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2020 – today
- 2024
- [c46]Lydia Nishimwe, Benoît Sagot, Rachel Bawden:
Making Sentence Embeddings Robust to User-Generated Content. LREC/COLING 2024: 10984-10998 - [c45]Niyati Bafna, Cristina España-Bonet, Josef van Genabith, Benoît Sagot, Rachel Bawden:
When Your Cousin Has the Right Connections: Unsupervised Bilingual Lexicon Induction for Related Data-Imbalanced Languages. LREC/COLING 2024: 17544-17556 - [c44]Seth Aycock, Rachel Bawden:
Topic-guided Example Selection for Domain Adaptation in LLM-based Machine Translation. EACL (Student Research Workshop) 2024: 175-195 - [c43]Rachel Bawden, Ziqian Peng, Maud Bénard, Éric de la Clergerie, Raphaël Esamotunu, Mathilde Huguin, Natalie Kübler, Alexandra Mestivier, Mona Michelot, Laurent Romary, Lichao Zhu, François Yvon:
Translate your Own: a Post-Editing Experiment in the NLP domain. EAMT (1) 2024: 431-443 - [c42]Armel Zebaze, Benoît Sagot, Rachel Bawden:
Tree of Problems: Improving structured problem solving with compositionality. EMNLP 2024: 18028-18047 - [c41]Ziqian Peng, Rachel Bawden, François Yvon:
À propos des difficultés de traduire automatiquement de longs documents. TALN (1) 2024: 2-21 - [c40]Tom Kocmi, Eleftherios Avramidis, Rachel Bawden, Ondrej Bojar, Anton Dvorkovich, Christian Federmann, Mark Fishel, Markus Freitag, Thamme Gowda, Roman Grundkiewicz, Barry Haddow, Marzena Karpinska, Philipp Koehn, Benjamin Marie, Christof Monz, Kenton Murray, Masaaki Nagata, Martin Popel, Maja Popovic, Mariya Shmatova, Steinthór Steingrímsson, Vilém Zouhar:
Findings of the WMT24 General Machine Translation Shared Task: The LLM Era Is Here but MT Is Not Solved Yet. WMT 2024: 1-46 - [c39]Mariana L. Neves, Cristian Grozea, Philippe Thomas, Roland Roller, Rachel Bawden, Aurélie Névéol, Steffen Castle, Vanessa Bonato, Giorgio Maria Di Nunzio, Federica Vezzani, Maika Vicente Navarro, Lana Yeganova, Antonio Jimeno-Yepes:
Findings of the WMT 2024 Biomedical Translation Shared Task: Test Sets on Abstract Level. WMT 2024: 124-138 - [e1]Carolina Scarton, Charlotte Prescott, Chris Bayliss, Chris Oakley, Joanna Wright, Stuart Wrigley, Xingyi Song, Edward Gow-Smith, Rachel Bawden, Víctor M. Sánchez-Cartagena, Patrick Cadwell, Ekaterina Lapshinova-Koltunski, Vera Cabarrão, Konstantinos Chatzitheodorou, Mary Nurminen, Diptesh Kanojia, Helena Moniz:
Proceedings of the 25th Annual Conference of the European Association for Machine Translation (Volume 1), EAMT 2024, Sheffield, UK, June 24-27, 2024. European Association for Machine Translation (EAMT) 2024, ISBN 978-1-0686907-0-9 [contents] - [i21]Lydia Nishimwe, Benoît Sagot, Rachel Bawden:
Making Sentence Embeddings Robust to User-Generated Content. CoRR abs/2403.17220 (2024) - [i20]Matthieu Futeral, Armel Zebaze, Pedro Ortiz Suarez, Julien Abadji, Rémi Lacroix, Cordelia Schmid, Rachel Bawden, Benoît Sagot:
mOSCAR: A Large-scale Multilingual and Multimodal Document-level Corpus. CoRR abs/2406.08707 (2024) - [i19]Matthieu Futeral, Cordelia Schmid, Benoît Sagot, Rachel Bawden:
Towards Zero-Shot Multimodal Machine Translation. CoRR abs/2407.13579 (2024) - [i18]Tom Kocmi, Eleftherios Avramidis, Rachel Bawden, Ondrej Bojar, Anton Dvorkovich, Christian Federmann, Mark Fishel, Markus Freitag, Thamme Gowda, Roman Grundkiewicz, Barry Haddow, Marzena Karpinska, Philipp Koehn, Benjamin Marie, Kenton Murray, Masaaki Nagata, Martin Popel, Maja Popovic, Mariya Shmatova, Steinþór Steingrímsson, Vilém Zouhar:
Preliminary WMT24 Ranking of General MT Systems and LLMs. CoRR abs/2407.19884 (2024) - [i17]Armel Zebaze, Benoît Sagot, Rachel Bawden:
In-Context Example Selection via Similarity Search Improves Low-Resource Machine Translation. CoRR abs/2408.00397 (2024) - [i16]Armel Zebaze, Benoît Sagot, Rachel Bawden:
Tree of Problems: Improving structured problem solving with compositionality. CoRR abs/2410.06634 (2024) - 2023
- [c38]Matthieu Futeral, Cordelia Schmid, Ivan Laptev, Benoît Sagot, Rachel Bawden:
Tackling Ambiguity with Images: Improved Multimodal Machine Translation and Contrastive Evaluation. ACL (1) 2023: 5394-5413 - [c37]Rachel Bawden, François Yvon:
Investigating the Translation Performance of a Large Multilingual Language Model: the Case of BLOOM. EAMT 2023: 157-170 - [c36]Sonal Sannigrahi, Rachel Bawden:
Investigating Lexical Sharing in Multilingual Machine Translation for Indian Languages. EAMT 2023: 181-192 - [c35]Maud Bénard, Alexandra Mestivier, Natalie Kübler, Lichao Zhu, Rachel Bawden, Éric Villemonte de la Clergerie, Laurent Romary, Mathilde Huguin, Jean-François Nominé, Ziqian Peng, François Yvon:
MaTOS: Traduction automatique pour la science ouverte. ARTS@CORIA-TALN 2023: 8-15 - [c34]Niyati Bafna, Cristina España-Bonet, Josef van Genabith, Benoît Sagot, Rachel Bawden:
Cross-lingual Strategies for Low-resource Language Modeling: A Study on Five Indic Dialects. CORIA-TALN (1) 2023: 28-42 - [c33]Tom Kocmi, Eleftherios Avramidis, Rachel Bawden, Ondrej Bojar, Anton Dvorkovich, Christian Federmann, Mark Fishel, Markus Freitag, Thamme Gowda, Roman Grundkiewicz, Barry Haddow, Philipp Koehn, Benjamin Marie, Christof Monz, Makoto Morishita, Kenton Murray, Makoto Nagata, Toshiaki Nakazawa, Martin Popel, Maja Popovic, Mariya Shmatova:
Findings of the 2023 Conference on Machine Translation (WMT23): LLMs Are Here but Not Quite There Yet. WMT 2023: 1-42 - [c32]Mariana L. Neves, Antonio Jimeno-Yepes, Aurélie Névéol, Rachel Bawden, Giorgio Maria Di Nunzio, Roland Roller, Philippe Thomas, Federica Vezzani, Maika Vicente Navarro, Lana Yeganova, Dina Wiemann, Cristian Grozea:
Findings of the WMT 2023 Biomedical Translation Shared Task: Evaluation of ChatGPT 3.5 as a Comparison System. WMT 2023: 43-54 - [c31]Rachel Bawden, Benoît Sagot:
RoCS-MT: Robustness Challenge Set for Machine Translation. WMT 2023: 198-216 - [i15]Rachel Bawden, François Yvon:
Investigating the Translation Performance of a Large Multilingual Language Model: the Case of BLOOM. CoRR abs/2303.01911 (2023) - [i14]Sonal Sannigrahi, Rachel Bawden:
Investigating Lexical Sharing in Multilingual Machine Translation for Indian Languages. CoRR abs/2305.03207 (2023) - [i13]Niyati Bafna, Cristina España-Bonet, Josef van Genabith, Benoît Sagot, Rachel Bawden:
A Simple Method for Unsupervised Bilingual Lexicon Induction for Data-Imbalanced, Closely Related Language Pairs. CoRR abs/2305.14012 (2023) - 2022
- [j4]Barry Haddow, Rachel Bawden, Antonio Valerio Miceli Barone, Jindrich Helcl, Alexandra Birch:
Survey of Low-Resource Machine Translation. Comput. Linguistics 48(3): 673-732 (2022) - [c30]Victor Sanh, Albert Webson, Colin Raffel, Stephen H. Bach, Lintang Sutawika, Zaid Alyafeai, Antoine Chaffin, Arnaud Stiegler, Arun Raja, Manan Dey, M Saiful Bari, Canwen Xu, Urmish Thakker, Shanya Sharma Sharma, Eliza Szczechla, Taewoon Kim, Gunjan Chhablani, Nihal V. Nayak, Debajyoti Datta, Jonathan Chang, Mike Tian-Jian Jiang, Han Wang, Matteo Manica, Sheng Shen, Zheng Xin Yong, Harshit Pandey, Rachel Bawden, Thomas Wang, Trishala Neeraj, Jos Rozen, Abheesht Sharma, Andrea Santilli, Thibault Févry, Jason Alan Fries, Ryan Teehan, Teven Le Scao, Stella Biderman, Leo Gao, Thomas Wolf, Alexander M. Rush:
Multitask Prompted Training Enables Zero-Shot Task Generalization. ICLR 2022 - [c29]Rachel Bawden, Jonathan Poinhos, Eleni Kogkitsidou, Philippe Gambette, Benoît Sagot, Simon Gabay:
Automatic Normalisation of Early Modern French. LREC 2022: 3354-3366 - [c28]Simon Gabay, Pedro Ortiz Suarez, Alexandre Bartz, Alix Chagué, Rachel Bawden, Philippe Gambette, Benoît Sagot:
From FreEM to D'AlemBERT: a Large Corpus and a Language Model for Early Modern French. LREC 2022: 3367-3374 - [c27]Thibault Charmet, Inès Cherichi, Matthieu Allain, Urszula Czerwinska, Amaury Fouret, Benoît Sagot, Rachel Bawden:
Complex Labelling and Similarity Prediction in Legal Texts: Automatic Analysis of France's Court of Cassation Rulings. LREC 2022: 4754-4766 - [c26]Simon Gabay, Pedro Javier Ortiz Suárez, Rachel Bawden, Alexandre Bartz, Philippe Gambette, Benoît Sagot:
Le projet FREEM : ressources, outils et enjeux pour l'étude du français d'Ancien Régime (The F RE EM project: Resources, tools and challenges for the study of Ancien Régime French). TALN-RECITAL 2022: 154-165 - [c25]Tom Kocmi, Rachel Bawden, Ondrej Bojar, Anton Dvorkovich, Christian Federmann, Mark Fishel, Thamme Gowda, Yvette Graham, Roman Grundkiewicz, Barry Haddow, Rebecca Knowles, Philipp Koehn, Christof Monz, Makoto Morishita, Masaaki Nagata, Toshiaki Nakazawa, Michal Novák, Martin Popel, Maja Popovic:
Findings of the 2022 Conference on Machine Translation (WMT22). WMT 2022: 1-45 - [c24]Jesujoba Alabi, Lydia Nishimwe, Benjamin Muller, Camille Rey, Benoît Sagot, Rachel Bawden:
Inria-ALMAnaCH at WMT 2022: Does Transcription Help Cross-Script Machine Translation? WMT 2022: 233-243 - [c23]Mariana Neves, Antonio Jimeno-Yepes, Amy Siu, Roland Roller, Philippe Thomas, Maika Vicente Navarro, Lana Yeganova, Dina Wiemann, Giorgio Maria Di Nunzio, Federica Vezzani, Christel Gérardin, Rachel Bawden, Darryl Estrada, Salvador Lima-López, Eulàlia Farré-Maduell, Martin Krallinger, Cristian Grozea, Aurélie Névéol:
Findings of the WMT 2022 Biomedical Translation Shared Task: Monolingual Clinical Case Reports. WMT 2022: 694-723 - [i12]Simon Gabay, Pedro Javier Ortiz Suárez, Alexandre Bartz, Alix Chagué, Rachel Bawden, Philippe Gambette, Benoît Sagot:
From FreEM to D'AlemBERT: a Large Corpus and a Language Model for Early Modern French. CoRR abs/2202.09452 (2022) - [i11]Yu Lu Liu, Rachel Bawden, Thomas Scaliom, Benoît Sagot, Jackie Chi Kit Cheung:
MaskEval: Weighted MLM-Based Evaluation for Text Summarization and Simplification. CoRR abs/2205.12394 (2022) - [i10]Teven Le Scao, Angela Fan, Christopher Akiki, Ellie Pavlick, Suzana Ilic, Daniel Hesslow, Roman Castagné, Alexandra Sasha Luccioni, François Yvon, Matthias Gallé, Jonathan Tow, Alexander M. Rush, Stella Biderman, Albert Webson, Pawan Sasanka Ammanamanchi, Thomas Wang, Benoît Sagot, Niklas Muennighoff, Albert Villanova del Moral, Olatunji Ruwase, Rachel Bawden, Stas Bekman, Angelina McMillan-Major, Iz Beltagy, Huu Nguyen, Lucile Saulnier, Samson Tan, Pedro Ortiz Suarez, Victor Sanh, Hugo Laurençon, Yacine Jernite, Julien Launay, Margaret Mitchell, Colin Raffel, Aaron Gokaslan, Adi Simhi, Aitor Soroa, Alham Fikri Aji, Amit Alfassy, Anna Rogers, Ariel Kreisberg Nitzav, Canwen Xu, Chenghao Mou, Chris Emezue, Christopher Klamm, Colin Leong, Daniel van Strien, David Ifeoluwa Adelani, et al.:
BLOOM: A 176B-Parameter Open-Access Multilingual Language Model. CoRR abs/2211.05100 (2022) - [i9]Matthieu Futeral, Cordelia Schmid, Ivan Laptev, Benoît Sagot, Rachel Bawden:
Tackling Ambiguity with Images: Improved Multimodal Machine Translation and Contrastive Evaluation. CoRR abs/2212.10140 (2022) - 2021
- [j3]Rachel Bawden:
Understanding Dialogue: Language Use and Social Interaction. Comput. Linguistics 47(3): 703-705 (2021) - [j2]Rachel Bawden, Eric Bilinski, Thomas Lavergne, Sophie Rosset:
DiaBLa: a corpus of bilingual spontaneous written dialogues for machine translation. Lang. Resour. Evaluation 55(3): 635-660 (2021) - [c22]Clémentine Fourrier, Rachel Bawden, Benoît Sagot:
Can Cognate Prediction Be Modelled as a Low-Resource Machine Translation Task? ACL/IJCNLP (Findings) 2021: 847-861 - [c21]Farid Arthaud, Rachel Bawden, Alexandra Birch:
Few-shot learning through contextual data augmentation. EACL 2021: 1049-1062 - [c20]Lana Yeganova, Dina Wiemann, Mariana L. Neves, Federica Vezzani, Amy Siu, Inigo Jauregi Unanue, Maite Oronoz, Nancy Mah, Aurélie Névéol, David Martínez, Rachel Bawden, Giorgio Maria Di Nunzio, Roland Roller, Philippe Thomas, Cristian Grozea, Olatz Perez-de-Viñaspre, Maika Vicente Navarro, Antonio Jimeno-Yepes:
Findings of the WMT 2021 Biomedical Translation Shared Task: Summaries of Animal Experiments as New Test Set. WMT@EMNLP 2021: 664-683 - [i8]Farid Arthaud, Rachel Bawden, Alexandra Birch:
Few-shot learning through contextual data augmentation. CoRR abs/2103.16911 (2021) - [i7]Barry Haddow, Rachel Bawden, Antonio Valerio Miceli Barone, Jindrich Helcl, Alexandra Birch:
Survey of Low-Resource Machine Translation. CoRR abs/2109.00486 (2021) - [i6]Victor Sanh, Albert Webson, Colin Raffel, Stephen H. Bach, Lintang Sutawika, Zaid Alyafeai, Antoine Chaffin, Arnaud Stiegler, Teven Le Scao, Arun Raja, Manan Dey, M. Saiful Bari, Canwen Xu, Urmish Thakker, Shanya Sharma, Eliza Szczechla, Taewoon Kim, Gunjan Chhablani, Nihal V. Nayak, Debajyoti Datta, Jonathan Chang, Mike Tian-Jian Jiang, Han Wang, Matteo Manica, Sheng Shen, Zheng Xin Yong, Harshit Pandey, Rachel Bawden, Thomas Wang, Trishala Neeraj, Jos Rozen, Abheesht Sharma, Andrea Santilli, Thibault Févry, Jason Alan Fries, Ryan Teehan, Stella Biderman, Leo Gao, Tali Bers, Thomas Wolf, Alexander M. Rush:
Multitask Prompted Training Enables Zero-Shot Task Generalization. CoRR abs/2110.08207 (2021) - 2020
- [c19]António V. Lopes, M. Amin Farajian, Rachel Bawden, Michael Zhang, André F. T. Martins:
Document-level Neural MT: A Systematic Comparison. EAMT 2020: 225-234 - [c18]Rachel Bawden, Biao Zhang, Lisa Yankovskaya, Andre Tättar, Matt Post:
A Study in Improving BLEU Reference Coverage with Diverse Automatic Paraphrasing. EMNLP (Findings) 2020: 918-932 - [c17]Susie Coleman, Andrew Secker, Rachel Bawden, Barry Haddow, Alexandra Birch:
Architecture of a Scalable, Secure and Resilient Translation Platform for Multilingual News Media. IWLTP@LREC 2020: 16-21 - [c16]Radina Dobreva, Jie Zhou, Rachel Bawden:
Document Sub-structure in Neural Machine Translation. LREC 2020: 3657-3667 - [c15]Rachel Bawden, Alexandra Birch, Radina Dobreva, Arturo Oncevay, Antonio Valerio Miceli Barone, Philip Williams:
The University of Edinburgh's English-Tamil and English-Inuktitut Submissions to the WMT20 News Translation Task. WMT@EMNLP 2020: 92-99 - [c14]Nikita Moghe, Christian Hardmeier, Rachel Bawden:
The University of Edinburgh-Uppsala University's Submission to the WMT 2020 Chat Translation Task. WMT@EMNLP 2020: 473-478 - [c13]Rachel Bawden, Giorgio Maria Di Nunzio, Cristian Grozea, Inigo Jauregi Unanue, Antonio Jimeno-Yepes, Nancy Mah, David Martínez, Aurélie Névéol, Mariana L. Neves, Maite Oronoz, Olatz Perez-de-Viñaspre, Massimo Piccardi, Roland Roller, Amy Siu, Philippe Thomas, Federica Vezzani, Maika Vicente Navarro, Dina Wiemann, Lana Yeganova:
Findings of the WMT 2020 Biomedical Translation Shared Task: Basque, Italian and Russian as New Additional Languages. WMT@EMNLP 2020: 660-687 - [c12]Rachel Bawden, Biao Zhang, Andre Tättar, Matt Post:
ParBLEU: Augmenting Metrics with Automatic Paraphrases for the WMT'20 Metrics Shared Task. WMT@EMNLP 2020: 887-894 - [i5]Rachel Bawden, Biao Zhang, Lisa Yankovskaya, Andre Tättar, Matt Post:
Explicit Representation of the Translation Space: Automatic Paraphrasing for Machine Translation Evaluation. CoRR abs/2004.14989 (2020)
2010 – 2019
- 2019
- [c11]Alexandra Birch, Barry Haddow, Ivan Titov, Antonio Valerio Miceli Barone, Rachel Bawden, Felipe Sánchez-Martínez, Mikel L. Forcada, Miquel Esplà-Gomis, Víctor M. Sánchez-Cartagena, Juan Antonio Pérez-Ortiz, Wilker Aziz, Andrew Secker, Peggy van der Kreeft:
Global Under-Resourced Media Translation (GoURMET). MTSummit (2) 2019: 122 - [c10]Rachel Bawden, Kevin Bretonnel Cohen, Cristian Grozea, Antonio Jimeno-Yepes, Madeleine Kittner, Martin Krallinger, Nancy Mah, Aurélie Névéol, Mariana L. Neves, Felipe Soares, Amy Siu, Karin Verspoor, Maika Vicente Navarro:
Findings of the WMT 2019 Biomedical Translation Shared Task: Evaluation for MEDLINE Abstracts and Biomedical Terminologies. WMT (3) 2019: 29-53 - [c9]Rachel Bawden, Nikolay Bogoychev, Ulrich Germann, Roman Grundkiewicz, Faheem Kirefu, Antonio Valerio Miceli Barone, Alexandra Birch:
The University of Edinburgh's Submissions to the WMT19 News Translation Task. WMT (2) 2019: 103-115 - [i4]Rachel Bawden, Sophie Rosset, Thomas Lavergne, Éric Bilinski:
DiaBLa: A Corpus of Bilingual Spontaneous Written Dialogues for Machine Translation. CoRR abs/1905.13354 (2019) - [i3]Rachel Bawden, Nikolay Bogoychev, Ulrich Germann, Roman Grundkiewicz, Faheem Kirefu, Antonio Valerio Miceli Barone, Alexandra Birch:
The University of Edinburgh's Submissions to the WMT19 News Translation Task. CoRR abs/1907.05854 (2019) - [i2]Radina Dobreva, Jie Zhou, Rachel Bawden:
Document Sub-structure in Neural Machine Translation. CoRR abs/1912.06598 (2019) - 2018
- [b1]Rachel Bawden:
Going beyond the sentence: Contextual Machine Translation of Dialogue. (Au-delà de la phrase: traduction automatique de dialogue en contexte). University of Paris-Saclay, France, 2018 - [c8]Rachel Bawden, Rico Sennrich, Alexandra Birch, Barry Haddow:
Evaluating Discourse Phenomena in Neural Machine Translation. NAACL-HLT 2018: 1304-1313 - [c7]Rachel Bawden, Thomas Lavergne, Sophie Rosset:
Detecting context-dependent sentences in parallel corpora. CORIA-TALN-RJC (TALN 2) 2018: 393-400 - 2017
- [c6]Rachel Bawden:
Machine Translation, it's a question of style, innit? The case of English tag questions. EMNLP 2017: 2507-2512 - [c5]Rachel Bawden:
Machine Translation of Speech-Like Texts: Strategies for the Inclusion of Context. TALN (RECITAL) 2017: 1-14 - [i1]Rachel Bawden, Rico Sennrich, Alexandra Birch, Barry Haddow:
Evaluating Discourse Phenomena in Neural Machine Translation. CoRR abs/1711.00513 (2017) - 2016
- [j1]Rachel Bawden, Chloé Clavel, Frédéric Landragin:
Towards the generation of dialogue acts in socio-affective ECAs: a corpus-based prosodic analysis. Lang. Resour. Evaluation 50(4): 821-838 (2016) - [c4]Rachel Bawden, Benoît Crabbé:
Boosting for Efficient Model Selection for Syntactic Parsing. COLING 2016: 1-11 - [c3]Rachel Bawden, Guillaume Wisniewski, Hélène Maynard:
Investigating gender adaptation for speech translation. JEP-TALN-RECITAL (Posters) 2016: 490-497 - [c2]Rachel Bawden:
Cross-lingual Pronoun Prediction with Linguistically Informed Features. WMT 2016: 564-570 - 2014
- [c1]Rachel Bawden, Marie-Amélie Botalla, Kim Gerdes, Sylvain Kahane:
Correcting and Validating Syntactic Dependency in the Spoken French Treebank Rhapsodie. LREC 2014: 2320-2325
Coauthor Index
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