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15th ACM Multimedia 2007: Augsburg, Germany
- Rainer Lienhart, Anand R. Prasad, Alan Hanjalic, Sunghyun Choi, Brian P. Bailey, Nicu Sebe:
Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Multimedia 2007, Augsburg, Germany, September 24-29, 2007. ACM 2007, ISBN 978-1-59593-702-5
- Ali Taylan Cemgil:
Bayesian methods for multimedia signal processing. 1-2 - Georges Quénot:
Active learning for multimedia. 3 - Timothy K. Shih:
Digital inpainting: a tutorial. 4-5 - Michael A. Casey, Frank Kurth:
Large data methods for multimedia. 6-7 - Fernando Pereira:
MPEG multimedia standards: evolution and future developments. 8-9 - Jürgen Scheible:
Mobile phone programming for multimedia. 12-13 - Alejandro Jaimes, Nicu Sebe:
Human-centered multimedia systems: tutorial overview. 14-15
Keynote presentation
- Wolfgang Wahlster:
Smartweb: multimodal web services on the road. 16
Best papers session
- Guo-Jun Qi, Xian-Sheng Hua, Yong Rui, Jinhui Tang, Tao Mei, Hong-Jiang Zhang:
Correlative multi-label video annotation. 17-26 - Michael Gleicher, Feng Liu:
Re-cinematography: improving the camera dynamics of casual video. 27-36 - Xiaoqing Zhu, Piyush Agrawal, Jatinder Pal Singh, Tansu Alpcan, Bernd Girod:
Rate allocation for multi-user video streaming over heterogenous access networks. 37-46 - Yinpeng Chen, Weiwei Xu, Hari Sundaram, Thanassis Rikakis, Sheng-Min Liu:
Media adaptation framework in biofeedback system for stroke patient rehabilitation. 47-57
Content 1 - content analysis applications
- Guangyu Zhu, Qingming Huang, Changsheng Xu, Yong Rui, Shuqiang Jiang, Wen Gao, Hongxun Yao:
Trajectory based event tactics analysis in broadcast sports video. 58-67 - Sutjipto Arifin, Peter Y. K. Cheung:
A computation method for video segmentation utilizing the pleasure-arousal-dominance emotional information. 68-77 - Thomas Gloe, Matthias Kirchner, Antje Winkler, Rainer Böhme:
Can we trust digital image forensics? 78-86
Applications 1 - enhancing user experiences
- Hendrik Knoche, Marco Papaleo, Martina Angela Sasse, Alessandro Vanelli-Coralli:
The kindest cut: enhancing the user experience of mobile tv through adequate zooming. 87-96 - Hazem El-Alfy, David W. Jacobs, Larry S. Davis:
Multi-scale video cropping. 97-106 - Annalisa Bossi, Ombretta Gaggi:
Enriching SMIL with assertions for temporal validation. 107-116
Systems 1 - streaming
- Yung Ryn Choe, Derek L. Schuff, Jagadeesh M. Dyaberi, Vijay S. Pai:
Improving VoD server efficiency with bittorrent. 117-126 - Yong Liu:
On the minimum delay peer-to-peer video streaming: how realtime can it be? 127-136 - Batu Sat, Benjamin W. Wah:
Playout scheduling and loss-concealments in voip for optimizing conversational voice communication quality. 137-146
Demo session 1
- Adrian Popescu, Pierre-Alain Moëllic:
OLIVE: a conceptual web image search engine. 147-148 - Bart Kroon, Sabri Boughorbel, Alan Hanjalic:
Person-based search in videos. 149 - Suphi Umut Naci, Alan Hanjalic:
Intelligent browsing of concert videos. 150-151 - Marian Dörk, Andreas Nürnberger, Javier Velasco-Martin:
Atomique: a photo repository for decentralized and distributed photo sharing on the web. 152-153 - Michela Lecca, Stefano Messelodi, Claudio Andreatta:
An object recognition system for automatic image annotation and browsing of object catalogs. 154-155 - Piotr Srebrny, Karl-André Skevik, Vera Goebel, Thomas Plagemann:
Demo SPP: a demonstrator for a scalable p2p vod infrastructure. 156-157 - Helmut Neuschmied, Rémi Trichet, Bernard Mérialdo:
Fast annotation of video objects for interactive TV. 158-159 - Hanlin Goh, Yiqun Li, Joo-Hwee Lim:
An image-based outdoor place recognition and information retrieval system. 160-161 - Ichiro Ide, Tomoyoshi Kinoshita, Tomokazu Takahashi, Shin'ichi Satoh, Hiroshi Murase:
mediaWalker: a video archive explorer based on time-series semantic structure. 162-163 - Heng Tao Shen, Xiaofang Zhou, Zi Huang, Jie Shao:
Statistical summarization of content features for fast near-duplicate video detection. 164-165 - Subhajit Sanyal, Srinivasan H. Sengamedu:
LogoSeeker: a system for detecting and matching logos in natural images. 166-167
Content 2 - video structuring
- Xiao Wu, Alexander G. Hauptmann, Chong-Wah Ngo:
Novelty detection for cross-lingual news stories with visual duplicates and speech transcripts. 168-177 - Shan Li, Moon-Chuen Lee:
Efficient spatiotemporal-attention-driven shot matching. 178-187 - Jun Yang, Rong Yan, Alexander G. Hauptmann:
Cross-domain video concept detection using adaptive svms. 188-197
Applications 2 - browsing and searching video
- Shi-Yong Neo, Yuanyuan Ran, Hai-Kiat Goh, Yantao Zheng, Tat-Seng Chua, Jintao Li:
The use of topic evolution to help users browse and find answers in news video corpus. 198-207 - Jingjing Liu, Wei Lai, Xian-Sheng Hua, Yalou Huang, Shipeng Li:
Video search re-ranking via multi-graph propagation. 208-217 - Xiao Wu, Alexander G. Hauptmann, Chong-Wah Ngo:
Practical elimination of near-duplicates from web video search. 218-227
HCI 1 - new media interaction
- Eunyee Koh, Andruid Kerne, Andrew M. Webb, Sashikanth Damaraju, David Sturdivant:
Generating views of the buzz: browsing popular media and authoring using mixed-initiative composition. 228-237 - Nicolas Roussel, Sofiane Gueddana:
Beyond "beyond being there": towards multiscale communication systems. 238-246 - Wolfgang Hürst, Georg Götz, Martina Welte:
Interactive video browsing on mobile devices. 247-256
Short papers poster session 1 - content analysis
- Hansung Kim, Ryuuki Sakamoto, Itaru Kitahara, Tomoji Toriyama, Kiyoshi Kogure:
Reliability-based 3D reconstruction in real environment. 257-260 - Alessandro Vinciarelli, Sarah Favre:
Broadcast news story segmentation using social network analysis and hidden markov models. 261-264 - Xiaodi Hou, Liqing Zhang:
Color conceptualization. 265-268 - Jing Liu, Zhiwei Li, Mingjing Li, Hanqing Lu, Songde Ma:
Human behaviour consistent relevance feedback model for image retrieval. 269-272 - Hong Zhang, Yueting Zhuang, Fei Wu:
Cross-modal correlation learning for clustering on image-audio dataset. 273-276 - Jinhui Yuan, Jianmin Li, Bo Zhang:
Gradual transition detection with conditional random fields. 277-280 - Ziming Zhang, Syin Chan, Liang-Tien Chia:
Image classification using tensor representation. 281-284 - Dong Wang, Xirong Li, Jianmin Li, Bo Zhang:
The importance of query-concept-mapping for automatic video retrieval. 285-288 - Junsong Yuan, Wei Wang, Jingjing Meng, Ying Wu, Dongge Li:
Mining repetitive clips through finding continuous paths. 289-292 - Huan-Bo Luan, Shi-Yong Neo, Hai-Kiat Goh, Yong-Dong Zhang, Shouxun Lin, Tat-Seng Chua:
Segregated feedback with performance-based adaptive sampling for interactive news video retrieval. 293-296 - Jinhui Tang, Xian-Sheng Hua, Guo-Jun Qi, Xiuqing Wu:
Typicality ranking via semi-supervised multiple-instance learning. 297-300 - Yijuan Lu, Ira Cohen, Xiang Sean Zhou, Qi Tian:
Feature selection using principal feature analysis. 301-304 - Huiying Liu, Shuqiang Jiang, Qingming Huang, Changsheng Xu, Wen Gao:
Region-based visual attention analysis with its application in image browsing on small displays. 305-308 - Tin Lay Nwe, Haizhou Li:
Singing voice detection using perceptually-motivated features. 309-312 - Yanhua Chen, Manjeet Rege, Ming Dong, Farshad Fotouhi:
Deriving semantics for image clustering from accumulated user feedbacks. 313-316 - Manjeet Rege, Ming Dong, Jing Hua:
Clustering web images with multi-modal features. 317-320 - Shifeng Chen, Zhenguo Li, Jianzhuang Liu, Xiaoou Tang:
Image matting using linear optimization. 321-324 - Meng Wang, Tao Mei, Xun Yuan, Yan Song, Li-Rong Dai:
Video annotation by graph-based learning with neighborhood similarity. 325-328 - Jingyu Cui, Changshui Zhang:
Combining stroke-based and selection-based relevance feedback for content-based image retrieval. 329-332 - Michael Fleischman, Brandon Roy, Deb Roy:
Temporal feature induction for baseball highlight classification. 333-336 - Jungong Han, Dirk Farin, Peter H. N. de With:
A real-time augmented-reality system for sports broadcast video enhancement. 337-340 - Rui Shi, Chin-Hui Lee, Tat-Seng Chua:
Enhancing image annotation by integrating concept ontology and text-based bayesian learning model. 341-344 - Zheng-Jun Zha, Tao Mei, Xian-Sheng Hua, Guo-Jun Qi, Zengfu Wang:
Refining video annotation by exploiting pairwise concurrent relation. 345-348 - Zhiwei Gu, Tao Mei, Xian-Sheng Hua, Jinhui Tang, Xiuqing Wu:
Multi-layer multi-instance kernel for video concept detection. 349-352 - Mikel D. Rodriguez, Mubarak Shah:
Detecting and segmenting humans in crowded scenes. 353-356 - Paul Scovanner, Saad Ali, Mubarak Shah:
A 3-dimensional sift descriptor and its application to action recognition. 357-360
Live arts exhibition
- Yuichiro Katsumoto, Masa Inakage:
Amagatana. 361-362 - Gregory Lasserre, Anais met den Ancxt:
SpherAleas: tridimensional interactive / sound / image installation. 363-364 - Su-Chu Hsu, Jin-Yao Lin, Carven Chen, Ying-Chung Chen, Jiun-Shian Lin, Keng-Hau Chang:
One million heartbeats. 365-366 - Tomohisa Tomida, Atsuro Ueki, Masa Inakage:
miXer: the communication entertainment content by using "entrainment phenomenon" and "bio-feedback". 367-368 - Eleonora Maria Irene Oreggia, Silvano Galliani:
The ball in the hole. 369-370 - Takumi Endo:
TypeTrace. 371-372 - Hanna Haaslahti, Seppo Heikkilä:
Space of two categories, interactive installation with shadow projection. 373-374 - Vincent Levy:
GHOST(s). 375-376 - Alexa Wright, Alf D. Linney, Alun Evans, Mike Lincoln:
Conversation piece: a speech-based interactive art installation. 377-378 - Kirk A. Woolford:
Will.0.W1sp. 379-380
Keynote presentations
- Reiner Fageth:
Applied image science: from consumers' digital files to tangible products. 381 - Knut Manske, Torsten Leidig, Lutz Heuser:
The workplace of the future. 382
Content 3 - multimedia model learning
- Tomohide Shibata, Norio Kato, Sadao Kurohashi:
Automatic object model acquisition and object recognition by integrating linguistic and visual information. 383-392 - Ritendra Datta, Dhiraj Joshi, Jia Li, James Ze Wang:
Tagging over time: real-world image annotation by lightweight meta-learning. 393-402 - Deng Cai, Xiaofei He, Jiawei Han:
Spectral regression: a unified subspace learning framework for content-based image retrieval. 403-412
Applications 3 - you're being watched
- Stewart Greenhill, Svetha Venkatesh:
Distributed query processing for mobile surveillance. 413-422 - Andreas Girgensohn, Don Kimber, Jim Vaughan, Tao Yang, Frank M. Shipman III, Thea Turner, Eleanor Gilbert Rieffel, Lynn Wilcox, Francine Chen, Tony Dunnigan:
DOTS: support for effective video surveillance. 423-432 - Jiang Yu Zheng, Shivank Sinha:
Line cameras for monitoring and surveillance sensor networks. 433-442
Arts session 1 - pieces in art
- Liza Leslie, Tat-Seng Chua, Ramesh C. Jain:
Annotation of paintings with high-level semantic concepts using transductive inference and ontology-based concept disambiguation. 443-452
Demo session 2
- Chengkun Xue, Liqun Li, Feng Yang, Patricia P. Wang, Tao Wang, Yimin Zhang, Yankui Sun:
Automated home video editing: a multi-core solution. 453-454 - Srinivasan H. Sengamedu, Neela Sawant, Smita Wadhwa:
vADeo: video advertising system. 455-456 - Weiwei Xu, Hari Sundaram:
Information dense summaries for review of patient performance in biofeedback rehabilitation. 457-458 - Yu Yuan, Rong Yan, Huoding Li, Xing Liu, Sheng Xu:
High definition H.264 decoding on cell broadband engine. 459-460 - Xueliang Liu, Tao Mei, Xian-Sheng Hua, Bo Yang, He-Qin Zhou:
Video collage. 461-462 - Tao Mei, Linjun Yang, Xian-Sheng Hua, Hao Wei, Shipeng Li:
VideoSense: a contextual video advertising system. 463-464 - Jingjing Liu, Yalou Huang, Dong Li, Fanghao Wu, Bin Li:
DJ DreamFactory. 465-466 - Xirong Li, Xin-Jing Wang, Changhu Wang, Lei Zhang:
SBIA: search-based image annotation by leveraging web-scale images. 467-468 - Byeong-jun Han, Eenjun Hwang, Seungmin Rho, Minkoo Kim:
M-MUSICS: mobile content-based music retrieval system. 469-470 - Kristleifur Daðason, Herwig Lejsek, Friðrik Heiðar Ásmundsson, Björn Þór Jónsson, Laurent Amsaleg:
Videntifier: identifying pirated videos in real-time. 471-472 - Michael Fleischman, Humberto Evans, Deb Roy:
Unsupervised content-based indexing for sports video retrieval. 473-474 - Günther Hölbling, Tilmann Rabl, Harald Kosch:
Intertainment. 475-476
Short papers poster session 2 - arts, content, applications
- Christian Jacquemin, Bertrand Planes, Rami Ajaj:
Shadow casting for soft and engaging immersion in augmented virtuality artworks. 477-480 - Thierry Giles, Michael Marienek, Katharine S. Willis, Jens Geelhaar:
Hide&SEEK: sharing cultural knowledge. 481-484 - Aaron M. Levisohn:
The body as a medium: reassessing the role of kinesthetic awareness in interactive applications. 485-488 - Daryl J. D'Souza, Victor Ciesielski, Marsha Berry, Karen Trist:
Generation of self-referential animated photomosaics. 489-492 - Hugues Bruyère, Thierry Giles:
Performative surface: double sided interaction. 493-496 - Milos Rankovic:
Aesthetic selection of naked genes. 497-500 - Archana Prasad, Sean Olin Blagsvedt, Kentaro Toyama:
SMSBlogging: blog-on-the-street public art project. 501-504 - Ryan E. Janzen, Steve Mann:
Arrays of water jets as user interfaces: detection and estimation of flow by listening to turbulence signatures using hydrophones. 505-508 - Ann Judith Morrison, Peta Mitchell, Margot Brereton:
The lens of ludic engagement: evaluating participation in interactive art installations. 509-512 - Marek Meyer, Alexander Hannappel, Christoph Rensing, Ralf Steinmetz:
Automatic classification of didactic functions of e-learning resources. 513-516 - Huang Ting, Shifeng Chen, Jianzhuang Liu, Xiaoou Tang:
Image inpainting by global structure and texture propagation. 517-520 - Bingjun Zhang, Jia Zhu, Ye Wang, Wee Kheng Leow:
Visual analysis of fingering for pedagogical violin transcription. 521-524 - Yiqun Hu, Deepu Rajan, Liang-Tien Chia:
Scale adaptive visual attention detection by subspace analysis. 525-528 - Nam Trung Pham, Weimin Huang, S. H. Ong:
Tracking multiple speakers using CPHD filter. 529-532 - Ritendra Datta, Jia Li, James Ze Wang:
Learning the consensus on visual quality for next-generation image management. 533-536 - Yuanhai Zhang, Wei Huangfu, Kaihui Li, Changqiao Xu:
A refined rate allocation scheme with adaptive playback adjustment for robust hd video stream transmission. 537-540 - Jingjing Liu, Yalou Huang, Dong Li, Fanghao Wu, Bin Li:
A web-based aggregated platform for user-contributed interactive media broadcasting. 541-544 - Prarthana Shrestha, Mauro Barbieri, Hans Weda:
Synchronization of multi-camera video recordings based on audio. 545-548 - Yiqun Li, Joo-Hwee Lim:
Outdoor place recognition using compact local descriptors and multiple queries with user verification. 549-552 - Rui Cai, Chao Zhang, Chong Wang, Lei Zhang, Wei-Ying Ma:
MusicSense: contextual music recommendation using emotional allocation modeling. 553-556 - Amy Hwang, Shane Ahern, Simon King, Mor Naaman, Rahul Nair, Jeannie Hui-I Yang:
Zurfer: mobile multimedia access in spatial, social and topical context. 557-560 - Masaki Aoki, Ken Masuda, Hiroyoshi Matsuda, Tetsuya Takiguchi, Yasuo Ariki:
Voice activity detection by lip shape tracking using EBGM. 561-564 - Alexei Yavlinsky, Daniel Heesch:
An online system for gathering image similarity judgements. 565-568 - Rahul Singh, Ya-Wen Hsu:
Analysis of usage patterns in experiential multiple perspective web search. 569-572