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IEEE Transactions on Communications, Volume 27
Volume 27, Number 1, January 1979
- Thomas J. Cieslak, Paul J. Hickson:
Analysis and Simulation of No. 4 ESS Network Performance. 1-9 - Richard A. Farel:
Analysis and Field Results for No. 1 ESS Networks. 10-15 - P. Papantoni-Kazakos:
The Potential of End-to-End Observations in Trouble Localization and Quality Control of Network Links. 16-30 - Anne A. Robrock:
Increasing the Capacity of the No. 4A Crossbar. 30-35 - Jean-Pierre Combot, Lorne G. Mason:
Optimal Switch-Concentrator Location for a Telephone Network. 36-44 - David R. Manfield, Thomas Downs:
Decomposition of Traffic in Loss Systems with Renewal Input. 44-58 - Martin Nesenbergs:
A Hybrid of Erlang B and C Formulas and Its Applications. 59-68 - Larry J. Greenstein, Vasant K. Prabhu:
Analysis of Multipath Outage with Applications to 90-Mbit/s PSK Systems at 6 and 11 GHz. 68-75 - William C. Jakes Jr.:
An Approximate Method to Estimate an Upper Bound on the Effect of Multipath Delay Distortion on Digital Transmission. 76-81 - Ethirajan Janardhanan:
Differential PCM Systems. 82-93 - Russell J. F. Fang:
Modulation Transfer from TDMA On-Off Bursting to FM Carriers in Memoryless Nonlinear Devices: Part I-Power Spectra. 94-100 - William A. Pearlman
, George H. Senge:
Optimal Quantization of the Rayleigh Probability Distribution. 101-112 - Paul J. Kuehn:
Approximate Analysis of General Queuing Networks by Decomposition. 113-126 - Simon S. Lam, Martin Reiser:
Congestion Control of Store-and-Forward Networks by Input Buffer Limits-An Analysis. 127-134 - Brian Gibson:
Equalization Design for a 600 MBd Quantized Feedback PCM Repeater. 134-142 - Chester S. Gardner, John A. Orr:
Fading Effects on the Performance of a Spread Spectrum Multiple Access Communication System. 143-149 - C. Michael Melas, Andrzej Milewski:
The Effect of Call Routing Rules in Non-Blocking Three-Stage Switching Networks. 150-152 - Göran Einarsson:
Signal Design for the Amplitude-Limited Gaussian Channel by Error Bound Optimization. 152-158 - Marvin K. Simon:
On the Optimality of the MAP Estimation Loop for Carrier Phase Tracking BPSK and QPSK Signals. 158-165 - Stephen G. Wilson, Shaheen Husain:
Adaptive Tree Encoding of Speech at 8000 Bits/s with a Frequency-Weighted Error Criterion. 165-170 - B. N. Biswas, S. K. Ray, A. K. Bhattacharya:
Phase Locked Loop Acquisition for a Fading Signal in a Noisy Environment. 170-176 - Reuben E. Eaves, Steven M. Wheatley:
Optimization of Quadrature-Carrier Modulation for Low Crosstalk and Close Packing of Users. 176-185 - Carl W. Helstrom:
Performance Analysis of Optical Receivers by the Saddlepoint Approximation. 186-191 - David R. McCreath, Peter J. McLane:
Filter Parameter Optimization for Linear and Nonlinear BPSK Transmission. 191-197 - James A. Roberts, Ernest T. Tsui, David C. Watson:
Signal-to-Noise Ratio Evaluations for Nonlinear Amplifiers. 197-201 - Adrian Segall:
Optimal Distributed Routing for Virtual Line-Switched Data Networks. 201-209 - W. M. Tey, T. T. Tjhung:
Characteristics of Manchester-Coded FSK. 209-216 - John R. Glover Jr.:
High Order Algorithms for Adaptive Filters. 216-221 - Lajos Gazsi:
On the Reduction of Hardware in Digital Modulators. 221-228 - John L. Osterholz:
Selection Diversity Combiner Design for Digital LOS Radios. 229-233 - Makoto Kawai:
K-Band Satellite Regenerative Relay Systems Using Multihorn Antenna with Variable Power Combiners/Dividers. 233-240 - G. D. Tattersall, Michael J. Carey:
Digital Bandlimiting Filters for P.C.M. Transmission Systems. 240-246 - Peter W. Sauer, G. T. Heydt:
A Convenient Multivariate Gram-Charlier Type A Series. 247-248 - Stephen S. Rappaport:
Calculation of Some Functions Arising in Problems of Queueing and Communications Traffic. 249-251 - Richard G. Wiley:
Concerning the Recovery of a Bandlimited Signal or Its Spectrum from a Finite Segment. 251-252 - Raymond Steele, David J. Goodman, Carol A. McGonegal:
A Difference Detection and Correction Scheme for Combating DPCM Transmission Errors. 252-255 - W. Marshall Leach:
Comments on "VHF and UHF Links Using Mountains as Reflectors". 255 - T. E. Brewer:
Further Comments on "VHF and UHF Links Using Mountains as Reflectors". 255-256 - William E. Thomson, Pedro F. Carvalho:
Authors' Reply. 256
Volume 27, Number 2, Part 1, February 1979
- David A. Hodges, Virgil I. Johannes:
Introduction. 261-264 - Kaoru Yano, Haruo Amano, Masahiko Nakajima, Hiroaki Shimizu:
A Per-Channel LSI Codec for PCM Communications. 265-271 - Bruce A. Wooley, James L. Henry:
An Integrated Per-Channel PCM Encoder Based on Interpolation. 272-278 - Bruce A. Wooley, D. Colin Fowlis, James L. Henry, Clarence E. Williams Jr.:
An Integrated Interpolative PCM Decoder. 278-283 - John D. Everard:
A Single-Channel PCM Codec. 283-295 - Kul B. Ohri, Michael J. Callahan Jr.:
Integrated PCM Codec. 296-304 - Marcian E. Hoff Jr., John Huggins, Ben M. Warren:
An NMOS Telephone Codec for Transmission and Switching Applications. 305-311 - Steve Kelley, Dick Ulmer:
A Single-Chip CMOS PCM Codec. 312-317 - Robert A. Blauschild, Patrick A. Tucci, Howard T. Russell Jr., Daniel M. Purinton, Enjeti N. Murthi:
A Single-Chip I2L PCM Codec. 317-322 - J. T. Caves, Chong H. Chan, Stanley D. Rosenbaum, Lester P. Sellars, John B. Terry:
A PCM Voice Codec with On-Chip Filters. 323-331 - Gary L. Baldwin, James L. McCreary:
An MOS Digitally Controlled Analog Attenuator for Voiceband Signals. 332-337 - Ali A. Ibrahim, Gerard J. Hupe, Thomas G. Foxall:
Double-Split-Electrode Transversal Filter for Telecommunication Applications. 338-342 - Michael J. Callahan Jr.:
Integrated DTMF Receiver. 343-348 - Paul I. Suciu, Michael F. Tompsett, Jeffrey R. Barner, Peter M. Ryan:
Multiple-Tone Detector with CCD Filters. 349-354 - William J. Mitchell:
The LT-1 Connector-A Conventional Transmultiplexer. 355-360 - Frederick L. Riffle, Thomas E. Clark, San Chen, Carl G. Gilbert:
A Monolithic Low Power PCM Repeater Circuit. 360-366 - Paul C. Davis, James F. Graczyk, William A. Griffin:
Design of an Integrated Circuit for the T1C Low-Power Line Repeater. 367-378 - Humphrey W. Cheung, Victor J. Stalick, Jay A. Thomas:
Key Aspects in the Development of a 48-Channel Duobinary PCM Repeater. 379-389 - Marvin H. White, Ingham A. Mack, Gerald M. Borsuk, Donald R. Lampe, Francis J. Kub:
Charge-Coupled Device (CCD) Adaptive Discrete Analog Signal Processing. 390-405 - Bhupendra K. Ahuja, Miles A. Copeland, Chong Hon Chan:
A Sampled Analog MOS LSI Adaptive Filter. 406-412 - Enjeti N. Murthi:
A Monolithic Phase-Locked Loop with Post Detection Processor. 413-419 - Jacob Klapper, Edward J. A. Kratt III:
A New Family of Low-Delay FM Detectors. 419-429 - Hans-Jörg Pfleiderer, Karl Knauer:
Antialiasing Filter with an Improved S/N Ratio. 430-431 - Andrzej Jajszczyk
Optimal Structures of Benes' Switching Networks. 433-437 - Fred J. Ricci:
Control of Satellite-Packet Switched Telecommunications Networks. 438-440 - David Chase, Lawrence H. Ozarow:
Capacity Limits for Binary Codes in the Presence of Interference. 441-448 - Dipankar Raychaudhuri, Stephen S. Rappaport:
Orthogonal and Quasi-Orthogonal Tree Codes with Applications to Multiple Access. 449-460 - Desmond P. Taylor, David C. C. Cheung:
A Decision-Directed Carrier Recovery Loop for Duobinary Encoded Offset QPSK Signals. 461-468 - Alan J. Gibbs, Ron Addie
The Covariance of Near End Crosstalk and Its Application to PCM System Engineering in Multipair Cable. 469-477 - Mohammed Arozullah, Saafa Samuel Abuskhairoon:
A Class of Distribution-Free Detectors for Pulse Amplitude Modulated Signals. 478-482 - Yoon Ki Hong, Stephen Tsai:
Simulation and Analysis of the Weighted Erasure Decoding. 483-488 - Joel M. Morris:
Optimal Blocklengths for ARQ Error Control Schemes. 488-493 - Israel Korn:
A Partial Response Binary Communication System with Erasure. 493-498 - Noach Amitay:
Signal-to-Noise Ratio Statistics for Nondispersive Fading in Radio Channels with Cross Polarization Interference Cancellation. 498-502 - Lin-Shan Lee:
The Vector Space Formulation of the Rain Crosspolarization Problem and Its Compensations. 502-509 - Daniel Minoli, Israel Gitman:
Monitoring Mobile Packet Radio Devices. 509-517 - Haruo Ogiwara, Kohma Suzuki:
Optical Switching System Experiment. 517-521 - F. Davidson, R. Marshalek:
Measured Performance of a Laser Intensity Subcarrier Phase Shift Keyed Direct Detection Optical Communication System. 522-524 - John J. Metzner:
Improvements in Block-Retransmission Schemes. 524-532 - J. Fikart:
Spurious Tones in Upconverters Caused by IF Signal Multiplication. 532-535
Volume 27, Number 3, March 1979
- Reuben E. Eaves:
ALOHA/TDM Systems with Multiple Downlink Capacity. 537-541 - Darrell Williamson:
Improved Phase-Locked Loop Performance Via Nonlinear Loop Filters. 542-556 - Adrian E. Eckberg Jr.:
The Single Server Queue with Periodic Arrival Process and Deterministic Service Times. 556-562 - John A. Morrison:
Two Discrete-Time Queues in Tandem. 563-573 - Donald S. Arnstein:
Power Division in Spread Spectrum Systems with Limiting. 574-582 - R. E. Patterson, J. Straus, G. Blenman, Tad Witkowicz:
Linearization of Multichannel Analog Optical Transmitters by Quasi-Feedforward Compensation Technique. 582-588 - Martin H. Ackroyd:
Call Repacking in Connecting Networks. 589-591 - S. Govind, M. V. Pitke:
Design and Implementation of a Signaling Handling Unit for Electronic Exchanges. 591-596 - Nimal Ekanayake, Desmond P. Taylor:
Binary CPSK Performance Analysis for Saturating Band-Limited Channels. 596-603 - Philippe J. Deschamps:
Analytic Approximation of Blocking Probabilities in Circuit Switched Communication Networks. 603-606 - Daniel Minoli:
Optimal Packet Length for Packet Voice Communication. 607-611 - Guy Pujolle:
The Influence of Protocols on the Stability Conditions in Packet-Switching Networks. 611-619 - John W. Allnatt:
Logistic Function to Describe the Legibility of Transmitted Alphanumerics. 619-623 - Debasis Mitra:
An Almost Linear Relation Between the Step Size Behavior and the Input Signal Intensity in Robust Adaptive Quantization. 623-629 - Vadim A. Gorohov, V. S. Rybakov:
Subscriber-Loop Digital Transmission Using Opto-Electronic Transmitters and Receivers. 629-635 - Michael Rudko, Donald D. Weiner:
Addendum to "Volterra Systems with Random Inputs: A Formalized Approach". 636-638 - D. Trstenský:
Assigning a Minimal Multiple-Center Under a Given Reliability Index in Tree Networks. 638-639 - Per Ola Börjesson, Carl-Erik W. Sundberg:
Simple Approximations of the Error Function Q(x) for Communications Applications. 639-643 - E. T. Stephansen, Gregers E. Mogensen:
Experimental Investigation of Some Effects of Multipath Propagation on a Line-of-Sight Path at 14 GHz. 643-647
Volume 27, Number 4, April 1979
- Surinder Kumar, Jim S. Wight, W. J. Chudobiak:
Comments on "Minimum-shift-keying signal detection with noisy reference signals". 762 - J. Rego Cruz, Richard S. Simpson:
Authors' Reply. 762 - P. Papantoni-Kazakos:
Algorithms for Monitoring Changes in Quality of Communication Links. 682-693 - U. Charash:
Reception Through Nakagami Fading Multipath Channels with Random Delays. 657-670 - Larry J. Greenstein, Diane Vitello:
Digital Radio Receiver Responses for Combating Frequency-Selective Fading. 671-681 - Don Towsley
, Jack K. Wolf:
On the Statistical Analysis of Queue Lengths and Waiting Times for Statistical Multiplexers with ARQ Retransmission Schemes. 693-702 - Arun N. Netravali, Charles B. Rubinstein:
Luminance Adaptive Coding of Chrominance Signals. 703-710 - Jin-Fu Chang:
The Effect of Multipath Interference on the Performance of a Digital Matched Filter. 737-745 - William L. Aranguren, Rollin E. Langseth:
Evaluation of a Method for Interference Control in Analog FM Systems. 762-767 - Larry J. Greenstein, Patrick J. Fitzgerald:
Envelope Fluctuation Statistics of Filtered PSK and Other Digital Modulations. 750-760 - Andy Hopper, David J. Wheeler:
Maintenance of Ring Communication Systems. 760-761 - Takayuki Hosokawa, Minoru Terazono:
Blocking Probability in Link-Frame Systems from the Viewpoint of Overflow Processes. 649-657 - Werner Bux, Paul J. Kühn, Karl Kümmerle:
Throughput Considerations in a Multi-Processor Packet-Switching Node. 745-750 - James L. Flanagan, Manfred R. Schroeder, Bishnu S. Atal
, Ronald E. Crochiere, Nuggehally S. Jayant, José M. Tribolet
Speech Coding. 710-737
Volume 27, Number 5, May 1979
- Izhak Rubin:
Message Delays in FDMA and TDMA Communication Channels. 769-777 - Wilfred L. W. Yu, Jayanti C. Majithia:
An Analysis of One Direction of Window Mechanism. 778-788 - Kazuo Osafune, Tetsuya Miki, Yukifusa Okano:
Fiber-Optic Hybrid Digital Transmission System Experiment. 789-795 - Roland Wilson:
The Probability Distribution of the Sum of N Sampled Baseband Outputs of a Product Detector Whose Inputs are Equal Power Coherent Narrow-Band Signals in a Gaussian Channel. 796-801 - John G. Proakis, Iftekhar Rahman:
Performance of Concatenated Dual-k Codes on a Rayleigh Fading Channel with a Bandwidth Constraint. 801-806 - L. Moreno:
Sensitivity of PSK Modulation Techniques to Nonlinear Distortions. 806-812 - Sing H. Lin:
Empirical Rain Attenuation Model for Earth-Satellite Paths. 812-817 - William T. Zaumen:
A New Lower Bound on Intermodulation Noise. 818-821 - David B. Luber:
Serving Area Sizing for Conversion Projects. 821-826 - Bernard Bazin:
A Class of MSK Baseband Pulse Formats with Sharp Spectral Roll-Off. 826-829 - E. J. Dutton, Harold T. Dougherty:
Year-to-Year Variability of Rainfall for Microwave Applications in the U.S.A. 829-832
Volume 27, Number 6, June 1979
- Robert E. Morley Jr., Donald L. Snyder:
Maximum Likelihood Sequence Estimation for Randomly Dispersive Channels. 833-839 - Steven G. Finn:
Resynch Procedures and a Fail-Safe Network Protocol. 840-845 - Lynn W. Hansen, Mischa Schwartz:
An Assigned-Slot Listen-Before-Transmission Protocol for a Multiaccess Data Channel. 846-857