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Pattern Recognition, Volume 44
Volume 44, Number 1, January 2011
- Khang Siang Tan, Nor Ashidi Mat Isa:
Color image segmentation using histogram thresholding - Fuzzy C-means hybrid approach. 1-15 - Imtnan-Ul-Haque Qazi, Olivier Alata, Jean-Christophe Burie, Ahmed Moussa, Christine Fernandez-Maloigne:
Choice of a pertinent color space for color texture characterization using parametric spectral analysis. 16-31
- Thanh Phuong Nguyen, Isabelle Debled-Rennesson:
A discrete geometry approach for dominant point detection. 32-44 - Ángel Carmona-Poyato, Rafael Medina Carnicer, Francisco José Madrid-Cuevas, Rafael Muñoz-Salinas, Nicolás Luis Fernández García:
A new measurement for assessing polygonal approximation of curves. 45-54
- Masud Moshtaghi, Timothy C. Havens, James C. Bezdek, Laurence Anthony F. Park, Christopher Leckie, Sutharshan Rajasegarar, James M. Keller, Marimuthu Palaniswami:
Clustering ellipses for anomaly detection. 55-69 - Adilson Elias Xavier, Vinicius Layter Xavier:
Solving the minimum sum-of-squares clustering problem by hyperbolic smoothing and partition into boundary and gravitational regions. 70-77
- Nicos G. Pavlidis, Dimitris K. Tasoulis, Niall M. Adams, David J. Hand:
lambda-Perceptron: An adaptive classifier for data streams. 78-96 - Li Zhang, Weida Zhou:
Sparse ensembles using weighted combination methods based on linear programming. 97-106
- Rui Xiao, Qijun Zhao, David Zhang, Pengfei Shi:
Facial expression recognition on multiple manifolds. 107-116 - Chen Change Loy, Tao Xiang, Shaogang Gong:
Detecting and discriminating behavioural anomalies. 117-132
- Ali Selamat, Choon-Ching Ng:
Arabic script web page language identifications using decision tree neural networks. 133-144 - Nikoletta Bassiou, Constantine Kotropoulos:
Long distance bigram models applied to word clustering. 145-158
- Mehmet Gönen, Ethem Alpaydin:
Regularizing multiple kernel learning using response surface methodology. 159-171
Volume 44, Number 2, February 2011
- Sitansu Kumar Das, Dipti Prasad Mukherjee:
Parametric active membrane for segmentation of multiple objects in an image. 173-186
- Liqiang Guo, Ming Zhu:
Quaternion Fourier-Mellin moments for color images. 187-195
- Wei Shen, Xiang Bai, Rong Hu, Hongyuan Wang, Longin Jan Latecki:
Skeleton growing and pruning with bending potential ratio. 196-209 - Fei Mai, C. Q. Chang, Y. S. Hung:
A subspace approach for matching 2D shapes under affine distortions. 210-221
- Liang Wang, Christopher Leckie, Kotagiri Ramamohanarao, James C. Bezdek:
Approximate pairwise clustering for large data sets via sampling plus extension. 222-235 - Motoki Shiga, Ichigaku Takigawa, Hiroshi Mamitsuka:
A spectral approach to clustering numerical vectors as nodes in a network. 236-251 - Youngrok Lee, Jeonghwa Lee, Chi-Hyuck Jun:
Stability-based validation of bicluster solutions. 252-264
- Ata Kabán:
On the distance concentration awareness of certain data reduction techniques. 265-277
- M. Emre Celebi, Fatih Celiker, Hassan A. Kingravi:
On Euclidean norm approximations. 278-283 - Gang Fu, Frank Y. Shih, Haimin Wang:
A kernel-based parametric method for conditional density estimation. 284-294
- Sotirios Chatzis, Dimitrios I. Kosmopoulos:
A variational Bayesian methodology for hidden Markov models utilizing Student's-t mixtures. 295-306
- Senjian An, Wanquan Liu, Svetha Venkatesh, Hong Yan:
Unified formulation of linear discriminant analysis methods and optimal parameter selection. 307-319 - Guang-Xin Huang, Huafu Chen, Zhongli Zhou, Feng Yin, Ke Guo:
Two-class support vector data description. 320-329
- Antanas Verikas, Adas Gelzinis, Marija Bacauskiene:
Mining data with random forests: A survey and results of new tests. 330-349 - Christine M. Schubert, Steven N. Thorsen, Mark E. Oxley:
The ROC manifold for classification systems. 350-362
- Reza Farrahi Moghaddam, Mohamed Cheriet:
Beyond pixels and regions: A non-local patch means (NLPM) method for content-level restoration, enhancement, and reconstruction of degraded document images. 363-374 - Jesús Francisco Vargas-Bonilla, Miguel Angel Ferrer-Ballester, Carlos Manuel Travieso-González, Jesús B. Alonso:
Off-line signature verification based on grey level information using texture features. 375-385
- Kwontaeg Choi, Kar-Ann Toh, Hyeran Byun:
Realtime training on mobile devices for face recognition applications. 386-400 - Ramachandra Raghavendra, Bernadette Dorizzi, Ashok Rao, G. Hemantha Kumar:
Particle swarm optimization based fusion of near infrared and visible images for improved face verification. 401-411 - Jae Young Choi, Yong Man Ro, Konstantinos N. Plataniotis:
A comparative study of preprocessing mismatch effects in color image based face recognition. 412-430 - Suksan Jirachaweng, Zujun Hou, Wei-Yun Yau, Vutipong Areekul:
Residual orientation modeling for fingerprint enhancement and singular point detection. 431-442
- Meng-Fen Ho, Chuan-Yu Tseng, Cheng-Chang Lien, Chung-Lin Huang:
A multi-view vision-based hand motion capturing system. 443-453 - Luca Zappella, Xavier Lladó, Edoardo Provenzi, Joaquim Salvi:
Enhanced Local Subspace Affinity for feature-based motion segmentation. 454-470
- Haijun Zhang, Tommy W. S. Chow:
A coarse-to-fine framework to efficiently thwart plagiarism. 471-487
- Armando Manuel Fernandes:
Discussion on paper "A Robust Real-Time Ellipse Detector" by Zhang and Liu. 488-489
Volume 44, Number 3, March 2011
- Marte A. Ramírez-Ortegón, Edgar A. Duéñez-Guzmán, Raúl Rojas, Erik Cuevas:
Unsupervised measures for parameter selection of binarization algorithms. 491-502 - Shoudong Han, Wenbing Tao, Xianglin Wu:
Texture segmentation using independent-scale component-wise Riemannian-covariance Gaussian mixture model in KL measure based multi-scale nonlinear structure tensor space. 503-518
- Haifeng Hu:
Augmented DT-CWT feature based classification using Regularized Neighborhood Projection Discriminant Analysis for face recognition. 519-531 - Bongjin Jun, Taewan Kim, Daijin Kim:
A compact local binary pattern using maximization of mutual information for face analysis. 532-543 - Xiaoming Peng, Mohammed Bennamoun, Ajmal S. Mian:
A training-free nose tip detection method from face range images. 544-558
- Jongju Shin, Jin Lee, Daijin Kim:
Real-time lip reading system for isolated Korean word recognition. 559-571 - Moataz M. H. El Ayadi, Mohamed S. Kamel, Fakhri Karray:
Survey on speech emotion recognition: Features, classification schemes, and databases. 572-587
- Sylvie Philipp-Foliguet, Michel Jordan, Laurent Najman, Jean Cousty:
Artwork 3D model database indexing and classification. 588-597 - Bing-Kun Bao, Bingbing Ni, Yadong Mu, Shuicheng Yan:
Efficient region-aware large graph construction towards scalable multi-label propagation. 598-606 - Jorge López Lázaro, Álvaro Barbero Jiménez, José R. Dorronsoro:
Clipping algorithms for solving the nearest point problem over reduced convex hulls. 607-614
- Ujjwal Maulik, Debasis Chakraborty:
A self-trained ensemble with semisupervised SVM: An application to pixel classification of remote sensing imagery. 615-623 - Rongrong Ji, Hongxun Yao, Xiaoshuai Sun:
Actor-independent action search using spatiotemporal vocabulary with appearance hashing. 624-638
- Yaoliang Yu, Jiayan Jiang, Liming Zhang:
Distance metric learning by minimal distance maximization. 639-649 - Heiko Claussen, Justinian Rosca, Robert I. Damper:
Signature extraction using mutual interdependencies. 650-661
- Rudi Cilibrasi, Paul M. B. Vitányi:
A Fast Quartet tree heuristic for hierarchical clustering. 662-677 - François Petitjean, Alain Ketterlin, Pierre Gançarski:
A global averaging method for dynamic time warping, with applications to clustering. 678-693 - Selim Mimaroglu, Ertunc Erdil:
Combining multiple clusterings using similarity graph. 694-703 - Konstantinos Nikolaidis, John Yannis Goulermas, Q. H. Wu:
A class boundary preserving algorithm for data condensation. 704-715
- Gyeongyong Heo, Paul D. Gader:
Robust kernel discriminant analysis using fuzzy memberships. 716-723 - Florian Brucker, Fernando Benites, Elena P. Sapozhnikova:
Multi-label classification and extracting predicted class hierarchies. 724-738
Volume 44, Number 4, April 2011
- Panagiotis Sidiropoulos, Stefanos Vrochidis, Ioannis Kompatsiaris:
Content-based binary image retrieval using the adaptive hierarchical density histogram. 739-750 - Hung-Hsu Tsai, Chi-Chih Liu:
Wavelet-based image watermarking with visibility range estimation based on HVS and neural networks. 751-763 - Jinzhong Yang, James P. Williams, Yiyong Sun, Rick S. Blum, Chenyang Xu:
A robust hybrid method for nonrigid image registration. 764-776 - Xiangyang Wang, Ting Wang, Juan Bu:
Color image segmentation using pixel wise support vector machine classification. 777-787 - Hideki Noda, Michiharu Niimi:
Local MAP estimation for quality improvement of compressed color images. 788-793
- Kazuhiro Hotta:
Local autocorrelation of similarities with subspaces for shift invariant scene classification. 794-799 - Nicole M. Artner, Adrian Ion, Walter G. Kropatsch:
Multi-scale 2D tracking of articulated objects using hierarchical spring systems. 800-810
- Ruichu Cai, Zhenjie Zhang, Zhifeng Hao:
BASSUM: A Bayesian semi-supervised method for classification feature selection. 811-820 - Sonya A. Coleman, Bryan W. Scotney, Shanmugalingam Suganthan:
Multi-scale edge detection on range and intensity images. 821-838 - Rashid Minhas, Abdul Adeel Mohammed, Q. M. Jonathan Wu:
Shape from focus using fast discrete curvelet transform. 839-853
- Mihaela Breaban, Henri Luchian:
A unifying criterion for unsupervised clustering and feature selection. 854-865 - Adil M. Bagirov, Julien Ugon, Dean Webb:
Fast modified global k-means algorithm for incremental cluster construction. 866-876
- Haihong Zhang, Cuntai Guan, Yuanqing Li:
A linear discriminant analysis method based on mutual information maximization. 877-885 - José Miguel Hernández-Lobato, Daniel Hernández-Lobato, Alberto Suárez:
Network-based sparse Bayesian classification. 886-900 - Isaac Triguero, Salvador García, Francisco Herrera:
Differential evolution for optimizing the positioning of prototypes in nearest neighbor classification. 901-916
- Alireza Alaei, Umapada Pal, P. Nagabhushan:
A new scheme for unconstrained handwritten text-line segmentation. 917-928
- Michal Kawulok, Jing Wu, Edwin R. Hancock:
Supervised relevance maps for increasing the distinctiveness of facial images. 929-939 - David Zhang, Qijun Zhao, Fangmei Chen:
Quantitative analysis of human facial beauty using geometric features. 940-950 - Claudio A. Perez, Leonardo A. Cament, Luis E. Castillo:
Methodological improvement on local Gabor face recognition based on feature selection and enhanced Borda count. 951-963 - Wangmeng Zuo, Feng Yue, David Zhang:
On accurate orientation extraction and appropriate distance measure for low-resolution palmprint recognition. 964-972 - Toby H. W. Lam, King Hong Cheung, James N. K. Liu:
Gait flow image: A silhouette-based gait representation for human identification. 973-987 - Changhong Chen, Jimin Liang, Xiuchang Zhu:
Gait recognition based on improved dynamic Bayesian networks. 988-995
- Huafeng Qin, Lan Qin, Yantao Li:
A comment on: "Fast and numerically stable methods for the computation of Zernike moments" by Singh et al. [Pattern Recognition, 43(2010), Pages 2497-2506]. 996-997
Volume 44, Number 5, May 2011
- (Withdrawn) A framework with modified fast FCM for brain MR images segmentation. 999-1013
- Dario García-García, Emilio Parrado-Hernández, Fernando Díaz-de-María:
State-space dynamics distance for clustering sequential data. 1014-1022
- Tuan D. Pham:
Fuzzy posterior-probabilistic fusion. 1023-1030 - Yunhao Yuan, Quan-Sen Sun, Qiang Zhou, De-Shen Xia:
A novel multiset integrated canonical correlation analysis framework and its application in feature fusion. 1031-1040 - Tzu-Tsung Wong, Liang-Hao Chang:
Individual attribute prior setting methods for naïve Bayesian classifiers. 1041-1047
- Andrea Bottino, Aldo Laurentini:
A nearly optimal algorithm for covering the interior of an Art Gallery. 1048-1056
- Horst Bunke, Kaspar Riesen:
Recent advances in graph-based pattern recognition with applications in document analysis. 1057-1067
- Ajmal S. Mian:
Online learning from local features for video-based face recognition. 1068-1075 - Ramachandra Raghavendra, Bernadette Dorizzi, Ashok Rao, G. Hemantha Kumar:
Designing efficient fusion schemes for multimodal biometric systems using face and palmprint. 1076-1088 - Zhiquan Feng, Bo Yang, Yuehui Chen, Yanwei Zheng, Tao Xu, Yi Li, Ting Xu, Deliang Zhu:
Features extraction from hand images based on new detection operators. 1089-1105
- P. Assheton, A. Hunter:
A shape-based voting algorithm for pedestrian detection and tracking. 1106-1120 - Guoyun Lian, Jian-Huang Lai, Wei-Shi Zheng:
Spatial-temporal consistent labeling of tracked pedestrians across non-overlapping camera views. 1121-1136
- Jigang Sun, Malcolm K. Crowe, Colin Fyfe:
Extending metric multidimensional scaling with Bregman divergences. 1137-1154
Volume 44, Number 6, June 2011
- Ke Lu, Jidong Zhao, Yue Wu:
Hessian optimal design for image retrieval. 1155-1161 - Jianchun Zhang, Daoqiang Zhang:
A novel ensemble construction method for multi-view data using random cross-view correlation between within-class examples. 1162-1171
- Silvia García-Díez, François Fouss, Masashi Shimbo, Marco Saerens:
A sum-over-paths extension of edit distances accounting for all sequence alignments. 1172-1182 - Nizar Bouguila:
Bayesian hybrid generative discriminative learning based on finite Liouville mixture models. 1183-1200
- Rafael Medina Carnicer, Rafael Muñoz-Salinas, Enrique Yeguas-Bolivar, L. Díaz-Más:
A novel method to look for the hysteresis thresholds for the Canny edge detector. 1201-1211 - Amin Mantrach, Nicolas van Zeebroeck, Pascal Francq, Masashi Shimbo, Hugues Bersini, Marco Saerens:
Semi-supervised classification and betweenness computation on large, sparse, directed graphs. 1212-1224 - Relja Arandjelovic, Tevfik Metin Sezgin:
Sketch recognition by fusion of temporal and image-based features. 1225-1234
- Chih-Cheng Chang, Li-Jen Chien, Yuh-Jye Lee:
A novel framework for multi-class classification via ternary smooth support vector machine. 1235-1244 - Shasha Mao, Licheng Jiao, Lin Xiong, Shuiping Gou:
Greedy optimization classifiers ensemble based on diversity. 1245-1261
- Sung Eun Choi, Youn Joo Lee, Sung Joo Lee, Kang Ryoung Park, Jaihie Kim:
Age estimation using a hierarchical classifier based on global and local facial features. 1262-1281
- Partha Pratim Roy, Umapada Pal, Josep Lladós:
Document seal detection using GHT and character proximity graphs. 1282-1295
- Xinyue Zhao, Yutaka Satoh, Hidenori Takauji, Shun'ichi Kaneko, Kenji Iwata, Ryushi Ozaki:
Object detection based on a robust and accurate statistical multi-point-pair model. 1296-1311 - Sangwoon Yun, Hyenkyun Woo:
Linearized proximal alternating minimization algorithm for motion deblurring by nonlocal regularization. 1312-1326
- Kemal Polat, Salih Günes, Sülayman Tosun:
Corrigendum to "Diagnosis of heart disease using artificial immune recognition system and fuzzy weighted pre-processing" [Pattern Recognition 39(11) (2006) 2186-2193]. 1327
- Benjamin Perret, Vincent Mazet, Christophe Collet, Éric Slezak:
Hierarchical multispectral galaxy decomposition using a MCMC algorithm with multiple temperature simulated annealing. 1328-1342
Volume 44, Number 7, July 2011
- Xin Jin, Shalabh Gupta, Kushal Mukherjee, Asok Ray:
Wavelet-based feature extraction using probabilistic finite state automata for pattern classification. 1343-1356 - Elnaz Barshan, Ali Ghodsi, Zohreh Azimifar, Mansoor Zolghadri Jahromi:
Supervised principal component analysis: Visualization, classification and regression on subspaces and submanifolds. 1357-1371 - Mariano Tepper, Pablo Musé, Andrés Almansa, Marta Mejail:
Automatically finding clusters in normalized cuts. 1372-1386
- Jian Yang, Lei Zhang, Jing-Yu Yang, David Zhang:
From classifiers to discriminators: A nearest neighbor rule induced discriminant analysis. 1387-1402 - Xin Fu, Qiang Shen:
Fuzzy complex numbers and their application for classifiers performance evaluation. 1403-1417 - Lalit Gupta, Srinivas Kota, Phani Yarlagadda, Dennis Molfese:
Central-tendency estimation and nearest-estimate classification of event related potentials. 1418-1425 - Daniel Hernández-Lobato, Gonzalo Martínez-Muñoz, Alberto Suárez:
Inference on the prediction of ensembles of infinite size. 1426-1434 - Sedat Ozer, Chi Hau Chen, Hakan A. Çirpan:
A set of new Chebyshev kernel functions for support vector machine pattern classification. 1435-1447 - Li Zhang, Weida Zhou:
Density-induced margin support vector machines. 1448-1460