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IEEE Software, Volume 39
Volume 39, Number 1, January - February 2022
- Ipek Ozkaya
The Developer Nation. 3-6 - Michael Panis:
Reflections on Choosing a New Requirements Management Tool. 7-10 - V. S. Mani, Christof Ebert:
Medical Software. 11-18 - Tuomas Granlund
, Vlad Stirbu, Tommi Mikkonen
Medical Software Needs Calm Compliance. 19-28 - Johan Linåker
, Per Runeson
, Anneke Zuiderwijk
, Amanda Brock:
Collaborative Aspects of Open Data in Software Engineering. 31-35 - Andy Alorwu
, Aku Visuri
, Niels van Berkel
, Simo Hosio
(Re)Using Crowdsourced Health Data: Perceptions of Data Contributors. 36-42 - Daniel Rudmark, Magnus Andersson
Feedback Loops in Open Data Ecosystems. 43-47 - Simon Worthington, Harshada Patel
, Michal Charemza
What Else Is New? Open Data Users Need to Know What's Changed. 48-54 - Lörinc Thurnay
, Bernhard Riedl
, Anna-Sophie Novak
, Verena Schmid
, Thomas J. Lampoltshammer:
Solving an Open Legal Data Puzzle With an Interdisciplinary Team. 55-60 - Donghua Chen, Runtong Zhang:
An Open Source Project for Tuning and Analyzing MapReduce Performance in Hadoop and Spark. 61-69 - Xin Tan
, Minghui Zhou:
Scaling Open Source Software Communities: Challenges and Practices of Decentralization. 70-75 - Wenting Wang, Jinghui Cheng, Jin L. C. Guo:
How Do Open Source Software Contributors Perceive and Address Usability?: Valued Factors, Practices, and Challenges. 76-83 - Björn Lundell, Simon Butler
, Thomas Fischer, Jonas Gamalielsson, Christoffer Brax, Jonas Feist, Tomas Gustavsson, Andrew Katz, Bengt Kvarnström, Erik Lönroth, Anders Mattsson:
Effective Strategies for Using Open Source Software and Open Standards in Organizational Contexts: Experiences From the Primary and Secondary Software Sectors. 84-92 - Vikram N. Subramanian
, Ifraz Rehman, Meiyappan Nagappan, Raula Gaikovina Kula
Analyzing First Contributions on GitHub: What Do Newcomers Do? 93-101 - Jeffrey C. Carver, Miroslaw Staron:
Collaboration Using Open Data. 102-104 - Nelly Bencomo, Jin L. C. Guo, Rachel Harrison, Hans-Martin Heyn, Tim Menzies
The Secret to Better AI and Better Software (Is Requirements Engineering). 105-110 - Ingo Müller, Bran Selic:
Stakeholders: Going Beyond Just "End Users". 112-113 - George Fairbanks:
Two Kinds of Iteration. 114-117 - Philip Winston:
Paul Butcher on Fuzz Testing. 118-120
Volume 39, Number 2, March - April 2022
- Ipek Ozkaya:
Architectural Concerns of Digital Twins. 3-6 - Victoria Jackson
, André van der Hoek, Rafael Prikladnicki, Christof Ebert:
Collaboration Tools for Developers. 7-15 - Tony Clark
, Vinay Kulkarni, Jon Whittle, Ruth Breu:
Engineering Digital Twin-Enabled Systems. 16-19 - Luis F. Rivera, Miguel Jiménez
, Norha M. Villegas
, Gabriel Tamura
, Hausi A. Müller:
Toward Autonomic, Software-Intensive Digital Twin Systems. 20-26 - Colin Atkinson
, Thomas Kühne
Taming the Complexity of Digital Twins. 27-32 - Atsushi Isomura, Yasuhiro Iida, Ichibe Naito, Takao Nakamura:
Axispot: A Distributed Spatiotemporal Data Management System for Digital Twins of Moving Objects. 33-38 - Romina Eramo
, Francis Bordeleau, Benoît Combemale
, Mark van den Brand
, Manuel Wimmer
, Andreas Wortmann:
Conceptualizing Digital Twins. 39-46 - Matt Adams
, Xiao Li, Lucas Boucinha, Sameer S. Kher, Prith Banerjee, Jose-Luis Gonzalez:
Hybrid Digital Twins: A Primer on Combining Physics-Based and Data Analytics Approaches. 47-52 - Daniel Lehner, Jérôme Pfeiffer, Erik-Felix Tinsel, Matthias Milan Strljic, Sabine Sint
, Michael Vierhauser
, Andreas Wortmann, Manuel Wimmer:
Digital Twin Platforms: Requirements, Capabilities, and Future Prospects. 53-61 - Chris Lamb, Stefano Zacchiroli
Reproducible Builds: Increasing the Integrity of Software Supply Chains. 62-70 - Vahid Garousi
, Erik van Veenendaal:
Test Maturity Model Integration: Trends of Worldwide Test Maturity and Certifications. 71-79 - Anastasia Griva
, Stephen Byrne, Denis Dennehy
, Kieran Conboy:
Software Requirements Quality: Using Analytics to Challenge Assumptions at Intel. 80-88 - Marcio Alexandre Pereira da Silva
, Valéria Cesário Times, André Magno Costa de Araújo, Paulo Caetano da Silva
Toward an Adaptive Software Architecture for Archetype-Based Health-Care Applications. 89-96 - Jeffrey C. Carver, Miroslaw Staron, Rafael Capilla
, Henry Muccini, Lorin Hochstein:
Digital Twins. 97-99 - Minghui Zhou, Xinwei Hu, Wei Xiong:
openEuler: Advancing a Hardware and Software Application Ecosystem. 101-105 - Neil A. Ernst, Gabriele Bavota
AI-Driven Development Is Here: Should You Worry? 106-110 - Jeff Doolittle:
Luke Hoban on Infrastructure as Code. 112-114
Volume 39, Number 3, May - June 2022
- Ipek Ozkaya:
Understanding and Building Trust in Software Systems. 3-6 - Christof Ebert, Jan Maximilian Montenbruck:
Industry Survey: The Magic Triangle of the New Normal. 12-20 - Vahid Garousi
, David Cutting
, Michael Felderer:
What Users Think of COVID-19 Contact-Tracing Apps: An Analysis of Eight European Apps. 22-30 - Ivano Malavolta
, Taher Ahmed Ghaleb, Istvan David
, Jasper van Rooijen, Mariëlle Stoelinga
Engineering Mobile Apps for Disaster Management: The Case of COVID-19 Apps in the Google Play Store. 31-42 - Marta Bellés-Muñoz, Jordi Baylina Melé, Vanesa Daza, Jose L. Muñoz-Tapia
New Privacy Practices for Blockchain Software. 43-49 - Liliana Pasquale
, Paola Zippo, Cliona Curley, Brian O'Neill
, Marina Mongiello:
Digital Age of Consent and Age Verification: Can They Protect Children? 50-57 - Raula Gaikovina Kula
, Christoph Treude
, Hideaki Hata
, Sebastian Baltes, Igor Steinmacher, Marco Aurélio Gerosa, Winifred Kula Amini:
Challenges for Inclusion in Software Engineering: The Case of the Emerging Papua New Guinean Society. 67-76 - Zainab Masood
, Daniela E. Damian, Kelly Blincoe
How New Zealand Software Companies Are Adapting Work Settings With Changing Times. 77-84 - Eray Tüzün
, Hakan Erdogmus
, Maria Teresa Baldassarre, Michael Felderer, Robert Feldt, Burak Turhan:
Ground-Truth Deficiencies in Software Engineering: When Codifying the Past Can Be Counterproductive. 85-95 - Romulo Nascimento, Eduardo Figueiredo, André C. Hora:
JavaScript API Deprecation Landscape: A Survey and Mining Study. 96-105 - Deeksha M. Arya
, Mathieu Nassif, Martin P. Robillard:
A Data-Centric Study of Software Tutorial Design. 106-115 - Jeffrey C. Carver, Xabier Larrucea, Alexander Serebrenik
, Miroslaw Staron:
Technical Debt Problems and Concerns. 116-119 - Sven Apel
, Christian Kästner, Eunsuk Kang:
Feature Interactions on Steroids: On the Composition of ML Models. 120-124 - Philip Winston:
Time-Series Databases and Amazon Timestream. 126-128 - Tendai Makasi
, Alireza Nili
, Kevin C. Desouza
, Mary Tate
A Typology of Chatbots in Public Service Delivery. 58-66
Volume 39, Number 4, July - August 2022
- Ipek Ozkaya:
Crossing the Great Divide of Software Engineering. 4-7 - Christof Ebert, Divith Bajaj, Michael Weyrich:
Testing Software Systems. 8-17 - Sarah Gregory:
What Does the Future Hold for Requirements Engineers? 18-21 - Jason Jaskolka
, Brahim Hamid, Sahar Kokaly:
Software Design Trends Supporting Multiconcern Assurance. 22-26 - Vlad Stirbu
, Mikko Raatikainen
, Joel Röntynen, Vlas Sokolov, Timo Lehtonen, Tommi Mikkonen
Toward Multiconcern Software Development With Everything as Code. 27-33 - Jérôme Hugues, Sam Procter
Contracts in System Development: From Multiconcern Analysis to Assurance With the Architecture Analysis and Design Language. 34-38 - Barbara Gallina
, Leonardo Montecchi
, André Luíz de Oliveira, Lucas Bressan:
Multiconcern, Dependability-Centered Assurance Via a Qualitative and Quantitative Coanalysis. 39-47 - Xiaozhou Li
, Sergio Moreschini
, Fabiano Pecorelli
, Davide Taibi
OSSARA: Abandonment Risk Assessment for Embedded Open Source Components. 48-53 - Marco Comuzzi, Cinzia Cappiello, Florian Daniel
, Giovanni Meroni
Toward Quality-Aware Transaction Validation in Blockchains. 54-62 - Lucia Happe, Barbora Buhnova
Frustrations Steering Women Away From Software Engineering. 63-69 - Florian Beetz
, Simon Harrer:
GitOps: The Evolution of DevOps? 70-75 - Benoît Verhaeghe
, Anas Shatnawi, Abderrahmane Seriai, Anne Etien
, Nicolas Anquetil, Mustapha Derras, Stéphane Ducasse:
From GWT to Angular: An Experiment Report on Migrating a Legacy Web Application. 76-83 - Birgit Penzenstadler, Silvia Abrahão
, Miroslaw Staron, Jeffrey C. Carver, Lorin Hochstein:
Software Design Trends Supporting Multiconcern Assurance. 84-86 - Les Hatton, Michiel van Genuchten:
Keyless or Clueless? Managing Runaway Software Ambition. 87-89 - Michael Keeling
Love Unrequited: The Story of Architecture, Agile, and How Architecture Decision Records Brought Them Together. 90-93 - Robert Blumen, Bill Pollak:
Software Engineering Radio Reaches Milestone 500th Episode. 94-96
Volume 39, Number 5, September - October 2022
- Ipek Ozkaya:
A Paradigm Shift in Automating Software Engineering Tasks: Bots. 4-8 - Andrei Furda
, Lionel van den Berg, Graeme Reid, Giancarlo Camera, Matteo Pinasco:
Developing a Microservices Integration Layer for Next-Generation Rail Operations Centers. 9-16 - Sarah Gregory, Markus Borg:
Looking Back, Moving Forward: A Handover. 17-20 - Christof Ebert, Puneet Avasthi:
Technologies for Agile Teams. 21-27 - Emad Shihab, Stefan Wagner
, Marco Aurélio Gerosa
, Mairieli Santos Wessel, Jordi Cabot:
The Present and Future of Bots in Software Engineering. 28-31 - Théo Zimmermann
, Julien Coolen, Jason Gross, Pierre-Marie Pédrot, Gaëtan Gilbert:
The Advantages of Maintaining a Multitask, Project-Specific Bot: An Experience Report. 32-37 - Zhendong Wang
, Yi Wang
, David F. Redmiles:
From Specialized Mechanics to Project Butlers: The Usage of Bots in Open Source Software Development. 38-43 - Filipe Roseiro Côgo
, Ahmed E. Hassan:
Understanding the Customization of Dependency Bots: The Case of Dependabot. 44-49 - Florian Markusse, Philipp Leitner
, Alexander Serebrenik
Using Benchmarking Bots for Continuous Performance Assessment. 50-55 - Mehdi Golzadeh, Tom Mens
, Alexandre Decan, Eleni Constantinou
, Natarajan Chidambaram
Recognizing Bot Activity in Collaborative Software Development. 56-61 - Raghu N. Kacker, D. Richard Kuhn, Yu Lei, Dimitris E. Simos:
Measuring the Adequacy of a Test Suite With Respect to a Modeled Test Space. 62-67 - Muhammad Usman, Deepika Badampudi, Chris Smith, Himansu Nayak:
An Ecosystem for the Large-Scale Reuse of Microservices in a Cloud-Native Context. 68-75 - Mohamad Kassab
, Phillip A. Laplante:
The Current and Evolving Landscape of Requirements Engineering in Practice. 76-83 - Laerte Xavier, João Eduardo Montandon
, Marco Túlio Valente
Comments or Issues: Where to Document Technical Debt. 84-91 - Arda Goknil
, Kasim Sinan Yildirim
Toward Sustainable IoT Applications: Unique Challenges for Programming the Batteryless Edge. 92-100 - Birgit Penzenstadler, Silvia Abrahão
, Miroslaw Staron, Alexander Serebrenik
, Jeffrey C. Carver, Lorin Hochstein:
Bots in Software Engineering. 101-104 - Hui Xu:
Rust Library Fuzzing. 105-108 - Timothy J. Halloran:
Did Your Manager Choose Your Architecture? 109-112 - Robert Blumen:
Postgres Server Developer Bruce Momjian Discusses Multiversion Concurrency Control. 113-115
Volume 39, Number 6, November - December 2022
- Ipek Ozkaya
An AI Engineer Versus a Software Engineer. 4-7 - Boris Scharinger
, Markus Borg, Andreas Vogelsang, Thomas Olsson
Can RE Help Better Prepare Industrial AI for Commercial Scale? 8-12 - Ipek Ozkaya
Barry Boehm: 1935-2022. 13-14 - Christof Ebert
, Aurora Vizcaíno
, Rubén Grande
Unlock the Business Value of Gamification. 15-22 - Jan Bosch, Helena Holmström Olsson
, Björn Brinne, Ivica Crnkovic:
AI Engineering: Realizing the Potential of AI. 23-27 - Diego Rodríguez-Mancini, Zheng Li
, Camilo Valenzuela
, Guillermo Cabrera-Vives
, Francisco Förster
Toward Fractal Development of Data Processing-Intensive Artificial Intelligence Systems. 28-34 - Sagar Sen, Erik Johannes Husom
, Arda Goknil
, Simeon Tverdal, Phu Hong Nguyen
, Iker Mancisidor
Taming Data Quality in AI-Enabled Industrial Internet of Things. 35-42 - Karthik Vaidhyanathan
, Anish Chandran, Henry Muccini
, Regi Roy:
Agile4MLS - Leveraging Agile Practices for Developing Machine Learning-Enabled Systems: An Industrial Experience. 43-50 - André Sagodi
, Johannes Schniertshauer
, Benjamin van Giffen
Engineering AI-Enabled Computer Vision Systems: Lessons From Manufacturing. 51-57 - Alireza Nili
, Kevin C. Desouza
, Tan Yigitcanlar
What Can the Public Sector Teach Us About Deploying Artificial Intelligence Technologies? 58-63 - Antti Knutas
, Victoria Palacin
, Giovanni Maccani, Pablo Aragón
, Annika Wolff
, Lukas Mocek:
Civic Code for Social Change: Lessons in Civic Tech Grassroots for Software Engineers. 64-72 - Katarina Pazur Anicic
, Zlatko Stapic
Teaching Methods in Software Engineering: A Systematic Review. 73-79 - Nicola Marsden
, Michael Ahmadi
, Volker Wulf, Karen Holtzblatt:
Surfacing Challenges in Scrum for Women in Tech. 80-87 - Tapajit Dey
, Willem Jiang, Brian Fitzgerald
Knights and Gold Stars: A Tale of InnerSource Incentivization. 88-98 - Mary Shaw
, Liming Zhu
Can Software Engineering Harness the Benefits of Advanced AI? 99-104 - Alexander Serebrenik, Miroslaw Staron, Jordi Cabot, Birgit Penzenstadler
, Lorin Hochstein
, Jeffrey C. Carver
AI Engineering Research in Software Engineering Venues. 105-108 - Lin Shi
, Ye Yang, Qing Wang
iSPY: Issue-Solution Pairing From Developer Live Chats. 109-113 - Michael Keeling
The Psychology of Architecture Decision Records. 114-117 - Gavin Henry
The Importance of a Usage-Centric Approach. 118-120

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