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Proceedings of the IEEE, Volume 93
Volume 93, Number 1, 2005
- Wenwu Zhu, Ming-Ting Sun, Liang-Gee Chen
, Thomas Sikora:
Special Issue on Advances in Video Coding and Delivery. 3-5 - Thomas Sikora:
Trends and Perspectives in Image and Video Coding. 6-17 - Gary J. Sullivan
, Thomas Wiegand:
Video Compression - From Concepts to the H.264/AVC Standard. 18-31 - Daniel T. Lee:
JPEG 2000: Retrospective and New Developments. 32-41 - Jens-Rainer Ohm:
Advances in Scalable Video Coding. 42-56 - Yao Wang, Amy R. Reibman
, Shunan Lin:
Multiple Description Coding for Video Delivery. 57-70 - Bernd Girod, Anne Aaron, Shantanu Rane, David Rebollo-Monedero
Distributed Video Coding. 71-83 - Jun Xin, Chia-Wen Lin
, Ming-Ting Sun:
Digital Video Transcoding. 84-97 - Aljoscha Smolic, Peter Kauff:
Interactive 3-D Video Representation and Coding Technologies. 98-110 - Minoru Etoh, Takeshi Yoshimura:
Advances in Wireless Video Delivery. 111-122 - Qian Zhang, Wenwu Zhu, Ya-Qin Zhang:
End-to-End QoS for Video Delivery Over Wireless Internet. 123-134 - Aggelos K. Katsaggelos
, Yiftach Eisenberg, Fan Zhai, Randall Berry
, Thrasyvoulos N. Pappas
Advances in Efficient Resource Allocation for Packet-Based Real-Time Video Transmission. 135-147 - Shih-Fu Chang, Anthony Vetro:
Video Adaptation: Concepts, Technologies, and Open Issues. 148-158 - Aditya Ganjam, Hui Zhang:
Internet Multicast Video Delivery. 159-170 - E. I. Lin, Ahmet M. Eskicioglu, Reginald L. Lagendijk, Edward J. Delp
Advances in Digital Video Content Protection. 171-183 - Po-Chih Tseng, Yung-Chi Chang, Yu-Wen Huang
, Hung-Chi Fang, Chao-Tsung Huang, Liang-Gee Chen
Advances in Hardware Architectures for Image and Video Coding - A Survey. 184-197 - James E. Brittain:
Electrical Engineering Hall of Fame: Lee de Forest. 198-202
Volume 93, Number 2, 2005
- José M. F. Moura, Markus Püschel, David A. Padua, Jack J. Dongarra:
Special Issue on Program Generation, Optimization, and Platform Adaptation. 211-215 - Matteo Frigo, Steven G. Johnson
The Design and Implementation of FFTW3. 216-231 - Markus Püschel, José M. F. Moura, Jeremy R. Johnson, David A. Padua, Manuela M. Veloso, Bryan Singer, Jianxin Xiong, Franz Franchetti, Aca Gacic, Yevgen Voronenko, Kang Chen, Robert W. Johnson, Nicholas Rizzolo:
SPIRAL: Code Generation for DSP Transforms. 232-275 - Gerald Baumgartner, Alexander A. Auer, David E. Bernholdt
, Alina Bibireata, Venkatesh Choppella, Daniel Cociorva, Xiaoyang Gao, Robert J. Harrison
, So Hirata, Sriram Krishnamoorthy, Sandhya Krishnan, Chi-Chung Lam, Qingda Lu, Marcel Nooijen, Russell M. Pitzer, J. Ramanujam
, P. Sadayappan
, Alexander Sibiryakov:
Synthesis of High-Performance Parallel Programs for a Class of ab Initio Quantum Chemistry Models. 276-292 - Richard Carl Demmel, Jack J. Dongarra, Victor Eijkhout
, Erika Fuentes, Antoine Petitet, Richard W. Vuduc
, R. Clint Whaley, Katherine A. Yelick
Self-Adapting Linear Algebra Algorithms and Software. 293-312 - James M. Lebak, Jeremy Kepner, Henry Hoffmann, Edward Rutledge:
Parallel VSIPL++: An Open Standard Software Library for High-Performance Parallel Signal Processing. 313-330 - Ron Choy, Alan Edelman:
Parallel MATLAB: Doing it Right. 331-341 - Samuel Z. Guyer, Calvin Lin:
Broadway: A Compiler for Exploiting the Domain-Specific Semantics of Software Libraries. 342-357 - Kamen Yotov, Xiaoming Li, Gang Ren, María Jesús Garzarán, David A. Padua, Keshav Pingali, Paul Stodghill:
Is Search Really Necessary to Generate High-Performance BLAS? 358-386 - Ken Kennedy, Bradley Broom, Arun Chauhan, Robert J. Fowler, John Garvin, Charles Koelbel, Cheryl McCosh, John M. Mellor-Crummey
Telescoping Languages: A System for Automatic Generation of Domain Languages. 387-408 - Franz Franchetti, Stefan Kral, Juergen Lorenz, Christoph W. Ueberhuber:
Efficient Utilization of SIMD Extensions. 409-425 - Daniel A. Reed, Celso L. Mendes
Intelligent Monitoring for Adaptation in Grid Applications. 426-435 - Evelyn Duesterwald:
Design and Engineering of a Dynamic Binary Optimizer. 436-448 - Matthew Arnold, Stephen J. Fink, David Grove, Michael Hind, Peter F. Sweeney:
A Survey of Adaptive Optimization in Virtual Machines. 449-466 - James E. Brittain:
Electrical Engineering Hall of Fame: Alexander Graham Bell. 467-470
Volume 93, Number 3, 2005
- Manish Parashar, Craig A. Lee
Special Issue on Grid Computing. 479-484 - David E. Bernholdt
, Shishir Bharathi, David Brown, Kasidit Chanchio, Meili Chen, Ann L. Chervenak, Luca Cinquini, Bob Drach, Ian T. Foster, Peter Fox
, José García, Carl Kesselman
, Rob S. Markel, Don Middleton, Veronika Nefedova, Line Pouchard, Arie Shoshani, Alex Sim
, Gary Strand, Dean N. Williams:
The Earth System Grid: Supporting the Next Generation of Climate Modeling Research. 485-495 - Jim Austin, Robert Davis, Martyn Fletcher, Thomas W. Jackson, Mark Jessop, Bojian Liang, Andy Pasley:
DAME: Searching Large Data Sets Within a Grid-Enabled Engineering Application. 496-509 - Kim K. Baldridge, Jerry P. Greenberg, Wibke Sudholt, Stephen Mock, Ilkay Altintas, Céline Amoreira, Yohann Potier, Adam Birnbaum, Karan Bhatia, Michela Taufer
The Computational Chemistry Prototyping Environment. 510-521 - Satoshi Matsuoka, S. Shinjo, Mutsumi Aoyagi, Satoshi Sekiguchi, Hitohide Usami, Kenichi Miura:
Japanese Computational Grid Research Project: NAREGI. 522-533 - Gabrielle Allen, Kelly Davis, Tom Goodale
, Andrei Hutanu, Hartmut Kaiser
, Thilo Kielmann
, André Merzky, Rob van Nieuwpoort
, Alexander Reinefeld, Florian Schintke, Thorsten Schütt, Ed Seidel, Brygg Ullmer:
The Grid Application Toolkit: Toward Generic and Easy Application Programming Interfaces for the Grid. 534-550 - Dennis Gannon, Jay Alameda, Octav Chipara
, Marcus Christie, Vinayak Dukle, Liang Fang, Matthew Farrellee, Gopi Kandaswamy, Deepti Kodeboyina, Sriram Krishnan, Charles W. Moad, Marlon E. Pierce
, Beth Plale
, Al Rossi, Yogesh Simmhan
, Anuraag Sarangi, Aleksander Slominski
, Satoshi Shirasuna, Thomas Thomas:
Building Grid Portal Applications From a Web Service Component Architecture. 551-563 - Geoffrey C. Fox, Shrideep Pallickara:
Deploying the NaradaBrokering Substrate in Aiding Efficient Web and Grid Service Interactions. 564-577 - Reagan W. Moore, Arcot Rajasekar, Michael Wan:
Data Grids, Digital Libraries, and Persistent Archives: An Integrated Approach to Sharing, Publishing, and Archiving Data. 578-588 - Andrew S. Grimshaw, Anand Natrajan:
Legion: Lessons Learned Building a Grid Operating System. 589-603 - Ian T. Foster, Karl Czajkowski
, D. E. Ferguson, Jeffrey A. Frey, Steve Graham, Tom Maguire, David Snelling, Steven Tuecke
Modeling and Managing State in Distributed Systems: The Role of OGSI and WSRF. 604-612 - Xin Bai, Han Yu, Guoqiang Wang, Yongchang Ji, Gabriela M. Marinescu, Dan C. Marinescu, Ladislau Bölöni:
Coordination in Intelligent Grid Environments. 613-630 - Karl Czajkowski
, Ian T. Foster, Carl Kesselman
Agreement-Based Resource Management. 631-643 - Marty A. Humphrey, Mary R. Thompson, Keith R. Jackson:
Security for Grids. 644-652 - Manish Parashar, James C. Browne:
Conceptual and Implementation Models for the Grid. 653-668 - David De Roure
, Nicholas R. Jennings
, Nigel R. Shadbolt:
The Semantic Grid: Past, Present, and Future. 669-681 - Peter A. Freeman, Deborah L. Crawford, Sangtae Kim, José L. Muñoz:
Cyberinfrastructure for Science and Engineering: Promises and Challenges. 682-691 - Frederica Darema:
Grid Computing and Beyond: The Context of Dynamic Data Driven Applications Systems. 692-697 - Rajkumar Buyya, David Abramson
, Srikumar Venugopal:
The Grid Economy. 698-714 - James E. Brittain:
Electrical Engineering Hall of Fame: John S. Stone. 715-717
Volume 93, Number 4, 2005
- Satoshi Minoshima, Henry Wagner, Yongmin Kim:
Special Issue on Molecular Imaging: Emerging Technology and Biomedical Applications. 723-725 - Patrick S. Stayton
, Allan S. Hoffman, Mohamed El-Sayed, Samarth Kulkarni, Tsuyoshi Shimoboji, Niren Murthy, Volga Bulmus
, Chantal Lackey:
Intelligent Biohybrid Materials for Therapeutic and Imaging Agent Delivery. 726-736 - Edison T. Liu:
Gene Array Technologies in Biological Investigations. 737-749 - Steve Thorne, Christopher H. Contag
Using in Vivo Bioluminescence Imaging to Shed Light on Cancer Biology. 750-762 - Sibylle Ilse Ziegler:
Development of a Small-Animal PET System. 763-770 - Jinha M. Park
, Sanjiv Sam Gambhir:
Multimodality Radionuclide, Fluorescence, and Bioluminescence Small-Animal Imaging. 771-783 - Barjor Gimi, Arvind P. Pathak, Ellen Ackerstaff
, Kristine Glunde, Dmitri Artemov, Zaver M. Bhujwalla:
Molecular Imaging of Cancer: Applications of Magnetic Resonance Methods. 784-799 - Umar Mahmood
, Lee Josephson:
Molecular MR Imaging Probes. 800-808 - Jonathan Philip Christiansen, Jonathan R. Lindner:
Molecular and Cellular Imaging with Targeted Contrast Ultrasound. 809-818 - Arne Hengerer, Andreas Wunder, Douglas Wagenaar, A. Hans Vija, Matt Shah, Jan Grimm:
From Genomics to Clinical Molecular Imaging. 819-828 - Teruo Hiruma:
Photonics Technology for Molecular Imaging. 829-843 - Bob van Loon:
Radar 101: Celebrating 101 Years of Development. 844-846
Volume 93, Number 5, 2005
- Massoud Amin:
Special Issue on Energy Infrastructure Defense Systems. 855-860 - Massoud Amin:
Energy Infrastructure Defense Systems. 861-875 - Miroslav M. Begovic, Damir Novosel, Daniel Karlsson, Charlie Henville, Gary Michel:
Wide-Area Protection and Emergency Control. 876-891 - Carson W. Taylor, Dennis C. Erickson, Kenneth E. Martin, Robert E. Wilson, Vaithianathan Venkatasubramanian:
WACS-Wide-Area Stability and Voltage Control System: R&D and Online Demonstration. 892-906 - Gilles Trudel, Jean-Pierre Gingras, Jean-Robert Pierre He:
Designing a Reliable Power System: Hydro-Quebec's Integrated Approach. 907-917 - Hao Li, Gary W. Rosenwald, Juhwan Jung, Chen-Ching Liu:
Strategic Power Infrastructure Defense. 918-933 - Yuan Zhou, Venkataramana Ajjarapu:
A Fast Algorithm for Identification and Tracing of Voltage and Oscillatory Stability Margin Boundaries. 934-946 - Keith E. Holbert
, G. I. Heydt, Hui Ni:
Use of Satellite Technologies for Power System Measurements, Command, and Control. 947-955 - Jaime De La Ree, Yilu Liu, Lamine Mili, Arun G. Phadke, Luiz A. DaSilva:
Catastrophic Failures in Power Systems: Causes, Analyses, and Countermeasures. 956-964 - Kevin Tomsovic, David E. Bakken, Vaithianathan Venkatasubramanian, Anjan Bose:
Designing the Next Generation of Real-Time Control, Communication, and Computations for Large Power Systems. 965-979 - Marek Zima, Mats Larsson, Petr Korba
, Christian Rehtanz
, Göran Andersson:
Design Aspects for Wide-Area Monitoring and Control Systems. 980-996 - Joachim Bertsch, Cédric Carnal, Daniel Karlsson, John McDaniel, Khoi Vu:
Wide-Area Protection and Power System Utilization. 997-1003 - W. R. Lachs:
Area-Wide System Protection Scheme Against Extreme Contingencies. 1004-1027 - Kenneth P. Birman
, Jie Chen, E. M. Hopkinson, Robert J. Thomas, James S. Thorp, Robbert van Renesse, Werner Vogels:
dcOvercoming Communications Challenges in Software for Monitoring and Controlling Power Systems. 1028-1041 - Mohammad Shahidehpour, Yong Fu, Thomas Wiedman:
Impact of Natural Gas Infrastructure on Electric Power Systems. 1042-1056 - James E. Brittain:
Electrical Engineering Hall of Fame: Nikola Tesla. 1057-1059
Volume 93, Number 6, 2005
- Richard Zurawski:
Special Issue on Industrial Communication Systems. 1067-1072 - Jean-Pierre Thomesse:
Fieldbus Technology in Industrial Automation. 1073-1101 - Jean-Dominique Decotignie:
Ethernet-Based Real-Time and Industrial Communications. 1102-1117 - Max Felser:
Real-Time Ethernet - Industry Prospective. 1118-1129 - Andreas Willig, Kirsten Matheus, Adam Wolisz:
Wireless Technology in Industrial Networks. 1130-1151 - Dacfey Dzung, Martin Naedele, Thomas P. von Hoff, Mario Crevatin:
Security for Industrial Communication Systems. 1152-1177 - Wolfgang Kastner
, Georg Neugschwandtner
, Stefan Soucek, H. Michael Newman:
Communication systems for building automation and control. 1178-1203 - James E. Brittain:
Electrical Engineering Hall of Fame: Michael I. Pupin. 1224-1226
Volume 93, Number 7, 2005
- Arokia Nathan, Babu Chalamala
Special Issue on Flexible Electronics Technology, Part 1: Systems and Applications. 1235-1238 - Robert H. Reuss, Babu Chalamala
, Alina Moussessian, Michael G. Kane, Amrita Kumar, David C. Zhang, John A. Rogers, Miltos Hatalis, Dorota Temple, Garret Moddel, Blake J. Eliasson, Michael J. Estes, Joseph Kunze, Erik S. Handy, Eric S. Harmon, David B. Salzman, Jerry M. Woodall, M. Ashraf Alam, Jayathi Y. Murthy, Stephen C. Jacobsen, Marc Olivier, David Markus, Paul M. Campbell, Eric Snow:
Macroelectronics: Perspectives on Technology and Applications. 1239-1256 - Peyman Servati
, Arokia Nathan:
Functional Pixel Circuits for Elastic AMOLED Displays. 1257-1264 - Taehyoung Zyung, Seonghyun Kim, Hye Yong Chu, Jung Hun Lee, Sang Chul Lim, Jeong-Ik Lee, Ji-Young Oh:
Flexible Organic LED and Organic Thin-Film Transistor. 1265-1272 - Rabin Bhattacharya, Sigurd Wagner, Yeh-Jiun Tung, James R. Esler, Michael Hack:
Organic LED Pixel Array on a Dome. 1273-1280 - Elvira Fortunato
, Luís Pereira
, Hugo Águas
, Isabel Ferreira
, Rodrigo Martins
Flexible a-Si: H Position-Sensitive Detectors. 1281-1286 - Jianyong Ouyang
, Chih-Wei Chu
, Ricky Jia-Hung Tseng, Ankita Prakash, Yang Yang:
Organic Memory Device Fabricated Through Solution Processing. 1287-1296 - Sang-Myeon Han, Min-Cheol Lee, Moon-Young Shin, Joong-Hyun Park, Min-Koo Han:
Poly-Si TFT Fabricated at 150 deg C Using ICP-CVD and Excimer Laser Annealing. 1297-1305 - Behrang H. Hamadani, Douglas Natelson
Extracting Contact Effects in Organic FETs. 1306-1311 - M. Jamal Deen
, Mehdi H. Kazemeini:
Photosensitive Polymer Thin-Film FETs Based on Poly(3-octylthiophene). 1312-1320 - Radoslav Parashkov, Eike Becker, Thomas Riedl
, Hans-Hermann Johannes, Wolfgang Kowalsky:
Large Area Electronics Using Printing Methods. 1321-1329 - Vivek Subramanian
, Jean M. J. Fréchet
, Paul C. Chang, Daniel C. Huang, Josephine B. Lee, Steven E. Molesa, Amanda R. Murphy, David R. Redinger, Steven K. Volkman:
Progress Toward Development of All-Printed RFID Tags: Materials, Processes, and Devices. 1330-1338 - Miaoxiang Chen:
Printed Electrochemical Devices Using Conducting Polymers as Active Materials on Flexible Substrates. 1339-1347 - Marc Chason, Paul W. Brazis, Jie Zhang, Krishna Kalyanasundaram, Daniel R. Gamota:
Printed Organic Semiconducting Devices. 1348-1356 - Michael C. McAlpine
, Robin S. Friedman, Charles M. Lieber:
High-Performance Nanowire Electronics and Photonics and Nanoscale Patterning on Flexible Plastic Substrates. 1357-1363 - Andrew J. Flewitt
, William I. Milne:
Low-Temperature Deposition of Hydrogenated Amorphous Silicon in an Electron Cyclotron Resonance Reactor for Flexible Displays. 1364-1373 - Roohollah S. Tarighat, Amir Goodarzi, Shams Mohajerzadeh, Behnaz Arvan, M. R. Gaderi, M. Fathipour:
Realization of Flexible Plasma Display Panels on PET Substrates. 1374-1378 - Antonio Pérez Yuste
, Magdalena Salazar Palma
Scanning Our Past from Madrid: Leonardo Torres Quevedo. 1379-1382
Volume 93, Number 8, 2005
- Arokia Nathan, Babu Chalamala
Special Issue on Flexible Electronics Technology, Part II: Materials and Devices. 1391-1393 - Kimberly J. Allen:
Reel to Real: Prospects for Flexible Displays. 1394-1399 - Karlheinz Bock
Polymer Electronics Systems - Polytronics. 1400-1406 - Kuniaki Tanaka, Shigekazu Kuniyoshi:
The Electronic Circuit Composition and Structure of Thread for a Novel Braid Electronics-Systems by Kumihimo Structure. 1407-1411 - Beng S. Ong, Yiliang Wu, Ping Liu:
Design of High-Performance Regioregular Polythiophenes for Organic Thin-Film Transistors. 1412-1419 - Andrei Sazonov
, Denis Striakhilev, Czang-Ho Lee, Arokia Nathan:
Low-Temperature Materials and Thin Film Transistors for Flexible Electronics. 1420-1428 - Gilles Dennler
, Niyazi Serdar Sariciftci
Flexible Conjugated Polymer-Based Plastic Solar Cells: From Basics to Applications. 1429-1439 - Furong Zhu
, Xiao-Tao Hao
, Ong Kian Soo, Yanqing Li, Li-Wei Tan:
Toward Novel Flexible Display - Top-Emitting OLEDs on Al-Laminated PET Substrates. 1440-1446 - Hyo Jun Park, Jin-Woo Park, Se-Young Jeong, Chang-Sik Ha:
Transparent Flexible Substrates Based on Polyimides with Aluminum Doped Zinc Oxide (AZO) Thin Films. 1447-1450 - Darran R. Cairns
, Gregory P. Crawford:
Electromechanical Properties of Transparent Conducting Substrates for Flexible Electronic Displays. 1451-1458 - Stéphanie P. Lacour, Joyelle Jones, Sigurd Wagner, Teng Li
, Zhigang Suo:
Stretchable Interconnects for Elastic Electronic Surfaces. 1459-1467