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Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, Volume 20
Volume 20, Number 1, January 2008
- Jeffrey M. Zacks:
Neuroimaging Studies of Mental Rotation: A Meta-analysis and Review. 1-19
- Vina M. Goghari, Angus W. MacDonald III:
Effects of Varying the Experimental Design of a Cognitive Control Paradigm on Behavioral and Functional Imaging Outcome Measures. 20-35 - H. Branch Coslett, Grace Lie:
Simultanagnosia: When a Rose Is Not Red. 36-48 - Anne Caclin, Stephen McAdams, Bennett K. Smith, Marie-Hélène Giard:
Interactive Processing of Timbre Dimensions: An Exploration with Event-related Potentials. 49-64 - Bernhard Pastötter, Simon Hanslmayr, Karl-Heinz Bäuml:
Inhibition of Return Arises from Inhibition of Response Processes: An Analysis of Oscillatory Beta Activity. 65-75 - Johan P. Larsson, Fátima Vera Constán, Núria Sebastián-Gallés, Gustavo Deco:
Lexical Plasticity in Early Bilinguals Does Not Alter Phoneme Categories: I. Neurodynamical Modeling. 76-94 - Wen Li, Richard E. Zinbarg, Stephan G. Boehm, Ken A. Paller:
Neural and Behavioral Evidence for Affective Priming from Unconsciously Perceived Emotional Facial Expressions and the Influence of Trait Anxiety. 95-107 - Simone Materna, Peter W. Dicke, Peter Thier:
Dissociable Roles of the Superior Temporal Sulcus and the Intraparietal Sulcus in Joint Attention: A Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging Study. 108-119 - Hyemi Chong, Jenna L. Riis, Scott M. McGinnis, Danielle M. Williams, Phillip J. Holcomb, Kirk R. Daffner:
To Ignore or Explore: Top-Down Modulation of Novelty Processing. 120-134 - Kerry M. M. Walker, Bashir Ahmed, Jan W. H. Schnupp:
Linking Cortical Spike Pattern Codes to Auditory Perception. 135-152 - Ioulia Kovelman, Stephanie A. Baker, Laura-Ann Petitto:
Bilingual and Monolingual Brains Compared: A Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging Investigation of Syntactic Processing and a Possible "Neural Signature" of Bilingualism. 153-169 - Gorana Pobric, Nira Mashal, Miriam Faust, Michal Lavidor:
The Role of the Right Cerebral Hemisphere in Processing Novel Metaphoric Expressions: A Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation Study. 170-181 - Samuel T. Moulton, Stephen M. Kosslyn:
Using Neuroimaging to Resolve the Psi Debate. 182-192
Volume 20, Number 2, February 2008
- Elizabeth M. Brannon, Melissa E. Libertus, Warren H. Meck, Marty G. Woldorff:
Electrophysiological Measures of Time Processing in Infant and Adult Brains: Weber's Law Holds. 193-203 - Domenica Bueti, Vincent Walsh, Christopher D. Frith, Geraint Rees:
Different Brain Circuits Underlie Motor and Perceptual Representations of Temporal Intervals. 204-214 - Simon Hanslmayr, Bernhard Pastötter, Karl-Heinz Bäuml, Sieglinde Gruber, Maria Wimber, Wolfgang Klimesch:
The Electrophysiological Dynamics of Interference during the Stroop Task. 215-225 - Joyce L. Chen, Virginia B. Penhune, Robert J. Zatorre:
Moving on Time: Brain Network for Auditory-Motor Synchronization is Modulated by Rhythm Complexity and Musical Training. 226-239 - Melina R. Uncapher, Michael D. Rugg:
Fractionation of the Component Processes Underlying Successful Episodic Encoding: A Combined fMRI and Divided-attention Study. 240-254 - Duncan E. Astle, Georgina M. Jackson, Rachel Swainson:
Fractionating the Cognitive Control Required to Bring About a Change in Task: A Dense-sensor Event-related Potential Study. 255-267 - Cibu Thomas, Linda Moya, Galia Avidan, Kate Humphreys, Kwan Jin Jung, Mary A. Peterson, Marlene Behrmann:
Reduction in White Matter Connectivity, Revealed by Diffusion Tensor Imaging, May Account for Age-related Changes in Face Perception. 268-284 - Claude Alain, Yu He, Cheryl L. Grady:
The Contribution of the Inferior Parietal Lobe to Auditory Spatial Working Memory. 285-295 - Perrine Ruby, Anne Caclin, Sabrina Boulet, Claude Delpuech, Dominique Morlet:
Odd Sound Processing in the Sleeping Brain. 296-311 - Clare Press, Cecilia Heyes, Patrick Haggard, Martin Eimer:
Visuotactile Learning and Body Representation: An ERP Study with Rubber Hands and Rubber Objects. 312-323 - Vaia Lestou, Frank E. Pollick, Zoe Kourtzi:
Neural Substrates for Action Understanding at Different Description Levels in the Human Brain. 324-341 - Tomoyo Morita, Shoji Itakura, Daisuke N. Saito, Satoshi Nakashita, Tokiko Harada, Takanori Kochiyama, Norihiro Sadato:
The Role of the Right Prefrontal Cortex in Self-evaluation of the Face: A Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging Study. 342-355 - Evelyn Eger, John Ashburner, John-Dylan Haynes, Raymond J. Dolan, Geraint Rees:
fMRI Activity Patterns in Human LOC Carry Information about Object Exemplars within Category. 356-370
Volume 20, Number 3, March 2008
- Nurit Gronau, Maital Neta, Moshe Bar:
Integrated Contextual Representation for Objects' Identities and Their Locations. 371-388 - Philipp Sterzer, Geraint Rees:
A Neural Basis for Percept Stabilization in Binocular Rivalry. 389-399 - Peter E. Wais, Laura Mickes, John T. Wixted:
Remember/Know Judgments Probe Degrees of Recollection. 400-405 - Atira S. Bick, Gadi Goelman, Ram Frost:
Neural Correlates of Morphological Processes in Hebrew. 406-420 - Marco Loh, Anitha Pasupathy, Earl K. Miller, Gustavo Deco:
Neurodynamics of the Prefrontal Cortex during Conditional Visuomotor Associations. 421-431 - Robert S. Ross, Scott D. Slotnick:
The Hippocampus is Preferentially Associated with Memory for Spatial Context. 432-446 - Jon S. Simons, Richard N. A. Henson, Sam J. Gilbert, Paul C. Fletcher:
Separable Forms of Reality Monitoring Supported by Anterior Prefrontal Cortex. 447-457 - Jonathan Smallwood, Emily Beach, Jonathan W. Schooler, Todd C. Handy:
Going AWOL in the Brain: Mind Wandering Reduces Cortical Analysis of External Events. 458-469 - Deena Skolnick Weisberg, Frank C. Keil, Joshua Goodstein, Elizabeth Rawson, Jeremy R. Gray:
The Seductive Allure of Neuroscience Explanations. 470-477 - Stacy J. Suskauer, Daniel J. Simmonds, Sunaina Fotedar, Joanna G. Blankner, James J. Pekar, Martha B. Denckla, Stewart H. Mostofsky:
Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging Evidence for Abnormalities in Response Selection in Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: Differences in Activation Associated with Response Inhibition but Not Habitual Motor Response. 478-493 - Marina Pavlova, Alexander N. Sokolov, Niels Birbaumer, Ingeborg Krägeloh-Mann:
Perception and Understanding of Others' Actions and Brain Connectivity. 494-504 - Peter J. Bayley, John T. Wixted, Ramona O. Hopkins, Larry R. Squire:
Yes/No Recognition, Forced-choice Recognition, and the Human Hippocampus. 505-512 - Yasuki Noguchi, Ryusuke Kakigi:
Knowledge-based Correction of Flash-lag Illusion. 513-525 - Eliot Hazeltine, Andrea Weinstein, Richard B. Ivry:
Parallel Response Selection after Callosotomy. 526-540 - Eveline Geiser, Tino Zaehle, Lutz Jäncke, Martin Meyer:
The Neural Correlate of Speech Rhythm as Evidenced by Metrical Speech Processing. 541-552
Volume 20, Number 4, April 2008
- Yang Jiang, Carsten Nicolas Boehler, Nina Nönnig, Emrah Düzel, Jens-Max Hopf, Hans-Jochen Heinze, Mircea Ariel Schoenfeld:
Binding 3-D Object Perception in the Human Visual Cortex. 553-562 - Satoe Ichihara-Takeda, Shintaro Funahashi:
Activity of Primate Orbitofrontal and Dorsolateral Prefrontal Neurons: Effect of Reward Schedule on Task-related Activity. 563-579 - Jos J. A. Van Berkum, Danielle van den Brink, Cathelijne M. J. Y. Tesink, Miriam Kos, Peter Hagoort:
The Neural Integration of Speaker and Message. 580-591 - Eiling Yee, Sheila E. Blumstein, Julie C. Sedivy:
Lexical-Semantic Activation in Broca's and Wernicke's Aphasia: Evidence from Eye Movements. 592-612 - Christine Stelzel, Antje Kraft, Stephan A. Brandt, Torsten Schubert:
Dissociable Neural Effects of Task Order Control and Task Set Maintenance during Dual-task Processing. 613-628 - Nicola K. Ferdinand, Axel Mecklinger, Jutta Kray:
Error and Deviance Processing in Implicit and Explicit Sequence Learning. 629-642 - David Caplan, Louise Stanczak, Gloria Waters:
Syntactic and Thematic Constraint Effects on Blood Oxygenation Level Dependent Signal Correlates of Comprehension of Relative Clauses. 643-656 - Émilie Leblanc, David J. Prime, Pierre Jolicoeur:
Tracking the Location of Visuospatial Attention in a Contingent Capture Paradigm. 657-671 - Qing Cai, Michal Lavidor, Marc Brysbaert, Yves Paulignan, Tatjana A. Nazir:
Cerebral Lateralization of Frontal Lobe Language Processes and Lateralization of the Posterior Visual Word Processing System. 672-681 - Carter Wendelken, Denis Nakhabenko, Sarah E. Donohue, Cameron S. Carter, Silvia A. Bunge:
"Brain Is to Thought as Stomach Is to ??": Investigating the Role of Rostrolateral Prefrontal Cortex in Relational Reasoning. 682-693 - Sarah E. Donohue, Carter Wendelken, Silvia A. Bunge:
Neural Correlates of Preparation for Action Selection as a Function of Specific Task Demands. 694-706 - Marinella Cappelletti, Felipe Fregni, Kevin A. Shapiro, Alvaro Pascual-Leone, Alfonso Caramazza:
Processing Nouns and Verbs in the Left Frontal Cortex: A Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation Study. 707-720 - Andrea S. Heberlein, Alisa A. Padon, Seth J. Gillihan, Martha J. Farah, Lesley K. Fellows:
Ventromedial Frontal Lobe Plays a Critical Role in Facial Emotion Recognition. 721-733 - Justin A. Harris, Colin W. G. Clifford, Carlo Miniussi:
The Functional Effect of Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation: Signal Suppression or Neural Noise Generation? 734-740 - Victoria Southgate, Gergely Csibra, Jordy Kaufman, Mark H. Johnson:
Distinct Processing of Objects and Faces in the Infant Brain. 741-749
Volume 20, Number 5, May 2008
- Stewart H. Mostofsky, Daniel J. Simmonds:
Response Inhibition and Response Selection: Two Sides of the Same Coin. 751-761 - Bradley R. Buchsbaum, Mark D'Esposito:
The Search for the Phonological Store: From Loop to Convolution. 762-778
- Stuart W. S. MacDonald, Lars Nyberg, Johan Sandblom, Håkan Fischer, Lars Bäckman:
Increased Response-time Variability is Associated with Reduced Inferior Parietal Activation during Episodic Recognition in Aging. 779-786 - Tamara C. Cristescu, Anna Christina Nobre:
Differential Modulation of Word Recognition by Semantic and Spatial Orienting of Attention. 787-801 - Marieke Longcamp, Céline Boucard, Jean-Claude Gilhodes, Jean-Luc Anton, Muriel Roth, Bruno Nazarian, Jean-Luc Velay:
Learning through Hand- or Typewriting Influences Visual Recognition of New Graphic Shapes: Behavioral and Functional Imaging Evidence. 802-815 - Antao Chen, Xuchu Weng, Jiajin Yuan, Xu Lei, Jiang Qiu, Dezhong Yao, Hong Li:
The Temporal Features of Self-referential Processing Evoked by Chinese Handwriting. 816-827 - Bettina Pollok, Joachim Gross, Daniel Kamp, Alfons Schnitzler:
Evidence for Anticipatory Motor Control within a Cerebello-Diencephalic-Parietal Network. 828-840 - Eva Ludowig, Peter Trautner, Martin Kurthen, Carlo Schaller, Christian G. Bien, Christian Erich Elger, Timm Rosburg:
Intracranially Recorded Memory-related Potentials Reveal Higher Posterior than Anterior Hippocampal Involvement in Verbal Encoding and Retrieval. 841-851 - Carol L. Raye, Karen J. Mitchell, John A. Reeder, Erich J. Greene, Marcia K. Johnson:
Refreshing One of Several Active Representations: Behavioral and Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging Differences between Young and Older Adults. 852-862 - Alison Harris, Geoffrey Karl Aguirre:
The Representation of Parts and Wholes in Face-selective Cortex. 863-878 - Christine M. Tipper, Todd C. Handy, Barry Giesbrecht, Alan Kingstone:
Brain Responses to Biological Relevance. 879-891 - Jutta L. Mueller, Jörg Bahlmann, Angela D. Friederici:
The Role of Pause Cues in Language Learning: The Emergence of Event-related Potentials Related to Sequence Processing. 892-905 - Xiaoqing Li, Peter Hagoort, Yufang Yang:
Event-related Potential Evidence on the Influence of Accentuation in Spoken Discourse Comprehension in Chinese. 906-915 - Irina M. Harris, Claire T. Benito, Manuela Ruzzoli, Carlo Miniussi:
Effects of Right Parietal Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation on Object Identification and Orientation Judgments. 916-926 - Lesya Y. Ganushchak, Niels O. Schiller:
Brain Error-monitoring Activity is Affected by Semantic Relatedness: An Event-related Brain Potentials Study. 927-940
Volume 20, Number 6, June 2008
- Jasmin Cloutier, Todd F. Heatherton, Paul J. Whalen, William M. Kelley:
Are Attractive People Rewarding? Sex Differences in the Neural Substrates of Facial Attractiveness. 941-951 - Dilshat Abla, Kentaro Katahira, Kazuo Okanoya:
On-line Assessment of Statistical Learning by Event-related Potentials. 952-964 - Anna Abraham, D. Yves von Cramon, Ricarda I. Schubotz:
Meeting George Bush versus Meeting Cinderella: The Neural Response When Telling Apart What is Real from What is Fictional in the Context of Our Reality. 965-976 - Dan Foti, Greg Hajcak:
Deconstructing Reappraisal: Descriptions Preceding Arousing Pictures Modulate the Subsequent Neural Response. 977-988 - Helen M. Morgan, Christoph Klein, Stephan G. Boehm, Kimron L. Shapiro, David E. J. Linden:
Working Memory Load for Faces Modulates P300, N170, and N250r. 989-1002 - Christine Ecker, Michael J. Brammer, Steven C. R. Williams:
Combining Path Analysis with Time-resolved Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging: The Neurocognitive Network Underlying Mental Rotation. 1003-1020 - Chiang-shan Ray Li, Cong Huang, Peisi Yan, Prashni Paliwal, Robert Todd Constable, Rajita Sinha:
Neural Correlates of Post-error Slowing during a Stop Signal Task: A Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging Study. 1021-1029 - Jennifer D. Ryan, Sandra N. Moses, Melanie L. Ostreicher, Timothy Bardouille, Anthony T. Herdman, Lily Riggs, Endel Tulving:
Seeing Sounds and Hearing Sights: The Influence of Prior Learning on Current Perception. 1030-1042 - Thomas Gruber, Dimitris Tsivilis, Claire-Marie Giabbiconi, Matthias M. Müller:
Induced Electroencephalogram Oscillations during Source Memory: Familiarity is Reflected in the Gamma Band, Recollection in the Theta Band. 1043-1053 - Domenica Bueti, Bahador Bahrami, Vincent Walsh:
Sensory and Association Cortex in Time Perception. 1054-1062 - Katherine L. Roberts, Deborah Ann Hall:
Examining a Supramodal Network for Conflict Processing: A Systematic Review and Novel Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging Data for Related Visual and Auditory Stroop Tasks. 1063-1078 - Einat Yehene, Nachshon Meiran, Nachum Soroker:
Basal Ganglia Play a Unique Role in Task Switching within the Frontal-Subcortical Circuits: Evidence from Patients with Focal Lesions. 1079-1093 - M. Concetta Morrone, Andrea Guzzetta, Francesca Tinelli, Michela Tosetti, Michela Del Viva, Domenico Montanaro, David C. Burr, Giovanni Cioni:
Inversion of Perceived Direction of Motion Caused by Spatial Undersampling in Two Children with Periventricular Leukomalacia. 1094-1106 - Lesley K. Fellows, Marianna Stark, Arlene Berg, Anjan Chatterjee:
Patient Registries in Cognitive Neuroscience Research: Advantages, Challenges, and Practical Advice. 1107-1113 - Anna M. Woollams, Jason R. Taylor, Frini Karayanidis, Richard N. A. Henson:
Event-related Potentials Associated with Masked Priming of Test Cues Reveal Multiple Potential Contributions to Recognition Memory. 1114-1129
Volume 20, Number 7, July 2008
- Iria SanMiguel, María-José Corral, Carles Escera:
When Loading Working Memory Reduces Distraction: Behavioral and Electrophysiological Evidence from an Auditory-Visual Distraction Paradigm. 1131-1145 - Kenneth R. Pugh, Stephen J. Frost, Rebecca Sandak, Nicole Landi, Jay G. Rueckl, R. Todd Constable, Mark S. Seidenberg, Robert K. Fulbright, Leonard Katz, W. Einar Mencl:
Effects of Stimulus Difficulty and Repetition on Printed Word Identification: An fMRI Comparison of Nonimpaired and Reading-disabled Adolescent Cohorts. 1146-1160 - Elizabeth A. Kensinger, Daniel L. Schacter:
Neural Processes Supporting Young and Older Adults' Emotional Memories. 1161-1173 - Rutvik Desai, Einat Liebenthal, Eric Waldron, Jeffrey R. Binder:
Left Posterior Temporal Regions are Sensitive to Auditory Categorization. 1174-1188 - Yulia Lerner, Boris Epshtein, Shimon Ullman, Rafael Malach:
Class Information Predicts Activation by Object Fragments in Human Object Areas. 1189-1206 - Anna S. Hasting, Sonja A. Kotz:
Speeding Up Syntax: On the Relative Timing and Automaticity of Local Phrase Structure and Morphosyntactic Processing as Reflected in Event-related Brain Potentials. 1207-1219 - Cheryl M. Capek, Dafydd Waters, Bencie Woll, Mairéad MacSweeney, Michael J. Brammer, Philip K. McGuire, Anthony S. David, Ruth Campbell:
Hand and Mouth: Cortical Correlates of Lexical Processing in British Sign Language and Speechreading English. 1220-1234 - Roel M. Willems, Asli Özyürek, Peter Hagoort:
Seeing and Hearing Meaning: ERP and fMRI Evidence of Word versus Picture Integration into a Sentence Context. 1235-1249 - Daniela B. Fenker, Julietta U. Frey, Hartmut Schütze, Dorothee Heipertz, Hans-Jochen Heinze, Emrah Düzel:
Novel Scenes Improve Recollection and Recall of Words. 1250-1265 - Janne von Koss Torkildsen, Janne Mari Svangstu, Hanna Friis Hansen, Lars Smith, Hanne Gram Simonsen, Inger Moen, Magnus Lindgren:
Productive Vocabulary Size Predicts Event-related Potential Correlates of Fast Mapping in 20-Month-Olds. 1266-1282 - Marina Mariol, Corentin Jacques, Marie-Anne Schelstraete, Bruno Rossion:
The Speed of Orthographic Processing during Lexical Decision: Electrophysiological Evidence for Independent Coding of Letter Identity and Letter Position in Visual Word Recognition. 1283-1299 - Andrea Stocco, John R. Anderson:
Endogenous Control and Task Representation: An fMRI Study in Algebraic Problem-solving. 1300-1314 - Ruth Filik, Anthony J. Sanford, Hartmut Leuthold:
Processing Pronouns without Antecedents: Evidence from Event-related Brain Potentials. 1315-1326 - Peggy St. Jacques, David C. Rubin, Kevin S. LaBar, Roberto Cabeza:
The Short and Long of It: Neural Correlates of Temporal-order Memory for Autobiographical Events. 1327-1341 - Maura L. Furey, Emiliano Ricciardi, Mark B. Schapiro, Stanley I. Rapoport, Pietro Pietrini:
Cholinergic Enhancement Eliminates Modulation of Neural Activity by Task Difficulty in the Prefrontal Cortex during Working Memory. 1342-1353
Volume 20, Number 8, August 2008
- Jana Lüdtke, Claudia K. Friedrich, Mónica De Filippis, Barbara Kaup:
Event-related Potential Correlates of Negation in a Sentence-Picture Verification Paradigm. 1355-1370 - Do-Joon Yi, Nicholas B. Turk-Browne, Marvin M. Chun, Marcia K. Johnson:
When a Thought Equals a Look: Refreshing Enhances Perceptual Memory. 1371-1380 - Lorraine K. Tyler, Billi Randall, Emmanuel A. Stamatakis:
Cortical Differentiation for Nouns and Verbs Depends on Grammatical Markers. 1381-1389 - Nancy A. Dennis, Hongkeun Kim, Roberto Cabeza:
Age-related Differences in Brain Activity during True and False Memory Retrieval. 1390-1402 - Richard S. Ehrlichman, Christina R. Maxwell, Sonalee Majumdar, Steven J. Siegel:
Deviance-elicited Changes in Event-related Potentials are Attenuated by Ketamine in Mice. 1403-1414 - Agnes Flöel, Nina Rösser, Olesya Michka, Stefan Knecht, Caterina Breitenstein:
Noninvasive Brain Stimulation Improves Language Learning. 1415-1422 - Martin Eimer, Monika Kiss:
Involuntary Attentional Capture is Determined by Task Set: Evidence from Event-related Brain Potentials. 1423-1433 - Dongming Zheng, Tatsuro Oka, Hirokazu Bokura, Shuhei Yamaguchi:
The Key Locus of Common Response Inhibition Network for No-go and Stop Signals. 1434-1442 - Thomas Fischer, Robert Langner, Niels Birbaumer, Burkhard Brocke:
Arousal and Attention: Self-chosen Stimulation Optimizes Cortical Excitability and Minimizes Compensatory Effort. 1443-1453 - Olivier Collignon, Marco Davare, Anne G. De Volder, Colline Poirier, Etienne Olivier, Claude Veraart:
Time-course of Posterior Parietal and Occipital Cortex Contribution to Sound Localization. 1454-1463