EUROSPEECH 1997: Rhodes, Greece

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Acoustic Modelling

Dynamic Articulatory Measurements

Language Identification

Neural Networks for Speech and Language Processing

Training Techniques; Efficient Decoding in ASR


Keyword and Topic Spotting

Robustness in Recognition and Signal Processing

Modelling of Prosody

Microphone Arrays for Speech Enhancement

Multilingual Recognition

Language Specific Speech Analysis

Feature Estimation, Pitch, and Prosody

Speech Coding

Speech Synthesis Techniques

Technology for S&L Acquisition, Speech Processing Tools

Phonetics and Phonology

Confidence Measures in ASR

Speaker and Language Identification

Perception of Prosody

Applications of Speech Technology

Spontaneous Speech Recognition

Language Specific Segmental Features

Speaker Recognition

Speech Synthesis: Linguistic Analysis

Speech Analysis and Modelling

Dialogue Systems: Design and Applications

Speech Production Modelling

Speech Enhancement and Noise Mitigation

Spoken Language Understanding

Language Model Adaptation

Prosody and Speech Recognition/Understanding

Wideband Speech Coding

Speech Recognition in Adverse Environments CSR and Error Analysis

Multimodal Speech Processing, Emerging Techniques and Applications

Databases, Tools and Evaluations

Speaker Adaptation I

Assessment Methods

Education for Language and Speech Communication

Hybrid Systems for ASR

Topic and Dialogue Dependent Language Modelling


Articulatory Modelling

Front-Ends and Adaptation to Acoustics Speaker Adaptation

Speech Perception

Dialogue Systems: Linguistic Structures, Modelling and Evaluation

Speaker Recognition and Language Identification

Style and Accent Recognition

Towards Robust ASR for Car and Telephone Applications

Language-Specific Systems

Pronunciation Models

Auditory Modelling and Psychoacoustics

Voice Conversion and Data Driven F0-Models

Vocal Tract Analysis

F0 and Duration Modelling, Spoken language processing

Language Modelling

Auditory Modelling and Psychoacoustics, Neural Networks for Speech Processing and Recognition