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Decision Support Systems, Volume 43
Volume 43, Number 1, February 2007
- Eric W. T. Ngai
, Angappa Gunasekaran:
Mobile commerce: Strategies, technologies, and applications. 1-2 - Eric W. T. Ngai
, Angappa Gunasekaran:
A review for mobile commerce research and applications. 3-15 - Navin Kumar, Aryya Gangopadhyay, George Karabatis:
Supporting mobile decision making with association rules and multi-layered caching. 16-30 - Dae-Young Choi:
Personalized local internet in the location-based mobile web search. 31-45 - Christopher C. Yang, Fu Lee Wang
An information delivery system with automatic summarization for mobile commerce. 46-61 - Eric W. T. Ngai
, T. C. Edwin Cheng
, S. Au, Kee-hung Lai
Mobile commerce integrated with RFID technology in a container depot. 62-76 - Thomi Pilioura, Stathes Hadjiefthymiades
, Aphrodite Tsalgatidou, Manos Spanoudakis:
Using Web Services for supporting the users of wireless devices. 77-94 - Ching-Chang Lee, Hsing Kenneth Cheng, Hui-Hsin Cheng:
An empirical study of mobile commerce in insurance industry: Task-technology fit and individual differences. 95-110 - Hee-Woong Kim, Hock Chuan Chan, Sumeet Gupta
Value-based Adoption of Mobile Internet: An empirical investigation. 111-126
- Simon Véronneau, Yan Cimon:
Maintaining robust decision capabilities: An integrative human-systems approach. 127-140 - Solomon R. Antony, Radhika Santhanam:
Could the use of a knowledge-based system lead to implicit learning? 141-151 - Min-Yuh Day
, Richard Tzong-Han Tsai
, Cheng-Lung Sung, Chiu-Chen Hsieh, Cheng-Wei Lee, Shih-Hung Wu
, Kuen-Pin Wu, Chorng-Shyong Ong, Wen-Lian Hsu:
Reference metadata extraction using a hierarchical knowledge representation framework. 152-167 - James A. Rodger, Parag C. Pendharkar:
A field study of database communication issues peculiar to users of a voice activated medical tracking application. 168-180 - Ali Amiri:
Dare to share: Protecting sensitive knowledge with data sanitization. 181-191 - Benjamin Edelman, Michael Ostrovsky
Strategic bidder behavior in sponsored search auctions. 192-198 - Siddharth Kaza, Yuan Wang, Hsinchun Chen:
Enhancing border security: Mutual information analysis to identify suspect vehicles. 199-210 - Alessandro Avenali, Anna Bassanini:
Simulating combinatorial auctions with dominance requirement and loll bids through automated agents. 211-228 - Nigel P. Melville
, Vijay Gurbaxani, Kenneth L. Kraemer:
The productivity impact of information technology across competitive regimes: The role of industry concentration and dynamism. 229-242 - Yi Sun, Shaoyi He, Jack Y. Leu:
Syndicating Web Services: A QoS and user-driven approach. 243-255 - Edward Hartono, Radhika Santhanam, Clyde W. Holsapple:
Factors that contribute to management support system success: An analysis of field studies. 256-268 - Stephen M. Du, Mark Keil, Lars Mathiassen, Yide Shen, Amrit Tiwana:
Attention-shaping tools, expertise, and perceived control in IT project risk assessment. 269-283 - Maris G. Martinsons
, Robert M. Davison
Strategic decision making and support systems: Comparing American, Japanese and Chinese management. 284-300
Volume 43, Number 2, March 2007
- Zoltán Hidvégi, Wenli Wang, Andrew B. Whinston:
Binary Vickrey auction - A robust and efficient multi-unit sealed-bid online auction protocol against buyer multi-identity bidding. 301-312 - Yon Dohn Chung, Woo Suk Yang, Myoung-Ho Kim:
An efficient, robust method for processing of partial top-k/bottom-k queries using the RD-Tree in OLAP. 313-321 - K. D. Joshi, Saonee Sarker, Suprateek Sarker:
Knowledge transfer within information systems development teams: Examining the role of knowledge source attributes. 322-335 - I. Robert Chiang, Paulo B. Góes, Zhongju Zhang:
Periodic cache replacement policy for dynamic content at application server. 336-348 - Subhajyoti Bandyopadhyay
, Praveen Pathak:
Knowledge sharing and cooperation in outsourcing projects - A game theoretic analysis. 349-358 - Jaeki Song, Donald R. Jones
, Naveen Gudigantala:
The effects of incorporating compensatory choice strategies in Web-based consumer decision support systems. 359-374 - Nihat Kasap
, Haldun Aytug, S. Selçuk Erengüç:
Provider selection and task allocation issues in networks with different QoS levels and all you can send pricing. 375-389 - Jaeki Song, Fatemeh Zahedi:
Trust in health infomediaries. 390-407 - Mark Vroblefski, Andrew N. K. Chen, Benjamin B. M. Shao, Matthew Swinarski:
Managing user relationships in hierarchies for information system security. 408-419 - Riikka-Leena Leskelä, Jeffrey E. Teich, Hannele Wallenius, Jyrki Wallenius:
Decision support for multi-unit combinatorial bundle auctions. 420-434 - Richard C. Hicks:
The no inference engine theory - Performing conflict resolution during development. 435-444 - Jian Chen, Xilong Chen, Xiping Song:
Comparison of the group-buying auction and the fixed pricing mechanism. 445-459 - Cai-Nicolas Ziegler, Jennifer Golbeck:
Investigating interactions of trust and interest similarity. 460-475 - Xiang Fang, Clyde W. Holsapple:
An empirical study of web site navigation structures' impacts on web site usability. 476-491 - Wil M. P. van der Aalst
, Michael Rosemann
, Marlon Dumas
Deadline-based escalation in process-aware information systems. 492-511 - Ki Yong Lee, Jin Hyun Son, Myoung-Ho Kim:
Reducing the cost of accessing relations in incremental view maintenance. 512-526
- Eldon Y. Li
, Timon C. Du
Editorial. 527-529 - Minder Chen, Dongsong Zhang, Lina Zhou:
Empowering collaborative commerce with Web services enabled business process management systems. 530-546 - Sanjay Goel, Shashishekara S. Talya, Michael W. Sobolewski:
Service-based P2P overlay network for collaborative problem solving. 547-568 - Stefan Minner
Bargaining for cooperative economic ordering. 569-583 - Kuldeep Kumar, Irma Becerra-Fernandez:
Interaction technology: Speech act based information technology support for building collaborative relationships and trust. 584-606 - Melanie J. Ashleigh
, Joe Nandhakumar:
Trust and technologies: Implications for organizational work practices. 607-617 - Audun Jøsang
, Roslan Ismail, Colin Boyd:
A survey of trust and reputation systems for online service provision. 618-644 - Te-Wei Wang, Suresh K. Tadisina:
Simulating Internet-based collaboration: A cost-benefit case study using a multi-agent model. 645-662 - Yuliang Yao, Philip T. Evers, Martin E. Dresner:
Supply chain integration in vendor-managed inventory. 663-674 - Eldon Y. Li
, Timon C. Du
, Jacqueline W. Wong:
Access control in collaborative commerce. 675-685
Volume 43, Number 3, April 2007
- HongGirl Lee, Bongsik Shin
, Kunihiko Higa:
Telework vs. central work: A comparative view of knowledge accessibility. 687-700 - José M. Alonso-Meijide
, Francesc Carreras, M. Gloria Fiestras-Janeiro
, Guillermo Owen:
A comparative axiomatic characterization of the Banzhaf-Owen coalitional value. 701-712 - David Ben-Arieh, Todd Easton
Multi-criteria group consensus under linear cost opinion elasticity. 713-721 - Florentino Fdez-Riverola
, Eva Lorenzo Iglesias
, Fernando Díaz
, José Ramón Méndez
, Juan M. Corchado
SpamHunting: An instance-based reasoning system for spam labelling and filtering. 722-736 - Zhaoli Meng, Sang-Yong Tom Lee
The value of IT to firms in a developing country in the catch-up process: An empirical comparison of China and the United States. 737-745 - Yujong Hwang, Dan Jong Kim:
Customer self-service systems: The effects of perceived Web quality with service contents on enjoyment, anxiety, and e-trust. 746-760 - Rong Liu, Akhil Kumar, Wil M. P. van der Aalst
A formal modeling approach for supply chain event management. 761-778 - Eduardo Natividade-Jesus
, João Manuel Coutinho-Rodrigues
, Carlos Henggeler Antunes
A multicriteria decision support system for housing evaluation. 779-790 - Omar F. El-Gayar
, Kanchana Tandekar:
An XML-based schema definition for model sharing and reuse in a distributed environment. 791-808 - Huimin Zhao:
A multi-objective genetic programming approach to developing Pareto optimal decision trees. 809-826 - Insu Park, Raj Sharman, H. Raghav Rao, Shambhu J. Upadhyaya:
Short Term and Total Life Impact analysis of email worms in computer systems. 827-841 - Chaang-Yung Kung, Kun-Li Wen:
Applying Grey Relational Analysis and Grey Decision-Making to evaluate the relationship between company attributes and its financial performance - A case study of venture capital enterprises in Taiwan. 842-852 - J. Ben Arbaugh, Raquel Benbunan-Fich:
The importance of participant interaction in online environments. 853-865 - Roger Jianxin Jiao
, Lianfeng (Linda) Zhang, Shaligram Pokharel, Zhen He:
Identifying generic routings for product families based on text mining and tree matching. 866-883 - Yuliang Yao, Jonathan W. Palmer, Martin E. Dresner:
An interorganizational perspective on the use of electronically-enabled supply chains. 884-896 - Selwyn Piramuthu:
Protocols for RFID tag/reader authentication. 897-914
- Michael Goul, Karen Corral:
Enterprise model management and next generation decision support. 915-932 - Suprasith Jarupathirun, Fatemeh Zahedi:
Exploring the influence of perceptual factors in the success of web-based spatial DSS. 933-951 - David Mendonça
Decision support for improvisation in response to extreme events: Learning from the response to the 2001 World Trade Center attack. 952-967 - Kannan Mohan, Balasubramaniam Ramesh
Traceability-based knowledge integration in group decision and negotiation activities. 968-989 - Robb Klashner, Sameh Sabet:
A DSS Design Model for complex problems: Lessons from mission critical infrastructure. 990-1013 - Parag C. Pendharkar:
The theory and experiments of designing cooperative intelligent systems. 1014-1030 - Salvatore T. March, Alan R. Hevner:
Integrated decision support systems: A data warehousing perspective. 1031-1043 - Daniel J. Power
, Ramesh Sharda
Model-driven decision support systems: Concepts and research directions. 1044-1061 - T. S. Raghu, Ajay S. Vinze:
A business process context for Knowledge Management. 1062-1079
Volume 43, Number 4, August 2007
- Hemant K. Bhargava, Daniel J. Power
, Daewon Sun
Special issue of Decision Support Systems on web-based decision support. 1081-1082 - Hemant K. Bhargava, Daniel J. Power
, Daewon Sun
Progress in Web-based decision support technologies. 1083-1095 - Patrick Valente, Gautam Mitra:
The evolution of web-based optimisation: From ASP to e-Services. 1096-1116 - Ulrich Güntzer, Rudolf Müller, Stefan Müller, Ralf-Dieter Schimkat:
Retrieval for decision support resources by structured models. 1117-1132 - Shifeng Zhang, Steve Goddard:
A software architecture and framework for Web-based distributed Decision Support Systems. 1133-1150 - Dursun Delen
, Ramesh Sharda
, Prajeeb Kumar:
Movie forecast Guru: A Web-based DSS for Hollywood managers. 1151-1170 - Julian J. Ray:
A web-based spatial decision support system optimizes routes for oversize/overweight vehicles in Delaware. 1171-1185 - Minder Chen, Yiching Liou, Ching-Wen Wang, Yi-Wen Fan, Yan-Ping Jeffery Chi:
TeamSpirit: Design, implementation, and evaluation of a Web-based group decision support system. 1186-1202
- Gondy Leroy, Hsinchun Chen:
Introduction to the special issue on decision support in medicine. 1203-1206 - Zan Huang, Jiexun Li, Hua Su, George S. Watts, Hsinchun Chen:
Large-scale regulatory network analysis from microarray data: modified Bayesian network learning and association rule mining. 1207-1225 - Paul Jen-Hwa Hu, Chih-Ping Wei, Tsang-Hsiang Cheng, Jian-Xun Chen:
Predicting adequacy of vancomycin regimens: A learning-based classification approach to improving clinical decision making. 1226-1241 - Sheryl Brahnam, Chao-Fa Chuang, Randall S. Sexton, Frank Y. Shih:
Machine assessment of neonatal facial expressions of acute pain. 1242-1254 - Kannan Mohan, Radhika Jain, Balasubramaniam Ramesh
Knowledge networking to support medical new product development. 1255-1273 - Yves A. Lussier
, Rose Williams, Jianrong Li, Srikant Jalan, Tara Borlawsky, Edie Stern, Inderpal Kohli:
Partitioning knowledge bases between advanced notification and clinical decision support systems. 1274-1286 - Cynthia LeRouge
, Alan R. Hevner, Rosann Webb Collins:
It's more than just use: An exploration of telemedicine use quality. 1287-1304 - Monica Chiarini Tremblay
, Robert M. Fuller
, Donald J. Berndt, James Studnicki:
Doing more with more information: Changing healthcare planning with OLAP tools. 1305-1320
- T. S. Raghu, Hsinchun Chen:
Cyberinfrastructure for homeland security: Advances in information sharing, data mining, and collaboration systems. 1321-1323 - Kathleen M. Carley, Jana Diesner, Jeffrey Reminga, Maksim Tsvetovat:
Toward an interoperable dynamic network analysis toolkit. 1324-1347 - Christopher C. Yang, Kar Wing Li:
An associate constraint network approach to extract multi-lingual information for crime analysis. 1348-1361 - James V. Hansen, Paul Benjamin Lowry, Rayman D. Meservy, Daniel M. McDonald:
Genetic programming for prevention of cyberterrorism through dynamic and evolving intrusion detection. 1362-1374 - David B. Skillicorn
, Nikhil Vats:
Novel information discovery for intelligence and counterterrorism. 1375-1382 - Donald J. Berndt, John W. Fisher, Jamie Griffiths Craighead, Alan R. Hevner, Stephen Luther, James Studnicki:
The role of data warehousing in bioterrorism surveillance. 1383-1403 - Dmitri Roussinov, Jose Antonio Robles-Flores
Applying question answering technology to locating malevolent online content. 1404-1418 - Robert P. Schumaker, Hsinchun Chen:
Leveraging Question Answer technology to address terrorism inquiry. 1419-1430 - JinKyu Lee, H. Raghav Rao:
Perceived risks, counter-beliefs, and intentions to use anti-/counter-terrorism websites: An exploratory study of government-citizens online interactions in a turbulent environment. 1431-1449
- Carlos Henggeler Antunes
, Luis C. Dias
Managing uncertainty in decision support models foreword to the special issue. 1451-1453 - Joel Brynielsson:
Using AI and games for decision support in command and control. 1454-1463 - Sébastien Damart, Luis C. Dias
, Vincent Mousseau
Supporting groups in sorting decisions: Methodology and use of a multi-criteria aggregation/disaggregation DSS. 1464-1475 - Simon French:
Web-enabled strategic GDSS, e-democracy and Arrow's theorem: A Bayesian perspective. 1476-1484 - Antonio Jiménez-Martín
, Alfonso Mateos
, Sixto Ríos-Insua, Luis Carlos Rodríguez:
Contracting cleaning services in a European public underground transportation company with the aid of a DSS. 1485-1498 - Rui Pedro Lourenço
, João Paulo Costa:
Incorporating citizens' views in local policy decision making processes. 1499-1511 - Meltem Öztürk, Alexis Tsoukiàs:
Modelling uncertain positive and negative reasons in decision aiding. 1512-1526 - Dobrila Petrovic
, Alejandra Duenas, Sanja Petrovic:
Decision support tool for multi-objective job shop scheduling problems with linguistically quantified decision functions. 1527-1538 - Kim Bang Salling
, Steen Leleur
, Anders Vestergaard Jensen:
Modelling decision support and uncertainty for large transport infrastructure projects: The CLG-DSS model of the Øresund Fixed Link. 1539-1547
- David B. Paradice
Expanding the boundaries of DSS. 1549-1552 - Suprasith Jarupathirun, Fatemeh Zahedi:
Dialectic decision support systems: System design and empirical evaluation. 1553-1570 - Russell W. Robbins, William A. Wallace:
Decision support for ethical problem solving: A multi-agent approach. 1571-1587 - Dianne J. Hall, Robert A. Davis:
Engaging multiple perspectives: A value-based decision-making model. 1588-1604 - Bryan Hosack:
The effect of system feedback and decision context on value-based decision-making behavior. 1605-1614 - D. Petkov
, O. Petkova, Theo N. Andrew, T. Nepal:
Mixing Multiple Criteria Decision Making with soft systems thinking techniques for decision support in complex situations. 1615-1629 - YongSeog Kim:
Weighted order-dependent clustering and visualization of web navigation patterns. 1630-1645
- Frada Burstein
, George R. Widmeyer:
Decision support in an uncertain and complex world. 1647-1649 - Daniel E. O'Leary
Empirical analysis of the evolution of a taxonomy for best practices. 1650-1663 - Michael H. Zack:
The role of decision support systems in an indeterminate world. 1664-1674 - Julie Cowie
, Frada Burstein
Quality of data model for supporting mobile decision making. 1675-1683 - Ixchel M. Faniel, Ann Majchrzak:
Innovating by accessing knowledge across departments. 1684-1691 - Marcos R. S. Borges
, Patrick Brézillon, José A. Pino, Jean-Charles Pomerol:
Dealing with the effects of context mismatch in group work. 1692-1706