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John Davis
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2020 – today
- 2023
- [j10]Saskia D. Hiltemann
, Helena Rasche
, Simon L. Gladman, Hans-Rudolf Hotz, Delphine Larivière, Daniel J. Blankenberg
, Pratik D. Jagtap
, Thomas Wollmann, Anthony Bretaudeau
, Nadia Goué, Timothy J. Griffin
, Coline Royaux, Yvan Le Bras, Subina P. Mehta
, Anna Syme, Frederik Coppens, Bert Droesbeke
, Nicola Soranzo
, Wendi A. Bacon, Fotis E. Psomopoulos, Cristóbal Gallardo-Alba, John Davis
, Melanie Christine Föll
, Matthias Fahrner, Maria A. Doyle, Beatriz Serrano-Solano
, Anne Fouilloux
, Peter van Heusden
, Wolfgang Maier
, Dave Clements
, Florian Heyl, The Galaxy Team, Björn A. Grüning, Bérénice Batut
Galaxy Training: A powerful framework for teaching! PLoS Comput. Biol. 19(1) (2023) - [c19]John Davis, Peter M. Dauenhauer, Henry Louie
, Kirk MacLearnsberry, J. McLean Sloughter:
Monitoring and Evaluation of Two Solar Energy Kiosks in Zambia. GHTC 2023: 70-76 - 2022
- [j9]Laura Zapke
, Hannah Liebs, John Davis, Christoph Kollwitz, Mario Liebergesell, Florian Bontrup, Krutika Gohil:
Entwicklung eines digitalen Assistenzsystems zur Vermittlung von personalisierten Gesundheitsinformationen im Kontext chronischer Erkrankungen. HMD Prax. Wirtsch. 59(6): 1612-1625 (2022) - 2021
- [c18]Jose Picado, Arash Termehchy, Alan Fern, Sudhanshu Pathak, Praveen Ilango, John Davis:
Scalable and Usable Relational Learning With Automatic Language Bias. SIGMOD Conference 2021: 1440-1451 - [i4]Shailesh Bavadekar, Adam Boulanger, John Davis, Damien Desfontaines, Evgeniy Gabrilovich, Krishna Gadepalli, Badih Ghazi, Tague Griffith, Jai Prakash Gupta, Chaitanya Kamath, Dennis Kraft, Ravi Kumar, Akim Kumok, Yael Mayer, Pasin Manurangsi, Arti Patankar, Irippuge Milinda Perera, Chris Scott, Tomer Shekel, Benjamin Miller, Karen Smith, Charlotte Stanton, Mimi Sun, Mark Young, Gregory Wellenius:
Google COVID-19 Vaccination Search Insights: Anonymization Process Description. CoRR abs/2107.01179 (2021) - 2020
- [j8]Ernest Turro
, William J. Astle
, Karyn Megy, Stefan Gräf, Daniel Greene, Olga Shamardina, Hana Lango Allen, Alba Sanchis-Juan, Mattia Frontini, Chantal Thys, Jonathan Stephens, Rutendo Mapeta, Oliver S. Burren
, Kate Downes, Matthias Haimel
, Salih Tuna, Sri V. V. Deevi, Timothy J. Aitman
, David L. H. Bennett
, Paul Calleja, Keren Carss, Mark J. Caulfield, Patrick F. Chinnery
, Peter H. Dixon, Daniel P. Gale, Roger James
, Ania Koziell, Michael A. Laffan, Adam P. Levine
, Eamonn R. Maher, Hugh S. Markus, Joannella Morales
, Nicholas W. Morrell
, Andrew D. Mumford
, Elizabeth Ormondroyd, Stuart Rankin, Augusto Rendon, Sylvia Richardson, Irene Roberts, Noemi B. A. Roy, Moin A. Saleem, Kenneth G. C. Smith, Hannah Stark, Rhea Y. Y. Tan, Andreas C. Themistocleous
, Adrian J. Thrasher, Hugh Watkins, Andrew R. Webster, Martin R. Wilkins
, Catherine Williamson, James Whitworth, Sean Humphray, David R. Bentley, Stephen Abbs, Lara Abulhoul, Julian Adlard, Munaza Ahmed, Hana Alachkar, David J. Allsup, Jeff Almeida-King, Philip Ancliff, Richard Antrobus, Ruth Armstrong, Gavin Arno, Sofie Ashford, Anthony Attwood, Paul Aurora, Christian Babbs, Chiara Bacchelli, Tamam Bakchoul, Siddharth Banka, Tadbir Bariana, Julian Barwell, Joana Batista, Helen E. Baxendale, Phil L. Beales, Agnieszka Bierzynska, Tina Biss, Maria A. K. Bitner-Glindzicz, Graeme C. M. Black
, Marta Bleda, Iulia Blesneac, Detlef Bockenhauer, Harm Bogaard, Christian J. Bourne, Sara Boyce, John R. Bradley
, Eugene Bragin, Gerome Breen, Paul Brennan, Carole Brewer, Matthew Brown, Andrew C. Browning, Michael J. Browning, Rachel J. Buchan
, Matthew S. Buckland, Teofila Bueser, Carmen Bugarin Diz, John Burn, Siobhan O. Burns, Nigel Burrows, Carolyn Campbell, Gerald Carr-White, Ruth Casey, Jenny Chambers, John Chambers, Melanie M. Y. Chan, Calvin Cheah, Floria Cheng, Manali Chitre, Martin T. Christian, Colin Church, Jill Clayton-Smith, Maureen Cleary, Naomi Clements Brod, Gerry Coghlan, Elizabeth Colby, Trevor R. P. Cole, Janine Collins, Peter W. Collins, Camilla Colombo, Cecilia J. Compton, Robin Condliffe, Stuart A. Cook, H. Terence Cook, Nichola Cooper, Paul A. Corris, Abigail Furnell, Fiona Cunningham, Nicola S. Curry, Antony J. Cutler, Matthew J. Daniels, Mehul Dattani, Louise C. Daugherty
, John Davis, Anthony De Soyza, Timothy Dent, Charu Deshpande, Eleanor F. Dewhurst, Sofia Douzgou, Anna M. Drazyk, Elizabeth Drewe, Daniel Duarte, Tina Dutt, J. David M. Edgar, Karen Edwards, William Egner, Melanie N. Ekani, Perry Elliott
, Wendy N. Erber, Marie Erwood, Maria C. Estiu, Dafydd Gareth Evans
, Gillian Evans, Tamara Everington, Mélanie Eyries, Hiva Fassihi, Remi Favier, Jack Findhammer, Debra Fletcher, Frances A. Flinter, R. Andres Floto, Tom Fowler, James Fox, Amy J. Frary, Courtney E. French, Kathleen Freson
, Henning Gall, Vijeya Ganesan, Michael Gattens, Claire Geoghegan, Terence S. A. Gerighty, Ali G. Gharavi, Stefano Ghio, Hossein-Ardeschir Ghofrani, J. Simon R. Gibbs, Kate Gibson, Kimberly C. Gilmour, Barbara Girerd, Nicholas S. Gleadall, Sarah Goddard, David B. Goldstein, Keith Gomez, Pavels Gordins, David Gosal, Jodie Graham, Luigi Grassi, Lynn Greenhalgh, Andreas Greinacher, Paolo Gresele, Philip Griffiths, Sofia Grigoriadou, Russell J. Grocock, Detelina Grozeva, Mark Gurnell, Scott Hackett, Charaka Hadinnapola, William M. Hague, Rosie Hague, Matthew Hall, Helen L. Hanson, Eshika Haque, Kirsty Harkness, Andrew R. Harper, Claire L. Harris, Daniel Hart, Ahamad Hassan, Grant Hayman, Alex Henderson, Archana Herwadkar, Jonathan Hoffman, Simon Holden, Rita Horvath
, Henry Houlden, Arjan C. Houweling, Luke S. G. E. Howard, Fengyuan Hu, Gavin Hudson, Joseph Hughes, Aarnoud P. Huissoon, Marc Humbert, Sarah Hunter, Matthew E. Hurles, Melita Irving, Louise Izatt, Sally A. Johnson, Stephen Jolles, Jennifer Jolley, Dragana Josifova, Neringa Jurkute, Tim Karten, Johannes Karten, Mary A. Kasanicki, Hanadi Kazkaz, Rashid Kazmi, Peter Kelleher, Anne M. Kelly, Wilf Kelsall, Carly Kempster, David G. Kiely, Nathalie Kingston, Robert Klima, Nils Koelling
, Myrto Kostadima, Gabor Kovacs, Roman Kreuzhuber, Taco W. Kuijpers, Ajith Kumar, Dinakantha Kumararatne, Manju A. Kurian, Fiona Lalloo, Michele Lambert, Allan Lawrie, D. Mark Layton, Nick Lench, Claire Lentaigne, Tracy Lester, Rachel Linger, Hilary Longhurst, Lorena E. Lorenzo, Eleni Louka, Paul A. Lyons, Rajiv D. Machado, Robert V. MacKenzie Ross, Bella Madan, Jesmeen Maimaris, Samantha Malka, Sarah Mangles, Kevin J. Marchbank, Stephen Marks, Hanns-Ulrich Marschall
, Andrew G. Marshall
, Jennifer Martin, Mary Mathias, Emma Matthews, Heather Maxwell, Paul McAlinden, Mark I. McCarthy, Harriet McKinney, Aoife McMahon
, Stuart Meacham, Adam J. Mead, Ignacio Medina Castello, Sarju G. Mehta, Michel Michaelides, Carolyn Millar, Shehla N. Mohammed, Shahin Moledina, David Montani, Anthony T. Moore, Monika Mozere, Keith W. Muir, Andrea H. Nemeth
, William G. Newman, Michael Newnham, Sadia Noorani, Paquita Nurden, Jennifer O'Sullivan, Samya Obaji, Chris Odhams, Steven Okoli, Andrea Olschewski
, Horst Olschewski, Kai Ren Ong, S. Helen Oram, Willem H. Ouwehand
, Claire Palles, Sofia Papadia, Soo-Mi Park, David Parry, Smita Patel, Joan Paterson, Andrew Peacock, Simon H. Pearce, John Peden, Kathelijne Peerlinck, Christopher J. Penkett, Joanna Pepke-Zaba, Romina Petersen, Clarissa Pilkington, Kenneth E. S. Poole, Radhika Prathalingam, Bethan Psaila, Angela Pyle, Richard Quinton, Shamima Rahman, Anupama Rao, F. Lucy Raymond, Paula J. Rayner-Matthews, Christine Rees, Tara Renton, Christopher J. Rhodes, Andrew S. C. Rice, Alex Richter, Leema Robert, Anthony Rogers, Sarah J. Rose, Robert Ross-Russell, Catherine Roughley, Deborah M. Ruddy, Omid Sadeghi-Alavijeh, Nilesh J. Samani, Crina Samarghitean, Ravishankar B. Sargur, Robert N. Sarkany, Simon Satchell, Sinisa Savic, John A. Sayer, Genevieve Sayer, Laura Scelsi, Andrew M. Schaefer, Sol Schulman, Richard Scott, Marie Scully, Claire Searle, Werner Seeger, Arjune Sen, W. A. Carrock Sewell, Denis Seyres, Neil Shah, Susan E. Shapiro, Adam C. Shaw, Patrick J. Short, Keith Sibson, Lucy Side, Ilenia Simeoni, Michael A. Simpson
, Matthew C. Sims, Suthesh Sivapalaratnam, Damian Smedley, Katherine R. Smith, Katie Snape, Nicole Soranzo
, Florent Soubrier, Laura Southgate, Olivera Spasic-Boskovic, Simon Staines, Emily Staples, Charles A. Steward
, Kathleen E. Stirrups, Alex Stuckey, Jay Suntharalingam, Emilia M. Swietlik, Petros Syrris, R. Campbell Tait, Kate Talks, Katie Tate, John M. Taylor, Jenny C. Taylor
, James E. Thaventhiran, Ellen Thomas, David Thomas, Moira J. Thomas, Patrick Thomas, Kate Thomson, Glen Threadgold, Tobias Tilly, Marc Tischkowitz, Catherine Titterton, John A. Todd
, Cheng-Hock Toh, Bas Tolhuis, Ian P. Tomlinson, Mark Toshner, Matthew Traylor, Carmen Treacy, Paul Treadaway, Richard Trembath, Wojciech Turek, Philip Twiss, Tom Vale, Chris Van Geet, Natalie van Zuydam, Maarten Vandekuilen, Anthony M. Vandersteen, Marta Vazquez-Lopez, Julie von Ziegenweidt, Anton Vonk-Noordegraaf, Annette Wagner, Quinten Waisfisz, Suellen M. Walker, Neil Walker
, Klaudia Walter, James S. Ware
, Christopher Watt, Lucy Wedderburn, Wei Wei, Steven B. Welch, Julie Wessels, Sarah K. Westbury, John-Paul Westwood, John Wharton, Deborah Whitehorn, Andrew O. M. Wilkie, Brian T. Wilson, Edwin K. S. Wong, Nicholas W. Wood
, Yvette Wood, Christopher Geoffrey Woods, Emma R. Woodward, Stephen J. Wort, Austen Worth, Michael Wright, Katherine Yates, Patrick F. K. Yong, Timothy Young, Ping Yu, Patrick Yu-Wai-Man, Eliska Zlamalova:
Whole-genome sequencing of patients with rare diseases in a national health system. Nat. 583(7814): 96-102 (2020) - [c17]Jose Picado, John Davis, Arash Termehchy, Ga Young Lee:
Learning Over Dirty Data Without Cleaning. SIGMOD Conference 2020: 1301-1316 - [i3]Jose Picado, John Davis, Arash Termehchy, Ga Young Lee:
Learning Over Dirty Data Without Cleaning. CoRR abs/2004.02308 (2020) - [i2]Ahmet Aktay, Shailesh Bavadekar, Gwen Cossoul, John Davis, Damien Desfontaines, Alex Fabrikant, Evgeniy Gabrilovich, Krishna Gadepalli, Bryant Gipson, Miguel Guevara, Chaitanya Kamath, Mansi Kansal, Ali Lange, Chinmoy Mandayam, Andrew Oplinger, Christopher Pluntke, Thomas Roessler, Arran Schlosberg, Tomer Shekel, Swapnil Vispute, Mia Vu, Gregory Wellenius
, Brian Williams, Royce J. Wilson:
Google COVID-19 Community Mobility Reports: Anonymization Process Description (version 1.0). CoRR abs/2004.04145 (2020) - [i1]Shailesh Bavadekar, Andrew M. Dai, John Davis, Damien Desfontaines, Ilya Eckstein, Katie Everett, Alex Fabrikant, Gerardo Flores, Evgeniy Gabrilovich, Krishna Gadepalli, Shane Glass, Rayman Huang, Chaitanya Kamath, Dennis Kraft, Akim Kumok, Hinali Marfatia, Yael Mayer, Benjamin Miller, Adam Pearce, Irippuge Milinda Perera, Venky Ramachandran, Karthik Raman, Thomas Roessler, Izhak Shafran, Tomer Shekel, Charlotte Stanton, Jacob Stimes, Mimi Sun, Gregory Wellenius, Masrour Zoghi:
Google COVID-19 Search Trends Symptoms Dataset: Anonymization Process Description (version 1.0). CoRR abs/2009.01265 (2020)
2010 – 2019
- 2019
- [c16]Vanessa López
, Valentina Rho, Theodora S. Brisimi, Fabrizio Cucci, Morten Kristiansen, John Segrave-Daly, Jillian Scalvini, John Davis, Grace Ferguson:
Benefit Graph Extraction from Healthcare Policies. ISWC (2) 2019: 471-489 - 2018
- [b1]Kristof Kloeckner, John Davis, Nicholas C. Fuller, Giovanni Lanfranchi, Stefan Pappe, Amit M. Paradkar, Larisa Shwartz, Maheswaran Surendra, Dorothea Wiesmann:
Transforming the IT Services Lifecycle with AI Technologies. Springer Briefs in Computer Science, Springer 2018, ISBN 978-3-319-94047-2, pp. 1-100 - [j7]David Wolpert, Erwin Behnen, Leon J. Sigal, Yuen H. Chan, Gustavo Enrique Téllez, Douglas Bradley, Richard E. Serton, Rajesh Veerabhadraiah, William Ansley, Andrew Bianchi, Nagu Dhanwada, Sungjae Lee, Michael Scheuermann, Glen A. Wiedemeier, John Davis, Tobias Werner, Laura Darden, Keith G. Barkley, Michael Gray, Matthew Guzowski, Mitch DeHond, Timothy Schell, Stelios Tsapepas, Di Phan, Kriti Acharya, Jeffrey A. Zitz, Hunter F. Shi, Christopher J. Berry, James D. Warnock, Michael H. Wood, Robert M. Averill III:
IBM z14: Enabling physical design in 14-nm technology for high-performance, high-reliability microprocessors. IBM J. Res. Dev. 62(2/3): 10:1-10:14 (2018) - [j6]Thanassis Avgerinos, David Brumley, John Davis, Ryan Goulden, Tyler Nighswander, Alexandre Rebert, Ned Williamson:
The Mayhem Cyber Reasoning System. IEEE Secur. Priv. 16(2): 52-60 (2018) - [j5]Zhibin Sun
, John Davis, Wei Gao:
Estimating Error Covariance and Correlation Region in UV Irradiance Data Fusion by Combining TOMS-OMI and UVMRP Ground Observations. IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote. Sens. 56(1): 355-370 (2018) - 2013
- [c15]John Davis, Paul Bunce, Diana M. Henderson, Yuen H. Chan, Uma Srinivasan, Daniel Rodko, Pradip Patel, Thomas J. Knips, Tobias Werner:
7GHz L1 cache SRAMs for the 32nm zEnterprise™ EC12 processor. ISSCC 2013: 324-325 - [c14]Thomas Walworth, Mike Yearworth
, John Davis, Paul Davies:
Early estimation of project performance: The application of a system dynamics rework model. SysCon 2013: 204-208 - [c13]Mike Yearworth
, Gordon Edwards, John Davis, Katharina Burger
, Adrian Terry:
Integrating Problem Solving and Research Methods Teaching for Systems Practice in Engineering. CSER 2013: 1072-1081 - 2012
- [j4]James D. Warnock, Yiu-Hing Chan, Sean M. Carey, Huajun Wen, Patrick J. Meaney, Guenter Gerwig, Howard H. Smith, Yuen H. Chan, John Davis, Paul Bunce, Antonio Pelella, Daniel Rodko, Pradip Patel, Thomas Strach, Doug Malone, Frank Malgioglio, José Neves, David L. Rude, William V. Huott:
Circuit and Physical Design Implementation of the Microprocessor Chip for the zEnterprise System. IEEE J. Solid State Circuits 47(1): 151-163 (2012)
2000 – 2009
- 2009
- [j3]John Davis:
Safe Harbor Data Privacy and Security for European Union Employee Data. Inf. Secur. J. A Glob. Perspect. 18(4): 194-198 (2009) - 2008
- [c12]Marion Blount, John Davis, Maria Ebling, William F. Jerome, Barry Leiba, Xuan Liu, Archan Misra
Privacy Engine for Context-Aware Enterprise Application Services. EUC (2) 2008: 94-100 - 2007
- [c11]Dounia Berrada, Mario Romero
, Gregory D. Abowd, Marion Blount, John Davis:
Automatic administration of the get up and go test. HealthNet 2007: 73-75 - [c10]Min Wang, Marion Blount, John Davis, Archan Misra
, Daby M. Sow:
A time-and-value centric provenance model and architecture for medical event streams. HealthNet 2007: 95-100 - 2006
- [j2]Robert J. Thoma, Ronald A. Yeo, Steven Gangestad
, Eric Halgren, John Davis, Kim M. Paulson, Jeffrey David Lewine:
Developmental instability and the neural dynamics of the speed-intelligence relationship. NeuroImage 32(3): 1456-1464 (2006) - [c9]John Davis, Don Plass, Paul Bunce, Yuen H. Chan, Antonio Pelella, Rajiv V. Joshi, A. Chen, William V. Huott, Thomas J. Knips, Pradip Patel, K. Lo, Eric Fluhr:
A 5.6GHz 64kB Dual-Read Data Cache for the POWER6TM Processor. ISSCC 2006: 2564-2571 - [c8]Xinli Wang, Wei Gao, James Slusser, John Davis, Becky Olson, Gwen Scott, Bill Durham, Roger Tree, George Janson, Scott Janssen, Rita Deike:
USDA UV-B Monitoring System: An Application of Centralized Architecture. PDPTA 2006: 279-285 - [c7]John Davis, Daby M. Sow, Daniela Bourges-Waldegg, Changjie Guo, Christian Hoertnagl, Markus Stolze, Brian White Eagle, Ying Yin:
Supporting Mobile Business Workflow with Commune. WMCSA 2006: 10-18 - [c6]John Davis, Daby M. Sow, Daniela Bourges-Waldegg, Changjie Guo, Christian Hoertnagl, Markus Stolze, Brian White Eagle, Ying Yin:
Supporting Mobile Business Workflow with Commune. WMCSA 2006: 43 - 2003
- [c5]Alistair Fletcher, John Davis:
Dialectical Evidence Assembly for Discovery. Discovery Science 2003: 100-113 - [c4]John Davis, Melora Zaner, Shelly Farnham, Cezary Marcjan, Brenda P. McCarthy:
Wireless Brainstorming: Overcoming Status Effects in Small Group Decisions. HICSS 2003: 46 - [c3]Tim Menzies, Justin S. Di Stefano, Kareem Ammar, Kenneth McGill, Pat Callis, Robert (Mike) Chapman, John Davis:
When Can We Test Less? IEEE METRICS 2003: 98- - 2002
- [c2]Carlos Jensen, John Davis, Shelly Farnham:
Finding others online: reputation systems for social online spaces. CHI 2002: 447-454 - 2000
- [c1]Doug Malone, Paul Bunce, Joe DellaPietro, John Davis, James Dawson, Thomas J. Knips, Don Plass, Phil Pritzlaff, Kenneth Reyer:
Design validation of .18 μm 1 GHz cache and register arrays. CICC 2000: 295-298
1990 – 1999
- 1993
- [j1]John Davis, Tom Morgan:
Object-Oriented Development at Brooklyn Union Glas. IEEE Softw. 10(1): 67-74 (1993)
Coauthor Index

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