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Encyclopedia of Complexity and Systems Science 2009
- Robert A. Meyers:
Encyclopedia of Complexity and Systems Science. Springer 2009, ISBN 978-0-387-75888-6
- Gerrit Lohmann:
Abrupt Climate Change Modeling. 1-21 - Don B. Melrose:
Acceleration Mechanisms. 21-42 - Guoqiang Hu, Nicholas R. Gans, Warren E. Dixon:
Adaptive Visual Servo Control. 42-63 - Burton Voorhees:
Additive Cellular Automata. 63-80 - Abdul-Majid Wazwaz:
Adomian Decomposition Method Applied to Non-linear Evolution Equations in Soliton Theory. 80-92 - Moshe Levy:
Agent Based Computational Economics. 92-112 - Charles M. Macal:
Agent Based Modeling and Artificial Life. 112-131 - Michael J. North, Charles M. Macal:
Agent Based Modeling and Computer Languages. 131-148 - Hazel R. Parry:
Agent Based Modeling, Large Scale Simulations. 148-160 - Reinhard C. Laubenbacher, Abdul Salam Jarrah, Henning S. Mortveit, S. S. Ravi:
Agent Based Modeling, Mathematical Formalism for. 160-176 - Scott Moss:
Agent Based Modeling and Neoclassical Economics: A Critical Perspective*. 176-184 - Stefania Bandini, Sara Manzoni, Giuseppe Vizzari:
Agent Based Modeling and Simulation. 184-197 - Filippo Castiglione:
Agent Based Modeling and Simulation, Introduction to. 197-200 - Mauro Gallegati, Matteo G. Richiardi:
Agent Based Models in Economics and Complexity. 200-224 - Vicenç Torra:
Aggregation Operators and Soft Computing. 224-234 - Banavar Sridhar, Kapil Sheth:
Air Traffic Control, Complex Dynamics of. 234-243 - Julien Cervelle, Enrico Formenti:
Algorithmic Complexity and Cellular Automata. 243-257 - Harold Abelson, Jacob Beal, Gerald J. Sussman:
AmorphousComputing. 257-271 - Bruce J. MacLennan:
Analog Computation. 271-294 - Eugene M. Terentjev:
Anisotropic Networks, Elastomers and Gels. 294-309 - Igor M. Sokolov:
Anomalous Diffusion on Fractal Networks. 309-322 - Andrzej Nowak, Urszula Strawinska:
Applications of Physics and Mathematics to Social Science, Introduction to. 322-326 - Peter Dittrich:
ArtificialChemistry. 326-344 - Bernard P. Zeigler, Alexandre Muzy, Levent Yilmaz:
Artificial Intelligence in Modeling and Simulation. 344-368 - Jeffrey D. Scargle:
Astronomical Time Series, Complexity in. 368-381 - Oded Regev:
Astrophysics, Chaos and Complexity in. 381-399 - George Contopoulos:
Astrophysics: Dynamical Systems. 399-416
- Martyn Amos:
Bacterial Computing. 417-426 - Shmuel Zamir:
Bayesian Games: Games with Incomplete Information. 426-441 - Oleg Korenok:
Bayesian Methods in Non-linear Time Series. 441-455 - David Draper:
Bayesian Statistics. 455-476 - Miguel Antonio Aon, Sonia Cortassa:
Biochemistry, Chaotic Dynamics, Noise, and Fractal Space in. 476-489 - Christoph Adami:
BiologicalComplexity. 489-511 - James A. Eddy, Nathan D. Price:
Biological Data Integration and Model Building. 511-524 - Stuart A. Newman, Gabor Forgacs:
Biological Development and Evolution, Complexity and Self-organization in. 524-548 - Antonio DeSimone, François Alouges, Aline Lefebvre:
Biological Fluid Dynamics, Non-linear Partial Differential Equations. 548-554 - Herbert M. Sauro:
Biological Models of Molecular Network Dynamics. 554-570 - Lan V. Zhang, Frederick P. Roth:
Biomolecular Network Structure and Function. 570-589 - Bin Han:
Bivariate (Two-dimensional) Wavelets. 589-599 - Peter M. Krawitz, Ilya Shmulevich:
Boolean Modeling of Biological Networks. 599-608 - Paolo De Gregorio, Aonghus Lawlor, Kenneth A. Dawson:
Bootstrap Percolation. 608-626 - Peter A. Tass, Oleksandr V. Popovych, Christian Hauptmann:
Brain Pacemaker. 626-644 - Mikko Alava, Kent Bækgaard Lauritsen:
Branching Processes. 644-657 - Christopher H. Scholz:
Brittle Tectonics: A Non-linear Dynamical System. 657-665 - James M. Lyneis:
Business Policy and Strategy, System Dynamics Applications to. 665-688
- H. Rafii-Tabar:
Carbon Nanotubes, Thermo-mechanical and Transport Properties of. 689-703 - Werner Sanns:
Catastrophe Theory. 703-719 - Gasper Tkacik, William Bialek:
Cell Biology: Networks, Regulation and Pathways. 719-741 - Thomas Worsch:
Cellular Automata as Models of Parallel Computation. 741-755 - Klaus Sutner:
Cellular Automata, Classification of. 755-768 - James E. Hanson:
Cellular Automata, Emergent Phenomena in. 768-778 - Tullio Ceccherini-Silberstein, Michel Coornaert:
Cellular Automata and Groups. 778-791 - Maurice Margenstern:
Cellular Automata in Hyperbolic Spaces. 791-800 - Martin Kutrib:
Cellular Automata and Language Theory. 800-823 - Ramón Alonso-Sanz:
Cellular Automata with Memory. 823-848 - Lemont B. Kier, Paul G. Seybold:
Cellular Automata Modeling of Complex Biochemical Systems. 848-865 - Bastien Chopard:
Cellular Automata Modeling of Physical Systems. 865-892 - Carter Bays:
Cellular Automata in Triangular, Pentagonal and Hexagonal Tessellations. 892-900 - Jérôme Durand-Lose:
Cellular Automata, Universality of. 901-913 - Haralambos Hatzikirou, Georg Breier, Andreas Deutsch:
Cellular Automaton Modeling. 913-922 - Christof Teuscher:
Cellular Computing. 922-936 - George Osipenko:
Center Manifolds. 936-951 - Steven N. Shore:
Chaos and Complexity in Astrophysics, Introduction to. 951-953 - Jérôme Buzzi:
Chaos and Ergodic Theory. 953-978 - Julien Cervelle, Alberto Dennunzio, Enrico Formenti:
Chaotic Behavior of Cellular Automata. 978-989 - J. Robert Dorfman:
Chaotic Dynamics in Nonequilibrium Statistical Mechanics. 989-1011 - Andrea Bertoni:
Charge-Based Solid-State Flying Qubits. 1011-1027 - Matthias Kawski:
Chronological Calculus in Systems and Control Theory. 1027-1041 - Michael Batty:
Cities as Complex Systems: Scaling, Interaction, Networks, Dynamics and Urban Morphologies. 1041-1071 - Cynthia Rosenzweig:
Climate Change and Agriculture. 1071-1082 - Richard S. J. Tol:
Climate Change, Economic Costs of. 1082-1095 - Hartmut Grassl:
Climate Change. 1095-1104 - Hartmut Grassl:
Climate Modeling, Global Warming and Weather Prediction, Introduction to. 1104-1105 - Kazuhiko Kawamura, Will N. Browne:
Cognitive Robotics. 1109-1126 - Lei-Han Tang:
Collective Transport and Depinning. 1126-1141 - Santo Fortunato, Claudio Castellano:
Community Structure in Graphs. 1141-1163 - Palle E. T. Jorgensen, Myung-Sin Song:
Comparison of Discrete and Continuous Wavelet Transforms. 1163-1177 - Boris S. Kerner:
Complex Dynamics of Traffic Management, Introduction to. 1177-1180 - Sui Huang, Stuart A. Kauffman:
Complex Gene Regulatory Networks - from Structure to Biological Observables: Cell Fate Determination. 1180-1213 - William H. K. Lee:
Complexity in Earthquakes, Tsunamis, and Volcanoes, and Forecast, Introduction to. 1213-1224 - Warren E. Dixon:
Complexity and Non-linearity in Autonomous Robotics, Introduction to. 1224-1226 - David A. Stephens:
Complexity in Systems Level Biology and Genetics: Statistical Perspectives. 1226-1244 - Geoffrey Canright:
Complex Networks and Graph Theory. 1244-1253 - Vladimir Batagelj:
Complex Networks, Visualization of. 1253-1268 - Henrik Jeldtoft Jensen:
Complex Systems and Emergent Phenomena. 1268-1283 - Anette M. Karlsson, Mosobalaje O. Adeoye:
Composites, Multifunctional. 1283-1302 - Danail Bonchev:
Computational Chemistry, Introduction to Complexity. 1302-1305 - Yong S. Joe:
Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience, Introduction to. 1305-1307 - Anton Kokalj:
Computer-Aided Design of the Reaction Site in Heterogeneous Catalysis. 1307-1335 - Brian Mac Namee:
Computer Graphics and Games, Agent Based Modeling in. 1335-1352 - Jerzy Gorecki, Joanna Natalia Gorecka:
Computing in Geometrical Constrained Excitable Chemical Systems. 1352-1376 - Darren Rand, Kenneth Steiglitz:
Computing with Solitons. 1376-1395 - Barry D. Hughes:
Conduction and Diffusion in Percolating Systems. 1395-1424 - Anil K. Seth, Gerald M. Edelman:
Consciousness and Complexity. 1424-1443 - Isaac Balberg:
Continuum Percolation. 1443-1475 - Ian D. Walker, Keith E. Green:
Continuum Robots. 1475-1485 - Fatiha Alabau-Boussouira, Piermarco Cannarsa:
Control of Non-linear Partial Differential Equations. 1485-1509 - Roberto Serrano:
Cooperative Games. 1509-1518 - Jun Wako, Shigeo Muto:
Cooperative Games (Von Neumann-Morgenstern Stable Sets). 1518-1532 - Zbigniew W. Ras, Agnieszka Dardzinska:
Cooperative Multi-hierarchical Query Answering Systems. 1532-1537 - James A. S. Kelso:
Coordination Dynamics. 1537-1565 - Michael S. Piwowar:
Corporate and Municipal Bond Market Microstructure in the U.S.. 1565-1587 - Françoise Forges:
Correlated Equilibria and Communication in Games. 1587-1596 - Antonio Coniglio, Annalisa Fierro:
Correlated Percolation. 1596-1615 - Renat M. Yulmetyev, Peter Hänggi:
Correlations in Complex Systems. 1615-1634 - Carlo Ungarelli:
Cosmic Gravitational Background, Stochastic. 1634-1641 - Ana Achúcarro, Carlos J. A. P. Martins:
Cosmic Strings. 1641-1660 - Maurice Koster:
Cost Sharing. 1660-1689 - Rowena Lohman:
Crustal Deformation During the Seismic Cycle, Interpreting Geodetic Observations of. 1689-1704 - Roger G. Barry:
Cryosphere Models. 1704-1718 - Jalal Fadili, Jean-Luc Starck:
Curvelets and Ridgelets. 1718-1738 - Thomas Risler:
Cytoskeleton and Cell Motility. 1738-1774
- Witold Pedrycz:
Data and Dimensionality Reduction in Data Analysis and System Modeling. 1775-1789 - Lech Polkowski:
Data-Mining and Knowledge Discovery: Case-Based Reasoning, Nearest Neighbor and Rough Sets. 1789-1810 - Peter Kokol:
Data-Mining and Knowledge Discovery, Introduction to. 1810-1812 - Markus Brameier:
Data-Mining and Knowledge Discovery, Neural Networks in. 1812-1826 - Vili Podgorelec, Milan Zorman:
Decision Trees. 1826-1845 - Susan Howick, Fran Ackermann, Colin Eden, Terry Williams:
Delay and Disruption in Complex Projects. 1845-1864 - Shusaku Tsumoto, Shoji Hirano:
Dependency and Granularity inData. 1864-1872 - Paul van Geert:
Development, Complex Dynamic Systems of. 1872-1916 - Amy K. Gardiner, David F. Bjorklund:
Development, Evolution, and the Emergence of Novel Behavior. 1916-1931 - Guido Gentile:
Diagrammatic Methods in Classical Perturbation Theory. 1932-1948 - Marc Quincampoix:
Differential Games. 1948-1956 - Peter M. Milling, Frank H. Maier:
Diffusion of Innovations, System Dynamics Analysis of the. 1956-1982 - Petra Povalej, Mateja Verlic, Gregor Stiglic:
Discovery Systems. 1982-2002 - Taeyoung Lee, Melvin Leok, N. Harris McClamroch:
Discrete Control Systems. 2002-2019 - Thierry Giamarchi:
Disordered Elastic Media. 2019-2038 - Piero D'Ancona:
Dispersion Phenomena in Partial Differential Equations. 2039-2053 - John T. Feddema, David A. Schoenwald, Rush D. Robinett, Raymond H. Byrne:
Distributed Controls of Multiple Robotic Systems, An Optimization Approach. 2053-2072