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6th ISMIR 2005: London, UK
- ISMIR 2005, 6th International Conference on Music Information Retrieval, London, UK, 11-15 September 2005, Proceedings. 2005
- Jin Ha Lee, J. Stephen Downie, Sally Jo Cunningham:
Challenges in Cross-Cultural/Multilingual Music Information Seeking. 1-7 - Cynthia M. Grund:
Music Information Retrieval, Memory and Culture: Some Philosohpical Remarks. 8-12 - Noris Mohd. Norowi, Shyamala Doraisamy, Rahmita Wirza O. K. Rahmat:
Factors Affecting Automatic Genre Classification: An Investigation Incorporating Non-Western Musical Forms. 13-20 - Markus Schedl, Peter Knees, Gerhard Widmer:
Discovering and Visualizing Prototypical Artists by Web-Based Co-Occurrence Analysis. 21-28 - Ian Knopke:
Geospatial Location of Music and Sound Files for Music Information Retrieval. 29-33 - Thomas Lidy, Andreas Rauber:
Evaluation of Feature Extractors and Psycho-Acoustic Transformations for Music Genre Classification. 34-41 - Cory McKay, Rebecca Fiebrink, Daniel McEnnis, Beinan Li, Ichiro Fujinaga:
ACE: A Framework for Optimizing Music Classification. 42-49 - Koen Tanghe, Micheline Lesaffre, Sven Degroeve, Marc Leman, Bernard De Baets, Jean-Pierre Martens:
Collecting Ground Truth Annotations for Drum Detection in Polyphonic Music. 50-57 - Gavin Wood, Simon O'Keefe:
On Techniques for Content-Based Visual Annotation to Aid Intra-Track Music Navigation. 58-65 - Christopher Harte, Mark B. Sandler, Samer A. Abdallah, Emilia Gómez:
Symbolic Representation of Musical Chords: A Proposed Syntax for Text Annotations. 66-71 - Mika Kuuskankare, Mikael Laurson:
Annotating Musical Scores in ENP. 72-76 - Perfecto Herrera, Òscar Celma, Jordi Massaguer, Pedro Cano, Emilia Gómez, Fabien Gouyon, Markus Koppenberger:
MUCOSA: A Music Content Semantic Annotator. 77-83 - Shoichiro Saito, Hirokazu Kameoka, Takuya Nishimoto, Shigeki Sagayama:
Specmurt Analysis of Multi-Pitch Music Signals with Adaptive Estimation of Common Harmonic Structure . 84-91 - Olivier Gillet, Gaël Richard:
Drum Track Transcription of Polyphonic Music Using Noise Subspace Projection. 92-99 - Nick Collins:
Using a Pitch Detector for Onset Detection. 100-106 - Parag Chordia:
Segmentation and Recognition of Tabla Strokes. 107-114 - Hirokazu Kameoka, Takuya Nishimoto, Shigeki Sagayama:
Harmonic-Temporal Clustering via Deterministic Annealing EM Algorithm for Audio Feature Extraction. 115-122 - Jenn Riley:
Exploiting Musical Connections: A Proposal for Support of Work Relationships in a Digital Music Library. 123-129 - Ajay Kapur, Richard I. McWalter, George Tzanetakis:
New Music Interfaces for Rhythm-Based Retrieval. 130-136 - Ioannis Karydis, Alexandros Nanopoulos, Apostolos N. Papadopoulos, Dimitrios Katsaros, Yannis Manolopoulos:
Content-Based Music Information Retrieval in Wireless Ad-Hoc Networks. 137-144 - Richard Lobb, Tim Bell, David Bainbridge:
Fast Capture of Sheet Music for an Agile Digital Music Library. 145-152 - Rainer Typke, Frans Wiering, Remco C. Veltkamp:
A Survey of Music Information Retrieval Systems. 153-160 - Graham E. Poliner, Daniel P. W. Ellis:
A Classification Approach to Melody Transcription. 161-166 - Emilios Cambouropoulos, Maxime Crochemore, Costas S. Iliopoulos, Manal Mohamed, Marie-France Sagot:
A Pattern Extraction Algorithm for Abstract Melodic Representations that Allow Partial Overlapping of Intervallic Categories. 167-174 - Rui Pedro Paiva:
On the Detection of Melody Notes in Polyphonic Audio. 175-182 - Wei-Ho Tsai, Hung-Ming Yu, Hsin-Min Wang:
Query-By-Example Technique for Retrieving Cover Versions of Popular Songs with Similar Melodies. 183-190 - Olivier Lartillot:
Efficient Extraction of Closed Motivic Patterns in Multi-Dimensional Symbolic Representations of Music. 191-198 - Norman H. Adams, Daniela Marquez, Gregory H. Wakefield:
Iterative Deepening for Melody Alignment and Retrieval. 199-206 - Jeremy Pickens, Costas S. Iliopoulos:
Markov Random Fields and Maximum Entropy Modeling for Music Information Retrieval. 207-214 - Bryan Pardo, Manan Sanghi:
Polyphonic Musical Sequence Alignment for Database Search. 215-222 - Ning Hu, Roger B. Dannenberg:
A Bootstrap Method for Training an Accurate Audio Segmenter. 223-229 - Pierre Roy, Jean-Julien Aucouturier, François Pachet, Anthony Beurivé:
Exploiting the Tradeoff Between Precision and Cpu-Time to Speed Up Nearest Neighbor Search. 230-237 - Nancy Bertin, Alain de Cheveigné:
Scalable Metadata and Quick Retrieval of Audio Signals. 238-244 - Charles L. Parker:
Applications of Binary Classification and Adaptive Boosting to the Query-By-Humming Problem. 245-251 - Ming Li, Ronan Sleep:
Genre Classification via an LZ78-Based String Kernel. 252-259 - Arthur Flexer, Elias Pampalk, Gerhard Widmer:
Novelty Detection Based on Spectral Similarity of Songs. 260-263 - Richard Stenzel, Thomas Kamps:
Improving Content-Based Similarity Measures by Training a Collaborative Model. 264-271 - Fabio Vignoli, Steffen Pauws:
A Music Retrieval System Based on User Driven Similarity and Its Evaluation. 272-279 - David Meredith, Geraint A. Wiggins:
Comparing Pitch Spelling Algorithms. 280-287 - Meinard Müller, Frank Kurth, Michael Clausen:
Audio Matching via Chroma-Based Statistical Features. 288-295 - Ching-Hua Chuan, Elaine Chew:
Fuzzy Analysis in Pitch-Class Determination for Polyphonic Audio Key Finding. 296-303 - Juan Pablo Bello
, Jeremy Pickens:
A Robust Mid-Level Representation for Harmonic Content in Music Signals. 304-311 - Jean-François Paiement, Douglas Eck, Samy Bengio:
A Probabilistic Model for Chord Progressions. 312-319 - J. Stephen Downie, Kris West, Andreas F. Ehmann, Emmanuel Vincent:
The 2005 Music Information retrieval Evaluation Exchange (MIREX 2005): Preliminary Overview. 320-323 - Slim Essid, Gaël Richard, Bertrand David:
Inferring Efficient Hierarchical Taxonomies for MIR Tasks: Application to Musical Instruments. 324-328 - Hiromasa Fujihara, Tetsuro Kitahara, Masataka Goto, Kazunori Komatani, Tetsuya Ogata, Hiroshi G. Okuno:
Singer Identification Based on Accompaniment Sound Reduction and Reliable Frame Selection. 329-336 - Shankar Vembu, Stephan Baumann:
Separation of Vocals from Polyphonic Audio Recordings . 337-344 - Norman Casagrande, Douglas Eck, Balázs Kégl:
Frame-Level Audio Feature Extraction Using AdaBoost. 345-350 - Petri Toiviainen, Tuomas Eerola:
Classification of Musical Metre with Autocorrelation and Discriminant Functions. 351-357 - Masatoshi Hamanaka, Keiji Hirata, Satoshi Tojo:
ATTA: Automatic Time-Span Tree Analyzer Based on Extended GTTM. 358-365 - Roger B. Dannenberg:
Toward Automated Holistic Beat Tracking, Music Analysis and Understanding. 366-373 - Kristoffer Jensen, Jieping Xu, Martin Zachariasen:
Rhythm-Based Segmentation of Popular Chinese Music. 374-380 - Frank Kurth, Meinard Müller, David Damm, Christian Fremerey, Andreas Ribbrock, Michael Clausen:
Syncplayer - An Advanced System for Multimodal Music Access. 381-388 - Eric J. Isaacson:
What You See Is What You Get: on Visualizing Music. 389-395 - Fabian Mörchen, Alfred Ultsch, Mario Nöcker, Christian Stamm:
Databionic Visualization of Music Collections According to Perceptual Distance. 396-403 - Masataka Goto, Takayuki Goto:
Musicream: New Music Playback Interface for Streaming, Sticking, Sorting, and Recalling Musical Pieces. 404-411 - Jean-Julien Aucouturier, François Pachet:
Ringomatic: A Real-Time Interactive Drummer Using Constraint-Satisfaction and Drum Sound Descriptors. 412-419 - Samer A. Abdallah, Katy C. Noland, Mark B. Sandler, Michael A. Casey, Christophe Rhodes:
Theory and Evaluation of a Bayesian Music Structure Extractor. 420-425 - Xavier Amatriain, Jordi Massaguer, David García, Ismael Mosquera:
The CLAM Annotator: A Cross-Platform Audio Descriptors Editing Tool. 426-429 - Tim Bell, David Blizzard, Richard D. Green, David Bainbridge:
Design of a Digital Music Stand. 430-433 - Stuart Bray, George Tzanetakis:
Distributed Audio Feature Extraction for Music. 434-437 - John Ashley Burgoyne, Lawrence K. Saul:
Learning Harmonic Relationships in Digital Audio with Dirichlet-Based Hidden Markov Models. 438-443 - Giordano Cabral, François Pachet, Jean-Pierre Briot:
Automatic X Traditional Descriptor Extraction: the Case of Chord Recognition. 444-449 - Margaret Cahill, Donncha Ó Maidín:
Melodic Similarity Algorithms -- Using Similarity Ratings for Development and Early Evaluation. 450-453 - Domenico Cantone, Salvatore Cristofaro, Simone Faro:
On Tuning the (\delta, \alpha)-Sequential-Sampling Algorithm for \delta-Approximate Matching with Alpha-Bounded Gaps in Musical Sequences. 454-459 - Domenico Cantone, Salvatore Cristofaro, Simone Faro:
Solving the (\delta, \alpha)-Approximate Matching Problem Under Transposition Invariance in Musical Sequences. 460-463 - Òscar Celma, Miquel Ramírez, Perfecto Herrera:
Foafing the Music: A Music Recommendation System based on RSS Feeds and User Preferences. 464-467 - Wei Chai, Barry Vercoe:
Detection of Key Change in Classical Piano Music. 468-473 - Sally Jo Cunningham, J. Stephen Downie, David Bainbridge:
"The Pain, the Pain": Modelling Music Information Behavior and the Songs We Hate. 474-477 - Christophe Dalitz, Thomas Karsten:
Using the Gamera Framework for Building a Lute Tablature Recognition System. 478-481 - Sven Degroeve, Koen Tanghe, Bernard De Baets, Marc Leman, Jean-Pierre Martens:
A Simulated Annealing Optimization of Audio Features for Drum Classification. 482-487 - Ruth Dhanaraj, Beth Logan:
Automatic Prediction of Hit Songs. 488-491 - Simon Dixon, Gerhard Widmer:
MATCH: A Music Alignment Tool Chest. 492-497 - Peter Jan O. Doets, Reginald L. Lagendijk:
Extracting Quality Parameters for Compressed Audio from Fingerprints. 498-503 - Douglas Eck, Norman Casagrande:
Finding Meter in Music Using An Autocorrelation Phase Matrix and Shannon Entropy. 504-509 - Rebecca Fiebrink, Cory McKay, Ichiro Fujinaga:
Combining D2K and JGAP for Efficient Feature Weighting for Classification Tasks in Music Information Retrieval. 510-513 - David Gerhard:
Pitch Track Target Deviation in Natural Singing. 514-519 - Rob van Gulik, Fabio Vignoli:
Visual Playlist Generation on the Artist Map. 520-523 - Peyman Heydarian, Joshua D. Reiss:
The Persian Music and the Santur Instrument. 524-527 - Helge Homburg, Ingo Mierswa, Bülent Möller, Katharina Morik, Michael Wurst:
A Benchmark Dataset for Audio Classification and Clustering. 528-531 - Toru Hosoya, Motoyuki Suzuki, Akinori Ito, Shozo Makino:
Lyrics Recognition from a Singing Voice Based on Finite State Automaton for Music Information Retrieval. 532-535 - Xiao Hu, J. Stephen Downie, Kris West, Andreas F. Ehmann:
Mining Music Reviews: Promising Preliminary Results. 536-539 - Özgür Izmirli:
Tonal Similarity from Audio Using a Template Based Attractor Model. 540-545 - Jyh-Shing Roger Jang, Chao-Ling Hsu, Hong-Ru Lee:
Continuous HMM and Its Enhancement for Singing/Humming Query Retrieval. 546-551 - Phillip B. Kirlin, Paul E. Utgoff:
VOISE: Learning to Segregate Voices in Explicit and Implicit Polyphony. 552-557 - Tetsuro Kitahara, Masataka Goto, Kazunori Komatani, Tetsuya Ogata, Hiroshi G. Okuno:
Instrument Identification in Polyphonic Music: Feature Weighting with Mixed Sounds, Pitch-Dependent Timbre Modeling, and Use of Musical Context. 558-563 - Peter Knees, Markus Schedl, Gerhard Widmer:
Multiple Lyrics Alignment: Automatic Retrieval of Song Lyrics. 564-569 - Catherine Lai, Beinan Li, Ichiro Fujinaga:
Preservation Digitization of David Edelberg's Handel LP Collection: A Pilot Project. 570-575 - Aristomenis S. Lampropoulos, Paraskevi S. Lampropoulou, George A. Tsihrintzis:
Musical Genre Classification Enhanced by Improved Source Separation Technique. 576-581 - Wei Liang, Shuwu Zhang, Bo Xu:
A Hierarchical Approach for Audio Stream Segmentation and Classification. 582-585 - Wei Liang, Shuwu Zhang, Bo Xu:
A Histogram Algorithm for Fast Audio Retrieval. 586-589 - Dominik Lübbers:
SoniXplorer: Combining Visualization and Auralization for Content-Based Exploration of Music Collections. 590-593 - Michael I. Mandel, Dan Ellis:
Song-Level Features and Support Vector Machines for Music Classification. 594-599 - Daniel McEnnis, Cory McKay, Ichiro Fujinaga, Philippe Depalle:
jAudio: An Feature Extraction Library. 600-603 - Anders Meng, John Shawe-Taylor:
An Investigation of Feature Models for Music Genre Classification Using the Support Vector Classifier. 604-609 - Annamaria Mesaros, Jaakko Astola:
The Mel-Frequency Cepstral Coefficients in the Context of Singer Identification. 610-613 - J. Enrique Muñoz Expósito, Sebastián García Galán, Nicolás Ruiz-Reyes, Pedro Vera-Candeas, F. Rivas-Peña:
Speech/Music Discrimination Using a Single Warped LPC-Based Feature. 614-617 - Robert Neumayer, Michael Dittenbach, Andreas Rauber:
PlaySOM and PocketSOMPlayer, Alternative Interfaces to Large Music Collections. 618-623 - Giovanna Neve, Nicola Orio:
Experiments on Segmentation Techniques for Music Documents Indexing. 624-627 - Elias Pampalk, Arthur Flexer, Gerhard Widmer:
Improvements of Audio-Based Music Similarity and Genre Classificaton. 628-633 - Elias Pampalk, Tim Pohle, Gerhard Widmer:
Dynamic Playlist Generation Based on Skipping Behavior. 634-637 - Steffen Pauws, Sander van de Wijdeven:
User Evaluation of a New Interactive Playlist Generation Concept. 638-643 - Geoffroy Peeters:
Rhythm Classification Using Spectral Rhythm Patterns. 644-647 - Jeremy Pickens:
Classifier Combination for Capturing Musical Variation. 648-651 - Aggelos Pikrakis, Sergios Theodoridis:
A Novel HMM Approach to Melody Spotting in Raw Audio Recordings. 652-657 - Christopher Raphael:
A Graphical Model for Recognizing Sung Melodies. 658-663 - Craig Stuart Sapp:
Online Database of Scores in the Humdrum File Format. 664-665 - Nicolas Scaringella, Giorgio Zoia:
On the Modeling of Time Information for Automatic Genre Recognition Systems in Audio Signals. 666-671 - Elliot Sinyor, Cory McKay, Rebecca Fiebrink, Daniel McEnnis, Ichiro Fujinaga:
Beatbox Classification Using ACE. 672-675 - Robert Young Walser:
Herding Folksongs. 676-679 - Kris West, Stephen Cox:
Finding An Optimal Segmentation for Audio Genre Classification. 680-685 - Tillman Weyde, Christian Datzko:
Efficient Melody Retrieval with Motif Contour Classes. 686-689 - Wen Xue, Mark Sandler:
A Partial Searching Algorithm and Its Application for Polyphonic Music Transcription. 690-695 - Yi Yu, Chiemi Watanabe, Kazuki Joe:
Towards a Fast and Efficient Match Algorithm for Content-Based Music Retrieval on Acoustic Data. 696-701

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