AFIPS Fall Joint Computing Conference 1967: Anaheim, CA, USA

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showing all ?? records

Hybrid facility performance improvements

Advanced computer generated graphics

Advances in computer circuits

Hybrid computation-several applications

Display systems and equipment

Impact of LSI on future computer systems

Executive control programs

Input/output techniques

Management information systems

Computing in the humanities and social sciences - a status report

Memory system technology

Software for hardware types

Digital simulation languages and systems

Achievements in medical data processing

Position papers for main frame memory technology - a debate

Position papers for panel discussion: information services and communications (computer utilities)

New developments in programming languages and language processors

Techniques to facilitate conversion to new machines

Position papers for panel discussion: the impact of new technology on the analog/hybrid art-I

Computer organization - I

Quality papers of general interest - I

The role of the graphic processor in programming systems

Computer organization - II

Quality papers of general interest - II

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