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CHI 2001: Seattle, Washington, USA - Extended Abstracts
- Marilyn Mantai Tremaine:
CHI 2001 Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems, CHI Extended Abstracts 2001, Seattle, Washington, USA, March 31 - April 5, 2001. ACM 2001, ISBN 978-1-58113-340-0
Demonstrations: the way to work
- David W. Curbow:
User benefits of connecting automobiles to the internet. 1-2 - Ellen Isaacs, Alan Walendowski, Dipti Ranganathan:
Hubbub: a wireless instant messenger that uses earcons for awareness and for "sound instant messages". 3-4
Demonstrations: anywhere
- Wolfgang Hürst, Gabriela Maass, Rainer Müller, Thomas Ottmann:
The "Authoring on the Fly" system for automatic presentation recording. 5-6 - Johan Lundin, Urban Nulden, Lars M. Persson:
MobiLearn: competence development for Nomads. 7-8
Demonstrations: bleeding edge
- George W. Furnas, Yan Qu, Sanjeev Shrivastava, Gregory Peters:
Richer graphical interaction using interactive pixel rewrite systems. 9-10 - Michel Beaudouin-Lafon, Wendy E. Mackay, Peter Andersen, Paul Janecek, Mads Jensen, Henry Michael Lassen, Kasper Lund, Kjeld Høyer Mortensen, Stephanie Munck, Katrine Ravn, Anne V. Ratzer, Søren Christensen, Kurt Jensen:
CPN/tools: revisiting the desktop metaphor with post-WIMP interaction techniques. 11-12
Demonstrations: anyone
- Neil G. Scott, Isabelle Gingras:
The total access system. 13-14 - Marney Beard, Peter Korn:
What I need is what I get: downloadable user interfaces via Jini and Java. 15-16
Demonstrations: web usability
- Mike Lister:
Usability testing software for the internet. 17-18 - Robert W. Reeder, Peter Pirolli, Stuart K. Card:
WebEyeMapper and WebLogger: tools for analyzing eye tracking data collected in web-use studies. 19-20
Demonstrations: design tools
- Fabio Paternò, Giulio Mori, Riccardo Galiberti:
CTTE: an environment for analysis and development of task models of cooperative applications. 21-22 - Jianming Dong, Shirley Martin, Paul Waldo:
A user input and analysis tool for information architecture. 23-24
Demonstrations: technology play
- Mark Billinghurst, Hirokazu Kato, Ivan Poupyrev:
MagicBook: transitioning between reality and virtuality. 25-26 - Corinna E. Lathan, Jack Maxwell Vice, Michael Tracey, Catherine Plaisant, Allison Druin, Kris Edwards, Jaime Montemayor:
Therapeutic play with a storytelling robot. 27-28
Design expo
- Chia Shen, Neal Lesh, Baback Moghaddam, Paul A. Beardsley, Ryan Scott Bardsley:
Personal digital historian: user interface design. 29-30 - Edith Ackermann, Carol Strohecker:
PatternMagix construction kit software. 31-32 - Eduardo Sciammarella:
VisualFlow a media browser. 33-34 - Jay Lee, Hiroshi Ishii, Blair Duun, Victor Su, Sandia Ren:
GeoSCAPE: designing a reconstructive tool for field archaeological excavation. 35-36 - Mark Freeman, Eric Gould Bear, Barbee Teasley:
Poly-vectoral reverse navigation: simplifying traversal to and from shared nodes. 37-38 - Rachel Garb:
The gas pump as information appliance: a design case. 39-40 - Erik Rutten, David Ziedman, Doris Pelger, Bill McCarthy, Duncan Prior:
Building international web sites for the financial market. 41-42 - Per Persson, Fredrik Espinoza, Elenor Cacciatore:
GeoNotes: social enhancement of physical space. 43-44 - Cameron S. Miner, Denise M. Chan, Christopher Campbell:
Digital jewelry: wearable technology for everyday life. 45-46
Development consortium participants
- Marcos R. S. Borges, José A. Pino, Carla Valle:
Interfaces for groupware. 47-48 - Ingrid Kirschning:
Research and development of speech technology & applications for Mexican Spanish at the Tlatoa group. 49-50 - Leonel Morales Díaz:
Structured user interface design methodology. 51-52 - Mario Alberto Moreno Rocha:
Adding human computer interaction studies into the informatics and computing engineering bachelor degrees in Latin America. 53-54 - Clarisse Sieckenius de Souza, Simone Diniz Junqueira Barbosa, Raquel Oliveira Prates:
A semiotic engineering approach to HCI. 55-56 - Josefina Rodríguez-Jacobo, Jesús Favela:
Work environments in electronic meeting systems. 57-58 - Homero V. Ríos-Figueroa:
Human-computer interaction through computer vision. 59-60 - Manuel Romero Salcedo:
Supporting group awareness in alliance. 61-62 - J. Alfredo Sánchez:
HCI and CSCW in the context of digital libraries. 63-64 - Jaime Sánchez, Mauricio Lumbreras, Luca Cernuzzi:
Interactive virtual acoustic environments for blind children: computing, usability, and cognition. 65-66
Doctoral consortium
- Erin Bradner:
Social affordances of computer-mediated communication technology: understanding adoption. 67-68 - Ame Elliott:
Flamenco image browser: using metadata to improve image search during architectural design. 69-70 - Mark Handel:
Presence awareness: multiple sources, multiple roles. 71-72 - Woo-seob Jeong:
Exploratory user study of haptic and auditory display for multimodal geographical information systems. 73-74 - Edmund F. LoPresti:
Effect of neck range of motion limitations on the use of head controls. 75-76 - Andrea H. Mason:
Sensory information for collaborative interaction in augmented environments. 77-78 - Sheryl L. Miller:
How do people manage interruptions in complex decision making tasks? 79-80 - Jaime Montemayor:
Physical programming: software you can touch. 81-82 - Yolanda Jacobs Reimer:
Paradigm shift? the implications of web-based notetaking. 83-84 - Carlos Alberto Scolari:
Towards a semio-cognitive theory of Human-Computer Interaction. 85-86 - Richard H. C. Seabrook:
Electronic discussion group moderators' experiences with flame messages and implications for the design of a multi-modal adaptive content-sensitive filtering tool. 87-88 - Laura Slaughter:
Interfaces for understanding: improving access to consumer health information. 89-90 - Markku Turunen:
Adaptive interaction methods in speech user interfaces. 91-92 - Wenbi Wang:
Dynamic viewpoint tethering: controlling a virtual camera for effective navigation in virtual environments. 93-94 - Gillian May Wilson:
Psychophysiological indicators of the impact of media quality on users. 95-96
Interactive posters: user centered design
- Martin Kessner, Jo Wood, Richard F. Dillon, Robert L. West:
On the reliability of usability testing. 97-98 - Michael J. Muller:
A participatory poster of participatory methods. 99-100 - Michael J. Muller, David R. Millen, Carol Strohecker:
What makes a representative user representative? a participatory poster. 101-102 - Panayiotis Zaphiris, Giorgos Zacharia:
Design methodology of an online greek language course. 103-104 - Tomi Kankainen, Jarmo Parkkinen:
GUP: graphical presentation of user profile. 105-106 - Andreas Dieberger, Kristina Höök, Martin Svensson, Peter Lönnqvist:
Social navigation research agenda. 107-108
Interactive posters: visualizing
- Jim Youll:
Wherehoo and Periscope: a time & place server and tangible browser for the real world. 109-110 - Hiroshi Ishii, Sandia Ren, Phil Frei:
Pinwheels: visualizing information flow in an architectural space. 111-112 - Yasuhiro Yamamoto, Atsushi Aoki, Kumiyo Nakakoji:
Time-ART: a tool for segmenting and annotating multimedia data in early stages of exploratory analysis. 113-114 - M. Sheelagh T. Carpendale, X. Rong:
Examining edge congestion. 115-116 - Jeroen van Luin, Rieks op den Akker, Anton Nijholt:
A dialogue agent for navigation support in virtual reality. 117-118
Interactive posters: mobility
- Jennica Falk, Peter Ljungstrand, Staffan Björk, Rebecca Hansson:
Pirates: proximity-triggered interaction in a multi-player game. 119-120 - Masaaki Fukumoto, Toshiaki Sugimura:
Active click: tactile feedback for touch panels. 121-122 - Meurig Sage, Martin Gardner, Philip D. Gray:
A multi-scaled display technique for PDAs. 123-124 - Lisa Louise Davis:
2-D pointing while walking. 125-126 - Takuji Suzuki, Miwako Doi:
LifeMinder: an evidence-based wearable healthcare assistant. 127-128
Interactive posters: telecommunications
- Bernhard Suhm, Pat Peterson:
Evaluating commercial touch-tone and speech-enabled telephone voice user interfaces using a single measure. 129-130 - Bernhard Suhm, Barbara Freeman, David Getty:
Curing the menu blues in touch-tone voice interfaces. 131-132 - Dawn Dutton, Selina Chu, James Hubbell, Marilyn A. Walker, Shrikanth S. Narayanan:
Just (all) the facts, ma'am. 133-134
Interactive posters: working in offices
- Jacek Gwizdka:
Supporting prospective information in email. 135-136 - Andreas Dieberger, Cameron Miner, Dulce B. Ponceleon:
Supporting narrative flow in presentation software. 137-138 - Dirk Weirich, Martina Angela Sasse:
Persuasive password security. 139-140
Interactive posters: universality
- Michael Cooper, Piotr Rejmer:
Case study: localization of an accessibility evaluation. 141-142 - Marion Walton:
Multiliteracies and Tumi's web search: a case study. 143-144 - Ben Piper, Rebeca Eun Young Hwang:
The HomeBox: a web content creation tool for the developing world. 145-146 - Lorna Gibson, David Sloan, Peter Gregor:
Using children as expert web evaluators. 147-148
Interactive posters: multimodal interaction
- Yacine Bellik, Jérémie Pescator:
Multimodal mediated communication: an experience. 149-150 - Kelly Dobson, danah boyd, Wendy Ju, Judith S. Donath, Hiroshi Ishii:
Creating visceral personal and social interactions in mediated spaces. 151-152 - Niklas Andersson, Daniel Fallman, Lars Johansson:
Dupliances: physical and virtual activity encompassed. 153-154 - Marilyn Rose McGee, Philip D. Gray, Stephen A. Brewster:
Haptic perception of virtual roughness. 155-156 - Frédéric Bourgeois, Yves Guiard, Michel Beaudouin-Lafon:
Pan-zoom coordination in multi-scale pointing. 157-158
Interactive posters: internet
- Pete Faraday:
Attending to web pages. 159-160 - Jonathon N. Cummings, Robert E. Kraut, Sara B. Kiesler:
Do we visit, call, or email?: media matter in close relationships. 161-162 - Julie Bauer Morrison, Peter Pirolli, Stuart K. Card:
A taxonomic analysis of what world wide web activities significantly impact people's decisions and actions. 163-164 - Diane J. Schiano, Maria Stone, Regis Bectarte:
Search and the subjective web. 165-166 - Marc Hassenzahl, Tibor Trautmann:
Analysis of web sites with the repertory grid technique. 167-168 - Kelly Kruse, Rob Mori:
Designing an internet radio interface prototype. 169-170 - Michael L. Bernard:
User expectations for the location of web objects. 171-172 - Sri Hastuti Kurniawan, R. Darin Ellis:
A structural equation modeling of internet bookmark organizations. 173-174 - Michael L. Bernard, Chia Hui Liao, Melissa M. Mills:
The effects of font type and size on the legibility and reading time of online text by older adults. 175-176 - Quentin Jones, Gilad Ravid, Sheizaf Rafaeli:
Empirical evidence for information overload in mass interaction. 177-178
Interactive posters: novel interaction techniques
- Ted Selker, Andrea Lockerd, Jorge Martinez:
Eye-R, a glasses-mounted eye motion detection interface. 179-180 - Mariano Belinky, Natalie Jeremijenko:
Sound through bone conduction in public interfaces. 181-182 - Ari Y. Benbasat, Joseph A. Paradiso:
Compact, configurable inertial gesture recognition. 183-184 - Sari A. Laakso, Karri-Pekka Laakso, Panu Vartiainen, Asko J. Saura:
Problems with save. 185-186 - Hiroshi Ishii, Ali Mazalek, Jay Lee:
Bottles as a minimal interface to access digital information. 187-188 - Christoph Bartneck:
Affective expressions of machines. 189-190 - Yasuyuki Sumi, Kenji Mase:
AgentSalon: supporting new encounters and knowledge exchanges by chats of personal agents. 191-192 - Joshua Lifton, Jay Lee:
Media matrix: self-organizing distributed physical database. 193-194 - Elyon DeKoven, David V. Keyson, Adinda Freudenthal:
Designing collaboration in consumer products. 195-196
Interactive video posters
- Lisa Sherman, Allison Druin, Jaime Montemayor, Allison Farber, Michele Platner, Sante Simms, Jessica Porteous, Houman Alborzi, Jack Best, Joe Hammer, Alex Kruskal, Jade Matthews, Emily Rhodes, Cassandra Cosans, Abby Lal:
StoryKit: tools for children to build room-sized interactive experiences. 197-198 - Aldo Hoeben, Pieter Jan Stappers:
ideas: a vision of a designer's sketching-tool. 199-200 - Chris North, Ben Shneiderman:
Component-based, user-constructed, multiple-view visualization. 201-202 - Anoop K. Sinha, Scott R. Klemmer, Jack Chen, James A. Landay, Cindy Chen:
SUEDE: iterative, informal prototyping for speech interfaces. 203-204 - James Lin, Mark W. Newman, Jason I. Hong, James A. Landay:
DENIM: an informal tool for early stage web site design. 205-206 - Marina Vroubel, Panos Markopoulos, Mathilde M. Bekker:
FRIDGE: exploring intuitive interaction styles for home information appliances. 207-208 - Oscar de Bruijn, Robert Spence, Chieh Hao Tong:
Movement in the web. 209-210
- Scott Jenson, Annette Wagner, Avril Hodges:
Exploding wireless myths: exploring the UI issues underlying the marketing hype. 211-212 - Hermann Kaindl:
Methods and modeling: fiction or useful reality? 213-214 - Batya Friedman, John C. Thomas, Mark Lucente, Mark S. Ackerman, Nancy Willard, Ulrike Lechner:
Is ignorance bliss?: informed consent online. 215-216 - Rolf Molich, Brenda Laurel, Carolyn Snyder, Whitney Quesenbery, Chauncey E. Wilson:
Ethics in HCI. 217-218 - Louis B. Rosenfeld, Keith Instone, Shiraz Cupala, Jesse James Garrett, Marti A. Hearst, Gary Marchionini, Nick Ragouzis:
Measuring information architecture quality: prove it (or not)! 219-220 - Sarah Zuberec, Scott Berkun, Debbie Cargile, Christopher Konrad, Alex Little, Linda Carlin, Heather Crombie, Barbee Teasley:
Interactionary 2: is that your final answer? 221-222 - Paula Bourges-Waldegg, Daniel Lafrenière, Manfred Tscheligi, Guy A. Boy, Raquel O. Prates:
Identifying "target cultures": to what extent is that possible? 223-224 - Jan O. Borchers, John C. Thomas:
Patterns: what's in it for HCI? 225-226 - Wendy A. Castleman, Richard Harper, Steven Herbst, Jonathan Kies, Sean Lane, Jens Nagel:
The impact of mobile technologies on everyday life. 227-228 - Alan Wexelblat, Quentin Jones, Howard Abrams, Joseph A. Konstan, Michael Vernick:
Ph.D. vs. startup. 229-230
Short talks: anywhere: staying in touch in motion (anywhere: mobility)
- Jenna Burrell, Geri K. Gay:
Collectively defining context in a mobile, networked computing environment. 231-232 - Mikael Wiberg:
RoamWare: towards an integrated environment for PDA use and seamless ongoing interaction in mobile CSCW. 233-234 - Elin Rønby Pedersen:
Calls.calm: enabling caller and callee to collaborate. 235-236 - Paul M. Aoki, Amy Hurst, Allison Woodruff:
Tap tips: lightweight discovery of touchscreen targets. 237-238 - Ryuji Wakikawa, Jonathan Trevor, Bill N. Schilit, John S. Boreczky:
Roomotes: ubiquitous room-based remote control over web phones. 239-240 - Markus Bylund, Fredrik Espinoza:
Using Quake III Arena to simulate sensors and actuators when evaluating and testing mobile services. 241-242
Short talks: any one: universal design
- Hesham M. Kamel, James A. Landay:
The use of labeling to communicate detailed graphics in a non-visual environment. 243-244 - Calle Sjöström:
Using haptics in computer interfaces for blind people. 245-246 - Stefanie Shriver, Arthur R. Toth, Xiaojin Zhu, Alexander I. Rudnicky, Roni Rosenfeld:
A unified design for human-machine voice interaction. 247-248