson Rangel-Valdez, María Lucila Morales-Rodríguez, Héctor Joaquín Fraire Huacuja, Manuel Vargas:
Experimental Analysis of a Cooperative Coevolutionary Algorithm with Parameter Tuning for Multi-Objective Problem Optimization with Uncertainty. - Manuel Rodriguez Contreras, Julia Patricia Sánchez-Solís, Gilberto Rivera, Rogelio Florencia:
Framework to Support Radiologist Personnel in the Diagnosis of Diseases in Medical Images Using Deep Learning and Personalized DICOM Tags. - Luis Cisneros, Raúl Porras, Gilberto Rivera, Rafael A. Espin-Andrade, Vicente García:
Using Compensatory Fuzzy Logic to Model an Investor's Preference Regarding Portfolio Stock Selection within Markowitz's Mean-Variance Framework. - Griselda Areli Matias Mendoza, Yulia Ledeneva, René Arnulfo García-Hernández:
Spanish Automatic Text Summarization: A Survey. - Svetlana Popova, Vera Danilova, Mikhail Alexandrov, John Cardiff:
Unsupervised Keyphrase Extraction: Ranking Step and Single-Word Phrase Problem. - Ramon A. Briseño, Edgar Cossio, Blanca I. Félix, Ana C. Ayala, Fausto A. Bernal, Benjamín I. Hernandez, Briseyda P. Martinez:
Proposal of a Methodology to Identify Unidentified Decedent through Artificial Intelligence Techniques. - Christian Efraín Maldonado Sifuentes, Mariano Vargas-Santiago, Samuel Solis-Gamboa, Grigori Sidorov, Luis Lechuga-Gutierres, Francisco González-Andrade, María del Carmen Heras Sánchez:
Towards a Proto Artificial General Intelligence: The Role of Large Language Model Ontologies in its Development. - Verónica Neri Mendoza, Yulia Ledeneva, René Arnulfo García-Hernández, Ángel Hernández-Castañeda:
Multi-document Text Summarization through Features Relevance Calculation. - Sandra S. Rosales-Alvarado, Oscar Montiel, Ulises Orozco-Rosas, Juan J. Tapia, Oscar Castillo:
Comparison of Performance of Amazon Braket Using a Quantum Genetic Algorithm. - Svetlana Popova, Mikhail Alexandrov, John Cardiff:
Stop-Word Lists in Keyphrase Extraction: Their Influence and Comparison. - Fernando Rodriguez-Sanchez, Javier Gamboa-Cruzado, Liliana Chanona-Hernández:
Implementation of Best Practices for the Management of Radio-Electronic Signal Blocking Systems: A Case Study at the Ministry of Justice, Peru.
- Gilberto Rivera, Laura Cruz-Reyes, Claudia Guadalupe Gómez Santillán:
Editorial for Thematic Section: New Trends in Artificial Intelligence and its Applications. - Ana Montalvo Bereau, José Ramón Calvo de Lara, Gabriel Hernández Sierra, Flavio J. Reyes Díaz:
Spoken Language Identification For Short Utterance With Transfer Learning. - Mohammed bin Qassim Al-Asiri, Ashwaq Ayed Al-Asmari:
Role of Artificial Intelligence in Supporting the Performance of Surgical Robots: A Survey. - K. Alluraiah, Manna Sheela Rani Chetty:
Web-Based Application Layer Distributed Denial-of-Service Attacks: A Data-Driven Machine Learning Strategy. - Mashail Shaeel Althabiti, Manal Abdullah, Omaima Almatrafi:
Multi-label Classification of IoT Data Stream: A Survey. - Erick Estrada-Patiño, Guadalupe Castilla Valdez, Juan Frausto Solís, Juan Javier González Barbosa, Juan Paulo Sánchez-Hernández:
HELI: An Ensemble Forecasting Approach for Temperature Prediction in the Context of Climate Change. - Karla Miroslava Olmos-Sanchez, Jorge Enrique Rodas Osollo, Aidé Aracely Maldonado-Macías, Alicia Margarita Jiménez-Galina:
Harmonization of Knowledge Representation: Integrating Systems thinking Ideas with Appropriate Domain Representation Strategies. - P. Kokila, R. Kanagavalli:
Graph-based Saliency Detection: Integrating Multilevel Features and Analyzing the Distraction using DNN. - Dutta Sai Eswari, P. V. Lakshmi:
DDoS Attacks in Traffic Flow Streams Using Ensemble Classifiers. - Josué Domínguez-Guerrero, Oscar Montiel Ross, Victor Carrillo, Edgar Martinez, Oscar Castillo:
Normal Attractor Intersection Based Multi-Objective Optimization Using Particle Swarm Optimization. - Srinivas Naveen Dolu-Surabhi, Manikandan Rajagopal, M. Hema Kumar, S. Srividhya:
Prescriptive Analytics on Cloud Based Systems using Deep Learning Techniques. - Bodor Moheel Almotairy, Manal Abdullah, Dimah Alahmadi:
Characterizing Arabic Computational Propaganda on Twitter. - Juan Carlos Leyva López, Jesús Jaime Solano Noriega, Jorge Anselmo Rodríguez-Castro, Pedro J. Sánchez:
An Extension of the ELECTRE III Method based on the 2-tuple Linguistic Representation Model for Dealing with Heterogeneous Information. - Héctor Rodríguez-Arteaga, Bárbara María Esther García-Morales, María Lucila Morales-Rodríguez, Claudia Guadalupe Gómez Santillán:
Architecture of a Socio-Emotional Conversational Agent Capable of Identifying Intentions within a Socratic Dialogue. - Jazmin Del-Angel, Alejandro Santiago, Salvador Ibarra-Martínez, José Antonio Castán Rocha, Mayra Guadalupe Treviño Berrones:
A Linear Genetic Programming Approach for the Internet Shopping Optimization Problem with Multiple Item Units (ISHOP-U).

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