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41st COMPSAC 2017: Turin, Italy - Volume 2: Workshops
- Sorel Reisman, Sheikh Iqbal Ahamed, Claudio Demartini, Thomas M. Conte, Ling Liu, William R. Claycomb, Motonori Nakamura, Edmundo Tovar, Stelvio Cimato, Chung-Horng Lung, Hiroki Takakura, Ji-Jiang Yang, Toyokazu Akiyama, Zhiyong Zhang, Md. Kamrul Hasan:
41st IEEE Annual Computer Software and Applications Conference, COMPSAC 2017, Turin, Italy, July 4-8, 2017. Volume 2. IEEE Computer Society 2017
ADMNET: The 4th IEEE International COMPSAC Workshop on Architecture, Design, Deployment and Management of Networks and Applications
Session 1: Test, Measurement
- Shintaro Ishihara, Masahiro Fujita, Toyokazu Akiyama:
DNetSpec: A Distributed Network Testing Toolset for Middleware Developers. 1-6 - Ruediger Gad:
Improving Packet Capture Trace Import in Trace Compass with a Data Transformation DSL. 7-12 - Tsuyoshi Yabuuchi, Ryo Nakamura, Hiroyuki Ohsaki:
Interest ACK: A Fast Packet Loss Detection Mechanism for Content-Centric Networking. 13-18
Session 2: Resource Balancing
- Toshikazu Terami, Tomoyuki Ohta, Yoshiaki Kakuda:
A Method of Mobile Core Network Load Reduction Using Autonomous Clustering-Based Two-Layered Structure for Information Dissemination in Wireless Networks. 19-24 - Naoki Akutsu, Ken-ichi Baba:
Resource Allocation Methods Considering Residual Link Bandwidth for Service Function Chaining Design. 25-30 - Yuqing Qiu, Chung-Horng Lung, Samuel Ajila, Pradeep Srivastava:
LXC Container Migration in Cloudlets under Multipath TCP. 31-36
Session 3: Security and Invited Talk
- Kunitaka Kakoi, Yong Jin, Nariyoshi Yamai, Naoya Kitagawa, Masahiko Tomoishi:
Cache Function Activation on a Client Based DNSSEC Validation and Alert System by Multithreading. 37-42 - Kanako Konno, Kenya Dan, Naoya Kitagawa:
A Spoofed E-Mail Countermeasure Method by Scoring the Reliability of DKIM Signature Using Communication Data. 43-48 - Hiroshi Ueda, Motonori Nakamura:
Deployment of Multilanguage Security Awareness Education Online Course by Federated Moodle in Japan. 49-52
STA: The 9th IEEE International COMPSAC Workshop on Software Test Automation
- Fevzi Belli, Rajesh Subramanyan:
Message from STA 2017 Workshop Co-Chairs. 53
Session 1: Feature and Interface Based Testing
- Xiang Chen, Yuxiang Shen, Zhanqi Cui, Xiaolin Ju:
Applying Feature Selection to Software Defect Prediction Using Multi-objective Optimization. 54-59 - Junyi Wang, Xiaoying Bai, Linyi Li, Zhicheng Ji, Haoran Ma:
A Model-Based Framework for Cloud API Testing. 60-65 - Burcu Ergun, Ceren Sahin Gebizli, Hasan Sözer:
FORMAT: A Tool for Adapting Test Models Based on Feature Models. 66-71 - Hongwei Ruan, Lu Wang, Xiao Yang, Lulu Dong, Hua Li:
OpenFlow Modeling Based on CPN for Evolution Consideration and Executable Test Case Generation. 72-77
Session 2: Formal Methods
- Chung Man Tang, W. K. Chan, Yuen-Tak Yu:
Theoretical, Weak and Strong Accuracy Graphs of Spectrum-Based Fault Localization Formulas. 78-83 - Jialin Yang, Ernest Bota Pobee, Wing Kwong Chan:
A Case Study on Context Maintenance in Dynamic Hybrid Race Detectors. 84-89 - Abdulaziz Alkhalid, Yvan Labiche:
How Does GUI Testing Exercise Application Logic Functionality? 90-95
ESAS: The 12th IEEE International COMPSAC Workshop on E-Health Systems and Semantic Web
ESAS Session 1
- Yutaro Yamada, Takato Saito, Satoshi Kawasaki, Daizo Ikeda, Masaji Katagiri, Masafumi Nishimura, Hiroshi Mineno:
A Deep-Learning-Based Method of Estimating Water Intake. 96-101 - Okan Bursa, Emine Sezer, Özgü Can, Murat Osman Ünalir:
Blood.Health.FOAF: Extending FOAF with Blood Ontology. 102-106 - Hengyi Hu, Larry Kerschberg:
Standardizing the Crowdsourcing of Healthcare Data Using Modular Ontologies. 107-112
ESAS Session 2
- Sai K. Vallapu, Thoshitha T. Gamage:
Towards Detecting Sex Offenders in Social Networks. 113-118 - Kissi Mireku Kingsford, Fengli Zhang, Mensah Dennis Nii Ayeh, Armah MaryMargaret:
A Mathematical Model for a Hybrid System Framework for Privacy Preservation of Patient Health Records. 119-124
ESAS Session 3
- Anargyros Chatzitofis, Dimitrios Zarpalas, Dimitrios Filos, Andreas Triantafyllidis, Ioanna Chouvarda, Nicos Maglaveras, Petros Daras:
Technological Module for Unsupervised, Personalized Cardiac Rehabilitation Exercising. 125-130 - Susan Sabra, Khalid Mahmood, Mazen Alobaidi:
A Semantic Extraction and Sentimental Assessment of Risk Factors (SESARF): An NLP Approach for Precision Medicine: A Medical Decision Support Tool for Early Diagnosis from Clinical Notes. 131-136 - Duygu Çelik Ertugrul, Atilla Elçi, Yiltan Bitirim:
An Intelligent Tracking System: Application to Acute Respiratory Tract Infection (TrackARTI). 137-142
SAPSE: The 9th IEEE International COMPSAC Workshop on Security Aspects in Processes and Services Engineering and CFSE: The 9th IEEE International COMPSAC Workshop on Computer Forensics in Software Engineering
Session 1: Distributed Services
- Kai Chen, Hongyan Mao, Xiangyu Shi, Yuanmin Xu, Ailun Liu:
Trust-Aware and Location-Based Collaborative Filtering for Web Service QoS Prediction. 143-148 - Carlo Blundo, Stelvio Cimato, Luisa Siniscalchi:
PRUCC-RM: Permission-Role-Usage Cardinality Constrained Role Mining. 149-154 - Rezvan Pakdel, John Herbert:
Adaptive Cost Efficient Framework for Cloud-Based Machine Learning. 155-160
Session 2: Data Protection
- Alfredo Cuzzocrea, Giorgio Mario Grasso:
Querying Encrypted OLAP Data. 161-163 - Chiara Braghin, Marilisa Del Vecchio:
Is Pokémon GO Watching You? A Survey on the Privacy-Awareness of Location-Based Apps' Users. 164-169 - Songpon Teerakanok, Tetsutaro Uehara:
Digital Media Tampering Detection Techniques: An Overview. 170-174
MVDA: The 6th IEEE International COMPSAC Workshop on Modeling and Verifying Distributed Applications
MVDA Session 1
- Imen Ben Fraj, Yousra Bendaly Hlaoui, Leila Jemni Ben Ayed:
A Modeling Approach for Flexible Workflow Applications of Cloud Services. 175-180 - Andreea Buga, Sorana Tania Nemes:
Towards an ASM Specification for Monitoring and Adaptation Services of Large-Scale Distributed Systems. 181-186 - Yousra Bendaly Hlaoui, Ahlem Ben Younes, Leila Jemni Ben Ayed, Manel Fathalli:
From Sequence Diagrams to Event B: A Specification and Verification Approach of Flexible Workflow Applications of Cloud Services Based on Meta-model Transformation. 187-192
MediComp: The 4th IEEE International COMPSAC Workshop on Medical Computing
Session 1: Predictive Data Analysis
- Pinar Yildirim:
Chronic Kidney Disease Prediction on Imbalanced Data by Multilayer Perceptron: Chronic Kidney Disease Prediction. 193-198 - Doudou Zhou, Jianqiang Li, Ji-Jiang Yang, Qing Wang, Weiliang Qiu, Shi Chen, Minhua Lu:
Identify Biological Modules and Hub MiRNAs for Oral Squamous Cell Carcinomas. 199-203 - Ferani E. Zulvia, Ren-Jieh Kuo, Eddy Roflin:
An Initial Screening Method for Tuberculosis Diseases Using a Multi-objective Gradient Evolution-Based Support Vector Machine and C5.0 Decision Tree. 204-209 - Zhirui Wang, Jianqiang Li, Weiliang Qiu, Ji-Jiang Yang, Rui Mao, Shi Chen:
SLC25A36 and ZFAND5 Expression Levels Altered by the Interaction of EtOH Dosage and Exposure Time in Human Dental Pulp Stem Cells. 210-214
Session 2: Medical Association Analysis
- Siyuan Liang, Jianqiang Li, Juan Li, Caiyun Yang, Weiliang Qiu, Ji-Jiang Yang, Zhihua Sun, Rui Mao:
Alcohol-Induced Differential Variable Genes. 215-220 - Yunxuan Zhang, Ziping He, Ji-Jiang Yang, Qing Wang, Jianqiang Li:
Re-Structuring and Specific Similarity Computation of Electronic Medical Records. 230-235
Session 3: Medical System and Evaluation
- Rohan Bhardwaj, Ankita R. Nambiar, Debojyoti Dutta:
A Study of Machine Learning in Healthcare. 236-241 - Fredrick Love, Bruce M. McMillin:
Breaking Implicit Trust in Point-of-Care Medical Technology: A Cyber-Physical Attestation Approach. 242-247 - Wenjing Xu, Juan Li, Jianqiang Li, Yue Li, Weiliang Qiu, Ji-Jiang Yang, Chunjie Guo, Minhua Lu:
Gene Network Modules Associated to DPSCs Differentiation. 248-252 - Bo Liu, Kelu Yao, Lan Wei, Xiaolu Fei, WangQing:
The Investigation on Effectiveness Evaluation Methods for One Medical Material Used for Surgery Patients Based on Electronic Medical Records Data. 253-258
Fast Abstracts
- Dave Towey, Michiharu Takemoto, Hossain Shahriar:
Message from COMPSAC 2017 Fast Abstract Track Co-Chairs. 259
Fast Abstracts Session 1
- Tianxia Wang, Yan Liu:
Infusing Topic Modeling into Interactive Program Comprehension: An Empirical Study. 260-261 - Yusuke Sakumoto, Hiroyuki Ohsaki:
First Meeting Time Formula of Two Random Walkers toward Understanding Epidemic Information Dissemination. 262-263 - Maryam Ehsanpour:
Toward Design of Garbled Circuits Using Quantum Gates. 264-265 - Akito Tanikado, Haruki Yokoyama, Masahiro Yamamoto, Soichi Sumi, Yoshiki Higo, Shinji Kusumoto:
New Strategies for Selecting Reuse Candidates on Automated Program Repair. 266-267 - Ryo Arima, Yoshiki Higo, Shinji Kusumoto:
Investigation and Detection of Split Commit. 268-269 - Tomoyuki Ohta, Ryota Ito, Yoshiaki Kakuda:
Design of a Node Status Visualizing Software Utilizing the AR Technology for Multihop Wireless Networks. 270-271 - Senay Semu Tadesse, Francesco Malandrino, Carla-Fabiana Chiasserini:
Energy Consumption Measurements in Docker. 272-273
Fast Abstracts Session 2
- Hiroyuki Matsuo, Shinsuke Matsumoto, Shinji Kusumoto:
What Makes Software Energy-Efficient?: Make it Faster. 274-275 - Yoshihide Chubachi, Haruhiko Kaiya:
Identifying Fundamental Goals from Objects in a Scenario to Facilitate System Introduction. 276-277 - Simona Vasilache:
Computer Literacy Education: Challenges in Multicultural Environments: A View on Japanese University Environment. 278-279 - Jing Liu, Wenjie Chen:
FATDOG: Hadoop Based Test Data Generation Tool for RESTful Web Service. 280-281 - Yong Jin, Masahiko Tomoishi, Nariyoshi Yamai:
A Secure and Lightweight IoT Device Remote Monitoring and Control Mechanism Using DNS. 282-283 - Tohru Kondo, Hidenobu Watanabe, Toshihiro Ohigashi:
Development of the Edge Computing Platform Based on Functional Modulation Architecture. 284-285 - Yukiya Yazawa, Shinpei Ogata, Kozo Okano, Haruhiko Kaiya, Hironori Washizaki:
Traceability Link Mining - Focusing on Usability. 286-287
FCN: The 1st IEEE International COMPSAC Workshop on Fog Computing and Networking
FCN Session 1
- Orestis Akribopoulos, Ioannis Chatzigiannakis, Christos Tselios, Athanasios Antoniou:
On the Deployment of Healthcare Applications over Fog Computing Infrastructure. 288-293 - Saiful Hoque, Mathias Santos de Brito, Alexander Willner, Oliver Keil, Thomas Magedanz:
Towards Container Orchestration in Fog Computing Infrastructures. 294-299
SIS-SS: The 1st IEEE International COMPSAC Workshop on Smart IoT Sensors and Social Systems for eHealth and Well-being Applications
Session 1: Security, IoT Systems and Devices for eHealth
- Luca Vollero, Marco Sabatini:
Performance Assessment of BLE Nano BAN Micro-Infrastructures. 300-303 - Matteo Langone, Roberto Setola, Javier López:
Cybersecurity of Wearable Devices: An Experimental Analysis and a Vulnerability Assessment Method. 304-309 - M. Talha Buyukakkaslar, Mehmet Ali Ertürk, Muhammed Ali Aydin, Luca Vollero:
LoRaWAN as an e-Health Communication Technology. 310-313 - Marco Santonico, Alessandro Zompanti, Giorgio Pennazza, Giuseppe Ferri, Francesca Romana Parente, Mario Benassai:
Contactless Detection of ECG Signals: Sensor Architecture and Simulation. 314-316 - Raffaele Martino, Salvatore D'Antonio, Luigi Coppolino, Luigi Romano:
Security in Cross - Border Medical Data Interchange: A Technical Analysis and a Discussion of Possible Improvements. 317-322
CDS: The 5th IEEE International COMPSAC Workshop on Consumer Devices and Systems
CDS Session 1
- Atsushi Esaka, Masami Noro, Atsushi Sawada:
Design of Common Software Architecture as Base for Application Generator and Meta-Generator for Interactive Systems. 323-328 - Takuya Sakamoto, Hidenobu Ito, Kazuaki Nimura:
Dynamically Exposing and Controlling Physical Devices by Expanding Web of Things Scheme. 329-335 - Mateus Machado Luna, Thyago Peres Carvalho, Fabrízzio Alphonsus A. M. N. Soares, Hugo A. D. Nascimento, Ronaldo Martins da Costa:
Wrist Player: A Smartwatch Gesture Controller for Smart TVs. 336-341 - Kazuma Matsumoto, Yasuo Okabe:
A Collusion-Resilient Hybrid P2P Framework for Massively Multiplayer Online Games. 342-347
CDS Session 2
- Kenichi Arai, Takuya Tateishi, Toru Kobayashi, Noboru Sonehara:
On-Demand Barrier-Free Street View System Using Sensor Information from General-Purpose Wheelchair Users. 348-353 - Hajime Kato, Yuto Sakajyo, Shigeo Kaneda:
Visualization Method for Bicycle Rider Behavior Analysis Using a Smartphone. 354-359 - Ryoichi Takahashi, Kazuki Miki, Shigeo Kaneda:
Visualization Method Using Probe Bicycle to Analyze Bicycle Rider's Control Behavior. 360-365 - Navid Seidi, Farshad Eshghi, Manoochehr Kelarestaghi:
VID: Virtual Information Desk. 366-371
DSCAC: The 1st IEEE International COMPSAC Workshop on Data Science Challenges in Algorithm and Complexity
DSCAC Session 1
- Hoda Khalil, Yvan Labiche:
Finding All Breadth First Full Spanning Trees in a Directed Graph. 372-377 - Salman Taherizadeh, Vlado Stankovski:
Incremental Learning from Multi-level Monitoring Data and Its Application to Component Based Software Engineering. 378-383
Session 2: Data Science Challenges in Agriculture, Climate, Food
- Rob Dolci:
IoT Solutions for Precision Farming and Food Manufacturing: Artificial Intelligence Applications in Digital Food. 384-385
Session 3: Data Science Challenges in Finance and Economics
- Hiroyuki Sato, Yoshihiro Seino, Takanori Ogata, Tatsuya Shirakawa:
Detection of Irregularities and Rips by Finding Critical Points of Morse Theory - Preliminary Results on Analysis on Sales Data. 386-390 - Wataru Souma, Hiroshi Iyetomi, Hiroshi Yoshikawa:
Application of Complex Hilbert Principal Component Analysis to Financial Data. 391-394 - Linda Ponta, Anna Carbone, Silvano Cincotti:
Detrending Moving Average Algorithm: Quantifying Heterogeneity in Financial Data. 395-400
QUORS: The 11th IEEE International COMPSAC Workshop on Quality Oriented Reuse of Software
Session 1: Efficiency and Quality in Clouds
- Ali Yadavar Nikravesh, Samuel A. Ajila, Chung-Horng Lung:
The Impact of Database Layer on Auto-Scaling Decisions in a 3-Tier Web Services Cloud Resource Provisioning. 401-406 - Feng Ma, Xiaodong Liu, Ying Yang, Wei Yao, Jinjin Cai, Fang Wang:
ESBSC: Energy-Aware Service Brokering Strategy in Clouds. 407-412 - Azadeh Etedali, Chung-Horng Lung, Samuel Ajila, Igor Veselinovic:
Automated Constraint-Based Multi-tenant SaaS Configuration Support Using XML Filtering Techniques. 413-418
Session 2: Emerging Reuse
- Sicong Ma, Hongji Yang, Meiyu Shi:
Developing a Creative Travel Management System Based on Software Reuse and Abstraction Techniques. 419-424 - Lin Zou, Qinyun Liu, Hongming Che, Hongji Yang, Hua Zhou:
A Creative Approach to Reusing Data and Generating Knowledge in Enterprise Systems. 425-430 - Randa Elamin, Rasha Osman:
Towards Requirements Reuse by Implementing Traceability in Agile Development. 431-436
Session 3: Software and System Evolution 1
- Feng-Jian Wang, Alex Chang, Tennyson Lu:
Improving Workflow Anomaly Detection with a C-Tree. 437-444 - Masahiro Fukuyori, Ryuichi Umekawa, Hiroshi Fujino, Junya Yamaguchi, Kota Ariyama:
An Approach Based on Structural Differences to Expedite Applying OSS Updates to Products. 445-450 - Qing Duan, Junhui Liu, Dongdai Zhou, Feng Yu, Hongji Yang:
Executable Domain-Specific Modelling Based on Domain Spaces. 451-456
Session 4: Softare and System Evolution 2
- Lu Wang, Hongwei Ruan, Hua Li, Qi Liu:
Combining Neutron and OpenDaylight for Management of Networking. 457-462 - Andrea Fornaia, Emiliano Tramontana:
DeDuCT: A Data Dependence Based Concern Tagger for Modularity Analysis. 463-468 - Timm Liebrenz, Paula Herber, Thomas Göthel, Sabine Glesner:
Towards Service-Oriented Design of Hybrid Systems Modeled in Simulink. 469-474
BIOT: The 4th IEEE International COMPSAC Workshop on Big Data Management for the Internet of Things
Session 1: IoT Architecture and Algorithms
- Georgios Palaiokrassas, Ilias Karlis, Antonios Litke, Vassilios Charlaftis, Theodora A. Varvarigou:
An IoT Architecture for Personalized Recommendations over Big Data Oriented Applications. 475-480 - Priyanga Chandrasekar, Kai Qian, Hossain Shahriar, Prabir Bhattacharya:
Improving the Prediction Accuracy of Decision Tree Mining with Data Preprocessing. 481-484
STPSA: The 12th IEEE International COMPSAC Workshop on Security, Trust and Privacy for Software Applications
STPSA Session 1
- Cong Sun, Pengbin Feng, Teng Li, Jianfeng Ma:
Data-Oriented Instrumentation against Information Leakages of Android Applications. 485-490 - Ei Khaing Win, Tomoki Yoshihisa, Yoshimasa Ishi, Tomoya Kawakami, Yuuichi Teranishi, Shinji Shimojo:
A Lightweight Multi-receiver Encryption Scheme with Mutual Authentication. 491-497 - Hirotsugu Kinoshita, Tetsuya Morizumi:
Access Control Model for the Inference Attacks with Access Histories. 498-503 - Hossain Shahriar, Hisham Haddad, Mahbubul Islam:
An Iris-Based Authentication Framework to Prevent Presentation Attacks. 504-509
STPSA Session 2
- Luigi Coppolino, Salvatore D'Antonio, Luigi Romano, Luigi Sgaglione, Mariacarla Staffa:
Addressing Security Issues in the eHeatlh Domain Relying on SIEM Solutions. 510-515 - Shigeya Suzuki, Jun Murai:
Blockchain as an Audit-Able Communication Channel. 516-522 - Hyo-Cheol Lee, Seok-Won Lee:
Trust as Soft Security for Self-Adaptive Systems: A Literature Survey. 523-528
UCDAS: The 4th IEEE International COMPSAC Workshop on User Centered Design and Adaptive Systems
UCDAS Session 1
- Deshuai Han, Jianchun Xing, Qiliang Yang, Juelong Li, Xiaobing Zhang, Ying Chen:
Integrating Goal Models and Problem Frames for Requirements Analysis of Self-Adaptive CPS. 529-535 - Xiaobing Zhang, Qiliang Yang, Jianchun Xing, Deshuai Han, Ying Chen:
A Similarity-Based Approach to Recognizing Voice-Based Task Goals in Self-Adaptive Systems. 536-542 - Dirk Siegmund, Laura Chiesa, Oliver Horr, Frank Gabler, Andreas Braun, Arjan Kuijper:
Talis - A Design Study for a Wearable Device to Assist People with Depression. 543-548
UCDAS Session 2
- Thamer Horbylon Nascimento, Fabrízzio Alphonsus A. M. N. Soares, Pouang Polad Irani, Leandro Luíz Galdino de Oliveira, Anderson da Silva Soares:
Method for Text Entry in Smartwatches Using Continuous Gesture Recognition. 549-554 - Stefano Bonaiuto, Alberto Cannavò, Giovanni Piumatti, Gianluca Paravati, Fabrizio Lamberti:
Tele-operation of Robot Teams: A Comparison of Gamepad-, Mobile Device and Hand Tracking-Based User Interfaces. 555-560 - Andrés Mejía-Figueroa, Reyes Juárez-Ramírez:
The Problem of Cognitive Load in GUI's: Towards Establishing the Relationship between Cognitive Load and Our Executive Functions. 561-565
NETSAP: The 7th IEEE International COMPSAC Workshop on Network Technologies for Security, Administration and Protection
NETSAP Session 1
- Barry S. Fagin, Bradley Klanderman, Martin C. Carlisle:
Making DNS Servers Resistant to Cyber Attacks: An Empirical Study on Formal Methods and Performance. 566-571 - Mohamad Samir A. Eid, Hitoshi Aida:
Secure Double-Layered Defense against HTTP-DDoS Attacks. 572-577 - Peng Li, Lei Liu, Jing Xu, Hongji Yang, Liying Yuan, Chenkai Guo, Xiujuan Ji:
Application of Hidden Markov Model in SQL Injection Detection. 578-583
NETSAP Session 2
- Eslam G. AbdAllah, Mohammad Zulkernine, Yuan Xiang Gu, Clifford Liem:
TRUST-CAP: A Trust Model for Cloud-Based Applications. 584-589 - Mitsuhiro Hatada, Tatsuya Mori:
Detecting and Classifying Android PUAs by Similarity of DNS queries. 590-595