30th CCS 2024: Salt Lake City, UT, USA

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Keynote Talks

Session 1-1: Verification, Secure Architectures, and Network Security

Session 1-2: HW & CPS: Microarchitectural Attacks and Side Channels

Session 1-3: ML and Security: Machine Learning for Security

Session 1-4: HW & CPS: (Micro)Architecture Security

Session 1-5: Privacy and Anonymity: Privacy in Federated ML

Session 1-6: Privacy and Anonymity: Differential Privacy I

Session 1-7: Blockchains, Authentication, and Distributed Systems

Session 2-1: Network Security: The Internet Infrastructure

Session 2-2: Web Security I

Session 2-3: ML and Security: Machine Learning Attacks

Session 2-4: Software Security: Fuzzing I

Session 2-5: Applied Crypto: MPC I

Session 2-6: Applied Crypto: Zero Knowledge Proofs I

Session 2-7: Blockchain & Distributed Systems: Blockchain Attacks

Session 3-1: Formal Methods and Programming Languages I

Session 3-2: ML and Security: Large Language Models

Session 3-3: ML and Security: Inference Attacks

Session 3-4: Software Security: Memory Safety and Error Detection

Session 3-5: Applied Crypto: Private Information Retrieval & Private Set operations

Session 3-6: Applied Crypto: Signatures, Proofs, Integrity Schemes

Session 3-7: Usability and Measurement: Measuring and Understanding Privacy