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BIOCOMP 2010: Las Vegas, Nevada, USA
- Hamid R. Arabnia, Quoc-Nam Tran, Rui Chang, Matthew He, Andy Marsh, Ashu M. G. Solo, Jack Y. Yang:
International Conference on Bioinformatics & Computational Biology, BIOCOMP 2010, July 12-15, 2010, Las Vegas Nevada, USA, 2 Volumes. CSREA Press 2010, ISBN 1-60132-134-1
Bioinformatics Database, Data Mining, and Pattern Discovery
- Adam W. Hoover, Anirud Singh, Stephanie Fishel-Brown, Eric Muth:
Change Point Detection Via Sub-Gaussian Fitting. BIOCOMP 2010: 3-9 - Mehdi Pirooznia, Fayaz Seifuddin, Jennifer Toolan Judy, Pamela B. Mahon, James B. Potash, Peter P. Zandi:
Data Mining Approaches for Genome-Wide Association of Mood Disorders. BIOCOMP 2010: 10-16 - William Hendrix, Andrea M. Rocha, Mark T. Elmore, Joe Trien, Nagiza F. Samatova:
Discovery of Enriched Biological Motifs Using Knowledge Priors with Application to Biohydrogen Production. BIOCOMP 2010: 17-23 - Dmitry Devetyarov, Martin Woodward, Nicholas Coldham, Muna Anjum, Alexander Gammerman:
A New Bioinformatics Tool for Prediction with Confidence. BIOCOMP 2010: 24-28 - Jing Hu:
Identification of Transmembrane â-Barrel Proteins Using a K-Nearest Neighbor Method Based On Weighted Manhattan Distance. BIOCOMP 2010: 29-34 - Kazuya Miyahara, Hajime Kitakami, Yoshifumi Takahashi, Keiichi Tamura, Susumu Kuroki:
Mining Minimum Generalized Set Based on Multiple Alignments from Mismatch Cluster. BIOCOMP 2010: 35-41 - Mohammad Abdel-Rahman, Aliaa A. A. Youssif, Fayed Ghaleb, Abdel-Badeeh M. Salem:
A Fast Algorithm for Detecting Genes Controlled by RNAi by Degradation Technique. BIOCOMP 2010: 42-48 - Hesam T. Dashti, Jernej Tonejc, Adel Ardalan, Alireza F. Siahpirani, Sabrina Guettes, Zohreh Sharif, Liya Wang, Amir H. Assadi:
Applications of Machine Learning Methods to Quantifying Phenotypic Traits that Distinguish the Wild Type from the Mutant Arabidopsis Thaliana Seedlings during Root Gravitropism. BIOCOMP 2010: 49-54 - Laurin A. J. Mueller, Karl G. Kugler, Andreas Dander, Christian Baumgartner, Armin Graber, Matthias Dehmer:
A Network-based Approach to Classify Disease Stages of Prostate Cancer Using Quantitative Network Measures. BIOCOMP 2010: 55-61 - Karl G. Kugler, Laurin A. J. Mueller, Ralf Gallasch, Armin Graber, Matthias Dehmer:
A Novel Majority Vote Count Algorithm for Integrative Analysis of Association Networks. BIOCOMP 2010: 62-67 - Vasim Mahamuda, Man Chon U, Khaled Rasheed:
Application of Machine Learning Algorithms for Binning Metagenomic Data. BIOCOMP 2010: 68-74 - Bernard Chen, Michael Miller, Timothy Montgomery, Terrance Griffin:
Clustering using Positional Association Rules Algorithm on Protein Sequence Motifs. BIOCOMP 2010: 75-80 - Songfeng Zheng, Weixiang Liu:
Fitting Probit Regression using Functional Gradient Ascent for Cancer Classification. BIOCOMP 2010: 81-86 - Ijaz Ali Shoukat, Mohsin Iftikhar:
Suggested Hybrid Approach for Robust Classification of EEG Data for Brain Computer Interface. BIOCOMP 2010: 87-97 - Umair Khan, Humaira Qureshi:
Comparative Analysis of the Computational Methods used in Protein Structure Prediction. BIOCOMP 2010: 98-103 - Manasi Raddi, Manasi Pandire, Radha Shankarmani, Kailas Devadkar:
Improving Survival Rates Using Data Mining. BIOCOMP 2010: 104-112
Microarray, Gene Expression Analysis, and Gene Regulatory Networks
- Yao Fu, Laura R. Jarboe, Julie A. Dickerson:
Gene Regulatory Network Reconstruction Based on Gene Expression and Transcription Factor Activities. BIOCOMP 2010: 113-119 - Liangjiang Wang:
Computational Identification of Human Tissue-Specific Genes Using Public Microarray Expression Data. BIOCOMP 2010: 120-126 - Rachel Caldwell, Jinda Kongcharoen, Yan-Xia Lin, Ren Zhang:
The Length Distributions of Non-coding and Coding Sequences in Relation to Gene Expression: A Study on Arabidopsis thaliana. BIOCOMP 2010: 127-133 - Venu K. Murthy, Edayathu V. Krishnamurthy:
Can Graph Motifs Capture the Functions of a Complex Network? BIOCOMP 2010: 134-139 - Manu Sheel Gupta, Pragya Goel:
Normalized Microarrays for Analysis and Prediction (NMAP): An SOA Solution for Biomedical Research. BIOCOMP 2010: 140-145 - Songfeng Zheng, Weixiang Liu:
Median Boost for Cancer Classification with Gene Expression Data. BIOCOMP 2010: 146-151 - Neha Puri, Niravath Geethu Issac, Shipra Vinodkumar Gupta, Kushagra Srivastava:
Gene Expression Analysis of Genes Involved in Bypassing Cellular Senescence in Prostate Cancer. BIOCOMP 2010: 152-158
Protein Classification and Structure Prediction, Evolutionary, and Computational Molecular and Structural Biology
- Sheryl Brahnam, Loris Nanni, Jian-Yu Shi, Alessandra Lumini:
Local Phase Quantization Texture Descriptor for Protein Classification. BIOCOMP 2010: 159-165 - Bo Li, Feng Luo, James Z. Wang, F. Alex Feltus, Jizhong Zhou:
Effectively Integrating Information Content and Structural Relationship to Improve the GO-based Similarity Measure Between Proteins. BIOCOMP 2010: 166-172 - Minseo Park:
Detection of Alternative Splicing based on Reduced Amino Acid Alphabet. BIOCOMP 2010: 173-177 - Wenhong Tian, Matthew C. Schmidt, Wenbin Chen, Nagiza F. Samatova:
Multiple Alignment of Large Interaction Networks by Fast Identifying Maximal Conserved Patterns. BIOCOMP 2010: 178-184 - Vincent Yip, Bernard Chen, Sinan Kockara:
Extraction of Protein Sequence Motifs Information by Bi-Clustering Algorithm. BIOCOMP 2010: 185-190 - Jack Horner:
A Bayesian Phylogenetic Analysis of an Early Avian-Line Radiation. BIOCOMP 2010: 191-197 - Bernard Chen, Christopher Rhodes, Christopher Kline, Luke Irvin:
Protein Sequence Motif Information Generated by Fuzzy - Hybrid Hierarchical K-means Clustering Algorithm. BIOCOMP 2010: 198-201 - Priyadarshini Lakshminarasimhan, Qi Liu, Robert E. Marmelstein, Mary Devito, Dongsheng Che:
A Multi-Objective Evolutionary Approach for Haplotype Inference. BIOCOMP 2010: 202-208 - Nazar Zaki, Wassim El-Hajj:
Predicting Membrane Proteins Type Using Inter-domain Linker Knowledge. BIOCOMP 2010: 209-214 - Yosi Shibberu, Mark Brandt, David Cooper:
Intrinsic Contact Geometry of Protein Dynamics. BIOCOMP 2010: 215-219 - Yan Jia, Ziyang Chen, Xuan Wang, Fa Zhang:
Protein Sequence Alignment Algorithm Based on Hybrid Profile Information. BIOCOMP 2010: 220-224 - Xiuping Tao, Andrew J. Bordner, Thomas C. Schulthess, Andrey A. Gorin:
Kernelling Method for Identifying Near-Native Protein Decoy Structures. BIOCOMP 2010: 225-228 - Bingru Yang:
A Novel Protein Secondary Structure Prediction System Based on Compound Pyramid Model. BIOCOMP 2010: 229-237 - Anjum Reyaz-Ahmed, Na'el Abu-Halaweh, Robert W. Harrison, Yan-Qing Zhang:
Protein Model Assessment via Improved Fuzzy Decision Tree. BIOCOMP 2010: 238-241 - Gregory Wood, Drew Clinkenbeard:
Free Energy Decomposition of the Helix to Coil Transition. BIOCOMP 2010: 242-247 - Jack Horner:
Sensitivity of a Phylogeny of the Triassic Avian-LIne Radiation to Character-Transition Ordering. BIOCOMP 2010: 248-254
Comparative Sequence, Genome Analysis, Genome Assembly, and Genome Scale Computational Methods
- Qiwei Li, Tong Liang, Shuo-Yen Robert Li, Xiaodan Fan:
Bayesian Approach for Identifying Short Adjacent Repeats in Multiple Sequences. BIOCOMP 2010: 255-261 - Ankit Agrawal, Alok N. Choudhary, Xiaoqiu Huang:
Non-Conservative Pairwise Statistical Significance of Local Sequence Alignment Using Position-Specific Substitution Matrices. BIOCOMP 2010: 262-268 - Alvaro J. González, Li Liao, Cathy H. Wu:
Predicting Functional Sites in Biological Sequences Using Canonical Correlation Analysis. BIOCOMP 2010: 269-273 - Lars Wienbrandt, Manfred Schimmler:
Collecting Statistical Information in DNA Sequences for the Detection of Special Motifs. BIOCOMP 2010: 274-278 - Tai-Chun Wang, Javid Taheri, Albert Y. Zomaya:
A Combinative Strategy for Higher Reliable Tag SNPs Selection. BIOCOMP 2010: 279-285 - Vianney Morales Zamora, José Crispín Hernández Hernández, José Federico Ramírez-Cruz:
Alignment of Sequences Using a Genetic Algorithm and Dynamic Programming. BIOCOMP 2010: 286-292 - Eric Linton, Paul B. Albee, Patrick Kinnicutt, En-Bing Lin:
Time Frequency Analysis of Mitochondrial Genome. BIOCOMP 2010: 293-297 - Adetayo Kasim, Ziv Shkedy, Dan Lin, Suzy Van Sanden, José Cortiñas Abrahantes, Hinrich W. H. Göhlmann, Luc Bijnens, Dani Yekutieli, Michael Camilleri, Jeroen Aerssens, Willem Talloen:
Translating Gene Signatures Across Tissues: A Statistical View. BIOCOMP 2010: 298-301 - Pawel Blazej, Pawel Mackiewicz, Stanislaw Cebrat:
Using the Genetic Code Wisdom for Recognizing Protein Coding Sequences. BIOCOMP 2010: 302-305 - Yizhen Jia, Thomas K. F. Wong, You-Qiang Song, David K. Smith, Siu-Ming Yiu:
Investigation of the Lineage and Tissue Specificity of Genes. BIOCOMP 2010: 306-310 - Jaime Seguel, Yaisiel Torres:
Identifying Highly Conserved Blocks in Families of Biosequences Through Selective Extensions. BIOCOMP 2010: 311-314 - Syed Shams-ul-Haq:
Asymptotic Analysis of SIMD Optimized DFT based EXON Prediction Algorithm for DNA Sequences. BIOCOMP 2010: 315-322
Drug Targets, Immunotherapy, and Computational Methods for System and Micro Biology
- Meeta Pradhan, Mathew Palakal:
Identifying CRC Specific Pathways and Drug Targets from Literature Augmented Proteomics Data. BIOCOMP 2010: 323-331 - Giulio Tarro:
Tumor Liberated Protein from Cancer and Perspectives for Immunotherapy. BIOCOMP 2010: 330-335 - Ameer Shaik Abdul, Aparna Sriram, Sri Harsha Muppaneni, Teja Polapragada, Zhong-Hui Duan:
Phylogenetic Analysis of H1N1 2009 Influenza Virus. BIOCOMP 2010: 334-338 - Stephen Huff, Mark Rojas, Paul Havlak, Yuriy Fofanov:
Co-Evolution of the Influenza Virus and Its Hosts. BIOCOMP 2010: 339-342 - Jack Horner:
An Estimate of the Mutation Rates of the Active Sites of Influenza A/H5N1 Neuraminidases. BIOCOMP 2010: 344-349 - Jack Horner:
A Bayesian Phylogenetic Analysis of Influenza A/H1N1 Neuraminidase-Encoding Segments. BIOCOMP 2010: 350-355 - Tin-Chun Chu, Jonathan Jimenez, Lauren Strawn, Michelle Reed, Lauren Pohren, Lee H. Lee:
Molecular Probes for the Detection of Cyanophage AS-1 and its Cyanobacterial Hosts. BIOCOMP 2010: 356-362 - Aleksandra Markovets, Abigail Newsome, Charles Bland:
Promoter Prediction in Halothiobacillus Neapolitanus c2 Based on Stress-induced Duplex Destabilization. BIOCOMP 2010: 363-366 - Alice Karoubi Nordon:
Biomedicine Issues In Modern Society: Focus On Assisted Reproduction Practice In Europe. BIOCOMP 2010: 367-374
Computational Methods for Filtering, Noise Cancellation, and Signal and Image Processing
- Francesca Tria, Emanuele Caglioti, Vittorio Loreto, Simone Pompei:
A Fast Noise Reduction Driven Distance-Based Phylogenetic Algorithm. BIOCOMP 2010: 375-380 - Gilles Hermann, Hubert Kihl, Jean-Philippe Urban:
Detection and Characterization of Vesicles in EM Images. BIOCOMP 2010: 381-386 - Ömer M. Soysal, Jianhua Chen, Steven Bujenovic, Helmut Schneider:
A Hierarchical Decision Engine for Computer Aided Lung Nodule Detection from CT Images. BIOCOMP 2010: 387-393 - Wooram Park, Gregory S. Chirikjian:
Re-alignment of Class Images in Single-particle Electron Microscopy. BIOCOMP 2010: 394-397 - Mahua Bhattacharya, Arpita Das:
Automated Medical Image Fusion: A Comparative Study Between GA and PSO Based Approaches. BIOCOMP 2010: 398-403 - Julio Solano-González, Monica Vazquez, Ernesto Rubio, Israel Sanchez, Martin Fuentes, Fabián García Nocetti:
Doppler Ultrasound Signal Spectral Response in the Measurement of Blood Flow Turbulence Caused by Stenosis. BIOCOMP 2010: 404-408 - Bian Li, Mary C. Baker, Kwaku Akrofi, Allison McMahon:
Use of a Sequential Forward Floating Search Method in Selecting fMRI and EEG Features for Classification of Visual Tasks. BIOCOMP 2010: 409-413 - Fernando González, Lluís Belanche:
Differentiation of Glioblastomas and Metastases using 1H-MRS spectral data. BIOCOMP 2010: 414-420
Modelling, Simulation and Optimization of Biological Systems
- Paolo Locatelli, Nicola Restifo, Roberta Facchini, Elena Sini, Michele Torresani:
Strategic Planning Of Identification Technologies In Healthcare Processes: A Model and A Real Case. BIOCOMP 2010: 421-427 - Frank Nani, Mingxian Jin:
Mathematical Modeling and Simulation of Latency Phase HIV-1 Dynamics. BIOCOMP 2010: 428-434 - Shobha Gupta, T. K. Basak, S. K. Chaudhary:
A Pathway Based Model of Retinoid Dependent Growth Arrest and Differentiation. BIOCOMP 2010: 435-441 - Shashi Barak, Kusum Deep, Krishna Pratap Singh, Vinod Kumar Katiyar:
Global Optimization of Molecular Potential Energy Function Using a Real Coded Genetic Algorithm. BIOCOMP 2010: 442-447 - Silvana Ilie, Ekaterina Kudashkina:
A Model Reduction Technique for Stochastic Biochemical Kinetics. BIOCOMP 2010: 448-453 - Seyed Morteza Babamir, Mojdeh Rahmanian:
Modeling and Analyzing CIIP Medical System Using Colored Petri-Nets. BIOCOMP 2010: 454-458 - Cassiana Chassot Fulber, Dinler Amaral Antunes, Maurício Menegatti Rigo, José Artur Bogo Chies, Marialva Sinigaglia, Gustavo Fioravanti Vieira:
Reconstruction of MHC Alleles by Cross Modeling and Structural Assessment. BIOCOMP 2010: 459-463 - Jaime Rojas Sanchez, Jonathan Chaparro Sanchez, Jose Soriano:
Design and Simulation of Optimal Control Systems Applied to COPD Patients. BIOCOMP 2010: 464-469 - Zizhong Wang, Huiqing Yang:
Computer Simulation for the Development of Immune Cells. BIOCOMP 2010: 470-475 - Bernd Brückner, Tobias Walter:
A New Attempt to Stimulus Related Data Analysis by Structured Neural Networks. BIOCOMP 2010: 476-480
Computational Methods, Computer-Assisted Medical Care and Service Systems, and Diagnostic Tools in Biomedical
- Rory A. Lewis, Andrew M. White:
Seizure Detection Using Sequential and Coincident Power Spectra with Deterministic Finite Automata. BIOCOMP 2010: 481-488 - Luciano Comin Nunes, Plácido Rogério Pinheiro, Tarcisio Cavalcante Pequeno, Mirian Calíope Dantas Pinheiro:
A Tool to Aid in the Diagnosis of Bipolar Disorder. BIOCOMP 2010: 489-494 - Ana Karoline Araújo de Castro, Plácido Rogério Pinheiro, Mirian Calíope Dantas Pinheiro:
A Tool to Aid in the Neuropsychological Diagnosis of Alzheimer's Disease. BIOCOMP 2010: 495-501 - Loay Alzubaidi, Werner Mohl, Frank Rattay:
Automatic Computation for Pressure Controlled Intermittent Coronary Sinus Occlusion. BIOCOMP 2010: 502-506 - Aliaa A. A. Youssif:
Computer-assisted Analysis of Fetal Hydrocephalus. BIOCOMP 2010: 507-513 - Muneem Shahriar, Mary C. Baker:
Using Kernel-PCA Features for EEG Spike Sorting. BIOCOMP 2010: 514-518 - Mohamed Ezzeldin A. Bashir, Makki Akasha, Dong Gyu Lee, GyeongMin Yi, Keun Ho Ryu, Eun Jong Cha, Jang-Whan Bae, Myeong-Chan Cho, Chae Woo Yoo:
Nested Ensemble Technique for Excellence Real Time Cardiac Health Monitoring. BIOCOMP 2010: 519-525 - Isabelle Tamanini, Plácido Rogério Pinheiro, Mirian Calíope Dantas Pinheiro:
Analysis of Verbal Decision Analysis Methods Considering a Multicriteria Model to the Diagnosis of Alzheimer's Disease. BIOCOMP 2010: 526-531 - Christopher Theisen, Norbert W. Seidler:
Computational Determination of Aqueous Concentrations of Inhalational Anesthetics. BIOCOMP 2010: 532-536 - Alessandro Brawerman, Mauricio Perretto, Edson Sieczka, Fabio Hoffmann:
Towards A Real-Time Mobile Health Care Monitoring Embedded System. BIOCOMP 2010: 537-543 - Miguel Vargas-Lombardo, Armando Jipsion, Rafael Vejarano, Ismael Camargo, Humberto Alvarez, Elena Villalba Mora, Ernestina Menasalva Ruiz:
A Holistic, Interactive and Persuasive Model to Facilitate Self-care of Patients with Diabetes in Latin America and the Caribbean. BIOCOMP 2010: 544-548 - Melissa Stockman, Mariette Awad:
Multistage SVM as a Clinical Decision Making Tool for Predicting Post Operative Patient Status. BIOCOMP 2010: 549-552 - V. K. Sudha, N. Ashok Kumar, R. Sudhakar:
Electrical Activity of Human Brain - An Early Marker for Alzheimer's Disease. BIOCOMP 2010: 553-556 - Guohong Zhou, Shuqian Luo:
A Tumor Diagnoses Assistant System in Traditional Chinese Medicine(TCM) Combining With Modern Medicine. BIOCOMP 2010: 557-560 - Dinesh Kumar Saini, Sanad Al-Maskari, Wail M. Omar:
Web 2.0 and Healthcare Collaborative Framework for Health Awareness and Education. BIOCOMP 2010: 561-564 - Weimin Yu, Bo Ning, Yunfeng Zhang, Jianye Zhao:
A Real-time QRS Detection System Based on Neural Network. BIOCOMP 2010: 565-570
Software Packages and Other Computational Topics Including in Bioinformatics
- Daniel Honbo, Ankit Agrawal, Alok N. Choudhary:
Efficient Pairwise Statistical Significance Estimation using FPGAs. BIOCOMP 2010: 571-577 - Joe Feldkamp:
Electrical Properties Of Hydrogels From Non-Equilibrium Molecular Dynamics. BIOCOMP 2010: 578-583 - Bhadrachalam Chitturi:
On Complexity of Transforming Strings. BIOCOMP 2010: 584-590 - Bhadrachalam Chitturi, Ivan Hal Sudborough:
Prefix Reversals on Strings. BIOCOMP 2010: 591-598 - Suhair Amer, John Hamilton:
A Danger Theory Model. BIOCOMP 2010: 599-604 - Hiroshi Hatsuda:
Automatic Cell Identification Using a Multiple Marked Point Process. BIOCOMP 2010: 605-609 - Jack Horner:
BFAT: Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE) Forensic Analysis Tool. BIOCOMP 2010: 610-616 - Dinesh Kumar Saini, Osama A. Rahmeh, Hemraj Saini:
Extended Secure Architecture of HIS: HL7. BIOCOMP 2010: 617-623 - Marie Vendettuoli, Dianne Cook, Heike Hofmann:
qtpaintgui() - An integration of Command Line and Graphical User Interface. BIOCOMP 2010: 624-629 - Robert Warner:
The Statistically Meaningful Display of Analog Data. BIOCOMP 2010: 630-633 - Pamita Awasthi, Priyanka Sharma:
Computer Aided Designing of Juvenile Hormone Analogues as a Potential Pesticide Based on Ligand - Receptor Interaction - A Docking Study. BIOCOMP 2010: 634-639 - Jack Horner:
A Scale-Free-Network Analog of the Canonical Potential-Energy Distribution. BIOCOMP 2010: 640-643 - Xinhua Ji:
Global Stability for the n-Species Lotka-Volterra Tree Systems. BIOCOMP 2010: 644-650 - Shashank Shekhar, Priyanka Dhingra, Bharat Lakhani, Avinash Mishra, Bhyravabhotla Jayaram:
Bhageerath: A Web Enabled High Performance Computing (HPC) Software Suite for Predicting The Tertiary Structures of Small Globular Proteins Using all Atom Energy Based Ab initio Methods. BIOCOMP 2010: 651-657 - Zhi-fu Tao, Xia-chen Dong, Meng Yao, Yi-zhou Yao:
Biopsy Back Wave Preprocessing Research of BRATUMASS System based on Applications of Fractional Fourier Transform. BIOCOMP 2010: 658-661 - Keith E. Schubert, Ernesto Gomez, Jane Curnutt, Penelope Boston:
To Live and Die in CA. BIOCOMP 2010: 662-665 - Iraj Derakhshan:
From Celestial to Terrestrial: A New Light on David Kinnebrook's Systematic Error of Judgment at Greenwich in 1796. BIOCOMP 2010: 666-670
Algebraic Biology and Bioinformatics, ABB
- Jason Gershman:
Incorporating Gene Ontology in Clustering Time-Course Gene-Expression Array Data. BIOCOMP 2010: 671-677 - Matthew He, Sergei V. Petoukhov:
Matrix Genetics and THE Bipolar Algbera of the Genetic Code. BIOCOMP 2010: 678-686
Novel Algorithms for In-Silico Modeling Biological Networks and Generating Quantitative Predictions
- Peter Langfelder, Tova Fuller, Steve Horvath:
Comparing Robust Methods for Defining Directed Networks and Their Hub Nodes. BIOCOMP 2010: 687-692 - Jiangeng Li, Yi Zhu, Xiaogang Ruan:
Identification of Gene Pathway Involved in Clinical Traits Using Bayesian Network Classifiers. BIOCOMP 2010: 693-699 - Patrick Meyer, Daniel Marbach, Sushmita Roy, Manolis Kellis:
Information-Theoretic Inference of Gene Networks Using Backward Elimination. BIOCOMP 2010: 700-705 - Fei-Hung Hung, Hung-Wen Chiu:
Pathway-based Microarray Data Analysis for Cancer Research. BIOCOMP 2010: 706-711 - Jun Zhu, Manikandan Narayanan, Bin Zhang, Kai Wang:
Latent Variables in Bayesian Network Construction and Inference. BIOCOMP 2010: 712-716 - Hye Young Kim, Jin Hyuk Kim:
A Study of Genomic Modules and Intermodular Networks for Understanding the Operating System of Life. BIOCOMP 2010: 717-723 - Rui Chang, Wei Wang:
A Novel Knowledge-driven Systems Biology Approach for Phenotype Prediction Upon Genetic Intervention. BIOCOMP 2010: 724-733 - Sandro Lambeck, Andreas Dräger, Reinhard Guthke:
Network Inference by Considering Multiple Objectives: Insights from In Vivo Transcriptomic Data Generated by a Synthetic Network. BIOCOMP 2010: 734-742
Biological Networks, Feature Extraction, Gene Expressions, HIV, Software Tools, Modeling, Motifs, Proteomics, DNA, Data Analysis, Medicine, BCI/EEG, RNA, and Pattern Recognition
- Baikang Pei, Dong-Guk Shin:
Reconstruction of Biological Networks Structure by Using Bayesian Network Models with a Two-step Learning Procedure. BIOCOMP 2010: 743-749 - Martin Ehler, Brian P. Brooks, Robert F. Bonner:
Directional Equilibrium of Gene Regulatory Networks in Developmental Biology. BIOCOMP 2010: 750-754 - Anke Meyer-Bäse, Fabian J. Theis:
Robust Stability Analysis and Design Under Consideration of Multiple Feedback Loops in the Tryptophan Regulatory Network of E. coli. BIOCOMP 2010: 755-759 - Gregor Stiglic, Igor Pernek, Peter Kokol:
Identification of Specific Gene Expression Signatures in Oncology. BIOCOMP 2010: 760-765 - Freddy Cliquet, Guillaume Fertin, Irena Rusu, Dominique Tessier:
Proper Alignment of MS/MS Spectra from Unsequenced Species. BIOCOMP 2010: 766-772 - Gugulethu Mabuza, Tarik Al-Ani, Karim Djouani, Johnson I. Agbinya:
Non Destructive Sensing of Food Materials using Fuzzy c-means Clustering. BIOCOMP 2010: 773-778 - Ding-Geng Chen, Karl E. Peace, Lili Yu, Yuhlong Lio, Yibin Wang:
Interval-Censoring in Biomedical and Biopharmaceutical Clinical Trials. BIOCOMP 2010: 779-784 - Chiou-Yi Hor, Chang-Biau Yang, Chiou-Ting Tseng, Hung-Hsin Chen:
A Tool Preference Selection Method for RNA Secondary Structure Prediction with SVM. BIOCOMP 2010: 785-791