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International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, Volume 23
Volume 23, Number 1, January 2013
- Makoto Itoh, Leon O. Chua:
Duality of memristor Circuits. - Gennady A. Leonov, Nikolay V. Kuznetsov:
Hidden attractors in Dynamical Systems. From Hidden oscillations in Hilbert-Kolmogorov, Aizerman, and Kalman Problems to Hidden Chaotic Attractor in Chua Circuits. - Eleonora Bilotta, Pietro S. Pantano:
Cellular nonlinear Networks Meet KdV equation: a New Paradigm.
- Minghui Yao, Wei Zhang, Jean W. Zu:
Multi-Pulse heteroclinic orbits and Chaotic Motions in a Parametrically excited viscoelastic Moving Belt. - Songmei Huan, Qingdu Li, Xiao-Song Yang:
Horseshoes in a Chaotic System with only One Stable equilibrium. - Daniel Franco, Eduardo Liz:
A Two-parameter Method for Chaos Control and Targeting in One-Dimensional Maps. - Rogelio Hasimoto-Beltrán:
Freac-LUT: a New Dynamic Look-up Table Approach to Secure Chaotic Encryption. - Pei Yu, Maoan Han:
Eight Limit cycles around a Center in quadratic Hamiltonian System with Third-Order perturbation. - Nathan Davies, Huy Vu, Antonio Palacios, Visarath In, Patrick Longhini:
Collective Behavior of a Coupled gyroscope System with Coupling along the Driving- and Sensing-Modes. - Xinquan Zhao, Feng Jiang, Junhao Hu:
Globally exponentially Attractive Sets and positive Invariant Sets of Three-Dimensional Autonomous Systems with only Cross-Product nonlinearities. - Mattia Coccolo, Jesús M. Seoane, Samuel Zambrano, Miguel A. F. Sanjuán:
Partial Control of escapes in Chaotic scattering. - Jibin Li, Guanrong Chen:
Bifurcations of Traveling wave solutions in a microstructured solid Model. - Xinxing Wu, Peiyong Zhu:
Chaos in a Class of nonconstant Weighted Shift Operators. - Suwat Kuntanapreeda:
Simple LMI-Based Synchronization of fractional-Order Chaotic Systems. - Yu Chang, Lili Zhou, Jinliang Wang:
Hopf bifurcation in a Calcium oscillation Model and its Control: frequency Domain Approach. - Marcin Kulczycki, Piotr Oprocha:
Coupled-Expanding Maps and Matrix shifts. - Yuting Ding, Weihua Jiang, Pei Yu:
Double Hopf bifurcation in delayed van der Pol-Duffing equation. - Yuanyuan Sun, Xudong Zhao, Kaining Hou:
Calculation of Julia Sets by Equipotential Point Algorithm. - Lequan Min, Guanrong Chen:
Generalized Synchronization in an Array of nonlinear Dynamic Systems with Applications to Chaotic CNN. - Stavros Anastassiou, Spyros Pnevmatikos, Tassos Bountis:
Quadratic Vector Fields equivariant under the D2 Symmetry Group.
Volume 23, Number 2, February 2013
- Paul Blanchard, Figen Çilingir, Daniel Cuzzocreo, Robert L. Devaney, Daniel M. Look, Elizabeth D. Russell:
Checkerboard Julia Sets for Rational Maps. - Matthaios Katsanikas, Panos A. Patsis, Georgios Contopoulos:
Instabilities and Stickiness in a 3D rotating Galactic potential. - Ion Sabba Stefanescu:
The onset of bifurcations in the forced Duffing equation with damping.
- Na Liu, Juan Li, Zhi-Hong Guan, Li Ding, Guilin Zheng:
Chaos Generation for a Class of nonlinear Complex Networks. - Georges Kaddoum, Ghyslain Gagnon, François Gagnon:
Spread Spectrum Communication System with sequence Synchronization Unit using Chaotic Symbolic Dynamics Modulation. - Konstantin E. Starkov, Alexander Yu. Pogromsky:
On the Global Dynamics of the Owen-Sherratt Model Describing the Tumor-Macrophage Interactions. - Bernard S. Chan, Pei Yu:
Synchrony-Breaking Hopf bifurcation in a Model of antigenic variation. - Chun Hua Wang, Hao Xu, Fei Yu:
A Novel Approach for Constructing High-Order Chua's Circuit with Multi-Directional Multi-scroll Chaotic attractors. - Jianxin Liu, Junjie Wei:
On Hopf bifurcation of a delayed predator-prey System with Diffusion. - Jaume Llibre, Feng Rong:
On the Number of Limit cycles for Discontinuous piecewise Linear differential Systems in ℝ2n with Two Zones. - Md. Shafiqul Islam:
Invariant Measures for Random Maps via interpolation. - Laura Ruzziconi, Stefano Lenci, Mohammad I. Younis:
An Imperfect microbeam under an axial Load and Electric excitation: nonlinear Phenomena and Dynamical Integrity. - Feng Liang, Maoan Han:
The stability of some Kinds of generalized homoclinic Loops in Planar piecewise Smooth Systems. - A. M. Selvam:
Scale-Free Universal Spectrum for Atmospheric Aerosol Size Distribution for Davos, Mauna Loa and Izana. - Antoni Ferragut, Jaume Llibre, Chara Pantazi:
Polynomial Vector Fields in ℝ3 with Infinitely Many Limit cycles. - Shiu-Ping Wang, Seng-Kin Lao, Hsien-Keng Chen, Juhn-Horng Chen, Shih-Yao Chen:
Implementation of the fractional-Order Chen-Lee System by Electronic Circuit. - Hironori Kumeno, Daniele Fournier-Prunaret, Abdel-Kaddous Taha, Yoshifumi Nishio:
Two-Dimensional Coupled Parametrically forced Map. - Petre Birtea, Ioan Casu:
Energy Methods in the stability Problem for the 픰픬(4) Free Rigid Body. - Quanbao Ji, Yong Lu:
Bifurcations and continuous Transitions in a nonlinear Model of intracellular Calcium oscillations. - Dana Constantinescu, Marie-Christine Firpo:
Localizing Transport Barriers in degenerate 3/2 d.O.F. Hamiltonian Systems with Applications to Magnetic Confinement Fusion. - Qian Yang, Bowei Wu:
Nonexistence of Planar Closed orbits in quadratic Three-Dimensional Autonomous Systems. - Christoph Lhotka, Alessandra Celletti:
Stability of Nearly-integrable Systems with dissipation. - Andrey Yu. Verisokin, Darya V. Verveyko:
Non-Turing Mechanism of Self-Sustained Structure Formation.
Volume 23, Number 3, March 2013
- Rui Liu, Weifang Yan:
Some Common Expressions and New bifurcation Phenomena for nonlinear Waves in a generalized mKdV equation. - Luis Benadero, Vanessa Moreno-Font, Abdelali El Aroudi:
Unfolding nonsmooth bifurcation Patterns in a 1-d PWL Map as a Model of a Single-inductor Two-output DC-DC Switching Converter. - Albert C. J. Luo, Mozhdeh S. Faraji Mosadman:
Singularity, Switchability and bifurcations in a 2-DOF, periodically forced, Frictional oscillator.
- Guanhui Wang, Junhai Ma:
Modeling and Complexity Study of output Game among Multiple oligopolistic Manufacturers in the Supply Chain System. - Chunrui Zhang, Baodong Zheng:
Dynamic Properties of a Symmetrically Conservative Two-Mass System. - Dingheng Pi, Jiang Yu, Xiang Zhang:
On the sliding bifurcation of a Class of Planar Filippov Systems. - Anhui Gu:
Random attractors of Stochastic Lattice Dynamical Systems Driven by fractional Brownian Motions. - María Anguiano, Tomás Caraballo, José Real, José Valero:
Pullback attractors for a nonautonomous integro-differential equation with Memory in some Unbounded Domains. - Zhaoping Hu, Bin Gao, Valery G. Romanovski:
Limit Cycle bifurcations from Centers of Symmetric Hamiltonian Systems perturbed by cubic polynomials. - Ling Liu, Chongxin Liu, Deliang Liang:
Hyperchaotic Behavior in Arbitrary-Dimensional fractional-Order Quantum Cellular Neural Network Model. - Shakir Bilal, Ramakrishna Ramaswamy:
The generalized Time-delayed HéNon Map: bifurcations and Dynamics. - Zeraoulia Elhadj, Julien Clinton Sprott:
A Rigorous determination of the Overall Period in the Structure of a Chaotic Attractor. - Jihua Wang, Dongmei Xiao, Maoan Han:
The Number of zeros of Abelian integrals for a perturbation of Hyperelliptic Hamiltonian System with Degenerated Polycycle. - Jaume Llibre, Cláudia Valls:
On the Number of Limit cycles for a Generalization of LiéNard Polynomial differential Systems. - Saber Elaydi, Rafael Luís, Henrique M. Oliveira:
Local bifurcation in One-Dimensional nonautonomous periodic difference equations. - Riccardo Caponetto, Stefano Fazzino:
An Application of Adomian Decomposition for Analysis of fractional-Order Chaotic Systems. - Shaban Aly:
Turing bifurcation in a Human Migration Model of Scheurle-Seydel Type. - Alon Ascoli, Fernando Corinto:
Memristor Models in a Chaotic Neural Circuit. - Xiaosong Pu, Junhai Ma:
Complex Dynamics and Chaos Control in nonlinear Four-Oligopolist Game with Different Expectations. - Yuqian Zhou, Qian Liu, Weinian Zhang:
Bounded Traveling Waves of the generalized Burgers-Fisher equation. - Shyan-Shiou Chen, Chang-Yuan Cheng, Yi-Ru Lin:
Application of a Two-Dimensional Hindmarsh-Rose Type Model for bifurcation Analysis. - G. Papantonopoulos, K. Takahashi, Tassos Bountis, B. G. Loos:
Using Cellular Automata Experiments to Model Periodontitis: a First Step towards Understanding the nonlinear Dynamics of the disease. - Jibin Li, Zhijun Qiao:
Bifurcations and Exact Traveling wave solutions for a generalized Camassa-Holm equation. - Gennady A. Leonov:
Shilnikov Chaos in Lorenz-like Systems.
Volume 23, Number 4, April 2013
- Jean-Marc Ginoux, Jaume Llibre, Leon O. Chua:
Canards from Chua's Circuit. - Xiong Wang, Guanrong Chen:
A Gallery of Lorenz-like and Chen-like attractors. - Yen Chih Chang, Sui Sun Cheng:
Complete Periodicity Analysis for a Discontinuous Recurrence equation.
- Fangfei Li, Jitao Sun:
Synchronization Analysis for Multivalued Logical Networks. - José António Freitas, Ricardo Severino:
2D Elementary Cellular Automata with Four Neighbors. - Feng Li:
Integrability and bifurcations of Limit cycles in a cubic Kolmogorov System. - Guohua Zhou, Bocheng Bao, Jianping Xu:
Complex Dynamics and Fast-Slow Scale instability in Current-Mode Controlled Buck Converter with Constant Current Load. - Yury V. Kolokolov, Anna V. Monovskaya:
Estimating the Uncertainty of the Behavior of a PWM Power Converter by Analyzing a Set of Experimental bifurcation Diagrams. - Weijiao Xu, Cuiping Li:
Number of Limit cycles of some Polynomial LiéNard Systems. - Vahid Rashtchi, Mohsen Nourazar:
Detecting the State of the Duffing oscillator by phase Space trajectory autocorrelation. - Jaume Llibre, Marco Antonio Teixeira, Joan Torregrosa:
Lower Bounds for the Maximum Number of Limit cycles of Discontinuous piecewise Linear differential Systems with a Straight Line of Separation. - Tonghua Zhang, Hong Zang, Moses O. Tadé:
Bifurcations of Limit cycles for a perturbed cubic System with Double Figure Eight Loop. - Hsiu-Chuan Wei, Jenn-Tsann Lin:
Periodically Pulsed immunotherapy in a Mathematical Model of Tumor-Immune Interaction. - Yuhai Wu, Maoan Han:
On the Number and Distributions of Limit cycles of a Planar quartic Vector Field. - Xiaoling Zou, Ke Wang, Dejun Fan:
Stochastic Poincaré-Bendixson Theorem and its Application on Stochastic Hopf bifurcation. - Guy Bastien, Víctor Mañosa, Marc Rogalski:
On periodic solutions of 2-periodic Lyness' equations. - Pau Rabassa, Àngel Jorba, Joan Carles Tatjer:
A numerical Study of Universality and Self-Similarity in some Families of forced logistic Maps. - Viet-Thanh Pham, Arturo Buscarino, Luigi Fortuna, Mattia Frasca:
Simple Memristive Time-Delay Chaotic Systems. - Ning Han, Qingjie Cao, Marian Wiercigroch:
Estimation of Chaotic Thresholds for the Recently Proposed rotating Pendulum. - Chengqing Li, Yuansheng Liu, Leo Yu Zhang, Michael Z. Q. Chen:
Breaking a Chaotic Image Encryption Algorithm Based on Modulo Addition and XOR Operation. - Carlos Murguia, Rob H. B. Fey, Henk Nijmeijer:
Network Synchronization by Dynamic diffusive Coupling. - Cui-Ping Cheng, You-Hui Su, Zhaosheng Feng:
Wave Propagation for Monostable 2-d Lattice differential equations with Delay.
Volume 23, Number 5, May 2013
- Reza Ghaffari, Ioan Grosu, Daciana Iliescu, Evor L. Hines, Mark S. Leeson:
Dimensionality Reduction for Sensory Datasets Based on Master-slave Synchronization of Lorenz System. - Hongtao Zhang, Xinzhi Liu, Xuemin Shen, Jun Liu:
Chaos entanglement: a New Approach to Generate Chaos. - Arturo Buscarino, Luigi Fortuna, Mattia Frasca, Lucia Valentina Gambuzza:
A Gallery of Chaotic oscillators Based on HP memristor. - Shu Zhang, Kwok Wai Chung, Jian Xu:
Stability Switch Boundaries in an Internet Congestion Control Model with Diverse Time delays. - Maheshwar Pd. Sah, Ram Kaji Budhathoki, Changju Yang, Hyongsuk Kim:
Expandable Circuits of Mutator-Based Memcapacitor Emulator.
- Adam Mahdi:
Center Problem for Third-Order ODEs. - Zhenyang Li:
W-like Maps with Various Instabilities of Acim's. - Xingbo Liu, Junying Liu, Deming Zhu:
Degenerate bifurcations of Heterodimensional cycles with Orbit flip. - Lei Shi, Hongjun Gao:
Bifurcation Analysis of an amplitude equation. - Yu Qian, Wei Li, Xiaodong Huang, Zhaoyang Zhang, Yuanyuan Mi:
Spiral Dynamics in Excitable Medium induced by External periodic Modulation. - Yongping Zhang:
Control and Synchronization of Julia Sets of the Complex perturbed Rational Maps. - Zdenek Beran, Sergej Celikovský:
Chaos on Hyperspace. - Yanqin Xiong, Hui Zhong:
The Number of Limit cycles in a Z2-equivariant LiéNard System. - Albert C. J. Luo, Jianzhe Huang:
Asymmetric periodic Motions with Chaos in a Softening Duffing oscillator. - Shengfu Deng, Boling Guo, Tingchun Wang:
Traveling wave solutions of the Green-Naghdi System. - Alexander Gutiérrez, Pedro J. Torres:
Nonautonomous saddle-Node bifurcation in a Canonical electrostatic MEMS. - Salvador Jiménez, J. A. González, Luis Vázquez:
Fractional Duffing's equation and Geometrical Resonance. - Sevdzhan Hakkaev, Iliya D. Iliev, Kiril Kirchev:
Stability of periodic Traveling Waves for the quadratic and cubic nonlinear SchröDinger equations. - Andrew Y. T. Leung, Zhongjin Guo:
Steady State Symmetry Breaking in periodically excited Systems involving Time Delay by harmonic homotopy. - Irina A. Bashkirtseva, Lev B. Ryashko, Pavel Stikhin:
Noise-induced Chaos and Backward Stochastic bifurcations in the Lorenz Model. - Julien Clinton Sprott, Xiong Wang, Guanrong Chen:
Coexistence of Point, periodic and Strange attractors. - Xiaoling Xiong, Chi Kong Tse, Xinbo Ruan:
Smooth and nonsmooth bifurcations in Multi-Structure Multi-Operating-Mode Hybrid Power Systems. - Lin Wang, Yan Zhang, Zhen Wang, Xiang Li:
The Impact of Human Location-Specific Contact Pattern on the SIR epidemic Transmission between Populations.
Volume 23, Number 6, June 2013
- Min Xiao, Wei Xing Zheng, Jinde Cao:
Bifurcation Control of a Congestion Control Model via State Feedback. - F. J. Molero, J. C. van der Meer, Sebastián Ferrer, F. J. Céspedes:
The 2-d sextic Hamiltonian oscillator. - Tanmoy Banerjee, Debabrata Biswas:
Theory and Experiment of a First-Order Chaotic Delay Dynamical System. - Christoforos Somarakis, John S. Baras:
On the Dynamics of a Simple Rational Planar Map. - Ricardo Chacón:
Constant-phase-induced Control of Chaotic charged Particles in the Field of a wave Packet.
- Yingli Li, Daolin Xu, Yiming Fu, Jiaxi Zhou:
Chaotification of a nonlinear vibration Isolation System by Dual Time delayed Feedback Control. - Suhua Wang, Enhui Shi, Yujun Zhu, Bin Chen:
Auslander-Yorke Chaos for Group Actions on dendrites. - A. Ishaq Ahamed, M. Lakshmanan:
Nonsmooth bifurcations, Transient Hyperchaos and hyperchaotic beats in a Memristive Murali-Lakshmanan-Chua Circuit. - P. Deivasundari, G. Uma, K. Murali:
Chaotic Dynamics of voltage-Mode Controlled Buck Converter with periodic Interference signals.