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Neural Networks, Volume 7
Volume 7, Number 1, 1994
- P. Patrick van der Smagt
Minimisation methods for training feedforward neural networks. 1-11 - Michael E. Hasselmo
Runaway synaptic modification in models of cortex: Implications for Alzheimer's disease. 13-40 - Kunihiko Fukushima, Masato Okada, Kazuhito Hiroshige:
Neocognitron with dual C-cell layers. 41-47 - Yoko Yamaguchi, Hiroshi Shimizu:
Pattern recognition with figure-ground separation by generation of coherent oscillations. 49-63 - David Hestenes:
Invariant body kinematics: I. Saccadic and compensatory eye movements. 65-77 - David Hestenes:
Invariant body kinematics: II. Reaching and neurogeometry. 79-88 - Tarek M. Nabhan, Albert Y. Zomaya
Toward generating neural network structures for function approximation. 89-99 - Michael D. Lemmon:
Topologically ordered competitive sampling. 101-111 - Juha Karhunen, Jyrki Joutsensalo:
Representation and separation of signals using nonlinear PCA type learning. 113-127 - Eric B. Bartlett:
Dynamic node architecture learning: An information theoretic approach. 129-140 - John M. DeLaurentis, Fred M. Dickey:
A convexity-based analysis of neural networks. 141-146 - Daniel F. McCaffrey, A. Ronald Gallant:
Convergence rates for single hidden layer feedforward networks. 147-158 - Gail A. Carpenter:
A distributed outstar network for spatial pattern learning. 159-168 - Pierre Courrieu:
Three algorithms for estimating the domain of validity of feedforward neural networks. 169-174 - Christian Cachin:
Pedagogical pattern selection strategies. 175-181 - Françoise Beaufays, Youssef Lotfy Abdel-Magid, Bernard Widrow:
Application of neural networks to load-frequency control in power systems. 183-194 - Anna Esposito
, Salvatore Rampone
, Roberto Tagliaferri
A neural network for error correcting decoding of binary linear codes. 195-202 - Qing Hu, David B. Hertz:
An inappropriate use of neural networks for forecasting. 203- - Kanad Chakraborty, Kishan G. Mehrotra, Chilukuri K. Mohan, Sanjay Ranka
Response to letter by Q. Hu and D. B. Hertz. 203-204 - Stephen Grossberg:
Recognition and segmentation of connected characters with selective attention. 205-206 - Kunihiko Fukushima:
Response to letter by S. Grossberg. 206-207
Volume 7, Number 2, 1994
- Yukio Hayashi
Oscillatory neural network and learning of continuously transformed patterns. 219-231 - Joshua Chover:
Recall via transient neuronal firing. 233-250 - Kaining Wang, Anthony N. Michel:
Robustness and perturbation analysis of a class of artificial neural networks. 251-259 - Stefan Wimbauer, Nikolaus Klemmer, J. Leo van Hemmen:
Universality of unlearning. 261-270 - Elias B. Kosmatopoulos, Manolis A. Christodoulou:
The Boltzmann g-RHONN: A learning machine for estimating unknown probability distributions. 271-278 - Gerald Fahner, Rolf Eckmiller:
Structural adaptation of parsimonious higher-order neural classifiers. 279-289 - Zhenni Wang, Christine Di Massimo, Ming T. Tham, A. Julian Morris:
A procedure for determining the topology of multilayer feedforward neural networks. 291-300 - Zaiyong Tang
, Gary J. Koehler:
Deterministic global optimal FNN training algorithms. 301-311 - Danny S. Thomas, Amar Mitiche:
Asymptotic optimality of pattern recognition by regression analysis. 313-320 - Bagrat R. Amirikian, Hajime Nishimura:
What size network is good for generalization of a specific task of interest? 321-329 - Li Deng, Khaled Hassanein
, Mohamed I. Elmasry:
Analysis of the correlation structure for a neural predictive model with application to speech recognition. 331-339 - Robert W. Smalz, Michael Conrad:
Combining evolution with credit apportionment: A new learning algorithm for neural nets. 341-351 - Sushmita Mitra
, Sankar K. Pal:
Logical operation based fuzzy MLP for classification and rule generation. 353-373 - Apostolos-Paul Nicholas Refenes, Achilleas Zapranis
, Gavin Francis:
Stock performance modeling using neural networks: A comparative study with regression models. 375-388 - Jun Takeuchi, Yukio Kosugi:
Neural network representation of finite element method. 389-395 - Salvatore Cavalieri
, Antonella Di Stefano, Orazio Mirabella:
Optimal path determination in a graph by hopfield neural network. 397-404 - Paolo Gaudiano, Dimitrij Surmeli, Frank D. M. Wilson:
Gated dipoles for operant conditioning. 405-406 - Jennifer L. Raymond, Douglas A. Baxter, Dean V. Buonomano, John H. Byrne:
Response to letter by Gaudiano et al. 406-407 - Mohammad Bahrami:
Adaptive control of dynamic systems by back propagation network. 409- - Wolfram H. Schiffmann:
Response to letter by M. Bahrami. 409-410 - Qi Jia, Katsuyuki Hagiwara, Naohiro Toda, Shiro Usui:
Equivalence relation between the back propagation learning process of an FNN and that of an FNNG. 411-
Volume 7, Number 3, 1994
- Masakazu Matsugu, Alan L. Yuille
Spatiotemporal information storage in a content addressable memory using realistic neurons. 419-439 - Nur Arad, Eric L. Schwartz, Zvi Wollberg, Yehezkel Yeshurun:
Acoustic binaural correspondence used for localization of natural acoustic signals. 441-447 - Morris W. Hirsch:
Saturation at high gain in discrete time recurrent networks. 449-453 - Hidefumi Katsuura, David A. Sprecher:
Computational aspects of Kolmogorov's superposition theorem. 455-461 - Robert L. Coultrip, Richard H. Granger:
Sparse random networks with LTP learning rules approximate Bayes classifiers via Parzen's method. 463-476 - J. J. Kosowsky, Alan L. Yuille
The invisible hand algorithm: Solving the assignment problem with statistical physics. 477-490 - Kevin S. Van Horn, Tony R. Martinez:
The minimum feature set problem. 491-494 - Michael Georgiopoulos, Juxin Huang, Gregory L. Heileman:
Properties of learning in ARTMAP. 495-506 - Thomas Martinetz, Klaus Schulten:
Topology representing networks. 507-522 - Yelin Guan, Trevor G. Clarkson, John G. Taylor, Denise Gorse:
Noisy reinforcement training for pRAM nets. 523-528 - Fu-Lai Chung
, Tong Lee:
Fuzzy competitive learning. 539-551 - Jun Tani, Naohiro Fukumura:
Learning goal-directed sensory-based navigation of a mobile robot. 553-563 - Leonid I. Perlovsky:
A model-based neural network for transient signal processing. 565-572 - Daniel C. Chin:
A more efficient global optimization algorithm based on Styblinski and Tang. 573-574
Volume 7, Number 4, 1994
- Jean-François Vibert, Khashayar Pakdaman, Noureddine Azmy:
Interneural delay modification synchronizes biologically plausible neural networks. 589-607 - Lei Xu, Adam Krzyzak, Alan L. Yuille
On radial basis function nets and kernel regression: Statistical consistency, convergence rates, and receptive field size. 609-628 - Jun Wang
A deterministic annealing neural network for convex programming. 629-641 - Sukhan Lee, Rhee Man Kil:
Redundant arm kinematic control with recurrent loop. 643-659 - Vicken Kasparian, Celal Batur, H. Zhang, Joseph Padovan:
Davidon least squares-based learning algorithm for feedforward neural networks. 661-670 - Leonid I. Perlovsky, John Jaskolski:
Maximum likelihood adaptive neural controller. 671-680 - Laura Ignizio Burke:
Neural methods for the traveling salesman problem: Insights from operations research. 681-690 - Roberto Battiti
, Anna Maria Colla:
Democracy in neural nets: Voting schemes for classification. 691-707 - Charles M. Bachmann
, Scott A. Musman, Dong Luong, Abraham Schultz:
Unsupervised BCM projection pursuit algorithms for classification of simulated radar presentations. 709-728
Volume 7, Number 5, 1994
- Kumpati S. Narendra, Snehasis Mukhopadhyay:
Adaptive control of nonlinear multivariable systems using neural networks. 737-752 - Kiyotoshi Matsuoka, Mitsuru Kawamoto:
A neural network that self-organizes to perform three operations related to principal component analysis. 753-765 - Luis Gonzalez Sotelino, Marco Saerens, Hugues Bersini:
Classification of temporal trajectories by continuous-time recurrent nets. 767-776 - Galina L. Rogova:
Combining the results of several neural network classifiers. 777-781 - Ali A. Minai
, Ronald D. Williams:
Perturbation response in feedforward networks. 783-796 - Keihiro Ochiai
, Naohiro Toda, Shiro Usui:
Kick-out learning algorithm to reduce the oscillation of weights. 797-807 - Brian A. Telfer
, Harold Szu:
Energy functions for minimizing misclassification error with minimum-complexity networks. 809-817 - Johan A. K. Suykens
, Bart De Moor, Joos Vandewalle:
Static and dynamic stabilizing neural controllers, applicable to transition between equilibrium points. 819-831 - Kootala P. Venugopal, Abhijit S. Pandya, Raghavan Sudhakar:
A recurrent neural network controller and learning algorithm for the on-line learning control of autonomous underwater vehicles. 833-846 - E. V. Krishnamurthy:
Unsolvability, complexity, and neural networks. 847-848 - Kevin T. Judd, Kazuyuki Aihara:
Response to letter by E. V. Krishnamurthy. 848-849
Volume 7, Number 6-7, 1994
- Stephen Grossberg, John G. Taylor:
Introduction: 1994 Special issue. 863-
- Gary G. Blasdel, Klaus Obermayer:
Putative strategies of scene segmentation in monkey visual cortex. 865-881 - Stephen Grossberg, Steven J. Olson:
Rules for the cortical map of ocular dominance and orientation columns. 883-894 - Robert K. Cunningham, Allen M. Waxman:
Diffusion-enhancement bilayer: Realizing long-range apparent motion and spatiotemporal grouping in a neural architecture. 895-924 - Stephen R. Jackson, Richard T. Marrocco, Michael I. Posner:
Networks of anatomical areas controlling visuospatial attention. 925-944 - Mike W. Oram
, David I. Perrett
Modeling visual recognition from neurobiological constraints. 945-972 - Samuel Kaski, Teuvo Kohonen:
Winner-take-all networks for physiological models of competitive learning. 973-984 - Bart L. M. Happel, Jacob M. J. Murre:
Design and evolution of modular neural network architectures. 985-1004 - Daniel L. Alkon, Kim T. Blackwell
, Garth S. Barbour, Susan A. Werness, Thomas P. Vogl:
Biological plausibility of synaptic associative memory models. 1005-1017 - Wolfgang Konen
, Thomas Maurer, Christoph von der Malsburg:
A fast dynamic link matching algorithm for invariant pattern recognition. 1019-1030 - Theodore W. Berger, Gilbert A. Chauvet, Robert J. Sclabassi:
A biologically based model of functional properties of the hippocampus. 1031-1064 - Neil Burgess
, Michael Recce, John O'Keefe:
A model of hippocampal function. 1065-1081 - Ivan A. Bachelder, Allen M. Waxman:
Mobile robot visual mapping and localization: A view-based neurocomputational architecture that emulates hippocampal place learning. 1083-1099 - Daniel Bullock, John C. Fiala, Stephen Grossberg:
A neural model of timed response learning in the cerebellum. 1101-1114 - Kuniharu Arai, Edward L. Keller, Jay A. Edelman:
Two-dimensional neural network model of the primate saccadic system. 1115-1135 - Jim-Shih Liaw, Ananda Weerasuriya, Michael A. Arbib:
Snapping: A paradigm for modeling coordination of motor synergies. 1137-1152 - Paul C. Bressloff, John G. Taylor:
Dynamics of compartmental model neurons. 1153-1165 - Raju S. Bapi, Daniel S. Levine
Modeling the role of frontal lobes in sequential task performance. I. Basic structure and primacy effects. 1167-1180 - John G. Taylor:
Goals, drives, and consciousness. 1181-1190
Volume 7, Number 8, 1994
- Benedikt K. Humpert:
Improving back propagation with a new error function. 1191-1192 - Hideki Hayakawa, Shin'ya Nishida, Yasuhiro Wada, Mitsuo Kawato:
A computational model for shape estimation by integration of shading and edge information. 1193-1209 - Naonori Ueda, Ryohei Nakano:
A new competitive learning approach based on an equidistortion principle for designing optimal vector quantizers. 1211-1227 - Stefan Jockusch, Helge J. Ritter:
Self-organizing maps: Local competition and evolutionary optimization. 1229-1239 - Kunikazu Kobayashi, Toyoshi Torioka, Nobuhiko Ikeda:
Fundamental consideration on self-formation of recognition cells. 1241-1252 - Norio Baba, Yoshio Mogami, Motokazu Kohzaki, Yasuhiro Shiraishi, Yutaka Yoshida:
A hybrid algorithm for finding the global minimum of error function of neural networks and its applications. 1253-1265 - Kenji Araki, Toshimichi Saito:
An associative memory including time-variant self-feedback. 1267-1271 - Ronald R. Yager:
Modeling and formulating fuzzy knowledge bases using neural networks. 1273-1283 - Burkhard Lenze
How to make sigma-pi neural networks perform perfectly on regular training sets. 1285-1293 - Alexander Shustorovich:
A subspace projection approach to feature extraction: The two-dimensional gabor transform for character recognition. 1295-1301 - Hiroshi Ohno, Toshihiko Suzuki, Keiji Aoki, Arata Takahashi, Gunji Sugimoto:
Neural network control for automatic braking control system. 1303-1312 - Thomas Wagner
, Friedrich G. Boebel:
Testing synergetic algorithms with industrial classification problems. 1313-1321
Volume 7, Number 9, 1994
- Thomas P. Caudell, Scott D. G. Smith, Richard Escobedo, Michael Anderson:
NIRS: Large scale ART-1 neural architectures for engineering design retrieval. 1339-1350 - Brendan L. Rogers:
New neural multiprocess memory model for adaptively regulating associative learning. 1351-1378 - Tao Wang:
Improving recall in associative memories by dynamic threshold. 1379-1385 - Anne-Johan Annema
, Klaas Hoen, Hans Wallinga:
Learning behavior and temporary minima of two-layer neural networks. 1387-1404 - Roberto Brunelli:
Training neural nets through stochastic minimization. 1405-1412 - Bill G. Horne, Don R. Hush:
On the node complexity of neural networks. 1413-1426 - Patrick Thiran, Martin Hasler:
Self-organization of a one-dimensional Kohonen network with quantized weights and inputs. 1427-1439 - Bernd Fritzke:
Growing cell structures--A self-organizing network for unsupervised and supervised learning. 1441-1460 - Bernard Ans, Yves Coiton, Jean-Claude Gilhodes, Jean-Luc Velay:
A neural network model for temporal sequence learning and motor programming. 1461-1476 - Yan Qiu Chen, David W. Thomas, Mark S. Nixon
Generating-shrinking algorithm for learning arbitrary classification. 1471-1489

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