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BIOSTEC BIOSIGNALS 2009: Porto, Portugal
- Pedro Encarnação, António P. Veloso:
BIOSIGNALS 2009 - Proceedings of the International Conference on Bio-inspired Systems and Signal Processing, Porto, Portugal, January 14-17, 2009. INSTICC Press 2009, ISBN 978-989-8111-65-4
Keynote Lectures
- Edward H. Shortliffe:
Biomedical Informatics - Its Scientific Evolution and Future Promise. BIOSTEC 2009: 5 - Vimla L. Patel:
Cognitive Science Approach to Understanding Human-computer Interaction in Medicine. BIOSTEC 2009: 7 - Pier Luigi Emiliani:
Technology for the Independent Living of People with Activity Limitations. BIOSTEC 2009: 9-12 - Maciej Ogorzalek:
Pattern Recognition and Statistical Learning Techniques for Applications in Skin Cancer Diagnosis. BIOSTEC 2009: 13 - Egon L. van den Broek, Viliam Lisý, Joyce H. D. M. Westerink, Marleen H. Schut, Kees Tuinenbreijer:
Biosignals as an Advanced Man-Machine Interface. BIOSTEC 2009: 15-24
Full Papers
- Michael Seifert, Ali Banaei, Jens Keilwagen, Michael Florian Mette, Andreas Houben, François Roudier, Vincent Colot, Ivo Grosse, Marc Strickert:
Array-based Genome Comparison of Arabidopsis Ecotypes using Hidden Markov Models. BIOSIGNALS 2009: 3-11 - G. M. Beumer, Raymond N. J. Veldhuis, B. J. Boom:
Mapping Landmarks on to the Face. BIOSIGNALS 2009: 12-17 - Guillaume-Alexandre Bilodeau, Maxime Levesque, J. M. Pierre Langlois, Pablo Lema, Lionel Carmant:
Thermographic Body Temperature Measurement using a Mean-Shift Tracker. BIOSIGNALS 2009: 18-24 - Masaji Watanabe, Fusako Kawai:
Modeling and Simulation of Biodegradation of Xenobiotic Polymers based on Experimental Results. BIOSIGNALS 2009: 25-34 - Nuno Sérgio Mendes Dias, M. Kamrunnahar, Paulo Mateus Mendes, Steven J. Schiff, José Higino Correia:
Variable Subset Selection for Brain-Computer Interface - PCA-based Dimensionality Reduction and Feature Selection. BIOSIGNALS 2009: 35-40 - Rubén Fraile, Nicolás Sáenz-Lechón, Juan Ignacio Godino-Llorente, Víctor Osma-Ruiz, Corinne Fredouille:
MFCC-based Remote Pathology Detection on Speech Transmitted Through the Telephone Channel - Impact of Linear Distortions: Band Limitation, Frequency Response and Noise. BIOSIGNALS 2009: 41-48 - Toru Abe, Chieko Hamada, Tetsuo Kinoshita:
Chromosome Region Recognition with Local Band Patterns. BIOSIGNALS 2009: 49-56 - Tien Ho-Phuoc, Anne Guérin-Dugué, Nathalie Guyader:
A Computational Saliency Model Integrating Saccade Programming. BIOSIGNALS 2009: 57-64 - Ricardo Aler, Inés María Galván, José María Valls:
Improving Classification for Brain Computer Interfaces using Transitions and a Moving Window. BIOSIGNALS 2009: 65-71 - Artur J. Ferreira, André Lourenço, Bárbara Pinto, Jorge Tendeiro:
Modifications and Improvements on Iris Recognition. BIOSIGNALS 2009: 72-79 - Junichi Takano, Shigeru Aomura, Emiko Kikuchi:
Computational Muscle Reflex Model of Wheelchair Users Traveling in Motor Vehicles - Evaluation of the Motion and the Myoelectric Potential of People with Disabilities. BIOSIGNALS 2009: 80-86 - Yariv Z. Levy, Dino Levy, Jerrold S. Meyer, Hava T. Siegelmann:
Drug Addiction: A Computational Multiscale Model Combining Neuropsychology, Cognition and Behavior. BIOSIGNALS 2009: 87-94 - Michal Krumnikl, Eduard Sojka, Jan Gaura, Oldrich Motyka:
3D Reconstruction for Textureless Surfaces - Surface Reconstruction for Biological Research of Bryophyte Canopies. BIOSIGNALS 2009: 95-100 - Neeraj Kumar Singh, Hichem Snoussi, David J. Hewson, Jacques Duchêne:
Detection of the Critical Point Interval of Postural Control Strategy using Wavelet Transform Analysis. BIOSIGNALS 2009: 101-106 - James Decraene:
Closure in Artificial Cell Signalling Networks - Investigating the Emergence of Cognition in Collectively Autocatalytic Reaction Networks. BIOSIGNALS 2009: 107-114 - Süleyman Baykut, Paulo Gonçalves, Pierre-Hervé Luppi, Patrice Abry, Edmundo Pereira de Souza Neto, Damien Gervasoni:
EMD-based Analysis of Rat EEG Data for Sleep State Classification. BIOSIGNALS 2009: 115-123 - Rubén Fernández Pozo, José Luis Blanco Murillo, Luis A. Hernández Gómez, Eduardo López Gonzalo, José Alcázar Ramírez, Doroteo Torre Toledano:
Severe Apnoea Detection using Speaker Recognition Techniques. BIOSIGNALS 2009: 124-130 - Stefanie Kaiser, Malte Kirst, Christophe Kunze:
Automatic Detection of Atrial Fibrillation and Flutter - A Tachogram-based Algorithm for Mobile Devices. BIOSIGNALS 2009: 131-138 - Dário Augusto Borges Oliveira, Marley Maria Bernardes Rebuzzi Vellasco, Mariana M. B. Oliveira, Riuitiro Yamane:
Application of Neural Networks in Aid for Diagnosis for Patients with Glaucoma. BIOSIGNALS 2009: 139-145 - Yogendra Narain Singh, Phalguni Gupta:
An Efficient and Robust Technique of T Wave Delineation in Electrocardiogram. BIOSIGNALS 2009: 146-154 - Michael Wand, Tanja Schultz:
Towards Speaker-adaptive Speech Recognition based on Surface Electromyography. BIOSIGNALS 2009: 155-162 - Carla Oliveira, Ana L. N. Fred:
ECG-based Authentication - Bayesian vs. Nearest Neighbour Classifiers. BIOSIGNALS 2009: 163-168 - C. C. Castro, J. S. Silva, Vitor V. Lopes, Rui Costa Martins:
Yeast Metabolic State Identification by Fiber Optics Spectroscopy. BIOSIGNALS 2009: 169-178 - Leandro Daniel Vignolo, Hugo Leonardo Rufiner, Diego H. Milone, John C. Goddard:
Genetic Optimization of Cepstrum Filterbank for Phoneme Classification. BIOSIGNALS 2009: 179-185 - José C. R. Seabra, Ana L. N. Fred:
A Biometric Identification System based on Thyroid Tissue Echo-morphology. BIOSIGNALS 2009: 186-193
Short Papers
- André Stauffer, Joël Rossier:
Self-Organizing DSP Circuits. BIOSIGNALS 2009: 197-203 - Zahia Zidelmal, Ahmed Amirou, Adel Belouchrani:
Using Support Vector Machines (SVMs) with Reject Option for Heartbeat Classification. BIOSIGNALS 2009: 204-210 - Chi-Geun Lee, Mun-Sung Han, Chang-Seok Bae, Jin-Tae Kim:
Multi-modal Fusion of Speech-gesture using Integrated Probability Density Function. BIOSIGNALS 2009: 211-215 - Benjamín Dugnol Álvarez, Carlos Fernández García, Gonzalo Galiano Casas, Julián Velasco Valdés:
Multi-chirp Signal Separation. BIOSIGNALS 2009: 216-221 - Gernot Kvas, Rosemarie Velik:
Subset Selection of Myoelectric Channels - A Genetic Algorithm for Subset Selection of Myoelectric Channels for Patients Following TMR Surgery. BIOSIGNALS 2009: 222-226 - Giuliano Alves da Silva, Maria Cláudia Ferrari de Castro, Carlos E. Thomaz:
A Multivariate Statistical Analysis of Muscular Biopotential for Human Arm Movement Characterization. BIOSIGNALS 2009: 227-232 - Evgeny G. Vaschillo, Bronya Vaschillo:
Transfer Function of the Heart Rate Control System with Respiratory Input - The Classical Engineering Approach. BIOSIGNALS 2009: 233-238 - Gaël de Lannoy, Michel Verleysen, Jean Delbeke:
Assessment and Comparison of Time Realignment Methods for Supervised Heart Beat Classification. BIOSIGNALS 2009: 239-244 - D. V. Prasad, Swarnalatha Rajaguru:
Extraction of Fetal ECG from Abdominal Signal. BIOSIGNALS 2009: 245-248 - Marcos Ortega, Manuel G. Penedo, Cástor Mariño, María J. Carreira:
A Novel Similarity Metric for Retinal Images based Authentication. BIOSIGNALS 2009: 249-253 - C. Ricordel, D. Hadjiev, A. Darchen:
Perspectives of Electrocoagulation in Water Disinfection. BIOSIGNALS 2009: 254-258 - Carlos Hernando Ramiro, Manuel Blanco-Velasco, Eduardo Moreno-Martínez, Fernando Cruz-Roldán, José Sáez Landete:
Efficient Source Coding in a Thresholding-based ECG Compressor using the Discrete Wavelet Transform. BIOSIGNALS 2009: 259-264 - Hubert de Bruin, Mark Archambeault, Trung Trinh, Gary Hasey:
Recording EEG During Repetitive Trans-cranial Magnetic Stimulation. BIOSIGNALS 2009: 265-272 - Simon Bergstrand, Malin Björnsdotter Åberg, Timo Niiniskorpi, Johan Wessberg:
Towards Unified Analysis of EEG and fMRI - A Comparison of Classifiers for Single-trial Pattern Recognition. BIOSIGNALS 2009: 273-278 - Timo Niiniskorpi, Malin Björnsdotter Åberg, Johan Wessberg:
Particle Swarm Feature Selection for fMRI Pattern Classification. BIOSIGNALS 2009: 279-284 - José Silvestre Silva, João Cancela, Luísa Teixeira:
Intra-patient Registration Methods for Thoracic CT Exams. BIOSIGNALS 2009: 285-290 - Anwar Rayan, Mohamed Hegaze, Jamal Raiyn:
How Much Bovine Rhodopsin Crystal Structure is Useful for Modeling Human GPCRs? - ß2-Adrenergic Receptor as a Test Case. BIOSIGNALS 2009: 291-298 - Vasco Vinhas, Luís Paulo Reis, Eugénio C. Oliveira:
Dynamic Multimedia Content Delivery based on Real-time user Emotions - Multichannel Online Biosignals Towards Adaptative GUI and Content Delivery. BIOSIGNALS 2009: 299-304 - Abbas K. Abbas, Rasha Bassam:
Automated EMG-signal Pattern Clustering based on ICA Decomposition. BIOSIGNALS 2009: 305-310 - Carmen González, Marina Mendes, Pedro Amorim, Joaquim Mendes, Catarina S. Nunes:
Usefulness of Brain Signals for the Detection of Loss of Consciousness in Anesthesia - Overview of the Problem and Results from a Clinical Study. BIOSIGNALS 2009: 311-315 - Troels Bjerre, Jonas Henriksen, Carsten Haagen Nielsen, Peter Mondrup Rasmussen, Lars Kai Hansen, Kristoffer Hougaard Madsen:
Unified ICA-SPM Analysis of fMRI Experiments - Implementation of an ICA Graphical user Interface for the SPM Pipeline. BIOSIGNALS 2009: 316-321 - Enda Barrett, Des Chambers, Cosmin Rotariu:
ECG Classification and Analysis in a Zigbee Wireless Sensor Network. BIOSIGNALS 2009: 322-326 - Rui G. Silva, João S. Silva, António Augusto Vicente, José António Couto Teixeira, Rui Costa Martins:
In-Situ, Real-Time Bioreactor Monitoring by Fiber Optics Sensors. BIOSIGNALS 2009: 327-336 - Virgílio F. Bento, Filipe M. T. Silva, João Paulo da Silva Cunha:
IEETA Brain Computer Interface - Towards a Rapid Prototyping and Multi-Application System. BIOSIGNALS 2009: 337-344 - D. S. Brito, R. C. S. Freire, Enio Aguiar, Fausto Lucena, Allan Kardec Barros:
On the Influence of Low Frequency Components in the Weight Behaviour of the LMS Algorithm. BIOSIGNALS 2009: 345-350 - Ricardo J. T. de Sousa:
A New Accurate Method of Harmonic-to-noise Ratio Extraction. BIOSIGNALS 2009: 351-356 - Mário João Gonçalves Antunes, Manuel Eduardo Correia, Jorge Carneiro:
Towards an Immune-inspired Temporal Anomaly Detection Algorithm based on Tunable Activation Thresholds. BIOSIGNALS 2009: 357-362 - F. J. Smith:
Insect Navigation by Polarized Light. BIOSIGNALS 2009: 363-368 - Dinesh Kumar, Paulo Carvalho, Manuel Antunes, Jorge Henriques, A. Sá e Melo, Jörg Habetha:
Discrimination of Heart Sounds using Choas Analysis in Various Subbands. BIOSIGNALS 2009: 369-375 - Anne Porbadnigk, Marek Wester, Jan Calliess, Tanja Schultz:
EEG-based Speech Recognition - Impact of Temporal Effects. BIOSIGNALS 2009: 376-381 - Xin Yang, Mokhtar Nibouche, Anthony G. Pipe, Chris Melhuish:
A Biologically Inspired Hardware Module for Embedded Auditory Signal Processing Applications. BIOSIGNALS 2009: 382-387 - Amod Jog, Aniruddha J. Joshi, Sharat Chandran, Anant Madabhushi:
Classifying Ayurvedic Pulse Signals Via Consensus Locally Linear Embedding. BIOSIGNALS 2009: 388-395 - Qingzhong Liu, Andrew H. Sung, Bernardete Ribeiro, Mengyu Qiao:
Classification of Mass Spectrometry Data - Using Manifold and Supervised Distance Metric Learning. BIOSIGNALS 2009: 396-401 - Abdul-Hakeem H. AlOmari, Andrey V. Savkin, Dean M. Karantonis, Einly Lim, Nigel H. Lovell:
A Dynamical Model for Pulsatile Flow Estimation in a Left Ventricular Assist Device. BIOSIGNALS 2009: 402-405 - Collin H. H. Tang, Andrey V. Savkin, Paul M. Middleton:
Non-invasive Sepsis Patient Classification using Least Squares Support Vector Machine. BIOSIGNALS 2009: 406-410 - Abdul-Hakeem H. AlOmari, Andis Graudins, Andrey V. Savkin:
The Power Spectra Response of Stroke Volume and Arterial Blood Pressure Variability Signals to Autonomic Nervous System Modulation of the Heart. BIOSIGNALS 2009: 411-415 - Ihor Trots, Andrzej Nowicki, Marcin Lewandowski:
Double Pulse Transmission - Dead Zone Decreasing in Ultrasound Imaging. BIOSIGNALS 2009: 416-420 - Jun Akazawa, Takaharu Ikeuchi, Takemasa Okamoto, Ryuhei Okuno, Masaki Yoshida, Tetsuo Sato, Kotaro Minato:
Effect of Surface Electrode Orientation on Independent Component Analysis for Feature Extraction of Surface Motor Unit Action Potential. BIOSIGNALS 2009: 421-425 - Egon L. van den Broek, Joris H. Janssen, Joyce H. D. M. Westerink, Jennifer A. Healey:
Prerequisites for Affective Signal Processing (ASP). BIOSIGNALS 2009: 426-433 - Alicia Quirós Carretero, Raquel Montes Diez:
Brain Activity Detection - Statistical Analysis of fMRI Data. BIOSIGNALS 2009: 434-439 - Martin Golz, David Sommer, Udo Trutschel:
Data Reduction or Data Fusion in Bisoginal Processing? BIOSIGNALS 2009: 440-445
- Carlos F. Romero, Carlos M. Travieso, Jesús B. Alonso, Miguel A. Ferrer:
Hybrid Parameterization System for Writer Identification. BIOSIGNALS 2009: 449-454 - Jamal Raiyn, Anwar Rayan:
How Much Sequence Identity Guarantee Good Models in Homology Modeling - Proteins from Serine Protease Family as a Test Case? BIOSIGNALS 2009: 455-458 - Dorit S. Hochbaum:
An Efficient and Effective Image Segmentation Interactive Tool. BIOSIGNALS 2009: 459-461 - Jordi Solé i Casals, Carlos M. Travieso, Miguel A. Ferrer, Jesús B. Alonso, Juan Carlos Briceño:
Automatic Recognition of Leaves by Shape Detection Pre-processing with ICA. BIOSIGNALS 2009: 462-467 - Jordi Solé i Casals, François B. Vialatte, Zhe (Sage) Chen, Andrzej Cichocki:
Coherency and Sharpness Measures by using ICA Algorithms - An Investigation for Alzheimer's Disease Discrimination. BIOSIGNALS 2009: 468-475 - Rubén Fraile, Juan Ignacio Godino-Llorente:
Low-cost Adaptive Method for Real-time ECG Baseline Wander Removal with Reduced P and T Wave Distortion. BIOSIGNALS 2009: 476-479 - Angelos Kyriazis, Jesús Ruiz-Cabello, Ignacio Rodríguez, Sandra Pérez-Rial, Laura del Puerto Nevado, Germán Peces-Barba:
Pulmonary Pressure-volume Curves of Elastase-treated and Control Rats. BIOSIGNALS 2009: 480-486 - Jorge Teixeira, Vasco Vinhas, Luís Paulo Reis, Eugénio C. Oliveira:
Automatic Emotion Induction and Assessment Framework - Enhancing user Interfaces by Interperting users Multimodal Biosignals. BIOSIGNALS 2009: 487-490 - Abbas K. Abbas, Rasha Bassam, Rana M. Kasim:
Optimization of EMG-signal Source Classification based on Adaptive Wavelets K-mean Algorithm. BIOSIGNALS 2009: 491-497 - Federico Cardona Rocha, Fernando S. Schlindwein:
Analysis of the Heart Rate Variability before and after Asphyxia. BIOSIGNALS 2009: 498-501 - Jie Yang, Larry D. Paarmann, Hyuck M. Kwon, Wenhao Xiong:
Biological-vision Inspired DSA System for UAVs. BIOSIGNALS 2009: 502-505 - Erola Pairo, Santiago Marco, Alexandre Perera:
A Preliminary Study on the Detection of Transcription Factor Binding Sites. BIOSIGNALS 2009: 506-509 - Taher Biala, Fernando S. Schlindwein, Michael Wailoo, Michael Bankart:
Respiratory Sinus Arrhythmia in 10 Year Olds - Normal and Intrauterine Growth Restricted. BIOSIGNALS 2009: 510-513 - Octavian Postolache, Joaquim Mendes, Gabriela Postolache, Pedro Silva Girão:
Artificial Neural Network Approach for Obesity-hypertension Classification. BIOSIGNALS 2009: 514-520 - Giovanni Crisafulli, Giancarlo Iannizzotto, Francesco La Rosa:
Competitive and Cooperative Solutions for Remote Eye-tracking. BIOSIGNALS 2009: 521-528 - Hammad Omer, S. Ali Hojjat:
Wavelet based Extraction of Blood Vessels. BIOSIGNALS 2009: 529-534 - Teddy M. Cheng, Andrey V. Savkin, Branko G. Celler, Steven W. Su, Ning Wang:
Exercise Rate Estimation using a Triaxial Accelerometer. BIOSIGNALS 2009: 535-538 - Joanna Górecka:
The ICA Approach for Removal of Undesired Components from EEG Data. BIOSIGNALS 2009: 539-542

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